香港文匯報訊(記者 敖敏輝 實習記者 陳牧洲 廣州報道)從今天起,mini storage春運正式啟動,一年一度的旅客大遷徙拉開大幕。今年全國春運道路客流將達36億人次,比去年增加2億。擁有近4000萬外來務工人員的廣東,歷來是全國春運的主戰場。鐵路方面,旅客增長幅度更大,據廣鐵介紹,今年將迎來史上最大客流,春運期間預計發送旅客3600萬人。目前,節前車票已經售完,調查顯示,仍有過半返鄉旅客沒有購得車票。廣鐵介紹,轄內鐵路運力缺口約為一半。昨天,記者在廣州火車站看到,車站已經開闢新的旅客進站通道,並正式啟動人、票、證檢驗進站的模式。每個進站口,都有兩名武警站崗,同時有3名志願者對每名旅客進行實名制驗票進站。整個火車站廣場人潮湧動,拖�行李的旅客擠滿每一個角落。穗日發送78萬旅客增30%廣鐵介紹,15日,轄內各車站共計發送旅客78萬人,超過日常旅客發送量30%。廣州仍是客流最為密集的區域,當天,廣州站、廣州東站、廣州南站三大火車站預計發送self storage客24萬人,超日常旅客發送量45.5%。不過,並不是所有旅客都能像龔先生一樣如願買到火車票。有調查顯示,有返鄉需求的旅客,過半仍未購得火車票。記者在廣州火車站售票大廳看到,儘管車站僅發售2日內的車票,仍有大量無票旅客前來碰運氣。車站反覆排隊買票無果來自河南許昌的牛先生,在廣州從事汽車修理工作。15日下午,他在廣州火車站反覆排隊買票,都被告知無票。「我從元旦就開始買票了,網絡、電話等各種途徑都嘗試過了,但一張票也沒有買到。」牛先生說,他原本打算20日回家,但因沒有買到票,回家日期不得不推後。近幾日,他每天都來試運氣,但3天過去一無所獲。他說,要是沒有買到火車票,只好在廣州過年。和牛先生一樣在車站碰運氣的梁先生,因在代售點沒有買到票,特意從中山趕到廣州東站,以幫一眾工友購買回重慶的車票。不過,他同樣毫無收獲。他準備在廣州東站附近過夜,今天再來車站排隊買票。「每年的春運,為了買到回家的票,都弄得身心疲憊。」梁先生無奈表示。迷你倉
- Jan 16 Thu 2014 19:01
廣鐵將發送3600萬人 內地料達36億人次 春運今啟幕 逾半旅客無返鄉票
- Jan 16 Thu 2014 18:51
藉還款取手機號碼 內地漢被騙二十萬
【專訪】一名河南男子上周五(十日)在�仔一娛樂場消遣期間,迷你倉被兩名內地男子前搭訕稱因賭敗,向事主借款交酒店租金及旅費;事主先後借予他們六千港元籌碼,並留下姓名、電話方便二人日後還款;惟遭人藉此行騙利用他的身份證及資料,在其銀行戶口提取存款,事主損失二十萬元人民幣向司警報案求助。 報稱被詐騙的男事主,三十三歲,河南人。 據事主稱他在借款予兩名男子後,原定於本周一(十三日)乘搭一航班從深圳飛北京,惟當日下午三時半收到一手機短訊,內容指返北京的航班因機件故障取消,如有查詢需致電一電話聯絡。他隨即致電予北京公文件倉的會計,代他查詢相關事宜;會計後撥打有關電話,一自稱航空公司的男子表示,需匯入六十元手續費到一指定戶口才可更改航班。 及後,當事主會計按對方指示,透過網上銀行將六十元人民幣匯入戶口,並輸入其提供的驗證碼後;事主便收到銀行發出的兩個短訊,有兩筆分別各九萬九千八百八十八元的人民幣資金被人匯走。他事後致電航空公司查詢,才得悉所乘航班正常,並無出現機件故障,事主懷疑事件涉及詐騙,被該兩名內地男子騙取金錢。 司警發言人孫錦輝呼籲,相關個案可能涉及新型的詐騙手法,市民切勿隨意將個人資料及手機號碼給予陌生人以防被騙。◇存倉
- Jan 16 Thu 2014 18:41
- Jan 16 Thu 2014 18:29
不久前,24小時迷你倉大家還在為得到一部i-Phone5S而“掙破頭”,如今“土豪”的頭銜掛到了中國電信聯合三星推出的商務手機“心系天下W2014”身上,上市不久就引來精英人士的競相訂購,其零售價格更被炒至2萬元以上,創國內手機價格新高。高端配置打造商務旗艦標杆據悉,商務手機“心系天下W2014”除了尊崇翻蓋設計、內外雙屏觸控外,新增華貴優雅的鐘錶界面,點觸外屏,時間即在瞬間把握;皮質後背配以車線針腳狀邊緣的處理,簡潔又不失紳士氣質;翻蓋設計、九格鍵盤展現出大度、嚴謹的商務精英作風。在配置與服務上,這款商務手機也達到了業界頂級水準:雙3.7英寸炫麗屏應用于手機內外屏;四核2.3GHz高速處理器、Android4.3操作系統打造靈敏的觸控體驗,無縫多任務處理、頁面加載和應用�動也更加快捷;手機支持雙網雙待功能,還全新升級了“臻品圈”專屬服務,為用戶推送健康、留學、收藏、養生健康、旅遊、新聞話題等豐富的個性內容;享有業內盛讚的Knox安全機制也配置在手機中,為用戶帶來高效、安心的商務體驗。因此,這款主攻商務人士、走高端路線,更邀請國際影星成龍代言的“心系天下W2014”,成為市場上有價有市的手機。春節前換機潮引發商迷你倉旺角手機熱銷 “由於貨源並不十分充足,而且需求量又較大,即便是2萬元的高價,依舊有很多高端用戶前來預訂。”一位李姓經銷商表示,現在基本上是“來一部手機賣一部手機”。在提倡勤儉節約的當下,這款萬元級手機為何能受到如此追捧?業內人士表示,有別于高端手機在3000元至5000元之間的價位,“心系天下”系列手機定位於高端商務精英人士,在價格和定位上與現有高端手機明顯拉開差距,讓擁有者始終保持“少數者擁有”的感覺。同時,“心系天下”系列手機完全遵循了高端用戶的購買習慣。高端用戶一般一年換一部手機,而換機時間多選在年底。“心系天下W2014”商務手機趕在馬年到來之際上市發售,取“馬到成功”之意。中國電信還為高端用戶提供多種私人定制專享套餐,用戶可從語音、流量、短信3個方面為自己定制一份心儀的話費套餐;用戶可在中國電信189網上營業廳預訂這款手機,還可選擇一個獨享的尊貴靚號,預示新一年的繼往開來。數據顯示,在5000元以上的高端手機中,中國電信CDMA制式手機的市場份額已經連續3年超過了50%。分析人士表示,如今消費者對高端私人物品的態度正發生巨大變化。對於時代精英來說,擁有與自己價值觀相通的品牌手機更能體現自身價值。mini storage
- Jan 16 Thu 2014 18:20
Chicago Tribune Steve Johnson column
Source: Chicago storage 15--Even if you didn't catch the run of "Illumination," the Morton Arboretum's lovely and dramatic holiday-season lighting of trees on its grounds, you've probably seen some of the work of John Featherstone and his lighting and visual design firm, Lightswitch.To name just a few, Lightswitch did the big central rotunda at the Museum of Science and Industry, the lakefront Oceanarium and the "Jellies" jellyfish exhibit at the Shedd Aquarium, the Wit Hotel at State and Lake streets, and the aquatic-themed lobby at the new Children's Memorial Hospital of Chicago, with its sculptures and projections of marine life.Or maybe you saw The Smiths -- lit on stage in subtle, striking blues and greens, a stark contrast to so many bands' flashing-color overkill -- back when Featherstone was an English teen "who basically ran away to join the circus," as he put it.Now 49, Featherstone went on tour with The Smiths in the mid-'80s just as the Manchester, England, band was breaking big and was there when it broke up, too. From there he headed out on one major tour after another, including Janet Jackson, The Cure and Van Halen, all of them spent trying to portray in lighting the credo about the essence of pop music that Featherstone had learned from a book on Jimi Hendrix: "Simplify, simplify, simplify, then exaggerate, exaggerate, exaggerate."His colleagues on the audio side of concerts, he remembers, would tease him that "People don't go home humming the lights," but working in the intensely collaborative environment of rock tours paid off when it came time, after a dozen years, to get off the road, live with his wife and new daughter in the northwest suburbs, and co-found Lightswitch. The company has gone global in its two decades but still keeps a home office in Chicago, where Featherstone is the lead partner, despite a recent family move to Arizona.We talked to the voluble Englishman about the underappreciated art of lighting and visual design and what from the rock-and-roll world can be applied in more static environments, such as a Chicago brewpub, a mile-long outdoor nature walk or even some day, he hopes, along Michigan Avenue. An edited transcript:Q: Okay, so the dark side of the rock-and-roll world, the dark side of the business world: Which is sleazier?A: I think the dark side of the corporate world is sleazier because it's less genuine, if that makes any sense. The guys that are off the deep end, and there were certainly people that I worked with both onstage and off, who were living and breathing the rock-and-roll dream, were doing it without a veil, without a mask, without any pretense.The people that have rubbed up against my integrity in the corporate world, it feels less honest, because they're still wearing the suit but they are very much the wolf in sheep's clothing. So I would rather deal with a bottle-of-Jack-in-one-hand rock-and-roll artist who is very much warts-and-all about the way he is, than a client -- and fortunately we don't really have very many of them -- from the corporate world where you never really know where you stand, but every hair on the back of your neck stands up.Q: You've seen a lot over a long time. You still design rock concerts, including, recently, for Imagine Dragons. What's wrong with rock-and-roll shows these days?A: Well, I think there's a lot right with a lot of rock-and-roll shows. Let me personalize it. One of the performers I really respect in a large show -- and this really surprised me, because I went in dragging my heels -- is Taylor Swift. My youngest daughter is a big fan. I think Taylor Swift uses those (elaborate) techniques in a way that communicates a real essence of who she is. The technology, while there's an awful lot of it on her show, a lot of it gets out of the way really quickly. There are a lot of other performers who went down the a la carte menu from the rock-and-roll scenic company: "O.K., I want to fly through the audience. I want a giant video wall." But there's a little bit of production ADD about it.Q: So just because you can put a Stonehenge replica and elves dancing around on stage doesn't mean you should.A: (Laughs.) Nice analogy, my friend. Well played, sir. Yeah, it doesn't mean you have to.Q: You say you lit The Smiths in a "very narrow color palette" of blues and greens, and I hear that as "simplify, simplify." But where was the "complicate" part of it?A: Well, the "exaggerate" part -- and some of this is a through line at Morton -- is, when it's blue, it's blue and there's a lot of it. Use a bold brush, if you will. Have it be a beautiful, beautiful blue that you spend a lot of time making sure the color is right, and then use a lot of it. Or if it's red, you get this rich, warm kind of color that sort of wraps itself around you, and you can almost feel it from a temperature standpoint as much as from a visual standpoint. So that's the exaggerate piece. You simplify the essence, but you exaggerate the execution.Q: You said earlier you don't think of what you do as art?A: (Laughs). Yeah, when I said that, I thought, "Oh, I don't know if that's necessarily true." I think there is a continuum, and I would certainly not put what we do in the same category as that which is considered traditional art. Let's use an example: (the glass artist) Dale Chihuly. We've had the opportunity to work with Dale on a couple of occasions. Dale's work came from a part of his soul that was so focused in terms of his vision that the fact that then people have subsequently commissioned him and he's been very successful -- I would suggest -- is less important to him than the purity of his vision. Because what we do is very collaborative and we're helping other people execute their vision, I just feel that we need to pull back on the "preci迷你倉us" fader a little bit, if that makes any sense. Don't get too precious about what we do. It's not throwing one's hand to one's head and saying, "Oh, but it's my art!" "Yeah, that's great. And now can you change it to the color that the client wants?" I'm not saying there isn't art in it, but theres a balance between the pragmatic and the visionary.Q: How did you get started? Had you trained at school for lighting, or taken classes in lighting design at all?A: It was training in the sense at school that, "Hey, at least there's somebody who's willing to climb up the ladder and make sure the lights are pointing in the same general direction as the stage." I was focused on becoming an architect, which is what my grandfather was. And the pipe dream fantasy was being a drummer in a rock band. And I was playing drums in bands at school, and a kid moved into the neighborhood who had a cooler drum set. So it was suggested that I might want to find something else to do. So, kind of scuffing my toes and grumbling under my breath, I muttered off and sold my drums and bought some lights and started doing lighting.Q: Did that kid end up being the Smiths drummer?A: No, he did not end up being the Smiths drummer. He manages a grocery store in England now, much to my never-ending teasing whenever I have the opportunity to Facebook or talk to him. So I kind of fell into it. I was lighting bands as they came and went through clubs and small venues in town, and that's when The Smiths came through, and I immediately hit it off with those guys. I was 18. They were essentially the same age. They were like, "Hey, it might be fun to have a lighting guy. You want to come along in the van?" And that was nothing but dumb luck and good timing. Two years later, a couple of world tours under my belt at a very young age, I look up and The Smiths fall apart. So, several weeks after, Johnny (Marr, the guitarist) got a call from Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders. She said, "I hear you're at a loose end, I'm looking for a guitarist." And Johnny, to my neverending debt and gratitude, said: "Yeah, but it's a package deal. First of all, I don't go anywhere without my wife Angie. And secondly, the only person who stood by me when The Smiths fell apart was my friend John, who is our lighting designer. So if you want a new guitarist, you've got a new lighting designer." So at the tender age of, I must have been about 20, I lighted the Pretenders at Rock in Rio and opening for U2 and all this kind of stuff, and then it just kind of accelerated from there.Q: And you're on the road with all these bands the whole time? It's not like you're sitting in an office, fielding phone calls?A: That's what I do now, but, no, at the time, I was traveling. From a personal standpoint, during this period I met my wife, who's a Chicago gal, born and bred. We settled in the states. She was a travel agent back in the day when airlines actually gave a damn about travel agents. And so she would come and see me and everything was great and life was good, and then we had our first daughter. And I went back out with Van Halen. I went, "Oh, this is not quite so good." And Norm (Schwab), my founding partner at Lightswitch, had been basically daring me to get off the road for about six years or so by this stage. I called him up and said, "O.K., I'm ready." That's 20 years ago.Q: So you get off the road and you set up a business and suddenly you're billing $5 million, and everything goes easily, right?A: Oh my god, no. The first job that we did together, Norm and I, was a project for Apple. We're still very proud to work with Apple and to consider them Lightswitch Account 001. I vividly remember sitting up most of the night at a hotel room in Caesar's Palace, going, "Oh my God, what have I done? This is a huge mistake. Nobody's going to hire us. They're going to figure out that it's a theater and lighting designer and a rock-and-roll guy and we don't really know what we're doing." But somehow we managed.Q: Did you like that rock-and-roll life? Did it work for you as a young man?A: Yeah, exactly. You hit the nail on the head. It's something to be done when you're young. The daughter that was the catalyst for me coming off the road, she's currently at Arizona State University, studying theater production with a focus in lighting design. She wants to go out on the road after she's graduated, and I fully support it for the collaborative experience. You build friends that will be with you for life. And there is something to be said for doing that show, which is the thing people have been looking forward to for months -- that moment when the houselights go off.Q: Are there areas you guys want to expand into? Are there places where lighting isn't thought out as well as it ought to be?A: Where we're seeing some exciting opportuniies is in more of a public space kind of project. That means things like Morton, but Morton magnified. Maybe bringing a different lighting eye to urban environments. So that's not that everything ends up looking like "Blade Runner," but that you could walk down Michigan Avenue, for example, and you could have a defined, distinctive experience while you walk along this urban thoroughfare. Or through Millennium Park or Daley Plaza or whatever. Millennium Park is one of my favorite places in the world during the day. But in the evening it's Millennium Park in the dark. It doesn't put on a different personality. Those are the scenarios that really excite us. The opportunity to use the transformative effect of lighting to be able to change the way people relate to a known environment.sajohnson@tribune.comTwitter @StevenKJohnsonCopyright: ___ (c)2014 the Chicago Tribune Visit the Chicago Tribune at Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉
- Jan 16 Thu 2014 18:09
New digital library opens at Bexar County Courthouse
Source: San Antonio Express-NewsJan.迷你倉旺角 16--SAN ANTONIO -- Without pomp and circumstance, Bexar County quietly opened a new branch of the all-digital library Wednesday in the central jury room of the courthouse.Workers were still putting the finishing touches on the BiblioTech branch, which consists of a counter to be staffed by two employees from 7:30 a.m. to noon, Mondays through Thursdays, and a separate kiosk where books can be checked out by residents serving on jury duty or doing business at the courthouse.At the satellite branch, county residents may sign up for a free library card, check out one of 200 e-readers and learn how to use the county's all-digital library system. They can choose from more than 10,000 titles.A grand opening is set for 11 a.m. Thursday."You have about 75,000 people, every year, come in as potential jurors," said Judge Nelson Wolff. "Monday through Thursday, you have that room full of about 300 people, and this is going to dramatically stretch out the reach of BiblioTech."Information about the BiblioTech branch is now included on jury summons, Wolff said, adding that he expects jurors will benefit from the branch the most, but that county employees will also likely use themini storagefacility.BiblioTech, the county's library, opened at 3505 Pleasanton Road in September. Since then, about 14,000 people have registered to use the $2.4 million library system.Each day, Wolff said, about 300 people visit the library and use its computers and other technological devices. The library was built in an area where 75 percent of the population lacks Internet access, and Wolff said he hopes that future satellite locations will also be built in neighborhoods where technology is scant.The library, which has bright orange counters, has made headlines worldwide and continues to get attention from municipalities interested in mimicking the model. Recently, a group from the Netherlands came to visit, Wolff said."I always worried how many people were going to come in, and now I don't have to worry about that anymore," Wolff said. "The main thing is that people are using it out there and they're checking out books, so that's good. This is going to really help us expand barriers, and it's not very costly."emoravec@express-news.netTwitter: @EvaRuthCopyright: ___ (c)2014 the San Antonio Express-News Visit the San Antonio Express-News at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 16 Thu 2014 18:00
中國網絡視頻企業競爭激烈 移動端快速增長
中新網1月16日電 今天,存倉中國互聯網信息中心(CNNIC)發佈《第33次中國互聯網絡發展狀況統計報告》(以下簡稱《報告》)。《報告》顯示,截至2013年12月,中國網絡視頻用戶規模達4.28億,較上年底增加5637萬人,增長率為15.2%。網絡視頻使用率為69.3%,與上年底相比增長3.4個百分點。 據瞭解,網絡視頻用戶數繼續呈現快速增長趨勢,得益于以下幾方面的改善:首先,網絡建設和視頻設備為網絡視頻提供了更好的使用條件;其次,網絡視頻內容更為豐富,吸引更多網民在線收看視頻;最後,網絡視頻與傳統電視媒體的深入合作,帶動了網絡視頻的播放。 2013年,中國網絡視頻行業發生顯著變化:戰略層面上,視頻網站並購和整合力度加大,出現跨行業、線上線下等方面的整合,不斷改變著網絡視頻行業格局。產品層面上,視頻企業不但加強了PC端和移動端產品的優化升級,而且加強了與客廳娛樂相關的業務推進,圍繞“家庭娛樂”推出了與網絡視頻相儲存的機頂盒、路由器、互聯網電視等硬件產品,力求打贏“客廳爭奪戰”。網站內容層面上,不少視頻企業一方面加大自制劇的開發,以降低版權購買成本、減少虧損,另一方面加強線下熱播劇目的購買力度,以吸引新客戶、增加廣告收入。 在手機端方面,截至2013年12月,我國手機視頻用戶規模為2.47億,與2012年底相比增長了1.12億人,增長率83.8%。網民使用率為49.3%,相比2012年底增長17.3個百分點。手機視頻躍升至移動互聯網第五大應用。 據分析,手機視頻快速增長主要由三方面原因促成:首先,整體網民互聯網使用行為正在向手機端轉換,龐大的移動網民規模為手機視頻的使用奠定了用戶基礎;其次,手機視頻的使用環境逐步完善,具體包括智能手機的發展、Wi-Fi使用率的提升以及未來4G網絡的落地,都成為手機視頻增長的促進因素;最後,視頻廠商在客戶端的大力推廣,提升了網民對於移動視頻的認知,進而吸引更多網民使用手機視頻。(中新網IT頻道)迷你倉
- Jan 16 Thu 2014 17:49
來到2014,迷你倉今年新春來得早一點,在街上已經看到不少店鋪都已換上喜慶的裝飾,紅噹噹的炮仗、又圓又大的大吉、紅粉菲菲的桃花… 而在即將來臨的農曆新年,迪士尼樂園為了與大家一同迎接馬年,特別為樂園加入了「福氣無限」的主題,除了七大主題園區會分別注入新年裝飾之外,園區內的商店亦都加入了許多應節的紀念品,當中不少都是只在新年推出的特別版。同時,在新年指定期間,一眾迪士尼朋友包括米奇、米妮、迪士尼小熊DUFFY等,都會換上賀歲服裝,為農曆新年慶祝的迪士尼樂園相信只在香港獨有,大家要好好把握機會,相約家人到樂園與心愛的迪士尼卡通拜年和合照啊! DISNEY CNY 2014MERCHANDISE LET’S CELEBRATE 米奇、米妮和DUFFY都在馬年換上新裝,樂園亦特別依照它們的造型設計了喜慶的頭飾,讓大家與它們一起迎春接福。 9"米奇紫色新年套裝公仔 $168 9"DUFFY唐裝公仔 $188 9"米妮粉紅色新年套裝公仔 $168 米妮新春蝴蝶結頭飾 $108 米奇、DUFFY唐裝帽子$128 NEW YEAR’S GIFTS 除了為自己裝身,家裡亦需要一些紅噹噹的擺設,今次推出self storage糖果及餅乾禮盒設計別緻,與親友分享之餘亦為家中增添一點喜慶。 一套8個米奇&米妮利是封 $25 一套8個米奇家族長版利是封 $30 DUFFY如意吉祥掛牆揮春 $38 迪士尼新春幻變撲克牌 $78 迪士尼新春刺繡糖果盒 $128 迪士尼揮春糖果盒 $45 GADGETS ACCESSORIES 新年來為手機換個搶眼的保護殼吧!當中米奇和DUFFY的手機及iPAD MINI殼更有凹凸壓紋,令卡通人物栩栩如生。其他一系列的手機掛飾和襟針都加入了各種節日元素,例如揮春和福字等,金光閃閃,與親友分享就最好不過。 米奇、DUFFY SAMSUNG GALAXY S3手機殼 $238(另有iPAD MINI版本,各$368) 馬年進步襟針 各$108 迪士尼紅色手機套 $128 2014馬年福到襟針 $158 米奇家族新春電話繩(一套5款)$195 *香港迪士尼樂園「福氣無限」主題由1月23日至2月16日,而由大年初一(1月31日)起,入場的朋友都可獲贈內有朱古力金幣的賀年利是一封,數量有限,送完即止。 text:H31D1 photo:KIMIO、PONG design:LEX迷利倉
- Jan 16 Thu 2014 17:38
Addressing the right issues
As widely expected, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying’s second Policy Address was dominated by livelihood issues that concern Hong Kong society most, including poverty relief and measures to help young people and home buyers.迷你倉 Judging by the priorities placed on his policy agenda, one can easily tell that the Leung administration is doing its utmost to help the needy, vitalize the economy and improve people’s livelihood. Leung’s governing team has progressively fulfilled the pledges in his election Manifesto and his first Policy Address, “seeking change while maintaining stability” and adopting a proactive and pragmatic approach in tackling a vexing array of problems. Another noteworthy point is that, instead of simply giving out handouts to win more applause, Leung attached great importance to concrete and visionary planning to revitalize the economy, so that more people can benefit from it. Among a raft of measures for the disadvantaged, one of the bright spots is introducing a Low-Income Working Fammini storagely Allowance. It is estimated that more than 200,000 low-income families with 710,000 members, including 180,000 eligible children and youngsters, will benefit from this scheme, which involves an annual expenditure of approximately HK$3 billion. Another encouraging proposal is a significant increase of public housing supply. A limited supply of public housing has plagued the city for a long time. The CE set the bar high this time — to provide a total of 470 000 units in the coming 10 years, with public housing accounting for 60 percent. These poverty-relief measures show that the SAR government is people-centered, and the Hong Kong society as a whole is a caring community. It’s worth mentioning that the Low-Income Working Family Allowance is devised to encourage self-reliance and reward those who work hard. While indiscriminate cash handouts are unsustainable, leaving the unprivileged to the mercy of brutal market forces is cold-hearted. Leung’s Policy Address struck the right balance between the two. 儲存
- Jan 16 Thu 2014 17:26