- Jan 14 Tue 2014 09:19
- Jan 14 Tue 2014 09:12
【本報消息】澳門海關訊:海關鑑於發現有不法分子於街頭及酒店周邊,迷你倉旺角不斷出現以打游擊方式兜售冒牌侵權物品的情況,故除與治安警察局採取聯合巡查和偵查行動外,並向各酒店業界派發宣傳單張,加強和市民共同防罪滅罪。中區某大型酒店保安部人員於本月十二日撞破兩名男子在酒店商場區域內兜售涉嫌假冒國際名牌手錶及手提電話,隨即通知海關跟進,即場在嫌犯身上查獲假冒名錶五隻及手提電話六部。該兩名男嫌犯均姓莊,年齡分別為四十六及四十九歲,非本地居民,來自同一地區且為相熟朋友關係。嫌犯聲稱來澳目的為娛樂博彩,但亦有預先自行攜帶冒牌手錶及手提電話來澳以作販賣圖利,該批假冒物品皆購自外地,手錶購入價為每隻二百元人民幣,並準備以每隻五百港元出售;手提電話購入價為每部八百元人民幣,並準備以每部一千二百港元出售mini storage其中一名嫌犯聲稱已成功以五百港元出售一隻假冒手錶。海關將以第九七╱九九╱M號法令《工業產權法律制度》第二百九十二條(將產品或物品出售、流通或隱藏);及第六╱九六╱M號法律《妨害公共衛生及經濟之違法行為之法律制度》第二十八條第一款a)項(貨物欺詐)所指之犯罪,控告該兩名人士,並送交檢察院處理。年關將至,不法之徒為搵快錢過年,有可能會街頭行騙。海關將會與各執法部門及酒店業界加強聯繫,靈活調動人員巡查市面各區街道和人多聚集的地方,主動與酒店業界保安部門負責人交流,互通防罪滅罪訊息。此外,海關將繼續與治安警察局等執法部門協作,合力打擊有關罪案。市民如發現有侵犯知識產權活動的資料,請即與海關聯絡,電郵:info@customs.gov.mo,廿四小時舉報熱線:二八九六 · 五○○一。迷你倉
- Jan 14 Tue 2014 09:06
冬天悄然而至,迷你倉你想躲進如夏的海島暖陽里還是想俯瞰“北國風光萬里雪飄”壯闊?選擇與眾不同的目的地,正因為追求不一樣的景致。我們一起來看,冬季之旅的全新視野在哪兒? 冰雪夢工廠的奇幻之旅 目的地:長春淨月潭 一座座巨型雪城堡,俏皮的卡通雪雕,優雅的淨月女神像,這是由50萬立方米皚皚白雪打造的淨月雪世界,是一個非同尋常的冰雪“夢工廠”。 1月,2014中國長春冰雪旅遊節暨淨月潭瓦薩國際滑雪節在淨月潭國家森林公園正式拉開帷幕,本屆冰雪節的產品體系由淨月潭、蓮花山、廟香山、新立湖四大滑雪場和關東文化園、北湖國家濕地公園、長影世紀城、長春農業博覽園、南湖公園、街路冰雪景觀等冰雪產品構成。 “淨月雪世界”整體按六個區分佈,分別是:“飛雪闖關冬”、“藝術經典”、“雪樂華章”、“冰上樂園”、“古堡奇觀”、“冰雪游樂場” 。“古堡奇觀”是一組令人震撼的大型景觀作品。單體長度100米、高度30米。“淨月雪世界”增設“冰雪游樂場”區域,位於“淨月雪世界”北側冰面上。 “冰雪游樂場”區域內設置的游樂項目主要有:雪滑梯、雪迷宮、雪地摩托車、三人冰車、冰上自行車、冰壺、狗拉爬犁、馬拉爬犁、鹿拉爬犁、冰猴、雪地越野車、雪地賽車、冰上碰碰車、毛絨車、雪地坦克、雪地裝甲車、雪地卡丁車、雪地足球場等。在銀裝素裹的淨月潭,幾台雪地坦克特別受歡迎。“雖然臉被風吹得有些痛,身上也被風打透了,但真是太過癮了。”王先生說,他是第一次駕駛雪地坦克,當馳騁在皚皚白雪上時,他整個人都徹底放鬆了,那種感受真是太美妙了。 據現場工作人員介紹,雪地坦克不僅有娛樂性,還能令人體驗駕駛快感,因此每年冰雪節都非常受歡迎。“雖然無緣成為一名軍人,但一直喜歡研究軍事裝備,特別是坦克。今天坐在雪地坦克上,有一種別樣的感受。”李先生興奮地說。 攻略:蓮花山、廟香山兩大滑雪場擁有總長度為8450米的各類雪道13條,均建有單板公園和主題冰雪樂園;淨月潭風景名勝區以中西合璧的冰雪產品迎接遊客的到來;新立湖滑雪場“冰雪童話歡樂穀”以及“滑雪+溫泉”的產品組合成為今冬兩大亮點。 去馴鹿的故鄉 目的地:內蒙古敖魯古雅 敖魯古雅景區位於根河市敖魯古雅鄉,是根河市唯一的民族鄉。沿著敖魯古雅河前行,是森林與草原的界線,一邊是河流,迷你倉將軍澳邊則是山岡。不過最吸引人的還是鄂溫克使鹿部落,他們既古老又神秘,是中國唯一飼養馴鹿的少數民族。 “蹄似牛而非牛,角似鹿而非鹿,頭似馬而非馬,身似驢而非驢。”此即“四不像”的聖誕馴鹿。馴鹿是鄂溫克人最親密的伙伴。這裡的馴鹿每只都有名字,在耳朵上戴著用五彩線編制的耳環。最有趣的是這些馴鹿並不認生,它會與每一位遊客親近,會在你的身邊轉來轉去,會昂起頭來與你合影。 在敖魯古雅中國冷極村,夜晚的溫度降到了-20℃,但在敖魯古雅家庭卻是一片熱火朝天的情景。吱吱的烤肉聲與撲鼻的香氣是那麼誘人,當地的藍莓汁甜美的味道會讓你難以忘懷。突然,門縫里鑽進了一股室外那清冽的夜風,帶著淡淡的寒氣,讓人神清氣爽。 攻略:到了根河市區可以找當地旅行社參團,敖魯古雅冰雪風情兩日游等線路可供選擇。去敖魯古雅家庭參觀吃午餐,下午去獵民點參觀,游敖魯古雅使鹿部落——與部落男人們放養馴鹿、與部落的女人們一起製作樺樹皮生活用品,同獵民交談,在中國最後的使鹿部落中,在熊熊燃燒的篝火中,感受生命的不朽。晚上可以住在敖魯古雅賓館。 在壁畫中精神“拾荒” 目的地:甘肅敦煌 敦煌位於河西走廊的最西端。這裡有舉世聞名的世界藝術瑰寶莫高窟,大漠奇觀鳴沙山·月牙泉,千年遺址陽關、玉門關、河倉城、漢長城,亞洲最大的地質奇觀雅丹國家地質公園,還有保存完好、非常珍貴的西千佛洞、懸泉置等歷史遺存。 在冬季來敦煌正是精神“拾荒”者的最佳時節,此時可以靜心欣賞莫高窟壁畫、彩塑,研修敦煌學、敦煌舞蹈、敦煌音樂、敦煌書法、敦煌壁畫藝術,是感知敦煌歷史、朝拜佛國文化的聖地;敦煌純淨的空氣、燦爛的陽光、潔淨的泉水自然也讓身心“過濾淨化”;可以盡情感受大漠、戈壁、雪山、冰川、濕地、雅丹地貌等自然景觀,真切感受雄渾壯麗的西部風光,深入體會“羌笛何須怨楊柳,春風不度玉門關”、“醉臥沙場君莫笑,西出陽關無故人”的意境。 攻略:為了全面�動冬季旅遊市場,敦煌市專門制定出台了優惠政策(11.1~3.31,莫高窟延長到4.30)。莫高窟、鳴沙山月牙泉景區實行門票半價優惠,雅丹國家地質公園、玉門關實行門票免票優惠。莫高窟在旺季所開放洞窟的基礎上,增開3~5個旺季不開放的洞窟。敦煌市三星級以上賓館房價減半,160~260元就可入住三、四星級賓館。倉
- Jan 14 Tue 2014 08:59
新世代旗艦 Audi S8前衛奢華混合體
都說男人愛車。一部是基本,迷利倉可以的話兩部、三部,甚至更多。談戀愛要一心一意,對車的愛可以三心兩意;當然,有車迷花心,也有車迷是一條心。愛車?一部就夠了。如果筆者跟大家說,有一部車,可以日常上下班代步,可以驅車出席隆重的宴會,也可以假日與家人郊遊。這還不止,它既可滿足喜愛奢華的享樂主義者,若興之所至,在高速公路「瘋狂一下」,由加速到極速表現絕對帶來感官刺激。它是誰?Audi S8有禮。 撰文:莫洛亞筆者認識喜歡Audi的朋友,當中近九成都是死硬派的die-hard fans,各人的原因有相同,也有不一樣。然而大部份的朋友都覺得Audi代表他們的性格,就是有品味的專業一族。至於新款的S8型號,不少都推崇為品牌的旗艦產品,相信除了那不便宜的車價之外,S8的前衛設計,以及其奢華駕乘享受,也是主要的因素。時至今日的S8,已經是第三代,當早於1996年第一代S8面世時,這家德國豪華車廠,令車迷見識到其品牌對兼顧頂級奢華感受,以及強勁性能輸出旗艦房車的設計手法,而全新S8頂級性能旗艦房車,強調極致性能取向與個性化座駕訴求,賦予與眾不同的傲人氣勢與氛圍。先來看看外形。前方車頭採用炫目前衛的全LED極光頭燈組和LED識別燈照明科技,搭配全新S8車系獨有的鉑金灰盾形鬼面罩,以及S8專屬徽飾等配件,充分為Audi S8營造出濃郁的科技感,以及高性能旗艦房車理應具備的不凡氣勢與創新元素。強烈科技感目光移轉至S8修長的車側線條部份,諸如鋁合金後視鏡外罩、內嵌鋁質飾條的車門把手、車身同色側裙邊和左右兩側沙板上的V8 T專屬徽飾,無一不是讓品味車主愛不釋手的高質感配件;而裝設於前後的四條20吋輕量化鋁合金輪圈,嵌入黑塗裝煞車卡鉗, 在車輛高速馳騁時,提供無與倫比的制動效果。至於車尾同樣運用LED照明科技所組成後尾燈組、煞車燈和指揮燈,夜間行車時額外增添了耀眼的視覺效果與強烈科技感。來到內籠部份,開啟車門踏入全新S8的座艙,完全融入LED環艙氣氛燈光的前衛設計,只需透過人性化的MMI介面進入功能選項,即可輕易自如地選擇代表不同心情的極光白、象牙黃、寶石紅等三種車艙照明氣氛燈,並具備二十段微調亮度設計,置身其中,隨時都能擁有愉悅的駕駛心情。當坐上駕駛座,首先映入眼簾的是嵌上S8專屬徽飾的三輻式真皮多功能跑車�盤,在同步整合鋁合金霧銀式樣換檔撥片之後,提供絕佳的操縱手感。至於視線前方的專屬雙環競技化儀錶板,除了配上白色指針,亦將7吋DIS駕駛資訊顯示迷你倉統內建其中,輕易掌握和閱讀各項行車資訊。座椅可以用「無可挑剔」來形容,前後四座設定舒適型跑車座椅,是全新S8座艙內另一重要豪奢配備,除具備極佳的乘坐舒適性與出色的包覆支撐效果外,全車座椅均採用最高等級的Valcona真皮皮革縫製,並以S- Models專屬月夜銀、鐵灰色對比縫線滾邊處理,搭配S8專屬菱格紋椅面,細膩的手工組裝品質在車艙內的每一個角落展露,達致極致的工藝水準。盡享駕乘樂奢華以外,卓越的動力演繹始終都是Audi在造車時最重要的核心元素,全新S8頂級性能旗艦房車搭載一具新開發的4.0升V8 TFSI雙渦輪增壓引擎,這具品牌旗下最新的V8動力系統,融合Audi最先進的引擎科技,運用FSI缸內直噴與AVS(Audi Valvelift System)可變汽門控制系統兩項技術,搭配雙渦輪增壓裝置,爆發出520匹的最大馬力和66.3公斤米的最大扭力,創造出最強大的高性能動力以及最優異的單位動力輸出,同時在精密的8速tiptronic手動和自動波箱的凌厲驅策下,由靜止起步加速至時速100公里亦僅需4.2秒。全新S8將Audi drive select driving dynamic system「運動化程式車身動態系統」列為標準配備的項目,提供駕駛者可自由選擇Comfort、Automatic和Dynamic等三種行車模式,透過這套先進的控制系統,無論是轉向系統反應、波箱換檔反應、油門反應,以至排氣聲浪設定,只需透過MMI介面進行調整,立刻讓車輛呈現迥然不同的駕馭性格。如果說S8是一部行政級座駕,沒錯。但其實S8也擁有足以媲美跑車的性能;做乘客的時候,100%體會到其奢華的一面,當坐上駕駛座,無論是新界吐露港公路,又或是又長又斜的紅棉路,再甚是彎多路窄的石澳道,都難不到S8。上下班?周末郊遊?出席宴會?一部S8已經足夠應付了。Audi S8規格引擎:V8汽缸TFSI雙渦輪增壓容積:3,993毫升最大馬力:520匹/6,000轉最大扭力:66.3公斤米/1,700-5,500轉加速:0-100公里/4.2秒極速:250公里/小時傳動:8速tiptronic手動/自動波箱驅動:前置引擎四輪驅動懸掛:(前)五連桿/(後)多連桿制動:(前)通風碟/(後)實風碟車長:5,137毫米車闊:1,949毫米車高:1,460毫米車重:1,975公斤油缸:90公升油耗:9.8公里/公升售價:1,973,000港元起資料:audi.com自存倉
- Jan 14 Tue 2014 08:52
UW 'ideas factory' looks to turn research into economic growth
Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelJan.迷你倉 12--When Rebecca Blank arrived at the University of Wisconsin-Madison last summer, she became chancellor of one of the largest academic research universities in the world, but one that has an uneven track record for commercializing that work.UW-Madison had nearly $1.2 billion in research spending yet launched only four start-ups in 2012, according to the Association of University Technology Managers. Blank wants to improve that performance and has a great opportunity in front of her.As she settles into the job, Blank is overseeing the hiring of three key economic development leaders and a new university-driven commercialization effort. Blank says she wants "a real step-up in ways we engage in the economic development agenda for the state."During a four-year stint as deputy U.S. commerce secretary, Blank says she learned that economically successful regions attract investment and industries by building partnerships between the public, private and educational sectors -- and there is always a large research institution involved."The University of Wisconsin-Madison is that research center. It is the ideas factory and the innovation center for the state," Blank said. "It has got to be a partner with the state and with the private sector if we're going to attract the high-tech manufacturing, nutrition, software, health care businesses of the 21st century."The key job openings Blank will have a hand in filling include director positions at the nascent Discovery to Product (D2P) initiative, organized to cultivate commercial products and create start-ups; the Office of Corporate Relations, whose mission is to help businesses and industry access university resources; and University Research Park, a sprawling area on Madison's west side that houses about 125 companies and continues to expand.The latter two positions opened because of a promotion and a retirement, respectively.But D2P is a new effort created to coordinate all of the entrepreneurial support programs across campus and develop university research with the most commercial promise. D2P is being funded initially with $3.2 million -- half from UW-Madison, half from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, the patenting and licensing organization for the university -- along with a $2.4 million economic development grant from the UW System.Until now, UW-Madison had a passive process for turning research into commercial products or start-up companies, which forced faculty and staff to seek out services and assistance on their own, the university said in a grant proposal for the UW System money to create D2P.In contrast, D2P will be proactive and bring together those services and assistance so ideas can be incubated longer on campus and ready to fund when they emerge, said Mark Cook, interim director of D2P. Cook is a UW-Madison animal sciences professor who has started three companies and licensed other inventions to industry."People are frustrated with the current climate and excited to have a fresh voice come into the university and promote an entrepreneurial culture -- and they're excited the university has pooled some money and resources to jump-start that culture," said Bryan Renk, executive director of BioForward, the trade organization for Wisconsin's bioscience industry.D2P will have four part-time mentors with experience in the start-up and venture worlds who have "one foot on campus and one in their day job," Cook said. Organizers are also working with the development group at UW-Madison's business school to connect alumni investors with the process, he said.Beyond campus bordersThe initiative is not intended to replace the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, Blank said. Faculty who use federal research funding will still be required to do their patenting through WARF. But they might choose to go to D2P for help developing their idea."WARF is there to do patenting and licensing; they're not about trying to figure out what's commercializable and what's not," Blank said. "At the end of the day, it's the university's responsibility to make sure we're doing that outreach into the business community."Our responsibilities don't end at the borders of our campus. We have a responsibility to figure out whether these opportunities can be useful to the community around us."It is always difficult for bureaucrats to justify taking a stake in a risky start-up with the promise of lucrative future licensing deals with big companies, said Paul Jones, co-chairman of the venture capital group at the law firm of Michael Best & Friedrich.But such decisions often must be made for a university to forge start-ups. Right now, many financiers aren't as comfortable working with UW-Madison as they are working with other universities, Jones said自存倉"Hopefully this is a sign the university is saying, 'We can't get the money here alone, but we can make it easier for these groups to work with us the way they work with the more experienced universities, the familiar faces,'" Jones said.Blank said she has no plans to try to tap the vast resources of partner organizations like WARF (with $2.4 billion in assets) and the University of Wisconsin Foundation ($2 billion in assets as of June),which are independent of the university.However, she pointed out that some other universities -- such as the University of Michigan, where she was once dean of the public policy school -- are investing in technology commercialization."Michigan is 12, 15 years ahead of us. They've been working on this longer, particularly on the venture capital side," Blank said. The University of Michigan in 2011 committed $25 million from its endowment to fund its own start-up companies.Research spendingUW-Madison's nearly $1.2 billion of research spending in 2012 ranked it sixth among academic institutions such as Johns Hopkins, the University of California System and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, according to the Association of University Technology Managers, or AUTM.But UW-Madison ranked 13th for licensing income in 2012 -- 30th when adjusted by university research expenses and 40th when adjusted by the number of technology transfer office employees, according to a Brookings Institute report published in November.And the university started just four companies in 2012, none of which WARF took a stake in, according to AUTM's data. By comparison, in that same year, with less than $700 million of research spending, Northwestern University created and took stakes in five start-ups.The university's contributions, and those of University Research Park, are not "fully measured" in many of the statistics, Blank said. University Research Park is a critical part of the D2P plan, because it gives campus entrepreneurs a place to grow their businesses, she added.Many top-performing universities are relying on partnerships with industry to help transfer technology into commercial products, according to The Burrill Report, a publication of San Francisco financial services firm Burrill & Co. UW-Madison received $23.2 million of its research spending from businesses in 2012, the second-lowest among the country's top 10 academic research institutions, according to AUTM.Much of the commercialization at places like MIT, Carnegie Mellon and CalTech is coming out of partnerships with industry, Blank said."We have fewer of those partnerships than many of our peers. It's something I've been talking with our business school dean, with our engineering school dean, with our medical school dean about how do we step up those sorts of partnerships," Blank said.Who has that 'inner fire'?Observers say passion and accountability will be key to the success of D2P.It's not enough to say that a technology has potential to be commercialized; someone has to have the passion to drive it to market, said Renk, of BioForward."If they don't have that inner fire to go, it's another exercise in making a yes/no decision on some technology," said Renk, who was previously a licensing manager at WARF.There have been many programs over the last decade that have supported transferring UW-Madison's research into start-ups, but none has had much success, said Matthew Storms, an attorney at AlphaTech Counsel S.C., a Madison law firm focused on entrepreneurs and start-ups."There's a lot of excitement when they're initiated, but there isn't a whole lot of evaluation of the real success of the initiatives," Storms said. "I want to see the accountability associated with it."D2P will aim to transfer four to seven technologies in the form of start-up companies or licenses to existing Wisconsin companies, and to create at least 20 new professional jobs during its first two years, organizers said in their grant application to the UW System.The initiative is in its early stages, and the goals will be more concrete once there is a director to forge a three- to five-year strategic plan, Blank said. The long-term nature of the plan doesn't mean she has an abundance of patience."We should have gotten at this sooner," Blank said.Three key economic development jobs are open at the University of Wisconsin-Madison:Discovery to Product (D2P) directorAnticipated start date: March 1, 2014Minimum salary: $90,000Office of Corporate Relations directorAnticipated start date: Feb. 10, 2014Minimum salary: $109,600University Research Park directorAnticipated start date: May 19, 2014Minimum salary: $176,000Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租
- Jan 14 Tue 2014 08:45
Recyclers turn out in force for bimonthly plastics drive
Source: Independent Record, Helena, Mont.迷你倉Jan. 12--People patiently waited in line Saturday in the parking lot of the YMCA to toss milk jugs, plastic soda bottles and fruit containers -- among other recyclable items -- as part of the January Aluminum/Plastics Drive.The recycling effort is coordinated by the Student Advocates for Valuing the Environment Foundation, also known as SAVE. On the second Friday of the odd-numbered months, SAVE comes together with other groups to gather mainly plastics, which eventually are crunched into bales that can be sold and turned into items like fleece, carpets or artificial lumber for outdoor furniture or decking.The bimonthly event, which runs through Monday, is the only opportunity for Helena area residents to recycle plastics."We try to focus on what folks can't take to be recycled otherwise," noted Matt Elsaesser, executive director of the nonprofit group. "Ideally, people can combine coming here with other trips to make it more efficient and convenient."As Elsaesser spoke, he stood on the edge of a compactor and used a shovel to push clear plastic bottles into it. Behind him, a Tri-County Disposal truck picked up a dumpster filled to the brim with plastic and dumped the contents into the back of a mobile compaction truck."This is the second time we've used Tri-County Disposal," Elsaesser noted. "We're getting four or five of the 40-yard bins compacted into this.Along with the compactors, about five 40-yard roll-off bins were being used to gather recyclables. Elsaesser, who is a Helena city commissioner, said the city donates the bins and will bring them to Pacific Steel and Recycling on Wednesday. That company will compress the recyclables into large bales weighing between 1,200 and 1,800 pounds."Once they're in bales they're more marketable," Elsaesser said. "We're doing our best to create a premium, marketable product with the highest environmental and ecological value."SAVE began as a student recycling effort at Carroll College, and they f儲存倉led as a nonprofit in 2004 to bring that work to the greater Helena community. On their website savemobile.org, the group says its current initiatives include "working with students across the state to network environmental efforts in higher education, development of gray water materials for builders and enthusiasts, renovating our state recycling guide resources and developing model recycling programs to meet challenges for rural communities."As a steady stream of vehicles drove into the YMCA parking lot at noon Saturday, Elsaesser noted that business has been brisk since about 9:30 a.m. He wasn't sure how many people were dropping off goods, but added that about 3,000 people donated recyclables at their November plastics and aluminum drive."The result has been positive," he said. "When we see thousands of people come to these drives, it's really amazing."Lisa Peterson is one of those who regularly drops off her plastics at the drive. As she tossed colorless containers into the compactor, Peterson said she stockpiled them for the two months since the last plastics drive."This is awesome, being able to recycle the plastics. Before this there was no way to do it," she said. "The only thing that would make it better is to see it continue so we could take stuff here every day. I have a family of five, so we end up with a lot of plastic in two months."Elsaesser agrees that more plastic recycling opportunities would be great, and SAVE is working with the city to establish a permanent program in Helena at the trash transfer station. In the meantime, with the help of partners, they'll continue with the every-other-month program."A lot of people have been asking for a permanent program," he said. "But they're still happy with this."___Reporter Eve Byron: 447-4076 or eve.byron@helenair.comFollow Eve on Twitter @IR_EveByronCopyright: ___ (c)2014 Independent Record (Helena, Mont.) Visit the Independent Record (Helena, Mont.) at .helenair.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平
- Jan 14 Tue 2014 08:39
大商場續營業 購物人潮失蹤
反對派的「封城」行動造成大量商業機構關門謝客,倉給員工放假。世貿百貨及其周圍的幾個大型購物中心是曼谷最熱門的商場,如今卻身陷集會人潮。昨日各大商場依然堅持開門營業,商場周圍熱鬧非凡,商場�卻鮮有人光顧。 根據泰國央行的資料,周一至少有一百二十三家銀行分行暫時關閉,其中七十六間屬於泰國軍人銀行(TMB)。由於職員難以進入總行,泰國央行周一從緊急中心提供服務,印刷紙幣的工序也搬到泰京銀行一間分行進行。 根據反對派的計畫,「封鎖曼谷」最多持續二十天。泰國商會大學預測,如24小時迷你倉行動持續兩周,將給泰國經濟造成約十二億美元的直接損失,約佔國內生產總值百分之零點二。 本港現時旅行社暫停曼谷團時間並不一致,部分停團至本月二十日,但也有停至二十七日。鑑於局勢轉變,旅遊業議會本周內會召開會議,商討農曆新年會否繼續暫停出團到曼谷。議會總幹事董耀中說,個別航空公司因飛機有調動安排,現階段拒絕接受旅行社全數退回機票,退款安排未有共識,暫不能取消新春期間的曼谷團。不過,他相信,曼谷團已暫停一段時間,近月報團人數不多,即使取消行程,也影響不大。本報記者 /新華社迷你倉旺角
- Jan 14 Tue 2014 08:32
香港文匯報訊 (記者 黃嘉銘)就廣東擬今年基本實現粵港澳服務貿易自由化,迷你倉旅遊業議會總幹事董耀中表示,會方不少成員都希望可以借此擴大內地經營旅遊生意的範圍。他指出,現時香港的旅遊公司只可在內地單向地接收外國旅客到內地旅遊,他期望當局可將現時的制度放寬,讓本港的旅遊公司可以為內地遊客安排出國旅遊的服務。董耀中解釋,香港旅遊公司帶領出國旅行團經驗絕對不處下風,絕對有能力勝任中國境外旅遊的生意。但現時香港旅遊公司只可單向地接收外國旅客內地旅遊,對本港旅遊公司的發展限制甚大。會方期望,在實現粵港澳貿易全面自由化之後,可以為旅遊mini storage爭取更多發展的機會,帶來新的商機。盡快簡化行政手續費用香港付貨人委員會執行總幹事何立基則指出,現時不少公司在內地面對的物流成本日漸高企,除了政府既定的稅收外,還有各式各樣、接近過百種的行政費用,這對一些大型公司甚至是央企或許不是甚麼大問題,然而,對不少內地經商的中小型企業而言,需要負擔極沉重的經營成本,財政壓力甚大。何立基期望內地政府可盡快推出減免措施,將有關稅項、行政費用及手續盡量簡化。不過,他同時慨歎,內地政府於近年來一直表明會改善有關問題,但行政費用減一項,又加一項,如同「一雞死,一雞鳴」,認為短線內或難以整頓。儲存
- Jan 14 Tue 2014 08:24
全國版) - (洋先鋒
局變2013創想20142014,迷你倉旺角移動領域十大趨勢預測城市更加智能化移動貨幣業務將繼續發展可穿戴設備將充分發展iPad和其他平板電腦將進入教育領域移動健康設備將進一步發展LTE用戶成倍增長 4G LTE將全面鋪開 智能設備更好地瞭解用戶狀況Ouya和其它微型遊戲機將衝擊家庭遊戲個人雲業務將爆炸式發展3D打印機銷量將增加(資料來源:Juniper移動領域十大趨勢研究報告)馬首是瞻在岸內包將成現實隨著市場對“美國製造”需求的上升、對“外國製造”需求的下降,加上中國勞動力價格與“中國製造”產品的總成本將在兩年內與美國持平,如富士康這樣的科技產品製造商將開始把工廠搬到美國。微型特許經營生機盎然這是從欠發達國家流轉過來的一種新概念,是指將傳統特許經營的元素與概念應用到小型企業之中的商業模式。通過微型特許經營,擁有激情但缺乏資本的創業者又有了追逐美國夢的新手段。雲計算將現新模式雲計算在2014年將繼續影響IT決策,為實現商業價值、技術創新和競爭的差異化提供一種獨特的和可持續的途徑。這在需要更多移動性、靈活性、靈敏性和更高質量的企業的全球市場中顯得非常重要。個性化商務應用社交和移動網絡將通過簡單的消費應用繼續向企業領域滲透。其中包括D ropbox、E vernote和Prezi等許多應用。據硅穀風投公司N orw est V en-turePartners合伙人SergioM onsalve所言:首先是最終用戶偶爾用到了它們,然後引起了企業的注意。B ox、E vernotex和E vernote等“輕量級工作流程”應用將首發上市(或者在為IPO做準備),從而讓規模較大的企業mini storage續注意到它們。IT主管將在保證安全和控制IT基礎設施方面遇到越來越嚴峻的挑戰,原因是大部分數據將移動到雲端。同時,隨著自攜設備上班(BYO D )越來越流行,數據分散度以及安全複雜性將大大提高。企業社交化社交技術將更多地整合到現有企業應用程序當中。除了充當幾乎所有的客戶接觸和營銷戰略的戰略性組件外,來自社交應用程序的數據將反饋到產品與服務開發流程。到2017年,財富500強企業中將有80%擁有活躍的客戶社區,較當前的30%顯著提升。Marketplaces2 .0 美國的2014年屬於“雙邊市場”,最終用戶在消費的同時還對外提供服務或產品。這些市場將讓全世界看到,C 2C正在不斷地讓電子商務領域變得平坦起來,同時讓行業走勢具有非常強的防禦性。三年之內租車網站U ber、手工藝品交易網站Etsy、P2P貸款網站LendingClub和租房網站A irBnB這樣一些公司的總市值將很輕鬆地超過eBay,這種趨勢將開�“M arketplaces 2.0”時代到來的序幕。移動貨幣根據美國G artnerG roup公司的調查報告顯示,2013年全球移動支付領域的規模約為2354億美元,比去年增長44%。同時報告預測,到2017年整個產業規模將達到7210億美元,用戶數可增至4.5億人。目前,歐美國家支付方式已經很明顯地從硬件轉向軟件。比如,在歐美國家主流的移動支付方式並不是電子錢包式的IC芯片方式,而為條碼和簡易讀取等方式。移動貨幣的用途也不僅限于支付而變得多種多樣即所謂的“市場平台”。其實對於創業者來說,比起單一的支付功能,移動貨幣的附加魅力更在於提高顧客的忠誠和市場份額。迷你倉
- Jan 14 Tue 2014 08:19
(泰國 曼谷12日訊)有外商擔憂,self storage已拖了兩個多月的泰國示威活動恐怕不會這麼快結束。反對派揚言“封鎖曼谷”,嚇跑遊客和投資者。雖然反對派聲明不會封鎖機場或大眾運輸系統,但在局勢不明朗的情況下,為了安全,不少遊客都乾脆不往曼谷。泰國台灣商會聯合總會總會長張冠昌說,原以為示威活動很快就會結束,沒想到一拖再拖,背後可能有強大力量支持。張冠昌表示,攏長的示威影響經濟,不少台商向他抱怨生意已經受到影響,尤其旅遊業衝擊最大。泰而喜旅遊集團董事長陳玉姮就說,“這次旅遊業不知道要關幾家”迷利倉時值農曆新年旺季,她的旅行社的訂單至少就被取消了三分二。遊客銳減料損失20億泰國旅遊與體育部日前公佈,受示威影響的訪泰外國遊客至今銳減近30萬人,原本打算到泰國度歲的中國、香港和台灣遊客人數大減,損失料達200億泰銖(約19億8千272令吉)。泰國商會大學經濟及商業預測中心主管塔那瓦表示,若反對派的封城行動持續一個月,損失將達400億泰銖(約39億6千543萬令吉),國內生產總值將下跌0.1至0.2%。除重創旅遊業,示威還影響外企投資。【相關新聞請點大事件:泰國局勢緊張】;迷你倉