稅貸季節展開,儲存花旗香港率先推出稅貸計劃,最低實際年利率為1.99厘,惟只適用於貸款額100萬元或以上的客戶;有銀行家稱,今年稅貸「第一口價」已相當便宜,不排除部分非以稅貸為主打的銀行會因利潤微薄而退出市場。花旗伍楊玉如料,明年上半年私貸利率會稍現上升壓力。(蘇文傑攝)今年銀行資金成本趨升,花旗香港環球個人銀行服務信用卡及無抵押信貸業務總監伍楊玉如指,隨�低息周期已達尾聲,料今年稅貸利率將輕微上調,但競爭下加幅self storage多。該行的1.99厘最低貸息水平與去年相同,惟貸款額5萬元以下之貸款年利率較去年高出23點子。有積極進攻私貸市場的銀行家坦言,市場上首個稅貸計劃的利率較預期便宜,料其他競爭對手亦「唔敢差好遠」,惟因利潤空間已很窄,料再下調幅度有限。銀行或上調貸息他並預計,銀行將選擇性加稅貸息,20萬元以下稅貸年利率,將稍為上調至逾3厘以「幫補」收入;由於貸款額介乎20萬至80萬元的客戶是市場主攻,故該客戶群的貸息可維持約2厘多。迷利倉

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華 音近來,儲存我國金融業一些關鍵領域的改革引人關注:央行宣佈全面放開金融機構貸款利率管制,標誌著利率市場化改革邁出重要一步;國務院常務會議決定進一步擴大信貸資產證券化試點,是落實金融支持經濟結構調整和轉型升級決策部署的具體措施,也是發展多層次資本市場的改革舉措;我國重�國債期貨交易,意味著資本市場的市場化建設進一步完善;等等。這些不僅令人感受到金融改革的明顯提速,也可以預見金融改革有望實現突破性進展。分析起來,我國金融運行總體是穩健的,但也存在資金分佈不合理等一系列矛盾和問題,與經濟結構調整和轉型升級的要求不相適應。比如,一方面商業銀行掌控著80%的金融資源,更多服務于不缺金融資源的大企業,而另一方面市場經濟中最活躍的中小企業等卻得不到金融資源。又如,盤點我國銀行業收益,利差仍是主要收入來源。在經濟增速放緩、金融脫媒深化、利率市場化提速、同業競爭加劇、銀行監管力度加大的背景下,銀行業靠“吃利差躺著掙錢”的發展盈利模式恐難以持續。如何以更加富有效率的金融市場和更加市場化的金融機構來化解當前經濟金儲存倉體系中存在的風險,如何以社會資本有序進入金融行業增加金融體系的活力,已成當務之急。抓住這個“牽一發動全身”的關鍵,以金融改革配合其他經濟領域的重要改革,提高改革的協同效應,破解影響經濟進一步發展的瓶頸問題,也已經到了非常迫切的時刻。面對經濟轉型和產業升級的新要求,只有堅持市場化導向,進一步釋放金融體系活力,才能有效分散金融風險,為實體經濟轉型和發展提供強有力的金融支持。在不久前召開的2013夏季達沃斯論壇上,國務院總理李克強再次強調了推進金融改革的堅定決心,並闡釋了金融改革的“路線圖”。推進金融體制改革,下一步關鍵還是要堅持市場化改革的基本取向,積極穩妥地推進利率、匯率的市場化,逐步推進人民幣資本項下可兌換,放寬市場准入,讓多種所有制金融機構有更多的發展空間,也使多層次的金融體系得以培育。還要看到,金融改革是一個複雜的系統工程,改革的進程要與我國的經濟實力、金融體系的成熟程度和監管能力相匹配。這需要我們拿出勇氣和智慧,不畏難,不惜力,在防範金融風險的基礎上推進金融改革,使金融改革實現質的突破。迷你倉最平

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高鐵下周二起調漲票價,mini storage「台北─左營」單程從一千四百九十元漲到一千六百卅元,高鐵董事長歐晉德昨天在立法院表示,高鐵研議推出下殺二折的「超早鳥優惠票」,北高僅三百廿五元,但不可退票,並研議站站停、直達車二類車種推出差別票價。立法院交通委員會朝野立委昨天輪番提案,要求高鐵票價在未經立法院交委會審議通過之前,不得調漲,否則拒審交通部明年度預算。「漲價是痛苦的決定。」歐晉德說,高鐵已擴大早鳥優惠班次,為了提高座位利用率,已評估超早鳥優惠票,旅客儲存前二至三個月購票,就可享二折優惠,但限制不得退票。歐晉德說,目前卡在「鐵路運送規則」規定購票皆可退,超早鳥票退不了;高鐵局回應,支持販售超早鳥票,若市場需求高,傾向修改規則擬定不得退票。高鐵目前暫無時間表。立委葉宜津說,站站停、直達車應推不同票價;葉宜津說,二年後新增苗栗、雲林、彰化三站,北高兩種車班差距擴增到五十四分鐘,對嘉南等地旅客尤其不合理。歐晉德認同兩種車班票價應區隔,類似機制國外行之有年,未來新增三站時,一併檢討推行差別票價。儲存倉

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  • Oct 03 Thu 2013 11:40
  • 臺灣

國內政治風暴如滾雪球般持續擴大,mini storage在民進黨可能提出倒閣的敏感時刻,立委盧秀燕昨天再度勸進彭淮南接下閣揆重擔,強調若彭淮南點頭,會有更多的立委加入倒閣行列。央行為國營事業繳庫冠軍,每年為國庫進帳1,800億元,占政府歲入的十分之一,堪稱國庫「金雞母」。盧秀燕認為,台灣需要一個能為國家「拚經濟」的閣揆,希望彭淮南能為國家多多進帳,成為「最會賺」的閣揆。不只盧秀燕,立委羅明才也加入遊說行列,但彭淮南始終沒鬆口,強調過去迷你倉數度在財委會表態,「目前工作是我這一輩子最後一項公職,我會信守承諾。」盧秀燕追問,「你不願意救台灣?」彭淮南回應,「目前的工作,也可略盡棉薄之力。」立委勸進彭淮南接任閣揆非頭一遭,彭淮南立場從未改變過,多次婉拒立委的提議,表示立委「過於抬愛」。彭淮南自1998年2月25日接任央行總裁,歷經兩度政黨輪替,坐鎮中央銀行逾15年半,不僅是我國任期最長的央行總裁,也是最「長壽」的政務官,這屆任期至2018年2月25日止。文件倉

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DALLAS, Oct.儲存 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- On September 27, 2013, Governor Deval Patrick signed into law Massachusetts House Bill 3662 ("H.B. 3662"), which repeals the Commonwealth's sales and use tax on computer system design services and the modification, integration, enhancement, installation, or configuration of pre-written software recently implemented by House Bill 3535 ("H.B. 3535"). H.B. 3535 became effective July 31, 2013, a mere 58 days ago. The repeal applies retroactively to July 31, 2013, with companies required to return to customers any sales tax collected for these services.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110726/DA41187LOGO)The Massachusetts Senate voted unanimously for the repeal, and the House of Representatives had only a lone dissenter. The Legislature originally passed the law by overriding the Governor's veto of H.B. 3535 by a vote of 123-33 in the House and 35-5 in the Senate. The tax on computer system design services and the modification, integration, enhancement, installation, or configuration of pre-written software was expected to raise $160 million for the Commonwealth's transportation systems and projects.About RyanRyan is an award-winning global tax services firm, with the largest indirect and property tax practices in North America and the seventh larmini storageest corporate tax practice in the United States. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, the Firm provides a comp rehensive range of state, local, federal, and international tax advisory and consulting services on a multi-jurisdictional basis, including audit defense, tax recovery, credits and incentives, tax process improvement and automation, tax appeals, tax compliance, and strategic planning. Ryan is a three-time recipient of the International Service Excellence Award from the Customer Service Institute of America (CSIA) for its commitment to world-class client service. Empowered by the dynamic myRyan work environment, which is widely recognized as the most innovative in the tax services industry, Ryan's multi-disciplinary team of more than 1,600 professionals and associates serves over 9,000 clients in 40 countries, including many of the world's most prominent Global 5000 companies. More information about Ryan can be found at .ryan.com.TECHNICAL INFORMATION CONTACT:Jeremiah T. LynchPrincipalRyan212.871.3901jeremiah.lynch@ryan.comAvailable Topic Expert(s): For information on the listed expert(s), click appropriate link.Jerry Lynchhttps://profnet.prnewswire.com/Subscriber/ExpertProfile.aspx?ei=113520Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110726/DA41187LOGORyan, LLCWeb site: .ryan.com/self storage

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Source: The Eagle, Bryan, TexasOct.儲存 02--The Brazos Valley endured its first day of the federal government shutdown on Tuesday. Some services were impacted, some weren't, but for many, it was business as usual.U.S. Rep. Bill Flores, R-Bryan, said he had only received slightly more feedback than normal and that his constituents' opinions were evenly split on the first federal shutdown in nearly two decades.The partial shutdown officially kicked off Monday at midnight. House Republicans, along with Flores, passed a budget that strips funding from the Affordable Care Act. Democrats in the Senate, along with President Barack Obama, are at odds with the House budget and have essentially refused to barter with a previously routine approval of the operation of public services.The effect of the partisan gridlock was realized Tuesday morning, when 800,000 government employees deemed non-essential were furloughed. It's unclear how many of those employees are within the Brazos Valley. Flores said he didn't know how many employees in his district were affected by the shutdown and officials with the local National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association couldn't say.Still, some of the impact is visible.The George Bush Presidential Library and Museum was closed. A notice on its website said, "Due to the Federal Government shutdown, all National Archives facilities are closed, with the exception of the Federal Records Centers and the Federal Register." Library spokesman Will King did not return requests for comment on Tuesday.The two parks operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at nearby Lake Somerville were closed Tuesday and campers have until 8 p.m. Wednesday to leave, according to lake manager Emmitt Attaway."They're going to be closed until the shutdown is over with," Attaway said.He declined to say how many of his employees were impacted, but said some Corps operations at the lake, such as security and working with water levels, would be unaffected.The Sam Houston National Forest was also shut down. Calls to the park went straight to voice mail, which announced the park amenities were closed due to the lapse in federal government funding.Notably not impacted was the air traffic control tower at Easterwood Airport. A&M University spokesman Shane Hinckley said the federal government deemed the tower essential and will continue to fund it. Flights are unaffected, he added.Employees at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are all still working, according to a system spokesman. The entity is partially federally funded. However, some federal programs and grants could be affected if the shutdown continues for weeks, he said.The Brazos Valley Council of Governments is similarly up and running. BVCOG funnels millions of federal dollars to the Brazos Valley for Section 8 housing, workforce programs, GED programs, aging programs, home-delivered meals and solid waste programs. Assistant executive director Michael Parks said the services were uninterrupted. He said that the services' availability without federal support is unclear, as that would put the agency in uncharted territory."It's b儲存倉siness as usual," Parks said. "We're working as normal."It's less clear how other social services will be impacted. Karen Garber, executive director of the Brazos Valley Community Action Agency, did not return requests for comment throughout the day Tuesday.Other services, such as Transportation Safety Administration workers, Social Security and Medicare payments, the U.S. Postal Service and active-duty military, are almost completely immune to the shutdown.Flores has received just slightly more correspondence from constituents recently than in the periods before the shutdown debate. He said, up until Monday, about 80 to 90 percent of the constituents he heard from were supportive of the Republican strategy, but that the percentage had dropped to about 50 percent since the shutdown."As you can expect, it's a mixed bag of responses," Flores said. "There are some people who are saying the House should continue what it's doing, which is fully fund the government but try to stop the damage of Obamacare, and some upset that it's shut down."He said a few of the correspondents were now out-of-work government employees."They are disappointed and want to get the government open as quickly as it can," Flores said.Pay has been stopped for Flores' 15-person staff; some are furloughed. He said some staffers are still working without pay, and that he will donate his pay to the Treasury for debt reduction every day the government is shut down.Flores said Tuesday he was at a loss on how to move forward."I'm not sure what the next move is," Flores said. "Every time we put up something reasonable, they call us 'anarchists.' The president has drawn the red line and the Senate is doing the same thing."Still, Flores reinforced that he would like to see a solution devised quickly and that every vote he has cast was to fund the government."If you look at what we've done, I've been up past midnight two out of the last three nights to have late-night votes on this," Flores. "I'd say the House GOP has a real sense of urgency to get stuff done. Since everything we've done has been rejected, we'll have to wait and see what the Senate will do."Back in Texas, government employees are displeased, said Dennis Newton, president of the Bryan-College Station chapter of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, which represents 180 members."People are frustrated we're having to go through this type of situation again," Newton said of the feedback he'd received. "We're all hopeful the shutdown is a temporary type thing. A lot of us went through it many years ago. I had to spend a few days at home. We're all hopeful that the two parties will get together and get something done."Newton said members of his association had been in frequent communication with Flores."It's really frustrating in a way ... the lack of compromise on both sides," Newton said. "It's going to be a benefit not only to the federal employees but the nation as a whole if we get that settled."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) Visit The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) at .theeagle.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平

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【香港商報訊】記 者林駿強報道:由香 港電台公共事 務組製作,儲存以真人騷形式探 討香港貧富懸殊困局的節目《窮富翁大作戰》,自09年首播以來,引起社會廣泛關注。在港府上周剛公布貧窮線後,節目第3輯將於本周六起播出,其中有飲食集團「富二代」、扶貧委員會委員黃傑龍參與節目後表示,體驗到基層員工的真實境況,將在扶貧委員會、最低工資委員會等分享自己的經驗,讓眾人了解基層苦況,訂出更切合社會的扶貧方案。 建築師廖偉芬執酒店房 《窮富翁大作戰》第3輯將於本周六(5日)播出,再有知名人士參與節目親身體驗貧窮。是次節目�重四大主題,即「房屋」、「壟斷」、「教育」及「食物」。參與者需構思「改善現狀」的方案或行動,旨在推動每人都能作出「改變」的信息。 銀行世家廖創興家族後人、建築師兼Habitu咖啡連鎖創辦人廖偉芬,在節目中要到酒店做執房工作,亦要體驗不同房屋,包括天台屋及�房的生活。本身重視建築美學的廖偉芬,坦言今次體驗感受到衝擊,因為在「意想不到的地方」,發現原來有如此多人居住,低下階層因環境所迫而需住貨櫃、�房等地方,更讓她感到唏噓不已。她說,該等住處空間有限,即使睡覺也難以伸展身體。 �福樓黃傑龍賺辛苦錢 著名飲食集團�福樓執行董事、同時任扶貧委員會及最低工資委員會委員的黃傑龍,本身信奉自由市場、汰弱留強。不過,是次節目經驗令他體驗良多,他從「老闆」變為在小食店賣魚蛋的最基層員工,需要兼顧煮食物、服務顧客、執貨等不同工作,坦言了解到基層賺的是「辛苦錢」,更感受到百物騰貴,而一天50元的花費更是捉襟見肘。 黃傑龍稱,如果小商舖不用付那mini storage高昂的租金,基層員工可以更能受惠;是次體驗令他了解社會實況,日後在扶貧委員會、最低工資委員會都會分享自己的經驗。 遵理伍經衡與女兒上陣 補習社遵理創辦人之一的伍經衡則往髮型屋打工,也要做跟車送貨工人,直言一小時30元的工資背後,要做的其實很多。他在節目期間住進屯門,了解到同住的一位基層青年希望可讀大學「脫貧」;伍經衡的16歲資優女兒伍雅愉也有參與體驗,本身於國際學校就讀的她,跟半工讀的中學生一起工作及上官校,了解對方的升學願望。伍經衡指出,讀大學不一定能脫貧,但直言這是脫貧的入場券。他稱,不少學生,尤其是新移民都最懼怕英文,今後會打算設免費班或培訓導師,幫助有需要學生。 名廚陳彥琳一嘗窮家飯 曾任職投資銀行、現時身為廚師的「愛煮食品」創辦人陳彥琳,則跟一個低收入家庭同住在板間房並同�吃飯;平日重視飲食健康、烹調方式的她,坦言感受到低下階層的小孩未必能吸收足夠的營養;她參與了社福機構的剩菜回收計劃,驚覺「香港太多人不夠食物吃,也有太多人太多食物吃」;身為人母的她,希望向低下階層提議營養餐單,在有限的資源下,盡可能為小孩提供足夠營養。 望屋唏噓 名媛建築師廖偉芬望天台屋唏噓稱,在意想不到的地方,發現原來有如此多人居住。 賺辛苦錢 �福樓執行董事黃傑龍(綠衣者)任小食店員工,坦言了解到基層賺的是「辛苦錢」。 父女打工 遵理補習社創辦人伍經衡(左圖左)做跟車送貨,女兒伍雅愉到餐廳打工(右圖),同體驗貧窮。 吃窮人餐 「愛煮食品」創辦人陳彥琳與板間房家庭一同吃飯,驚覺「香港太多人不夠食物吃」。self storage

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/遊客圍城·出城鐵路車票好買了從今日開始多方向列車車票已不再緊俏,mini storage今日成渝動車將加開臨客高速公路輕鬆了除了成雅、都汶一線仍是自駕出行的熱點,周邊各條高速公路都輕鬆了這些景區遊客少目前,西嶺雪山、四姑娘山景區的客流量僅達到接待能力的一半,酒店床位較多看天氣今明有雨自駕出游請注意根據四川省專業氣象台預計,國慶期間4日和6∼7日分別有一次弱的降水過程,其餘時段以多雲間陰天氣為主,早晚多陣性降水。值得注意的是,預計今日成綿、成灌、成南、成雅、成渝高速均可能出現小雨或陣雨天氣,請駕車出游的市民注意行車安全。成都今日陣雨 17℃∼24℃ 偏南風1到2級成都明日陰有陣雨 17℃∼23℃ 偏北風1到2級與國慶大假首日川內各處人人人車車車的景象相比,昨日,無論是公路鐵路還是自駕,都輕鬆了許多。鐵路 成渝動車車票緊俏昨日火車站的客流有所下降,共發送旅客16.5萬人。記者通過車站售票大廳查詢余票信息得知,從今日開始多方向列車車票已不再緊俏,但成渝動車車票仍炙手可熱,成渝間各車次基本售完,僅有臨客有少量余票。成灌線方面,成都至青城山上午的動車票全部賣完,午後車票剩餘較多。今日、明日、6日、7日成都東到重慶北加開D5144次,南充到成都東加開D5141次。今明兩日、6日迷你倉開成都到重慶北D5140次。今明兩日加開成都到重慶北D5138次、D5137次。5日到7日成都至青城山加開D6183次、D6185次、D6187次,青城山到成都加開D6184次、D6186次、D6188次。客運 客流回落 藍色預警解除9月30日上午10時,我市�動了中心城區國慶公路客運藍色預警,12個車站發往內江、樂山等近50條線路全線告急。“昨日午後,這些線路已全面疏解,藍色預警也隨之解除。”據市交委介紹,昨日全市運送旅客在20萬左右,較大假首日銳減三分之一。自駕 成雅、都汶一線仍熱昨日,我市周邊各條高速公路都輕鬆了許多,午後逐漸恢複正常。但通往旅遊景點最多的成雅、都汶一線仍是自駕出行的熱點。尤其是都汶高速公路實施上午進下午出的單邊放行措施,成都到汶川方向仍是車多擁擠。成雅高速交警表示,昨日成雅高速進出站車流量幾乎與長假首日持平,達到15萬輛左右。都汶高速交警盧宇介紹,1日中午12時至2日中午12時,都汶高速車流量達到8萬輛,這一流量幾乎是清明、端午等小長假的兩倍。而形成鮮明對比的是,長假首日最為擁堵的成南高速成都收費站,昨日卻顯得有些空蕩蕩。成渝、成綿等高速昨日全天都相對平穩。不過交通部門分析,明後兩日是第二波出行高峰,需要前往以上方向的自駕族,最好通過成金青、成綿複線、成簡快速路避擁。成都商報記者 劉文藻 桑田文件倉

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瘋黃色小鴨?遠傳電信宣布,self storage即日起至10月31日至遠傳╱網路及全虹門市申辦SAMSUNGGALAXY NOTE3(32G)、MEGA 6.3、及GALAXY S4(16G)等3款指定手機,搭配哈啦飆網包,手機0元起,就送價值近千元的遠傳獨家哈啦黃色小鴨行動電源,還可天天抽三星GALAXY GEAR智慧型手錶。遠傳行動通訊產品行銷處副總經理鄧愛櫻表示,SAMSUNG GALAXYNOTE 3是三星下半年度旗艦機種,5.7吋大螢幕,搭S PEN手寫功能,並提升手機操作整體流暢度,搭配遠傳哈啦飆網包,月付1,7mini storage3元,不僅網內通話免費,上網吃到飽,網外再送4,500元,手機只要6,990元,白金會員續約NOTE 3獨享再折2,000元,辦就送哈啦黃色小鴨行動電源。鄧愛櫻表示,搭配哈啦精省998,加無線飆網775,資費簽約2年,可將SAMSUNG MEGA 6.3零元帶回家。「買NOTE 3天天抽GALAXY GEAR」活動從即日起至11月15日共46天,送出46台,只限新申辦╱攜碼╱續約哈啦飆網包,並搭配SAMSUNGGALAXY NOTE 3(32G),簽約1年或2年需預繳,方符合抽GALAXY GEAR資格。迷你倉

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  智能手機大行其道,文件倉衍生出移動廣告的新商機,2007年已在本港創作移動廣告的Hotmob,屬較早期設計移動廣告的供應商,該公司行政總裁黃國明接受本報訪問時表示,港人的接受程度較高。他指出,在日本智能手機雖然相對香港較早出現,但日本人用手機上網的習慣,仍停留於用手機開網頁來看,手機App的使用度並不高。該公司成立以來,業務已增長3倍,相信未來仍有很大增長空間。手機App廣告分兩類  相對其他傳統媒體,在手機App中賣廣告無異是新選擇。黃國明指出,手機App中的廣告,基本形式分為兩類,包括全版及橫額存倉型。至於選擇哪一類型,則視乎客戶的需要。他說︰「如果想展示一些圖片,全版有較大空間,而橫額就適合表達簡單的訊息。」至於一個手機App,要多少次點擊率才吸引到有廣告商落廣告,黃國明解釋,以現時有廣告的App來說,每個月有1000萬次的點擊率,就有條件吸引品牌或公司落廣告。他舉例說,餐廳指南及食評搜尋器OpenRice的手機App,內頁包括了美國運通信用卡的圖示(icon),用戶可直接按入查看信用卡相關優惠,黃國明稱此對該卡的用戶來說,不算是廣告而是提供優惠資訊,這亦是手機廣告另一種較為軟性的表達方式。儲存

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