美國科技大展「消費性電子展」(CES)最近在賭城拉斯維加斯登場,儲存倉參展廠商超過3200家,今年穿戴式科技頗受矚目。像三星推出「智慧手表」,必須搭配智慧手機或平板電腦,在國內也引起漣漪。「目前最夯的還是平板電腦。」順發3C量販商品部經理王威鈞說,平板電腦銷售數量年年呈倍數成長,尤其逢年過節,平板電腦成為最時尚、流行的禮物,隨功能性不同,價位可從兩千到兩萬多元。平板電腦的應用廣,可播放幻燈片、影片,展示商品,也能導覽、當電子書,更是孩子的遊戲機。「送給小孩可以玩遊戲,送年長者可以教他上網、開拓視野。」順發3C平板電腦專員張皓鈞說,在決定採購平板電腦時,首要考量還是「功能性」。康全電腦資訊公司老闆康珀瑞表示,購買平板電迷你倉最平要檢視現有3C產品是否功能重疊,平板電腦比較適合當個人的第二台隨身攜帶裝置,用來搭配家中的桌上型PC、或是搭配功能比較簡單的一般手機。三星去年就推出穿戴式手表,可連接平板電腦或手機,符合新新人類耍酷的噱頭。結合手表和上網功能,還有三星的Tab3 7.0版主題旅遊暢行,可免費下載多款導航玩樂APP,而SONY Xperia Tablet Z 平板除輕薄之外,更強調防水,華碩的T100二合一變形平板筆電,強調筆電與平板二合一,兼具行動商務和影音娛樂功能,可拆分離式鍵盤,電池續航力可達11小時。康珀瑞說,不同的平板電腦作業系統,除了操作界面與使用經驗的不同之外,消費者需要考量的應該還是應用程式多寡、相容性與升級擴充能力。迷你倉

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epaper.ynet.com/html/2014-01/12/content_35447.htm?div=-1...本報訊(記者 王薇)昨天,網絡、手機、電話率先開始預售除夕當天的火車票。短途和高鐵車票成為最搶手的車票,由於初一才能到家,...迷你倉出租

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如今,24小時迷你倉「土豪」一詞捲土重來,原來這與網絡遊戲有關。據說在網絡遊戲的玩家中,有一種渴望「成功」卻沒有頭腦的人。他們為了在遊戲中炫耀並取得勝利,唯一的辦法就是大把大把地花錢購買遊戲裝備。圈內給這種人起了兩個名字,一個是「RMB(人民幣)戰士」,另一個是「土豪」(簡稱「壕」)。前者道出了他們揮金如土的做派,後者揭露了他們呆頭笨腦的本質。由此可見,是網絡遊戲的玩家給「土豪」賦予新的含義。內地網民喜歡造新詞,用新詞,時下年輕人交流,便愛用所謂「網絡成語」。舉幾個例吧,「不明覺厲」(雖然不明白在說什麼,但好像很厲害的樣子),「細思恐極」(仔細想想,覺得恐怖至極)。「喜大普奔」(喜聞樂見、大快人心、普天同慶、奔走相告),「人艱不拆」(人生已經如此的艱難,有些事情就不要拆穿)。對這類所謂「成語」,你可能嗤之以鼻,不予理睬。但互聯網的「侵略性」卻遠遠不止於此。和商界的朋友交流就會知道,越來越多的行業正受到互聯網的衝擊,正被互聯網重新解構,發生令人瞠目結舌的變化。譬如,傳統零售業受到淘寶和京東的衝擊,像蘇寧這樣的家電零售正努力重塑自己的互聯網基因。微信僅用了三年時間,就讓中國電信、中國移動、中國聯通的短信收入受到很大影響。報紙和雜誌的讀者,現在手裡拿的多是智能手機、平板電腦,報紙和雜誌正快速地被微博、微信以及各種新聞客戶端所取代。更可怕迷你倉旺角是,原先強大的電視台不得不面臨這樣的局面:越來越多的年輕人選擇用手機、平板電腦來看電視新聞、電影和電視劇,只留下大批老年觀眾每天準時打開電視機收看節目。互聯網經濟何以如此厲害?因為它講究用戶體驗至上。互聯網時代是一個消滅信息不對稱的時代,是一個信息透明的時代。沒有互聯網的時候,商家跟消費者之間的交易,以信息不對稱為基礎。通俗地講,就是「買的不如賣的精」。各種營銷理論都是建立在信息不對稱的基礎上,商家的目的只有一個:盡可能把東西賣給顧客。自從有了互聯網,遊戲規則變了:消費者鼠標一點就可以比較商品價格,消費者之間也可以方便地在網上討論,隨�消費者掌握的信息越來越多,他們會變得越來越精明,變得越來越具有話語權。過去基於信息不對稱的營銷,例如大規模的廣告投放等,其效果會越來越小。如今只要你的產品或服務做得好,好得超出用戶的預期,即使一分錢廣告不投,他們也會願意在網上去分享,免費為你創造口碑。在過去,廠商把產品銷售給顧客,拿到了錢,就希望用戶最好不要再來找自己。然而,到了今天這個用戶體驗的時代,產品遞送到用戶手裡,用戶才剛剛開始跟廠商打交道。互聯網越來越深入千家萬戶,央視《新聞聯播》裡就有西藏的大媽樂滋滋網購的畫面。有分析認為,由於互聯網經濟還有「免費商業模式」和「價值鏈創新」兩大利器,它的發展將使守舊的傳統商家的路子越走越窄。mini storage

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More second- and third-tier cities are serviced by budget airlines because of increasing demandTheir names may not be as instantly recognisable or hold as much cachet as Beijing or Shanghai, but if budget carriers have their way, smaller Chinese cities will become more popular with Singaporean travellers.存倉Low-cost carriers Scoot and Tigerair launched five new routes to such destinations in China between them last year. Scoot now flies to Qingdao, Shenyang and Nanjing, while Tigerair picked the old town of Lijiang and the seaport city of Ningbo to service.Jetstar Asia has also added more flights to Chinese cities that do not immediately top most travellers' wishlists: Hangzhou and Shantou."We'll fly wherever there is sufficient demand for our services and business to be had, and we feel that China's second- and third-tier cities have huge potential," says Scoot's chief executive, Mr Campbell Wilson.In adding Shenyang, Qingdao and Nanjing to its network, Scoot says it took into account the fact that all three are "within the sweet spot" - that is, within five to nine hours flight time from Singapore.Mr Ho Yuen Sang, chief operating officer of Tigerair, says many Singaporeans have already explored the traditional tourist destinations in China and are "hungry for new destinations within familiar grounds".Tigerair started the Lijiang and Ningbo routes, believing that they would prove popular because of both places' charms, and launchpads to explore the surrounding cities.The sheer increase in the volume of travellers from Singapore headed to China - as well as those from China coming here - is another reason airlines have been adding more destinations in China to their networks.Mr Ho says that Tigerair has seen a year-on-year increase of nearly 100 per cent in bookings on its routes to and from China, since the budget carrier began flying to China from Singapore.Its first flights to China were to Guangzhou, Haikou and Shenzhen in 2006, routes that now cost about $144 one way. Its flights to Lijiang and Ningbo start from $211 one way.In general, fares to second- or third-tier Chinese cities on low-cost carriers start from about $200 one way.Scoot's Mr Wilson says the new routes were also launched with an eye towards connecting Chinese tourists to the rest of Scoot's network in the Asia-Pacific region.A Chan Brothers Travel spokesman says the agency has seen a 15 to 20 per cent increase in travellers heading to the five new cities now linked to Singapore by direct air routes."While silver travellers constitute 60 per cent of our customers to these destinations, we have increasingly seen younger travellers and PMEBs too," says the spokesman, referring to professionals, managers, executives and businessmen.Ms Alicia Seah, director of marketing communications of Dynasty Travel, says direct access to these destinations will appeal to travellers who have shorter periods of time to travel. "These cities have a variety of tourist attractions and some, like Ningbo, have well-developed transport infrastructure and offer easy access to other major cities," she says.She adds that companies are also organising more incentive trips to these destinations, as they are unusual and not so far away that they have to take many days off.Research engineer Terence Ng booked a flight to Lijiang on a whim on the first day that Tigerair launched its flights, despite not knowing where in China it was or what to do there."My friends and I didn't want to go somewhere too far away as we had only 10 days of leave. I didn't know anything about Lijiang when I booked the flight. But after some research, we went and had a great time exploring the old town and travelling further north as well," he says.The 29-year-old bachelor and his two friends explored the temples of Shangri-La, as well as the glaciers of Meili Snow Mountain National Park, over 10 days last month. He spent about $400 on his flight there."If you enjoy nature, I would definitely recommend it," he says.jennanid@sph.com.sgLIJIANGThe 800-year-old Lijiang, located in Yunnan province, is said to have China's best-preserved ancient town. The Old Town of Lijiang, its city centre during the Warring States period (475BC-221BC), is today a Unesco World Heritage Sit儲存.In addition to the Old Town, travellers should also check out Mu Palace, where Lijiang's ruling family once lived; Jade Spring Park, which has temples, pavilions and a pond of clear spring water; and Yu Feng Temple, a monastery at the foot of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. All are ancient icons of the city.Nature buffs will want to head out of the city though, to see the 5,500m-high Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and hike up the Dry Sea Meadow, a highland plateau.While traditional Chinese, Western and French cuisine are available in the city, try the cuisine of the Naxi ethnic group native to Lijiang - it includes flat wheatbreads, fried yak meat and fried white cheese.Tigerair flies to Lijiang three times every fortnight, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.NANJINGNanjing, the capital of Jiangsu province, will play host to the Youth Olympic Games in August.A mix of both natural and urban landscapes, old and new, it has crumbling ruins, high-end shopping complexes and breathtaking views.Urbanites can head to Xinjiekou for brand-name stores and international restaurants, while those seeking relaxation can head to the banks of the Xuanwu Lake for a view of the nearby Purple Mountain.Also visit the Confucius Temple on the banks of the Qinhuai River, a shrine to the philosopher.Nanjing was also the capital of the Nationalist government of China between 1927 and 1937, and from 1946 to 1949. It is the burial place of the Republic of China's first president Sun Yat Sen.Scoot flies to Nanjing four times a week, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.SHENYANGShenyang is the capital of the Liaoning province and is the largest city in north-east China.Visit the Shenyang Imperial Palace (open daily from 9am to 4.30pm, admission: 60 yuan or S$12.50, .sypm.org.cn), also called Mukden Palace, where the first three Qing emperors lived from 1625 to 1644.Sports buffs may want to visit the Shenyang Olympic Sports Center Stadium (open when a game is on), where football matches were played during the 2008 Summer Olympics.Outdoor types can also travel 20 minutes out of the city to the Qipan Mountain, where there is swimming, fishing and boating on the Xiuhu Lake.Scoot flies to Shenyang from Qingdao four times a week, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.QINGDAOThe coastal city of Qingdao, located in the province of Shandong, was called Tsingtao by its German colonisers who were there from 1898 to 1914. It is famous worldwide for its eponymous beer, first produced in the city by German settlers in the early 1900s. Visit the Tsingtao Beer Museum (open daily from 8.30am to 4.30pm, admission: 50 yuan, .tsingtaomuseum.com).The city has buildings built in early German styles, such as the Guest House, a Gothic classic building built in 1905 that was the residence of a German governor. German cuisine, such as roast pork elbow, is served at the restaurant inside (open daily from 8.30am to 5.30pm, admission: 15 yuan).The Qingdao Zhongshan Park is considered one of China's prettiest parks with cherry blossom, crabapple and magnolia trees. The park, which is surrounded by mountains, also has a zoo, a Buddhist temple and a botanical garden.Scoot flies to Qingdao four times a week, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.NINGBOThe seaport city of Ningbo, located in the north-east of Zhejiang province, has a strong transport infrastructure, giving travellers easy access via high-speed train to other cities around it, including Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing.It has a number of tourist attractions, such as the Tianyi Pavilion Museum (open from 8am to 5.30pm daily, admission: 20 yuan, .tianyige.com.cn). Built in 1516, it is believed to be the oldest surviving library in China and houses handwritten Confucian classics.Families with children may also enjoy the HarborLand Theme park, known in Mandarin as Feng Huang Shan Hai Gang Le Yuan (Phoenix Mountain Habour Theme Park), with roller coasters, bungee jumps and carnival games (opening hours vary, admission: 160 yuan for adults and 80 yuan for children, .harborland.com.cn).South Putuo Temple, built in the Tang Dynasty (AD618 to AD907), is a famous sacred Buddhist spot.Tigerair flies to Ningbo three times every fortnight, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.迷你倉

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【《蘋果》記者曼谷直擊】泰國反政府示威者明天(周一)「癱瘓曼谷」的行動如箭在弦,自存倉市內看似平靜但其實外弛內張,有在曼谷做生意的港人形容擔心明天「會打仗」,憂心之下「逃離」曼谷到清邁暫避,已身在曼谷的遊客也準備提前撤往芭堤雅等其他旅遊區。軍方由郊區調動坦克到市內,表面是為昨天的兒童節活動「助威」,外間卻盛傳是軍方為可能介入先做部署。港人一年四季都愛到泰國旅遊,但面對即將到來的「封鎖」行動,記者所乘搭的航機上乘客疏落,有空姐表示鑑於近日曼谷局勢緊張,國泰已削減不少班次,即使如此,這班航機仍僅坐了七成乘客,機尾數排座位空無一人,有人可以「打橫�」三個座位。空姐也說擔心市區混亂,打算逗留酒店內不敢外出。也有人並不擔心,機上有香港遊客則指曼谷已不止一次有示威集會,會如常去遊覽購物。客機後排空無一人曼谷市面氣氛不覺沉重,位於Si迷你倉出租m區的大型購物商場Siam Paragon人頭湧湧,但真的「一如平常」嗎?的士司機薩姆說,近日見到的遊客數目明顯減少,聽說大多都轉到芭堤雅等地區避開混亂,他對明天可能出現的大混亂深感不安,又抱怨示威行動大大影響民生,「一時說巴士可以駛過,一時又說的士、篤篤不行,我們怎開工?」在曼谷做生意的港人Bird擔心明天「會打仗」,早已逃離曼谷到清邁,遠觀局勢發展。每年1月都會到曼谷旅遊兼還神的澳門遊客Ivan出發前已得知佔領曼谷行動,無奈行程早於半年前定下,不想損失金錢只好如期出發,但決定明早趕在集會前包車前往芭堤雅,既避開集會人潮也避開交通大擠塞。街上未見持槍軍警把守,不過市內軍方設施為昨日兒童節排出多輛坦克,讓民眾參觀,外傳軍方以兒童節及周六(18日)的軍方巡遊為理由,連日來從市郊調動坦克軍車到市區,為隨時介入示威做準備。迷你倉

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11日凌晨雲南香格里拉獨克宗古城大火,迷你倉出租至昨傍晚5點多撲滅,延燒10數小時。初步證實無人傷亡,非人為縱火,242幢房屋、335戶人家受災,唐卡、文物及古建築付諸一炬,相當可惜。《新華社》引述調查指出,火災起火點位於古城中下段如意客棧,初步排除人為縱火,具體原因正調查。獨克宗古城是大陸保存最好、最大的藏民居群,為茶馬古道樞紐,1300多年歷史,曾是川藏滇經貿紐帶。近年隨著旅遊業發展,香格里拉縣加大對獨克宗古城的保護和修繕,重現古城風采。「獨克宗」始建迷你倉唐代儀鳳、調露年間(西元676-679年),土蕃在大龜山頂設寨堡,「獨克宗」為藏語發音,包含兩層意思,一為「建在石頭上的城堡」,另為「月光城」。2001年,古城被批准為雲南省歷史文化名城。火災點位於不少「驢友」(旅友,背包客)熟悉所在地,災後不少客棧發出救助消息,如「即日起,香格里拉自由生活驛站無償為獨克宗古城蒙受火災之痛的朋友們,提供住宿及安置點。」讓驢友感受一絲溫情。據知,古城火災消息傳出後,大陸國家文物局啟動文物災情應急機制,詳細損失還在統計。mini storage

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中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告廣西偉�物流有限公司的保險兼業代理業務許可證遺失,儲存倉許可證編號:450600751202586000,特聲明作廢。保險兼業代理業務許可證遺失作廢公告中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於頒發保險許可證的公告2014第1號下列機構經批准,頒發保險許可證,現予以公告。北部灣財產保險股份有限公司梧州分公司許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證編號:0060354 機構編碼:000173450400 業務範圍:財產損失保險、責任保險、信用保險和保證保險,短期健康保險和意外傷害保險,以及上述業務的再保險業務。經營區域:廣西住所:廣西梧州市西堤三路19號國龍財富中心26樓郵政編碼:543002負責人:黃柱言 聯繫電話:0774-3989221 批准成立的日期:2013年12月10日發證日期:2013年12月10日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於頒發保險許可證的公告2014第2號下列機構經批准,頒發保險許可證,現予以公告。北部灣財產保險股份有限公司桂林分公司許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證編號:0060362 機構編碼:000173450300 業務範圍:財產損失保險、責任保險、信用保險和保證保險,短期健康保險和意外傷害保險。經營區域:廣西住所:廣西桂林市灕江路28號中軟現代城4區12樓郵政編碼:541004負責人:倪軍 聯繫電話:0776-2675888 批准成立的日期:2013年12月16日發證日期:2013年12月17日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於頒發保險許可證的公告2014第3號下列機構經批准,頒發保險許可證,現予以公告。北部灣財產保險股份有限公司百色分公司許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證編號:0060253 機構編碼:000173451000 業務範圍:財產損失保險、責任保險、信用保險和保證保險,短期健康保險和意外傷害保險,以及上述業務的再保險業務。經營區域:廣西住所:廣西百色市中山二路19號市委黨校科技樓三樓郵政編碼:533000負責人:黃華平 聯繫電話:0776-2222188 批准成立的日期:2013年10月16日發證日期:2013年10月17日2014年第4號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國人壽保險股份有限公司桂平支公司石咀鎮營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060267 許可證機構編碼:000005450811012 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:廣西桂平市石咀鎮石咀中街,搬遷至廣西桂平市石咀鎮南街(劉樹謙宅)一、二樓負責人:朱超華聯繫電話:0775-3389692 成立日期:2003年6月30日換證日期:2013年10月28日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第5號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國人壽保險股份有限公司荔浦支公司馬嶺鎮營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060268 許可證機構編碼:000005450331005 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:廣西桂林市荔浦縣馬嶺鎮荔桂街,搬遷至廣西荔浦縣馬嶺鎮荔桂街壙坳(韋健、吳石玉宅)一樓負責人:李巧霞聯繫電話:0773-7219131 成立日期:2003年4月22日換證日期:2013年10月28日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第6號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國人壽保險股份有限公司來賓支公司寺山鎮營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060312 許可證機構編碼:000005451302005 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:來賓市寺山鄉東街155號,搬遷至廣西來賓市興賓區寺山鄉寺山東街13號1至2樓負責人:何曼榕聯繫電話:0772-4273118 成立日期:2006年12月8日換證日期:2013年11月7日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第7號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國人壽保險股份有限公司鐘山支公司望高鎮營銷服務部變更為中國人壽保險股份有限公司鐘山支公司兩安鄉營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060378 許可證機構編碼:000005451122001 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:廣西賀州市平桂區望高鎮新區C7,搬遷至廣西鐘山縣兩安鄉兩安街南側(羅勝榮宅1樓)負責人:翟周萍 聯繫電話:0774-8982451 成立日期:2003年6月30日換證日期:2013年12月23日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第8號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國人壽保險股份有限公司江南支公司吳圩鎮營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060296 許可證機構編碼:000005450109001 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:廣西南寧市江南區吳圩鎮博濟街28號吳圩鎮文化廣播電視站綜合大樓,搬遷至廣西南寧市國家經濟開發區吳圩鎮友誼公路吳圩段289號2樓 負責人:林華 聯繫電話:0771-4721741 成立日期:2003年6月30日換證日期:2013年11月6日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第9號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公迷你倉最平中國人壽保險股份有限公司全州支公司才灣鎮營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060330 許可證機構編碼:000005450324006 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:廣西全州縣才灣鎮天湖街74號(馬祖龍宅),搬遷至廣西全州縣才灣鎮才灣村委拉背村(唐余林宅第一層)負責人:蔡偉 聯繫電話:0773-4818803 成立日期:2006年12月8日換證日期:2013年11月21日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第11號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國人壽保險股份有限公司大化支公司岩灘鎮營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060625 許可證機構編碼:000005451229003 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:河池市大化縣岩灘國土資源局大樓一樓,搬遷至廣西大化縣岩灘鎮左岸95號四樓負責人:韋來亨 聯繫電話:0778-5813239 成立日期:2007年11月13日換證日期:2013年10月28日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第12號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國人壽保險股份有限公司靈川支公司定江鎮營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060291 許可證機構編碼:000005450323001 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:廣西桂林市八里街開發區新桂苑小區A#A197房屋,搬遷至廣西桂林市八里街緯四路玉柴 博望園第2209號負責人:陽翠忠 聯繫電話:0773-6811916 成立日期:2003年6月30日換證日期:2013年11月6日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第13號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國人壽保險股份有限公司柳州分公司龍城路營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060294 許可證機構編碼:000005450200003 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:廣西柳州市駕鶴路93號江南新天地一層,搬遷至廣西柳州市駕鶴路95號江南新天地3-1室前半部分負責人:馬鳳紅聯繫電話:0772-2822475 成立日期:2003年6月30日換證日期:2013年11月6日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第10號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國太平洋人壽保險股份有限公司百色中心支公司田東營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證編號:0060396 許可證機構編碼:000015451022001 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司核保,營銷服務部可以打印保單;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。經營區域:田東縣住所:由廣西田東縣慶平路46號遷至廣西田東縣廣場路北段城市春天26幢2號2-3層郵政編碼:531500負責人:韋東海 聯繫電話:0776-2623209 批准成立日期:2008年2月1日發證日期:2013年12月25 中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第14號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國人壽保險股份有限公司桂平支公司羅秀鎮營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060266 許可證機構編碼:000005450881005 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:廣西桂平市羅秀鎮土地管理所前樓一樓,搬遷至廣西桂平市羅秀鄉羅秀圩檸檬橋頭(鄧邵梧宅)一樓負責人:梁祖森聯繫電話:0775-3389692 成立日期:2003年6月30日換證日期:2013年10月28日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第15號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國人壽保險股份有限公司百色分公司陽圩鎮營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060293 許可證機構編碼:000005451000002 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:廣西百色市陽圩鎮人民政府旁,搬遷至廣西百色市中山二路7號4幢4樓負責人:沈惠晶聯繫電話:0776-2824007 成立日期:2003年6月30日換證日期:2013年11月06日中國保險監督管理委員會廣西監管局 關於換發保險許可證的公告2014年第16號下列機構經批准,換發保險許可證,現予以公告中國人壽保險股份有限公司全州支公司文橋鎮營銷服務部許可證類型:經營保險業務許可證許可證流水號:0060269 許可證機構編碼:000005450324005 業務範圍:對營銷員開展培訓及日常管理;收取營銷員代收的保險費、投保單等單證;分發保險公司簽發的保險單、保險收據等相關單證;接受客戶的咨詢、投訴;經公司授權,營銷服務部從事部分險種的查勘理賠。住所:廣西全州縣文橋鎮升鄉市場(鄭成西宅),搬遷至廣西全州縣文橋鎮文橋村委升鄉市場(文賢成宅)負責人:蔣世英聯繫電話:0773-4819872 成立日期:2004年12月20日換證日期:2013年10月28日迷你倉

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Source: The Blade, Toledo, OhioJan.self storage 11--It's sad when a place of worship burns, regardless of what started the fire. Yes, it's just a building, and the people in the congregation are the actual church, but the building is a sacred place, and its people have a tragic loss.Church leaders try to be practical and rational as they start the congregation's recovery, contacting the institution's insurers, discussing where to hold services, figuring out what work the congregation can continue while it seeks new quarters. But they, along with the other members of the church, also have spiritual reactions. A house of worship pulls at the heart.How could this happen to a place of God, a believer might ask. Remember, though it might be dedicated to a higher power, the building was constructed by people, and prayer often isn't enough to hold things together. The "act of God" is a legal and insurance term, not so much a religious one; it says that weather or other mostly natural conditions caused damage. A congregation might feel singled out, in a way, because of the destruction, but in the recent cold weather other churches suffered water damage from burst pipes, and people in their homes experience many of the same catastrophes, so there are partners in misery as well as helpers for recovery, and compassion is abundant.Richard's Temple of Deliverance Church of God in Christ at 2013 Lawrence Ave., St. Mark Baptist Church at 1419 N. Detroit Ave., and the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo at 25877 Scheider Rd., Perrysburg, all burned. St. Mark's caught fire Jan. 3, on a cold day. Smoke from the steeple was seen Jan. 4 at Richard's Temple. On Sept. 30, 2012, a man intentionally set a fire at the Islamic Center; he is in prison now. The causes of the fires in the two Christian churches are being investigated.Whether the fires happened from "benign neglect" (when needed maintenance of a building is set aside or postponed, possibly because of expenses or other plans) or demands on an old furnace or boiler; or a careless intruder made use of a building that is idle and empty for parts of the week; or someone ha迷你倉 a grudge against religion and committed arson, the congregations now have to change their church ways. The Islamic Center finally moved back in and held a celebratory banquet Dec. 15--and that was delayed a day because of weather. St. Mark met at the University of Toledo's Driscoll Alumni Center Sunday and did its best to have its regular worship as an indicator that its church work continues. The pastor of Richard's Temple, Charles Evans, did not return a call asking for comment.A church is a community center that is oriented in spirit, regardless of the religion practiced inside its doors. What can a community do to help? The Islamic Center's school met at Owens Community College's Arrowhead campus until it could get back into the building. St. Mark might continue to have worship at the University of Toledo Driscoll Alumni Center while it figures out next steps; a sign in the lot next door to St. Mark announced plans for a new church building, but Pastor I.J. Johnson said the sign was a type of envisioning for the church to continue after his copastor, his son the Rev. Curly Johnson, would become senior pastor. Title to the lot was not clear, he said.Flames are important to many faiths, and central to religious practice. A person might light a votive candle while praying. Or burning incense is part of a ceremony. There's the "burning bowl" practice some hold with a new year in which congregants might write down regrets of the past year or hopes for the next and burn them in a ritual. And scriptures of many religions contain stories in which fire is tied to faith. Fire is part of life, one of the four classic elements along with earth, air, and water. Fire is both dangerous and comforting, and humans' command of it always carries risk.May the churches soon have their own sanctuaries and, like the Islamic Center, make a very good use of fire: preparing a meal of celebration for being home again.Contact TK Barger @ , 419-724-6278 or on Twitter .Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) Visit The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) at .toledoblade.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉將軍澳

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Source: The Miami HeraldJan.儲存倉 10--Scores of Miami-Dade students were late to school Friday -- and some briefly stranded at their bus stops -- when hundreds of bus drivers declined to show up for work in an apparent protest over wages and benefits.It's not immediately clear how many students weren't picked up at their bus stops, or which schools were affected. But a number of confused parents received calls from their children about no-show buses, and were told in some cases they may have to pick up their children in the afternoon."We had some slowdowns this morning because there was a larger than normal number of bus drivers who were absent today," said district spokesman John Schuster.Schuster said 242 out of about 1,300 bus drivers -- about one in six -- failed to show up to work, causing problems at roughly 80 schools. He said schools served by the central, west and southwest transportation centers were primarily affected by what appeared to be a strike over a breakdown in union negotiations and increase in benefits costs that kicked in Jan. 1."Some of the employees are saying people should work, others are saying they should not," Schuster said. "What we do know is that in this state, striking for them would be illegal. We have people who have called in sick and are not sick, who are actually demonstrating near the bus depots. So that's not what we would quantify as a sick day."Mia Lopez, the mother of a 12-year-old sixth grader, said her daughter's bus never came to her bus stop in Kendall at 163rd Avenue and 96th Street. She said her daughter called her at 8:15 a.m., a half hour after the bus is scheduled to come, and told her a parent was carpooling stranded kids to Herbert A. Ammons Middle School, a magnet school.Lopez, who had already caught the Metrorail to her downtown job, said she told her daughter to go with the parent, even though she didn't know the person."I had absolutely no other choice. If not, she would have had to go back home and stay for the day," Lopez said.Lopez said she called the school, and an office receptionist told her to watch the news for information and gave her a phone number for a bus depot. She said she called the depot, and a receptionist told h迷你倉最平r no bus drivers had shown up to work.At Ponce de Leon Middle in Coral Gables, parents say they were told as much as half the school was late because of the problem and that parents might have to pick up students who rely on buses to get home in the afternoons. One teacher reported a similar situation at TERRA Senior High.Schuster couldn't immediately say whether any schools had experienced major absences or tardiness due to the issue, though he initially said the issue was not a major problem.Sherman Henry, the head of the local AFSCME chapter representing Miami-Dade school bus drivers, said the large number of absences is due to hard feelings over paychecks that were direct deposited Thursday and received as hard copies on Friday. He said AFSCME is negotiating a new contract with the district, but the cost of benefits suddenly rose.Some employees, he said, actually received what essentially was a bill rather than a paycheck."Some people got negative dollars. They got an IOU," he said.Henry said the rise in healthcare costs appeared to be a negotiating tactic by the district. However, he said the union did not organize a protest, and the union was trying to help the district cover routes by having bus drivers who did come to work cover other stops during what otherwise would be down time. Schuster said routes serving special needs students were covered first.He also said the breakdown happened because AFSCME walked out on negotiations."We've met at the table many times and the district's goal is to get back to the table and to try to lower the cost of health insurance for these employees and at the same time discuss wage increases."Florida is a right-to-work state, and public employee strikes are prohibited from striking. But Friday's wide-ranging absences were similar to a "wildcat" strike by teachers several years ago, in which many called in sick in order to protest.Friday's problems also come after a recent dispute over attempts to study outsourcing transportation services. The proposed study was ultimately rejected by the Miami-Dade School Board.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Miami Herald Visit The Miami Herald at .miamiherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: Bangkok Post, ThailandJan.迷利倉 11--The Bangkok shutdown by anti-government protesters and the absence of a functional government could shave one percentage point off Thailand's economic growth, says an academic."Economic growth this year could come in below 2%, given that the political situation continues and there is no government in place," said Prof Bhanupong Nidhiprabha, the dean of Thammasat University's economics faculty.Political problems have taken a toll on private consumption and foreign investors' confidence, both considered main drivers of economic growth.All business sectors will likely be affected by the shutdown, particularly the service sector, as tourists cancel hotel bookings and people working in the transport industry earn less income.The finance sector is also expected to take a hit, as the shutdown will cause the Stock Exchange of Thailand index to drop further, while commercial bank loans will decelerate due to rising uncertainty, said Prof Bhanupong.The economy will remain in a slowdown cycle if political developments become more violent or a military coup occurs, he said, adding that a coup would tarnish the country's democratic development due to the Army's involvement in politics.If the political situation returns to normal迷你倉and there is an elected government, then gross domestic product growth may reach about 3%.However, this depends on factors such as domestic consumption and export growth, he said.Exports are seen as the main factor stimulating economic growth this year, but this is not sustainable because they rely on trade counterparts.Although exporters can reap benefits from the weakening baht amid the economic recovery in Japan and the US, domestic political turmoil has dampened private consumption and investments, while the new government's fiscal policy is not expected to compensate for a decline in private spending immediately, said Prof BhanupongHe said it is unnecessary for the Bank of Thailand to lower its policy interest rate further as it is already at a low level and another reduction could encourage more capital outflows.The central bank's Monetary Policy Committee cut its benchmark interest rate to 2.25% from 2.5% late last November to help the lacklustre economy regain momentum.However, a rate cut at its Jan 22 meeting is possible if the political situation gets worse or turns violent.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) Visit the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) at .bangkokpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

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