PORTLAND, Ore.儲存, Oct. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Rentrak , the leader in precisely measuring movies and TV everywhere, today announced the top ten digital movie purchases and rentals based on consumer transaction rate. The report includes Internet Video on Demand (iVOD) and Electronic Sell-Through (EST), for both Standard-Definition and Digital HD movie purchases and rentals.According to the company's Digital Download Essentials((R)) Industry Service, the top ten purchased and rented movies, per data collected from Sept. 9-15, 2013, include:Rentrak Top Ten Digital Movie Purchases and Rentals*:RANK TITLE STUDIO ---- ----- ------1 Star Trek: Into Darkness Paramount --- ------------------------ ------------------------------2 World War Z Paramount --- ----------- ------------------------------3 Now You See Me Lionsgate --- -------------- --------------------4 The Great Gatsby Warner --- ---------------- -----------------5 Iron Man 3 Disney --- ---------- -----------------6 Pain & Gain Paramount --- ----------- ------------------------------7 Olympus Has Fallen Sony --- ------------------ ---------------8 Epic Fox --- ---- ----------------9 Mud Lionsgate --- --- --------------------10 Insidious Sony --- --------- ---------------Source: Rentrak Digital Download Essentials((R) )Industry Service*Excludes NBC Universal and Independent Studio Content at this time.(C) Rentrak Corporation 2013 - Content in this chart is produced and/or compiled by Rentrak Corporation and its OnDemand Essentials data collection and analytical service, and is covered by provisions of the Copyright Act. The material presented herein is intende儲存倉 to be available for public use. You may reproduce the content of the chart in any format or medium without first obtaining permission, subject to the following requirements: (1) the material must be reproduced accurately; and (2) any publication or issuance of any part of the material to others must acknowledge Rentrak Corporation as the source of the material.About Digital Download Essentials((R))Rentrak's Digital Download Essentials processes daily, census-level iVOD and EST content in more than 160 countries on behalf of many major studios and television networks and is the industry's only reporting and auditing service providing content performance intelligence on purchased and rented movie and television content downloaded via the Internet. Rentrak's Digital Download Essentials Industry service also provides title-level industry intelligence regarding the Internet Video on Demand (iVOD) and Electronic Sell-Through (EST) business, for both Standard-Definition and Digital HD movie purchases and rentals. For more information, visit: https://digitaldownload.rentrak.com/About RentrakRentrak is the entertainment and marketing industries' premier provider of worldwide consumer viewership information, precisely measuring actual viewing behavior of movies and TV everywhere. Using our proprietary intelligence and technology, combined with advanced demographics, only Rentrak is the census currency for VOD and Movies. Rentrak provides the stable and robust audience measurement services that movie, television and advertising professionals across the globe have come to rely on to better deliver their business goals and more precisely target advertising across numerous platforms including box office, multiscreen television and home video. For more information on Rentrak, please visit .rentrak.com.Contact:Antoine Ibrahim(646) 722-1561aibrahim@rentrak.com(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130114/LA42144LOGO)Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130114/LA42144LOGORentrakWeb site: .rentrak.com/迷你倉最平
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 09:56
Rentrak Announces Top Ten Digital Movie Purchases And Rentals For Week Ending Sept. 15, 2013
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 09:47
巴雨:文化人的使命就是保護文化本報記者 張小葉5歲的巴雨曾對奶奶說:“我長大以後要賺好多錢,self storage把家里的房子修好。”盡管老人家覺得這是孩子的戲言,但50年過去了,巴雨還是履行了這個承諾——他為此勞碌半生,先後花去一千多萬元。巴雨幼年時家境貧困,二十多歲時下海,跟著朋友“胡亂做點生意”,曾短暫地擁有過一段家財萬貫的時光,到了五十歲上,千金散盡,仍然過著儉樸的生活:每天早起鍛煉、作畫、讀書、研究篆刻。巴雨的家人說,他這一生似乎從來沒有享樂的概念,心心念念牽掛著的,惟有這座老宅。這座宅子始建于明末清初,完工于清朝嘉靖年間,占地1300平方米,黑瓦白牆、馬頭翹角,門窗、家具均雕刻精美,是一座典型的徽派明清建築。清乾隆年間,篆刻名流、“歙中四子”巴慰祖出生在這裡,至此往後推214年,巴雨出生。他是巴慰祖第十三代嫡系後人,出生在1958年,那一年,老屋已是殘破。經過巴雨15年的傾力修繕,如今被叫作巴慰祖博物館的這座宅子,安穩矗立在安徽省歙縣漁粱村里,是全國唯一獲得聯合國科教文組織人類遺產獎提名的名人故居。巴雨說,這麼多年過去了,庇護老宅的原因,已經從對祖母的承諾,漸漸變成一種沉重的責任:“我要保護的是鄉情,是文化的根,它們是屬於人類的財產。”“找到”祖上巴慰祖漁粱村南臨新安江,江水四季澄碧,夾江兩岸群山蜿蜒。這座古村落始建于南宋,因漁梁壩得名。作為古徽州著名的水利工程,漁梁壩被稱為“江南第一都江堰”。自漁梁壩一路向北走,便來到青石板鋪就的漁梁老街,兩邊舊屋鱗次櫛比,粉牆上當年商號的字跡還隱約可見。巴慰祖故居,就顯眼地坐落在中街。漁梁村里的老人說,清末時,村中曾發生過大火,周圍房屋都是在這場火災後重建的。惟有巴家這座宅邸,因為防火牆造得特別高而幸免于難。再之後,歷經“文革”等劫難,村里完整遺留下來的古建築更是所剩無幾。因而,保留了古建築歷史原貌的巴慰祖博物館,在這個時代中顯得格外珍貴。二十年前,當巴雨帶著闖蕩多年的積攢折返故鄉後,他就開始了致力于保護、復興徽文化的事業。最初,他曾叩門拜訪過許多官員,呼籲政府撥款,但進展都不順利。後來,他索性決定自己來:“這更像是一場搶救。當時這個老宅已經處在將倒未倒的邊緣了,如果空等著他人來修復,恐怕早已湮然于塵埃中了。”事實上,比建築倒塌速度還快的,是記憶。在巴雨小時候,全家人甚至不知道祖上巴慰祖是何許人。後來,巴雨在浙江美院讀書時,才從書本上瞭解到巴慰祖在篆刻史上的地位。他回到故鄉後,遍查族譜和縣誌,終於確認了巴慰祖和自己的關係。根據汪中所著《巴予籍傳》的記載,巴慰祖“故富家,生而通敏,眉目疏秀,身纖而皙”。除書、畫、印以外,巴慰祖還能琢硯造墨,仿鑄銅器,好棋及馳馬度曲。除此以外,關於巴慰祖的公開資料並不多。巴雨在修復老宅的同時,還一次次奔波于揚州、上海的博物館,不放過任何和巴慰祖有關的史料片段,他希望通過史籍中的隻言片語,重現這個文化名人的形象。巴雨津津樂道于西泠印社副秘書長孫慰祖對自己的一番評價。多年前,孫慰祖途經歙縣,聽聞巴雨傾力修建巴慰祖博物館的事跡,特地趕來拜訪。當巴雨走出來迎接時,孫慰祖先是一怔,後來笑道:“你們這一代人里,就你長得最像你祖先,和畫像里的巴慰祖簡直一模一樣。巴家復興重任落在你的肩上,看來也是天意。”話里雖有打趣之意,但巴雨卻將它鄭重其事地銘記心中。仿佛是為了驗證這種天意,他在改造舊宅的時候,曾在池子中挖出一枚印章,後經考證是由唐代篆刻家程遜所制,印章上的“雨新閣”三個字,與巴雨的名字暗合:“這不正說明瞭,我將為這個家族帶來新氣象嗎?”孩童時的承諾巴雨出生那一年,在當地顯赫百年的巴家,正處在最為沒落的時期。解放前,家中有長輩曾在國民黨政府中任高官,受此牽連,巴家人在運動中被劃為“黑五類”。巴雨的大伯和父親雙雙下獄,大伯母受到刺激發了瘋,巴雨的母親則選擇逃離這個“苦難之地”,留下家中4個幼子,最小的尚在繈褓之中,靠巴雨的奶奶一人撫養。自記事起,家族的破敗給巴雨帶來的最直觀印象,就是老屋的陳朽。這是一座二層三進的徽派式樣的老宅,前進為客廳,中、後進為住房。由於無人養護,大梁、木梯和地板朽腐不堪,踩上去會發出危險的斷裂聲,二樓的屋頂曾被風刮掉,後來又用竹子勉強撐了起來。但從那以後,再也沒有人敢上樓。巴雨的奶奶帶著4個孩子,住在後進一間10來平方米的房間里。每逢大雨天,祖孫幾個聽著雨水從殘瓦中漏下,跌落到木盆里,雨水盛滿木盆後又滴滴答答落在閣樓上,最後向床頭滴落。奶奶用一張大塑料布遮在床的上方,對5歲的巴雨嘆氣說,看著家族一日日破敗下去卻無可奈何,就像這房子,前人蓋得起,後人修不起。年幼的巴雨向奶奶承諾說:“我長大會賺好多好多錢,把這房子修起來。”巴雨的奶奶出身于當地大戶人家,前半生一直衣食無憂,卻在六十歲上成天操心怎麼填飽幾個孫子的肚子。那些年的光景確實極為艱難,巴雨在林業局工作的二伯每個月往家里寄10元,5口人就靠這些錢過一個月。幾個孩子年紀稍長,就利用寒暑假去工地上挑沙、挖土方,這樣一天能賺8毛錢。每天清晨,巴雨都會拿著搪瓷缸去漁梁壩,在江邊撩魚蝦和菜皮。他長大以後才知道,當時新安江的上游正在造水庫,魚都順水勢游了過來,“為此我千百次地感謝新安江水庫,它讓我在童年時有無窮無盡的魚可以吃。”除了魚蝦,家里人三餐都吃醬油稀飯度日。夜裡巴雨餓得直哭時,奶奶就從廚房里找根生的白蘿蔔給他解饞。巴雨的夫人胡麗萍說,巴雨成年後最不能吃的食物,就是魚和蘿蔔,可能是因為小時候吃得太多了,現在聞到味道就反胃。惟有巴雨的爺爺僥倖躲過了這場劫難,他是當地有名的中醫,素有“巴一帖”的美名,即“一帖藥到就病除”。即使在世道最凶險的時候,爺爺也能在街坊們的保護下安然度日。“我爺爺房里有兩個老婆,我奶奶是原配,但他和二媽(二奶奶)更親密。二媽掌握著家里的財政大權,他們就住在中進,和我們隔門相望,幾個孩子只能眼巴巴地看著他們飯桌上每日魚肉不斷。”巴雨說,正因為上一代人在這段歲月中的積怨,給他日後收購老宅帶來了無窮無盡的麻煩。即使如此,奶奶也從未喊過一聲苦。她是那種舊時代過來的老人家,心地單純,唯一的想法就是把幾個孩子帶大。每天回到家,巴雨都能看到奶奶坐在屋子的一角做針線活。她把自己做小姐時的綢衣剪開,用這布料為孩子們縫衣服。巴雨的奶奶在91歲高壽時去世。去世的當天,巴雨就陪在她的身邊。那天上午,聽奶奶說想吃雞蛋糕,他跑遍縣城買了幾塊回來。老人家吃了兩口,放下雞蛋糕,說自己累了,便靠在了巴雨懷中,在沉睡中安詳去世。日後的年年歲歲,無論日子多麼艱難困窘,巴雨總會在那一天想辦法回到老家,拔掉奶奶墳頭的青草,默默地陪老人坐一會兒。結緣于老宅巴雨17歲離家念書,身無長物。20多歲從工廠辭職南下闖蕩,也不諳經商之道。他跑過運輸、打過零工,什麼行當能賺錢就去做什麼。後來,他在珠海結交了一些朋友,就跟著做些貿易生意。從那時起,他就年年寄錢回家,讓親人用這錢去修理老宅。但每年回到家卻發現,錢花光了,屋子仍殘破如初。幾十年裡,巴雨的同輩已經長大、娶妻、生子,家族的規模越來越大,但內部卻矛盾重重,甚至分崩離析。由於常年生活在同一個屋簷下,加之上一輩人的積怨,齟齬不斷。巴雨說:“我奶奶這房的親戚,和二媽那一房就從來不說話。”從那時起巴雨才開始意識到,要把老屋修起來,一定要先歸統產權。但要把這麼大一棟宅子從親戚手中一一買下,超出了他的能力。巴雨決定先把前進的銀杏木構客廳和廊廡買下來,因為這一進不住人,也最需要修繕:大廳多年沒人進去過,到處掛著重重疊疊的蜘蛛網,最奇異的是,不知哪兒飄來的種子,竟然在廳中央長成了一棵樹。1997年,在修繕完工的前廳里,巴雨第一次看到了亮亮。那年亮亮14歲,正處在叛逆期,因為父母剛離異,母親又整天忙著做生意,感覺自己“缺少關愛”的亮亮便從家里偷跑出來,不知不覺跑到了這座宅子里。他看到一個“長得很帥”的叔叔正在大廳里給幾個徒弟上篆刻課,於是也站在門邊上聽得出神。“他看見我在聽課,抬頭對我一笑,問我從哪裡來。”亮亮說,“我沒敢說自己是離家出走的,就編了個理由說,放暑假了,我出來玩兒,爸爸媽媽都知道。”亮亮就在這裡住下了。巴雨的幾個徒弟和他年齡相仿,孩子們很快交上了朋友,清晨,他們跟著巴雨一塊兒鍛煉身體,然後就開始聽他上課:繪畫、篆刻、歷史、文學……亮亮說:“他總說‘徽文化’、‘文化遺產’,即使聽�只是幾個孩子,他也說得很認真。”幾天後,當巴雨終於發現事有蹊蹺,暗中調查亮亮的來歷時,孩子的母親胡麗萍早已心急如焚,幾近崩潰。得知亮亮的行蹤後,胡麗萍沖進巴家宅邸,拉著玩得正歡的兒子就走,甚至來mini storage及和巴雨打聲招呼。但是亮亮執意要回“巴叔叔的家”,他對母親說,自己遇到了一個了不起的人,想要和他學本事。胡麗萍沒奈何,只能放他回去。但是,當亮亮沿著長長的漁梁老街跑回巴雨家時,並沒察覺自己身後跟著母親的秘書。那個年輕的秘書把高跟鞋脫下提在手上,躡手躡腳地趴在門口看亮亮去那裡幹啥:一貫調皮的孩子正架著畫板,對著一個煤爐,學靜物素描。自此以後,胡麗萍便放心讓兒子常去巴雨家走動。半年後,兒子不僅學畫小有所成,心性也變得更加沉穩善良,他為母親畫了一張仕女圖,並鄭重其事地說:“我想讓巴叔叔做我的爸爸,因為從他身上我學到了如何做一個男人。”胡麗萍和巴雨就這樣結下了緣。後來,兩人在漁梁壩上漫步時,巴雨對她細細訴說自己的生平經歷和志向,他說自己一定要把家里的老宅修復起來:“我這一生,終歸要做回一個文化人。文化人的使命,就是要保護文化。”十五載守護路在和巴雨結婚前,胡麗萍從未想過自己也會成為徽州文化的“傳人”。她在歙縣出生,很早就有志于經商。從北大畢業後,胡麗萍去了當時還是一片蘆葦地的深圳,做起了廣告策劃,做得最得意時,“賺的錢都是用麻袋計的”。但遇上巴雨後,她感覺骨髓里的文化自覺被喚醒了:“就好像是一個使命,突然降臨在我身上,我慢慢放棄了生意,把所有的精力投入到文化事業里。”1998年,巴雨夫妻二人開始著手收購老宅。那年6月,歙縣下了一場暴雨,兩人涉著齊腰深的水回家,首先叩開了巴雨一位堂叔的門,他是“二媽”的兒子,本應與巴雨勢如水火。因此,當他開門看到半身濕透的兩個人,頗為吃驚。落座後,胡麗萍叫他“叔叔”,懇切地道明瞭來意,沒料到,對方當天就爽快答應轉讓產權。巴雨所面對的現實,此時發生了諷刺性的逆轉:“二媽”家的幾個孩子,因為從小吃穿不愁,又受過良好教育,現在都出人頭地、家世頗豐,他們不在乎轉讓產權所獲之利,對巴雨的做法更是欣賞有加。相反,巴雨奶奶那一房的後人,童年時飽受困頓、缺衣少食,如今都在為生計奔波,不僅轉讓價開得高,還對巴雨的做法怨懟極多,其中最常見的數落,便是“你為什麼要去熟絡對面那一房人?”當時,這棟宅子里住了十來戶人家,總計60口人,他們一家一家地往下談。這個過程花了10年,到了最後,堅持不肯搬離的,竟是巴雨的父親。這個曾歷經飢餓、屈辱、牢獄之苦的老人,老來一直對外界抱以深重的敵意,他甚至憤怒地質問巴雨:“為什麼好好的生意不做,卻要花大錢修這破房子?”這最後一個坎,讓巴雨夫妻倆一度束手無策,但破爛不堪的老宅已經不起等待,他們只能邊談判邊維修。巴雨說,在維修的過程中,最讓他苦不堪言的環節,就是修繕防盜牆:古時的防盜牆是用砂、土、泥、瓦等建築廢料混合砌成,本意是為了防止賊鑿洞。由於幾十年來無人養護,滿是空隙的牆體里已經積滿了水,嚴重的潮氣不僅使大梁變形腐朽,還導致屋里常年霉變,新鞋在地板上放一晚,隔天就能長毛。後來,巴雨漸漸成了修老房子的行家:“現在我有經驗了。修房子前,先要疏通下水道,把潮氣排出去。”巴雨認為,“建築是歷史的載體,它最直觀地呈現了當時人們的起居住行,保護建築的最終目的是為了讓人們研究歷史”。修復後的宅子被建成了博物館,並于2000年4月正式開館,設8個展廳,陳列展品800余件,包括巴慰祖及其後人的遺物、作品和收藏等,它也是安徽省內第一家民營博物館。在數十年甚至數百年的疏離後,散居各地的諸多巴慰祖後人,也因為這座博物館開始了真正意義上的彌合。巴慰祖第十一代嫡系後裔巴烽暄,解放前隨國民黨定居台灣,在看到巴館修復的新聞後,老人馬上帶著子女一行6人,飛越海峽前來尋根。與故鄉暌違六十多年後,看到幼時生活的故宅仍然完好,巴烽暄說:“我沒有想到有朝一日還能回家。因為無數像我這樣的遊子,多年後回到故鄉,卻再也找不到家了。”返回台灣後,他即刻請連戰為“巴慰祖故居博物館”題寫了館名郵寄到巴館。一年年過去,外人的懷疑和非議,都漸漸為這些事實所消融。最終,時間也幫助巴雨夫婦逾越了最後一個坎。2008年,巴雨的父親患上癌症,夫妻倆精心照料,臨終前,老人將產權轉移給了兒子,並囑咐他善待妻子和繼子。由此,巴雨相信,父親最終和世界達成了和解。“傳人”歸來在修復老宅的過程中,亮亮也長大了。母親和巴雨結婚後,亮亮就跟隨繼父姓,改名巴浩然。他漸漸明白父母投入全部積蓄修建老房子的行為,代表著怎樣的含義:“那是一種令人肅然起敬,但很難為常人理解的舉動。”這個“常人”,也包括了他自己。“小的時候,我的家境非常好。但他們開始著手修建這座博物館之後,生活質量一日不如一日。尤其是我母親,當年跟她共同創業的幾個伙伴,如今無一不是上市公司的老闆。”亮亮說。18歲那年,在填報高考志願時,他和父母為此發生了第一次衝突,巴雨想讓他讀文物管理相關的專業,以便日後繼承這座博物館,但亮亮拒絕了。他承認,“那時候一方面對文化事業沒有多大興趣,另一方面覺得這個行當太‘賠錢’了。”亮亮大學畢業後,去了北京工作。每年例行檢修房屋時,他都會回家“搭把手”,這些年,他眼見父母的生活一年比一年簡樸:修房廢棄的木料他們捨不得扔,堆在後院用作柴火煮飯;母親常年穿著親戚送來的衣服;他們甚至在博物館門口搭了個冰櫃,靠夏天販賣冰水和冷飲補貼家用。許多人為兩人的犧牲扼腕感嘆,胡麗萍的妹妹胡明玉就是其中之一,她覺得全家最聰明的姐姐卻做了一件傻事:“我姐姐本來應該過著多好的日子啊,現在卻窘迫得連衣服都買不起。”可胡麗萍說:“你說我這一輩子做這一件事值不值?我覺得特別值。本來我也許會像當年生意場上的朋友那樣,在澳門賭場里一擲千金,或者去世界各地游樂,可我最終選擇把錢花在了保護徽州文化遺產上面。等我離開世界的那一天,不必去回想這一生過得是否值得,因為這座博物館就證明瞭我這一生過得多有意義。”她甚至反過來勸說妹妹加入保護文化遺產的行列:“錢賺得多了,就變成了數字。但你把這錢花在保護文化遺產上時,人們才會記住你、感謝你。”巴雨告訴記者,除了超過千萬元的收購和維修費用,博物館還需要每年十幾萬元的運營和維修成本,得到的有形回報加起來,僅僅是每年6萬元的旅遊分成。這種入不敷出的狀況,讓夫妻倆心力交瘁,最困難的時候,他們甚至把珠海的房產給賣了。就在他們賣房子那會兒,有個台灣商人提出以30年分期付款1500萬元的價格租下這棟宅子,條件是要將房屋內部整體打通,改造成酒店。巴雨拒絕了,他覺得“這樣做味道不對”,“我們是在漁梁壩上談的生意。拒絕了他之後,我一邊往家里走,一邊心裡想,我就不信了,巴家的子子孫孫難道就守不了這座博物館嗎?”直到此時,他才驚覺,隨著夫妻倆的年紀越來越大,身體越來越差,尋找博物館傳人已經迫在眉睫。然而亮亮身在北京,事業發展得正好,他們不忍讓他放棄一切回家。巴雨甚至考慮過,有朝一日要將這座博物館“有條件地”捐獻給國家。然而,就在今年年初,亮亮回來了。填報高考志願那一年,他對父母說:“請給我幾年時間,讓我去看看外面的世界。”在這些年裡,他在外面的世界里摸爬滾打,如今履行承諾,辭職歸來,準備繼承這份家業。亮亮說:“我見過的人與事越多,越覺得父親的教導是對的。文化強國不是一句空話,它確實太重要了,所以我決定返回家鄉來‘尋根’。”同時被說動幫忙打理這座博物館的還有胡明玉,她說自己最初是因為“太心疼姐姐和侄子”。胡明玉被家人形容為“罕見的經商奇才”,她在40歲上白手起家,幾年裡就開了好幾家公司。“文化的事情我不太懂,我所能做的,就是在不傷害博物館本身功能的情況下使它盈利。”胡明玉說,“半年來,我們考察了許多江南名鎮名村,積累了不少經驗。我們打算在博物館周邊開發會所、客棧、拍賣場等,打造一個集文化、休閒、旅遊、商業為一體的業態。”如今,隨著黃山市保護古村落的“百村千幢”工程的推進,漁梁村附近正在建設安居房,村里的景觀橋、商業街也在規劃之中,在巴雨呼籲徽州文化保護和開發近二十年來,他們終於看到了真正意義上的可喜進步。胡麗萍說:“這是一條太長太艱辛的路,我們披荊斬棘,走過了九十九道難關,然後把這座博物館交到了我妹妹和兒子的手中。他們要面對的,也許是截然不同的難關,但我相信,國家正在強盛,人們的文化自覺也在不斷覺醒,他們接手這份事業以後,一定會比我們輕鬆很多。”左圖:經過15年的傾力修繕,巴雨將搖搖欲墜的祖宅改建成了巴慰祖博物館。 除署名外均本報記者 郭一江 攝下圖:巴浩然(左)和胡明玉將成為巴慰祖博物館的新主人。 本報記者 張小葉攝巴慰祖親手刻的浮雕。乾隆皇帝賜予巴慰祖的“星燦南天”匾額。這方清代印章是巴慰祖博物館的展品之一。巴慰祖博物館後院的一棟古民居,今年被博物館收購,將改造成文化會所。迷你倉
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 09:20
【本報訊】內地十?一長假期昨踏入第二天,迷利倉本港專門接待購物團的紅磡民樂街、土瓜灣崇安街一帶店舖持續淡靜,以往擠滿內地客的朱古力店及珠寶店人頭疏落。不過,兩個主題公園未見受影響,昨遊人如鯽,內地團及個人遊旅客湧現,輪候機動遊戲約需三十至四十分鐘。有內地領隊透露,自內地實施《旅遊法》後,以往佔內地旅行社九成的「購物團」絕�,現只辦沒有購物點的「純玩團」,行程主要遊覽主題公園及維多利亞港等景點,新例對觀光團影響較少。迪士尼樂園昨遊人如鯽,未見受內地《旅遊法》影響。(朱先儒攝)內地客佔總客量五成的海洋公園,昨午門外停泊十多輛旅遊巴,入場的內地團源源不絕,園內纜車等設施需輪候約三十分鐘。近期有懷孕�象的熊貓盈盈,最為遊客歡迎,盈盈昨午即使大睡懶覺,依然謀殺了遊客不少菲林。另一邊廂的香港迪士尼樂園亦未見冷場,機動遊戲擠滿輪候客人,園方表示自存倉入園參觀的內地客以個人遊為主,料新法對樂園影響輕微。出入境人次暴跌帶隊到主題公園的吉林領隊張小姐指,她帶領的是「純玩團」,行程只到兩個主題公園、灣仔會議展覽中心及維港等,沒有購物點,五天港澳遊團費為六千元人民幣。她透露,團費相近的韓國團較香港團受歡迎,故今年來港團數量較往年少。她又認為《旅遊法》是好事,不用靠帶團友定點購物賺錢,毋須再擔心被投訴。土瓜灣崇安街的定點購物商店昨依然冷清。香港旅遊業議會總幹事董耀中稱,昨有三百六十個內地團訪港,當中五十個是購物團。今日則最少有逾百個內地團訪港,暫無接獲任何旅客投訴,但因應多間傳媒接獲內地旅客投訴,議會已要求對方提供資料,以便跟進。截至昨午五時,本港各口岸昨錄得超過四十五萬出入境人次,「十?一黃金周」首兩日累積出入境人次達一百一十三萬,相比去年同期逾三百三十二萬人次出入境,跌幅相當驚人。mini storage
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 09:00
Technology driving younger generations' shift away from cars, study finds
Source: The Baltimore SunOct.迷利倉 02--New car-sharing services, travel applications and other technological tools are contributing to the broader shift away from driving among Americans, especially younger ones interested in digital multitasking on the go, according to a study released Tuesday by the U.S. PIRG Education Fund."Personal auto ownership used to be the clear ticket to mobility," Joanna Guy, of the Maryland PIRG Foundation, said in a statement. "For baby boomers, driving your car represented freedom and spontaneity. But today -- especially for younger people -- owning a car increasingly represents big expenses and parking hassles."In Maryland, drivers have decreased their mileage by 4.1 percent since 2007, the organization said, and fewer young people are seeking drivers' licenses in high school.While car-sharing services like ZipCar and citywide bike-sharing programs have provided new alternatives to driving, the benefit of using smartphones and wireless Internet services to conduct business while using public transit options has led more people to leave the steering wheel behind, the study found.The number of workers and consumers conducting business via "telework and e-commerce" also contributed to the decline, the study found."Meanwhile, social networking has helped unleash an emerging 'sharing economy,'" the study said."The rapid advance of the Interne自存倉, mobile communications technologies and social networking -- and the technology-enabled transportation services they are spawning -- has the potential to expand the share of American households with the freedom to live without a car, or to live with fewer cars than they own today," the study found.James Smith, Maryland's transportation secretary, said in a statement that the PIRG study is "on target with identifying how new technologies are giving commuters new ways to travel and do business."Smith also said the state is incorporating ways to take advantage of the technology trend and "embraces real-time travel data, teleworking, ridesharing, bikesharing and advanced vehicle technologies as key elements of a modern, multimodal transportation system."The study recommended transportation policymakers take advantage of the trend by installing wireless Internet on more transit systems and expanding rideshare and bikeshare programs."These technological tools and practices are still in their infancy but spreading fast," said Guy of Maryland PIRG. "Government leaders should focus less on expanding highway capacity and more on public transit, biking, walking and other alternatives to personal cars."krector@baltsun.comtwitter.com/rectorsunCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Baltimore Sun Visit The Baltimore Sun at .baltimoresun.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 08:55
University students seek to fight mental disease stigma
Source: Jordan Times, AmmanOct.儲存倉 02--AMMAN -- "It is the right of people with mental illnesses to be accepted by society, to develop their skills and to participate in decision making," said Taghreed Tarawneh, who was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder.Tarawneh spoke at a mental health awareness event Monday on the challenges that people with mental health diseases face, from securing jobs to getting rid of social stigmas.The conference was organised by a group of university students to spread mental health awareness among their peers and help eliminate the spontaneous use of derogatory words that describe mental diseases."Mental health is a spectrum where one can be at any place at any time," said Mohammad Habashneh, a psychiatrist."Mental health does not mean the presence or absence of the disease; on the contrary, it is a state of mental, organic and social integration," he added at the conference, which was supported by the World Health Organisation.Nowadays, more people from "various intellectual and social backgrounds" are aware of mental diseases and seek help from professionals, according to Habashneh.He also highlighted the advancement of medicine and its role in eliminating severe side effects of mental disease drugs such as dizziness or lethargy, which makes patients more capable of interacting socially with others."The revolution in pharmacology created 迷你倉最平edications that work only on the nervous system without severe side effects," Habashneh added.Psychologist Basel Hamad noted that following a healthy lifestyle could contribute to "a more mentally healthy life".He urged the audience not to suppress anger and not to skip meals.The conference, which also featured musical performances and a stand-up comedy show on mental health, was the first step towards achieving broader awareness of mental health issues, according to Danya Shahin, the head organiser of the event."It takes a long time to change people's mindsets regarding mental illnesses and the stigma associated with them, which we hope to achieve by launching awareness campaigns in all universities and schools as well," Shahin told the Jordan Times."In the long run, we want companies and institutions to allocate jobs for people with mental diseases," the fourth year engineering student said, adding that it is the duty of everyone to grant people with mental diseases respect and acceptance."People with mental illnesses are not dangerous, and do not have low intelligence... we urge everyone to watch their words, because in that you are either contributing to the stigma or trying to remove it," she concluded.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) Visit the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) at .jordantimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 08:50
ADB cuts mainland growth forecast
Asian Development Bank says more reforms are needed to boost consumption and raise growthBeijing should act faster to transform the mainland’s economic growth pattern, boosting domestic consumption effectively and cutting its reliance on investment and exports, because growth is continuing to lag expectations, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said yesterday.儲存The Manila-based lender again reduced its forecast for mainland economic growth this year – the second time in three months – citing slow investment growth due to a sudden pullback in credit and expectations of single-digit growth in both exports and imports for the remainder of the year.The bank now expects the world’s second largest economy to grow by 7.6 per cent this year, down from July’s forecast of 7.7 per cent and April’s forecast of 8.2 per cent.It expects gross domestic product growth of 7.4 per cent next year, down from its April forecast of 8 per cent.“The Chinese central government will have to carry out a delicate balancing act of encouraging sustained robust growth through reforms and stimulus, while continuing to mitigate risks in the financial sector through careful monetary policy management,” ADB chief economist Changyong Rhee said in Hong Kong yesterday.“Authorities must continue with structural measures to help lift the economy, putting greater emphasis on domestic consumption and less on investment.”Boosting domestic consumptmini storageon would require more public spending on health, education and social safety nets, ADB said, which would need faster fiscal reforms to release sufficient resources to develop social services.The mainland’s economy grew by a weaker-than-expected annual rate of 7.6 per cent in the first half of the year due to soft domestic demand and a sharp deceleration in foreign trade, putting Beijing under pressure to accelerate reforms to take up the economic slack.In August, the mainland recorded a series of improved economic data, with industrial output, retail sales and exports all showing gains, backed by some growth-support policies and improving external demand. Rhee said those figures pointed to a better second half, but the overall economic environment would remain subdued.“Moderating growth in the PRC [People’s Republic of China] is the price of structural reform,” Rhee said, adding GDP growth could stay above 7 per cent a year over the next decade as it reaped the fruits of structural reform.The ADB said the knock-on effects from the slowdown in mainland growth would be seen across Asia, especially in East and Southeast Asia, which had deep economic ties with China.It trimmed its economic growth target for developing Asia to 6 per cent this year, down from an earlier forecast of 6.6 per cent. Hong Kong’s economy would grow by 3.2 per cent this year, it said, down from an earlier forecast of 3.5 per cent.self storage
- Oct 02 Wed 2013 18:47
10月1日海難一周年剛過,存倉回想去年此時,孤身在哈薩克(Kazakhstan)背包旅遊,見港臨災,鄉愁頓起。為什麼去那�? 答案很簡單: 因為去年開始特區護照免簽證,並且有直航(哈薩克國航AirAstana)。對我這類即興背包客來說,「即磅水上機去探路」是一種嗜好吧。尤其中亞五國(另四國為吉爾吉斯、土庫曼、塔吉克斯坦、烏茲別克)的簽證是出名麻煩的,香港沒領事館之餘,要找旅行社代辦,還要申請酒店邀請函(即沿用前蘇聯的慣例),再加上五國惡名昭彰的貪污入境人員……總之好趕客,今次哈薩克開放大門,無論如何要支持。哈薩克在新疆西北面,北連俄羅斯,這個世界第九大面積國家大部分都是沙漠,當年只有蒙古人才會兇狠到借此踏腳攻佔歐洲。但原來地底都是寶藏: 石油、天然氣、礦藏、鈾等等,有留意資源股的對此絕不陌生。文化方面,大家最熟悉的一定是電影《波叔出城》(Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for MakeBenefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan ,2006)的惹笑演出,但原來當地政府和人民對此電影醜化非常不滿,乃禁儲存之一。體育方面,除了現在舉行的國際女排賽亮相之外,大家最有印象的一定是去年倫敦奧運,中國湖南趙常玲,入籍哈薩克變成Zulfiya Chinshanlo拿下53公斤級金牌的風波吧。別以為此國落後,歷史上人類首次太空飛行(蘇聯短命英雄加加林(Yuri Gagarin),就是1961年在哈薩克拜科努爾發射場(Baikonur)升空的,這個全球最大、歷史最悠久的發射場,現在仍運作中,超級富豪要上太空,大都從這�出發,發射場現在局部開放,�面設有航天博物館,但當然要預約並有諸多限制(也是前蘇聯的遺風),所以香港的中亞旅行團也不會去。地荒人稀,對於當年蘇共來說,最好就是核試。這片國土其中一個被淡化的黑暗歷史,就是東北面Semey 附近的Semipalatinsk Test Site,在1949 至1989 年間,蘇共在此的秘密大小地下、地面核試,就有四百五十六次之多,而附近居民至國際社會全不知情,最後有鄉民因直視核爆而眼盲、全鄉輻射致癌、到處畸胎等,至近年才揭發。去年「十一」海難,我就在漫天黃葉的Semey寫歌詞《也許》以祭�魂,希望這些災難從此不再。李偉才矢吹丈梁�堅黃明樂柳俊江self storage
- Oct 02 Wed 2013 15:43
AT&T 4G LTE Expands In Putnam And Greene Counties
ATLANTA, Oct.迷你倉最平 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- AT&T* has expanded the nation's fastest and most reliable 4G LTE network** in Putnam and Greene counties, bringing more customers the latest generation of wireless network technology. AT&T launched 4G LTE in Atlanta on Sept. 19, 2011 and the expanded coverage is part of its ongoing rollout across the market.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120612/DA23287LOGO)AT&T 4G LTE coverage now includes parts of central and south Greene County and Northern Putnam County.Watch here to see several of the benefits AT&T 4G LTE provides, including:-- Faster speeds. LTE technology is capable of delivering mobile Internet speeds up to 10 times faster than 3G***. Customers can stream, download, upload and game faster than ever before. -- Reliability. AT&T not only has the nation's fastest 4G LTE network, but now also has the most reliable 4G LTE network. According to independent third-party data, AT&T has the highest success rate for delivering mobile content across nationwide 4G LTE networks. -- Cool new devices. AT&T offers several LTE-compatible devices, including new AT&T 4G LTE smartphones and tablets. -- Faster response time. LTE technology offers lower latency, or the processing time it takes to move data through a network, such as how long it takes to start downloading a webpage or file once you've sent the request. Lower latency helps to improve services like mobile gaming, two-way video calling and telemedicine. -- More efficient use of spectrum. Wireless spectrum is a finite resource, and LTE uses spectrum more efficiently than other technologies, creating more space to carry data traffic and services and to deliver a better network experience."We've seen positive response from customers on our 4G LTE launch, and as today's expansion shows, we're continuing our rollout of fast 4G LTE speeds to more areas of central Georgia ," said AT&T Georgia Vice President and General Manager Keith Holmes.AT&T's 4G NetworkThis expansion is part of AT&T's Project Velocity IP (VIP), a three-year investment plan announced last fall to expand and enhance its IP broadband networks. Through this investment, AT&T is supporting its customers' growing desire for high-speed Internet access and new mobile, app and cloud-based services. As part of Project VIP, AT&T plans to add more than 10,000 macro cell sites nationwide by year-end 2015, as well as deploy more than 40,000 small cells and add more than 1,000 Distributed Antenna Systems to increase the density of its wireless network.AT&T's innovation and investment have resulted in a nationwide 4G network with ultra-fast speeds and a consistent user experience. The great performance of AT&T's fastest and most reliable 4G LTE network continues to be validated by independent third-party testing:-- Our 4G LTE service was recognized as having faster average download and upload speeds than any of our competitors in PCWorld/TechHive's most recent 20-market speed tests -- the second consecutive year that AT&T has ranked first overall. PCWorld/TechHive also ranked AT&T's as the fastest combination of 3G and 4G services in the 20 cities it tested.**** -- And AT&T was named America's fastest 4G LTE network in PC Magazine's 2013 Fastest Mobile Networks 30-market study -- and also swept the top rankings in all six U.S. regions from coast to coast: Northeast, Southeast, North-Central, South-Central, Northwest and Southwest.*****Even as AT&T continues to expand its 4G LTE coverage, customers can get 4G speeds outside of 4G LTE areas on our 4G HSPA+ network, unlike some competitors, where smartphone customers may fall back to slower 3G technologies when outside of LTE coverage.AT&T's focus to deliver the best possible mobile Internet experience goes beyond 4G to embrace additional connection techn儲存logies. AT&T operates the nation's largest Wi-Fi network******* including more than 32,000 AT&T Wi-Fi Hot Spots at popular restaurants, hotels, bookstores and retailers, and provides access to more than 402,000 hotspots globally through roaming agreements. Most AT&T smartphone customers get access to our entire national Wi-Fi network at no additional cost, and Wi-Fi usage doesn't count against customers' monthly wireless data plans.AT&T also is a leading developer of Distributed Antenna Systems, which utilize multiple small antennas to maximize coverage and speed within stadiums, convention centers, office buildings, hotels and other areas where traditional coverage methods are challenging.Over the past five years, AT&T invested nearly $98 billion into its wireless and wireline networks across the country. Since 2008, AT&T has invested more capital into the U.S. economy than any other public company. In a July 2012 report, the Progressive Policy Institute ranked AT&T No. 1 on its list of U.S. "Investment Heroes."*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.** Limited 4G LTE availability in select markets. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. Speed claim based on a comparison of U.S. national carriers' average 4G LTE download speeds for Android(TM) and Windows smartphones and iPhone 5. Reliability claim compares data transfer completion rates on nationwide 4G LTE networks. 4G speeds not available everywhere.*** 4G LTE device and data plan required. Up to 10x claim compares 4G LTE download speeds to industry average 3G download speeds. Learn more about 4G LTE at att.com/network.**** PCWorld/TechHive, May 23, 2013, "AT&T clocks best overall speeds with 3G/4G combo"***** PC Magazine, June 17, 2013; .pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2420333,00.asp ******* A Wi-Fi enabled device required. Other restrictions apply. See .attwifi.com for details and locations.About AT&TAT&T Inc. is a premier communications holding company and one of the most honored companies in the world. Its subsidiaries and affiliates - AT&T operating companies - are the providers of AT&T services in the United States and internationally. With a powerful array of network resources, AT&T is a leading provider of wireless, Wi-Fi, high speed Internet, voice and cloud-based services. A leader in mobile Internet, AT&T also offers the best wireless coverage worldwide of any U.S. carrier, offering the most wireless phones that work in the most countries. It also offers advanced TV services under the AT&T U-verse((R)) and AT&T ?DIRECTV brands. The company's suite of IP-based business communications services is one of the most advanced in the world.Additional information about AT&T Inc. and the products and services provided by AT&T subsidiaries and affiliates is available at .att.com. This AT&T news release and other announcements are available at .att.com/newsroom and as part of an RSS feed at .att.com/rss. Or follow our news on Twitter at @ATT.(C) 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. 4G not available everywhere. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.Cautionary Language Concerning Forward-Looking StatementsInformation set forth in this press release contains financial estimates and other forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results might differ materially. A discussion of factors that may affect future results is contained in AT&T's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. AT&T disclaims any obligation to update and revise statements contained in this news release based on new information or otherwise.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120612/DA23287LOGOAT&TCONTACT: Ann Elsas, AT&T Corporate Communications, 404-986-0479,Ann.Elsas@att.comWeb site: .att.com/mini storage
- Oct 02 Wed 2013 15:27
香港文匯報 記者 高施倩、實習記者 王菁 舟山報道 來自中國、美國、荷蘭、西班牙、比利時等8個國家35名沙雕藝術家近日齊聚舟山,mini storage並歷時15天創作了50多座大型沙雕群。該組作品在第十五屆中國舟山國際沙雕節開幕式上正式亮相。 此次沙雕節以「藍色海洋夢」為主題,於9月11日至10月31日舉行。從9月11日到9月25日,來自海內外的35名沙雕藝術大師在舟山朱家尖島1萬多平方米的沙雕公園上精雕細鑿了50多座展現海洋歷史發展、夢幻海洋世界、沙雕節歷屆回顧等的沙雕作品,這些沙雕作品將一直展示到2014年7月。 本屆沙雕節的沙雕展區共分為五個區域,分別為「沙雕十五年」、「巨型海洋,夢的開始」、「游向更迷你倉,潛向夢境深處」、「黑暗深海」、「海洋和神話」。新增的展區「沙雕十五年」將過往十四屆創作的沙雕經典作品重新雕琢,展示在沙雕發源地——朱家尖。 十一黃金周期間,主辦方還將安排主題系列配套活動,如夜景沙雕光影展、歡樂沙灘秀、現場沙雕創作等活動。在沙雕展區內設置滑沙、滑梯等附屬遊樂項目,遊客可以走到沙雕的制高點,採用滑沙到達沙灘上。 朱家尖是舟山群島的第五大海島,首屆中國舟山國際沙雕節在朱家尖南沙成功舉辦,開創了中國沙雕藝術的先河。據了解,從1999年舟山市舉辦首屆國際沙雕節開始,舟山朱家尖島的遊客量已由原來的每年40萬人次逐年遞增至2012年的390萬人次,沙雕已成為舟山旅遊業一筆巨大的無形資產。文件倉
- Oct 02 Wed 2013 15:16
“舉辦這樣一場夢幻電影婚典需要多少錢?”昨日,自存倉北大青鳥音樂集團總裁許曉峰向記者透露,“起步價”暫定為30萬元。這些費用包括婚慶的全部程序,及為約200名賓客提供西式酒會自助餐服務的費用。“夢工廠項目在武漢的市場前景如何?”許曉峰說,武漢高校雲集,是全國大學生最多的城市,這些“都市知識青年”是愛情夢工廠的消費主體,之所以將首家旗艦店放在武漢,就是看中武漢這個龐大的群體。據介紹,自20世紀90年代初中國第一家婚慶公司成立至今,婚慶市場的蛋糕越做越大,牽動了婚紗攝影、美容美發、首飾禮品、煙酒餐飲、交通旅遊、家居用品等�多mini storage關產業的發展。統計數字表明,近年來,我國每年約有1000萬對新人登記結婚,全國每年因結婚產生的消費總額高達3500億元。與巨大的商機和市場需求相比,婚慶行業無論在產業規模還是服務水平上,還遠遠不能達到滿足不同層次消費者的需求。許曉峰說,他和他的團隊對“愛情夢工廠”在武漢的發展前景充滿信心。“30萬元辦一場婚典,你覺得貴嗎?”昨日,記者隨機採訪幾位年輕市民,大多嫌貴,也有市民表示可以接受,現在的婚慶活動千篇一律,毫無個性,一場婚禮辦下地少說也得上十萬。“只要有創意、有個性,就會有人感興趣。”(記者蔣太旭 通訊員張珞)儲存