國慶假期,self storage我市景區景點人頭攢動。 本報記者 李俊偉 攝 本報訊 (記者劉穀婷)連日的晴好天氣,使我市主題公園、景區景點迎來大批遊客。記者昨天從市區3個4A級景區景點瞭解到,精彩紛呈的娛樂節目、互動遊戲大受遊客歡迎,前來遊玩踏青戲水的遊客呈逐日增長之勢。國慶期間藍水星主題公園在開放各種游樂項目的同時,特地增添了魔術表演、空間轉換、火箭穿人等節目,還為孩子們上演了“熊出沒”人偶劇,許多周邊遊客都把主題公園定為來汕必游之地,連日來每天進園遊玩的人數都達上萬人次。記者在現場看到,小丑哥哥在公園門口,把他們巧手扭成老虎、太陽花、狗狗等形狀的氣球免費送給大家,讓很多小朋友還未進園就已感受到快樂。在水上舞台,一台精彩的魔迷利倉盛宴讓人“胃口大開”:神秘帥氣的魔術師和性感美貌並重的美女助手上演穿越大劇、挑戰極限的“人體分割”、驚心動魄的“火箭穿人”……讓遊客們半天都忘記眨眼睛。?石風景區連日來引得遊客人如潮湧,高峰時每天接待的遊人均達到3萬人次左右。在?石風景區,記者看到這裡各主要景點的入口處都人頭攢動,熱鬧非凡。一撥又一撥的遊客湧向景區內的垂虹洞、龍泉洞和夢之穀等景點,索滑道和碰碰船等游樂項目現場也是遊玩者絡繹不絕,處處可聽到歡聲笑語。獨具濱海風情的中信度假村也吸引了大批省內外遊客。景區舉行的“國慶歡樂行主題活動”節目異彩紛呈,成群結隊的遊客紛紛駐足觀看,場面十分熱鬧。據介紹,前來這裡歡度國慶假期的遊客,高峰期一天便達到近1萬人次。自存倉
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 13:50
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 13:17
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- Oct 05 Sat 2013 12:59
Recurring typo: George Johnson explores the myths and medicine behind cancer
Source: The Santa Fe New MexicanOct.迷利倉 04--Science writer George Johnson's The Cancer Chronicles is a sort of spoiler to the story of our lives. "There's always going to be multicelled creatures like us in a world ruled by entropy, a world that's imperfect," Johnson told Pasatiempo. "Entropy is the only constant. Every time one of your cells divides into two daughter cells, all of the DNA, all of the genome, has to be copied. There's always a chance for a mistake." That mistake, multiplied, can lead to cancer, an affliction that predates man. Even dinosaurs, as Johnson discovered, suffered from it. And it's not going away any time soon. You can do everything right -- eat your vegetables, not smoke, wear sunscreen -- and a stray cosmic ray might trigger a mutation. In fact, you're sure to get it if you live long enough and something else doesn't get you first.Cancer, whose causes are often associated with modern life and its pesticides, pollutants, and other man-made substances, not to mention radiation, has baffled medical scholars since the time of Hippocrates. Scientists called paleo-oncologists have not found compelling evidence that the core rate of cancer in the population today is significantly higher than it was in ancient Greece or Egypt, even given the fact that we live longer and there are more of us. Today, 77 percent of cancer is diagnosed in people 55 or older. Johnson points out another tendency that has held fast through the centuries: the disease's insidious persistence. The medieval surgeon Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi wrote, "When a cancer has lasted long and is large, you should not come near it. I have never been able to save any case of this kind, nor have I seen anyone else who has been successful.""You'd like to write this inspiring book," Johnson said of his work, "saying that the cure is around the corner, and you just need to do this and that and you can really improve your odds of avoiding cancer. But there's just nothing really that clear-cut you can say. What I hoped for the book was that, even though you were not going to learn how to avoid cancer, that you'd basically learn that a certain amount of cancer is going to be inevitable due to the nature of the imperfect world we live in."With this sort of hopelessness and frustration at its core, why is Johnson's book on this frightening and challenging subject so engaging? (In his New York Times review of the book, David Quammen described it as "exhilaratingly gloomy.") Part of the answer has to do with accompanying the writer in his research. Johnson, who says he started out with no background in science, is a former science writer for the Times and the author of several books on physical science and intelligence. He's a sort of Everyman, leading us through his discoveries, and the process he goes through in the discovering, in a way that involves readers in the quest. Part of it has to do with Johnson's personal tie-in to the story as he follows his wife at the time, Nancy, through the discovery and treatment of a metastatic cancer that changed her life. This was a different direction for Johnson, who admitted that in his previous books he liked to keep the first-person voice "pretty subdued.""But using Nancy's story," he explained, "was the only way I could organize the material, because it's such an overwhelmingly vast topic. You couldn't write everything there is to say about cancer, even at the most superficial level. So I did it as kind of a personal exploration, trying to see how much I as an outsider in the field could learn, to see if I could get the big picture. I wanted to write something for someone like me who found the subject both fascinating and scary and wasn't a scientist."Born in Arkansas and raised in Albuquerque, Johnson has two notable skills: the ability to comprehend complex subjects and a talent for writing about them in clear, understandable, enjoyable prose. The first skill he developed in his teens. He was an aspiring rock musician and wanted to understand how his bass guitar amplifier worked. "I remember with some precision when I began believing that there is nothing so complex that a reasonably intelligent person cannot comprehend it," he writes in the preface to A Shortcut Through Time: The Path to the Quantum Computer. "At first the detail and complexity of [the amplifier's] schematic ... were overwhelming. ... The trick was to break down the diagram into pieces, master each one, and then put them back together again." This approach has served him well when writing his books, which include Strange Beauty: Murray Gell-Mann and the Revolution in Twentieth-Century Physics and The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments, a sort of hands-on history of science that earned him an appeara自存倉ce on The Colbert Report.He has a degree in journalism from the University of New Mexico and spent time first as a copy editor and then as a police-beat reporter for the Albuquerque Journal (there was no CSI-style science involved, he said). After earning a master's degree in journalism and public affairs in 1979 from American University in Washington, D.C., he was hired as a special features writer for the Minneapolis Star. It was there that he first began writing seriously about science. He took a job as a staff editor at The New York Times in 1986 after spending a couple of years writing his first two books: Architects of Fear: Conspiracy Theories and Paranoia in American Politics and Machinery of the Mind: Inside the New Science of Artificial Intelligence. He moved to Santa Fe from New York in 1994.A major influence on his craft came from Albert Einstein. In an essay written for My Einstein: Essays by Twenty-Four of the World's Leading Thinkers on the Man, His Work, and His Legacy (published in 2006), Johnson explains how the introduction that Einstein wrote for science writer Lincoln Barnett's book The Universe and Dr. Einstein defines the problems faced by someone writing about science for the nonscientist: the writer either deals in the superficial and creates only the illusion of comprehension, or the writer gives an expert account of the subject that's completely opaque to the untrained reader. "When I first read that, I never had any thought about being a science writer," Johnson said. "But then, rereading it years later, Einstein himself was talking about communicating science with words rather than numbers and using metaphors so it could be understood."Johnson's central analogy in The Cancer Chronicles is that of the typo. All that it takes to create a genetic mutation when DNA information is transferred is, as Johnson writes, "a random typo in a message hundreds of letters long." This mistake analogy is key to understanding the different kinds of genes -- ras, src, fes, and others -- whose purpose is to control how healthy cells divide, in the process called mitosis. In other words, understanding how cancer grows isn't as simple as discovering a single or even multiple causes or how it spreads, which means finding a way to stop or prevent it isn't simple either.The book is full of other rude awakenings. While smoking and long exposure to ultraviolet light definitely increase your cancer risk, other commonly held causes and preventative measures really have little statistical effect. "But there are good reasons to eat your vegetables other than preventing cancer," Johnson is quick to point out. Also incremental are the much touted advances in cancer treatment. Even as he cited advances in targeted treatments, Johnson said, "Progress had been agonizingly slow. I describe the treatment my wife had to endure (beginning in 2003) that was very brutal: surgery followed by chemo followed by radiation. Somebody who was diagnosed with that same cancer today, there really isn't anything different that they'd be able to do. You'd go through this same brutal treatment that makes you extremely sick and can have lifelong side effects, and still, very often, it doesn't work."At a recent book signing, readers came up to Johnson, anxious to share their experiences. "People are scared; they're frustrated. Sometimes they ask for advice, which I certainly can't give. I can just tell them what I've learned. The one thing Nancy and I really learned is just how important it is to find the best oncologist and the best oncological surgeon you can." He's not surprised at the people who think there's an effort to conceal a cancer breakthrough. "People think surely this would have been cured by now if there wasn't some kind of conspiracy to not find a cure for their own evil reasons, so they can make money. That, of course, is absurd and insulting when you see the dedicated people who work in the medical profession. And yet again, you can't deny the huge built-in profit system. Treating cancer makes lots and lots of money for the people who are expert at it. To me, that's just the way the world works; things are motivated by money, and you hope that the motivation will also lead to better treatments and more knowledge of how to prevent cancer in the first place. But again, you're only going to be able to improve the situation. You're never going to really make it go away.""The Cancer Chronicles: Unlocking Medicine's Deepest Mystery" by George Johnson was published in August by Alfred A. Knopf/Random House.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, N.M.) Visit The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, N.M.) at .santafenewmexican.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 12:56
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 12:52
三強跨界結盟 引領智慧生活先驅 住宅品質創業界標竿
【廣編特輯】 台灣建築界又再度引爆新話題!當建築界龍頭「遠雄企業團」、電信龍頭「中華電信」及家電龍頭「Panasonic」三大廠商跨界合作,文件倉會擦出什麼樣的火花?三大廠商經過多年來的研擬及規劃,不但策略結盟創造國內居家新價值,並且持續提供住戶更智慧多元的生活環境,將最高端的科技技術帶進居家生活中,讓國內智慧生活相關領域產業與世界接軌! 遠雄X中華電信XPanasonic 跨界整合典範 近年遠雄企業團的經營策略就是成立「跨界整合平台」,積極與國內外78家產官學研菁英單位進行合作,包括中華電信、Panasonic等知名品牌交流,將多方資源進行全方位整合,首創三能一雲數位二代宅,成功將綠能、智能、性能與雲端科技整合到遠雄建築中,讓民眾真正感受到房屋所賦予的差異化價值,將台灣建築帶入全新格局! 遠雄首創數位16部曲 打造0~100歲全齡住宅 遠雄企業團重要策略夥伴之一的電信龍頭「中華電信」,自2005年雙方開始跨界合作,領先業界開創「二代宅」,從跨時代的數位家庭首部曲發展至十六部曲,從無線寬頻、遠端監控、數位學習、FTTH光纖到家、指靜脈辨識、遠距照護、手機門禁、數位服務平台、二代網路IPv6、ETC輕鬆到家、太陽能公車亭、環境感知、家庭能源管理、智慧城市、智慧雲端及社區智慧電動車充電系統等。結合數位科技與智慧節能,將一步步引領台灣建築規劃趨勢,從生態、節能、環保等面向全盤考量,持續為台灣建築導入更多先進智慧的建築規劃與理念。 除了強調數位科技導入建案中,遠雄企業團另一個策略合作夥伴Panasonic,以環保節能為趨勢發展,無論是設計、材料、生產、運輸、販售及回收等環節,都以減少碳足跡、健康生活為導向,用實際行動支持環保新顯學。值得一提的是,Panasonic從客餐廳、臥房、廚房、衛浴等空間相關產品設備導入在遠雄建案中,以環保及通用兩大核心為概念研發,且自許2018年要做到CO2零排放的綠色生活。 中華電信 領航數位匯流 中華電信董事長李炎松表示,中華電信身為電信業龍頭,不斷研發創新技術,但是,科技始終來自於人性,只有能夠真正落實在服務上才是有價值的。提到與遠雄跨界合作的初衷,李炎松說,遠雄企業團董事長趙藤雄在規畫建築的過程中,一直是站在客戶的使用角度思考,希望設計的房子有別於其他建築,所以尋求科技來實現想法。在這樣的思維下,便開啟了中華電信與遠雄的跨界合作,雙方以提升客戶生活品質為前題,將人性科技導入住宅興建,攜手打造一個兼具科技與人文的數位智慧生活。 在中華電信與遠雄企業團跨界合作的項目中,主要可分概為四大類,一、以建構數位家庭為核心觀念的「智慧建築」;二、是針對企業廠辦發展的「智慧園區」,如台灣存倉一雲端總部「汐止遠雄U-TOWN智慧廠辦園區」,透過中央監控、FTTO等雲端技術,整合資訊系統、弱電系統及雲端服務應用,打造出台灣第一的智慧雲端廠辦示範園區;三、塑造全智慧城市社區的「智慧社區」,如中和遠雄左岸;四、範圍涵跨飯店、百貨、商辦、娛樂等的「遠雄巨蛋」。 如何將科技融入生活之中,才能夠讓居家生活更加舒適與便利?從民國94年開始啟動至今的「遠雄數位16部曲」可說是最佳代表,但這16部曲並非一次定案完成,而是在不斷研發過程中,導入新的科技技術,透過雙方持續緊密合作,提供光纖到府、NFC技術、智慧家庭平台等科技設備,串連起一個完整的家庭網路平台,滿足住戶對科技的需求與更高的生活品質,並建構起基礎的數位智慧環境,從而提升城市競爭力。 Panasonic品牌結盟 要生活更好也要世界更好 2018年,就是Panasonic創立一百週年。在創建之初,松下電器的創辦人,有經營之神稱號的松下幸之助就曾表示「讓我們致力於生產…建立一個沒有窮困的樂土,這就是松下電器的使命」。而現在的Panasonic不再只著眼藉由生產電器商品讓生活便利的企業,在迎接創立一百週年的同時,提出了「A Better Life, A Better World」成為全球指標。林聰智特別強調,標語願景雖然遠大,但其實要更著眼在消費者的生活上,因為唯有讓消費者生活上更便利舒適,才能改善生存環境,進而讓全世界更美好。因此,不論是生活娛樂、住宅、旅行、商業、甚至是整個社會,各種空間或領域,Panasonic都要努力為消費者帶來舒適。這樣一來,生活愉快幸福,生命更美好,地球更能永續。這就是「A Better Life, A Better World」真正的內在意涵。 家電就是放在家裡讓大家使用,「有了像Panasonic這樣優質的家電商品,如果沒有一個好的居住住宅,就樣一個人內在很健康,而外在骨架卻很脆弱一樣,仍是不堪一擊…」,林聰智傳神的比喻。因此台灣第一的家電品牌Panasonic,選擇與台灣第一的建築營造品牌遠雄企業合作,就是為了提供大家一個從居家到環境都優質的生活空間。 林聰智特別舉出遠雄企業團董事長趙藤雄的名言:「要做就做最好的,最好的我推…」,就是這樣的理念,Panasonic提供遠雄最有智慧的ECO NAVI節能家電、搭載nanoe淨化科技讓生活更舒適的空調商品、能提供健康鹼性水的整水器商品…等。從廚房、客廳到臥房…都能擁有最便利舒適的生活空間,打造最頂級的生活享受。 「A Better Life, A Better World」只是一個起點。從Panasonic與遠雄兩大企業的攜手合作,我們知道這美好生活即將實現,而更美好的世界願景,就在眼前。儲存
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 12:49
Socket:LGA1,150 Factor:Mini-ITX Chipset:Intel Z87 支援 WiDi 多家廠商均已推出 Z87 平台的 Mini-ITX 主機板,self storage普遍以板載之無�網絡功能作招徠,雖然這次測試的 GIGABYTE GA-Z87N-WIFI 並不如其他同價位型號般提供 802.11ac 網絡模組,但此板卻罕有地使用由 Intel Centrino Wireless-N 2230,以 mini PCI-E 介面連接至主機板,能對應 Intel 的 WiDi 技術,以無�方式將電腦畫面輸出至其他器材之上,即使僅對應 802.11n 及 2.4GHz 單頻規格,但實際應用卻不比其他型號遜色。 同時,主機板亦提供 2 組 Gigabit LAN 連接埠,分別應用 Intel 及 Atheros 晶片,惟此配搭不能組建 Teaming 網絡連�陣列作加速,應用彈性受限制。主機板支援多組 USB 傳輸埠,當中 6 組屬於 USB 3.0 規格,背板能直接提供 2 組 USB 2.0 及 4 組 USB 3.0 介面,其餘需配搭前置面板,而各 USB 3.0 介面亦加入保險絲設計,可減低 USB 端子及外置設備因電壓異常,而導致�路故障的機會。 四相供電 受面積規格所限,此板的走�編排緊密,因此個別功能已作省略,例如,內部只提供 4 個 SATA 6Gbps 端子,亦沒有把�路改裝為 eSATA 埠,如儲存裝置較多的用家只能加裝 PCI-E 介面的 SATA 擴充卡。用料方面,此板雖屬於 Ultra Durable 4 規格,應用日系固態電容等物料,但供電迴路只提供最基本的「4+2」共六相迴路,即使全數配合 PowerPAK MOSFET 晶片運作,亦因相數不多、沒有特別增強散熱設計,容易積聚熱力。 另外,處理器供電的 EPS 電源介面亦只為 4-pin,其整體供電設計並不太適合超頻應用,即使主機板使用超頻能力甚佳的 Z87 晶片,亦難以發揮最佳表現。不過,此板的視訊輸出介面卻提供 2 組 HDMI 及 1 組 DVI,而且兩個 HDMI 亦可支援至 4K 超高清解像度輸出,加上 WiDi 功能,令其顯示輸出彈性在同級產品中算是數一數二。 $1,260 Synnex 2753 1668 WiDi 搭載 SPEC: •型號:GIGABYTE GA-Z87N-WIFI •支援處理器:LGA1,150 •採用晶片組:Intel Z87 •記憶體插槽:DDR3 x2 •擴充槽:1x PCI-E 3.0 x16、1x mini PCI-E •ATA 裝置:SATA3 x4 •視訊輸出埠:DVI、HDMI x2 •外接埠:USB 2.0 x4、USB 3.0 x6 •網絡:1x Intel I217V Gigabit LAN、1x Atheros AR8161 Gigabimini storage LAN、1x 802.11n WiFi + Bluetooth 4.0 Module •音效:Realtek ALC892 7.1-ch HD Audio •UEFI 超頻:處理器 Bclk 最高 266.66MHz、iGPU 時脈最高 4,000MHz、處理器電壓最高 1.800V、iGPU 電壓最高 1.700V、記憶體電壓最高 2.100V、處理器 Cache 電壓最高 1.800V、System Agent 電壓最高 +0.400V、PCH 電壓最高 1.900V Intel Wireless 模組板載之 mini PCI-E 介面預設載有 Intel 無�網絡模組,能對應 WiDi 技術,以 Wi-Fi 訊號進行無�影像傳輸。 輸出齊全 輸出介面相當齊全,當中視訊輸出埠具備 2 組 HDMI 以及 1 組 DVI,前者已支援 HDMI 1.4a 規格,可直接輸出 4K 超高清解像度。 效能測試 主機板 GIGABYTE GA-Z87N-WIFI ASUS GRYPHON Z87 《PCMark 7》-Overall 6594 6598 -Lightweight Score 6630 6619 -Web Browsing (Pages/s) 26.11 25.95 -Image manipulation (Mpx/s) 26.62 25.49 -Text Editing (Operations/s) 12.78 12.8 -Productivity Score 5998 6005 -Data decryption (MB/s) 192.92 193.05 -Windows Defender (MB/s) 5.69 5.71 《Sandra 2013》-CPU ALU (GIPS) 126.07 125.67 《Sandra 2013》-CPU FPU (GFLOPS) 57.42 57.33 《Cinebench R11.5》-x CPU 6.46 6.46 《Super PI 1.5 mod》1M* 9.569s 9.546s * 註:數字愈細愈好。 超頻測試 Intel Core i5 4670K 超頻測試最高外頻穩點 最高超頻總時脈192.1MHz (預設 100MHz 外頻) 4,938MHz (配合 x49 倍頻) more about Intel WiDi 技術解構Intel WiDi 全稱為 Wireless Display,顧名思義,是以無�方式進行影像傳輸,該技術推出至今只有少數指定 Intel 無�網絡晶片支援,用家可透過無� Wi-Fi 訊號將電腦畫面實時傳送至 WiDi 接收器,並顯示於高清電視或其他器材之上,應用簡便,但礙於其操作延遲頗高,不太適合用於執行遊戲。 text & photo/Dennis∣edit/wesley∣art/Joey 迷你倉
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 12:40
Brokers' Take
Singapore ExchangeBuyPhillip Securities Research | Oct 4 |Oct 4 close: $7.迷利倉24SGX Ltd will be announcing its Q1 2014 results on Oct 17. Based on monthly statistics recently released by SGX, 1Q14's SDAV (securities daily average value) decreased (17.5 per cent) q-q, (1.8 per cent) y-y to $1.329 billion. DDAV (derivatives daily average volume) was (19.4 per cent) weaker q-q, but 35.4 per cent y-y to 0.415 million contracts.Due to economic concerns during the quarter, q-q trading activities for both securities and derivatives were weaker than expected. On a y-y basis, Q1 2014's revenue is expected to be higher. Securities revenue is expected to be higher due to higher expected yield per dollar traded, mitigating the marginally lower SDAV. Derivatives revenue is also expected to be higher due to the y-y higher DDAV.On a q-q basis, we expect lower revenue due to the lower trading activities for both securities and derivatives. On outlook, we continue to be positive for securities and derivatives. Markets are likely to be quieter relative to the earlier part of this year on concerns over both the pace of recovery of the global economy, and assessments over QE tapering by the US Fed.We are positive on SGX on:Higher securities revenue forecast;Strong derivatives revenue;Attractive dividends, with potential for increase.We adjust our forecast to reflect the lower SDAV and DDAV revenue expectations, but continued positive FY14 outlook. Based on our unchanged PE multiple of 24 times, and lowered EPS of $0.33, we derive a revised target price of $7.90. Based on current share price, we maintain our "buy" rating.Regional oil and gas servicesOverweightDMG & Partners | Oct 4 |FROM our observations, the development of Indonesia's oil & gas (O&G) services sector is very similar to that of Malaysia back in 2004/2005. Asset localisation, thanks to the cabotage ruling, will drive a re-rating phase, as earnings visibility rises and asset owners move up the value chain to AHTS/PSVs and eventually rigs from tugs/barges. On this theme, we think investors should buy Wintermar Offshore Marine (TP: 640 rupiah) and Marco Polo Marine (TP: $0.61).In Malaysia, Petronas drives the O&G sector, acting as a regulator and自存倉also as a national oil company (NOC). In Indonesia, SKK Migas is the regulator and Pertamina is the NOC. However, unlike in Malaysia, where Petronas specifies a preference for locally-owned assets and local vendors for the O&G industry, Indonesia has the cabotage ruling, which states that only Indonesian-flagged vessels can ply point-to-point within the country's waters. While exemptions were made for the offshore O&G sector, this will lapse between 2013 and 2015, and we see this ruling having a similar impact as seen in Malaysia - promoting local asset ownership and creating room for reinvestment for local companies. We believe the tightening cabotage will raise long-term earnings visibility for the Indonesian players. Our observation on the O&G sector re-rating in Malaysia since 2005 suggests that Indonesian stocks could go on a similar re-rating path. The aggregate P/E valuation for Malaysian O&G companies was only 8.7 times at end-2005, but has averaged more than 20 times in the past three years.Telco sectorNeutralOCBC Investment Research | Oct 4 |IN a report recently, the Media Development Authority (MDA) explained that it forced SingTel to share its Barclays Premier League (BPL) content as the telco had made it "commercially unviable" for StarHub to separately purchase the rights. The cross-carriage ruling resulted in the two telcos offering hefty "subsidies" to either lure subscribers to switch or retain subscribers.But we do not expect the migration of pay TV customers from SingTel to StarHub to be significant, given that it may still be cheaper for existing subscribers to watch BPL on the mioTV platform. We have a "neutral" rating on the sector, with a "hold" on SingTel ($3.81 FV) and "sell" on StarHub ($3.82 FV). Compiled by Cai HaoxiangDisclaimer: All analyses, recommendations and other information herein are published for general information. Readers should not rely solely on the information published and should seek independent financial advice prior to making any investment decision. The publisher accepts no liability for any loss whatsoever arising from any use of the information published herein.Brokers who wish to send in their reports can email us at btnews@sph.com.sgmini storage
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 12:12
Spotlight turns to China at regional summits
With Obama cancelling trip, country’s leaders bound to get more attention in Indonesia and BruneiChinese leaders look set to steal the show at two key regional forums next week as the White House announced the cancellation of US President Barack Obama’s trip to Southeast Asia.mini storageObama had planned to depart today for a four-nation, week-long trip. He cancelled visits to Malaysia and the Philippines earlier this week because of his budget struggle with the US Congress and said late on Thursday that he would not attend the regional summits in Indonesia and Brunei.The scrapping of the trip because of the partial government shutdown in the US now puts the spotlight on President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang at the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (Apec) Forum on Monday and the East Asia Summit on Wednesday.Analysts say the cancellation of his trip also damages Obama’s strategic “rebalancing” in Asia, which seeks to re-engage with Asia in order to maintain US presence and interests in a region where China’s clout is growing rapidly. Beijing, however, saw the renewed US interest as a form of containment.Ian Storey, a senior fellow with the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore, said the cancellation would project the image of the US in the region as “politically dysfunctional” and “on the brink of economic crisis”.“China, on the other hand, is looking prosperous and self-confident. Xi Jinself storageing will have the floor at Apec, and so will Li at the East Asia Summit,” said Storey.With the economy growing, China is now seeking to regain trust – eroded by recent tensions over maritime territorial disputes – from the region with trade and investment incentives.Obama’s absence would not only send “all the wrong signals” to the region but will also help raise the profiles of Xi and Li in the two major diplomatic events, analysts said.Tao Wenzhao, from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said Obama’s repeated cancellation of Asia trips would raise the question of whether US was able to commit to the region.“Countries in the region, especially US allies like Japan, might want to rethink whether they could really rely on the US,” Tao said.Obama has appointed Secretary of State John Kerry to fill in for him at the summits.The White House blamed the Republicans as it announced it was scrapping the trip to tackle the stand-off over the US budget, which has shut down non-essential government services.“The cancellation of this trip is another consequence of the House Republicans forcing a shutdown of the government. This completely avoidable shutdown is setting back our ability to create jobs through promotion of US exports and advance US leadership and interests in the largest emerging region in the world,” its statement said.China, Malaysia deals A3Fiscal deadline A12Heng’s view A14, Insight A15mini storage
- Oct 04 Fri 2013 10:45
A slice of paradise lures tourists
By WANG QIAN and HUANG YIMING in Sansha, HainanCould Sansha become China’s Maldives?According to tourism experts and businessmen the answer is: yes, as long as the city continues to open its doors and boost infrastructure construction.self storageNo civilian planes are yet permitted to fly to Sansha. However, ferry services are already seeing a boom in business.The Coconut Princess cruise ship, which made its maiden voyage in April, takes visitors to Yongxing Island twice a month, weather permitting.So far, it has made 16 trips, ferrying almost 40,000 people and 7,000 metric tons of goods.The only other vessel transporting tourists to Sansha is the Qiongsha No 3, a supply ship, which has docked at the islands 70 times.“We’ve just finished a plan for transportation between islands, and we are hoping to get approval soon,” Sansha Mayor Xiao Jie said.Mo Qun will be hoping that the improved transportation will eventually open the door to air travel.The general manager of Meiya Air, which in May became the first to be licensed by the Civil Aviation Administration of China to operate amphibious services, hailed the cruise service as “marking a new chapter for i迷利倉land travel for China”.Despite still awaiting approval, his company has bought five amphibious aircraft for island-to-island trips in Sansha to cater to high-end tourism.Compared with an 18-hour cruise on the Coconut Princess, a 70-minute flight would attract more people to the islands, Mo said.Fishermen are just looking forward to more tourists, regardless of how they get there.Li Qiansan, 53, said he expects his annual income to double as the island opens to the Chinese mainland.However, Xiao said tourism development also needs to be sustainable and he urged the central government to establish an underwater heritage protection zone to protect relics along the ancient marine silk route.The ancient marine silk road in South China Sea is a historical network of interlinking trade routes between China and the West, including shipwrecks carrying exported porcelain, and settlements established by Chinese inhabitants as early as 1,000 years ago.“These heritage sites are important proof of Chinese ancestors’ early development of the South China Sea,” Xiao said. “Protecting them is significant for our studies on history and the development of tourism.”自存倉
- Oct 04 Fri 2013 10:45
“慧”生活 成都人要的就是好玩不累
聽四川清音 品英式下午茶鐵像寺水街本報訊 (記者 王伶雅 文/圖) 作為第十屆中國(成都)國際美食旅遊節的美食互動體驗區之一,self storage位於成都城南的鐵像寺水街推出的“影·畫·戲”三絕很受市民青睞。昨日,這個展現城南美食與文化獨特內涵的新去處吸引了不少成都市民。今年中國(成都)國際美食旅遊節以“食尚四川·味美世界”為主題,相比過去規格更高、規模更大、國際化程度更高。本次鐵像寺水街美食互動體驗區的一大亮點,就是將純正的異國風味與四川本土特色美食相融合——熙雲軒的純正英式下午茶品鑒、米蘭咖啡的墨西哥美食節、輕安的巴蜀精品小吃以及大藏的�牛酸奶等高原特色美食,讓會吃又愛吃的成都市民一飽口福。據悉,從10月1日開始,鐵像寺水街戲台上演了以戲曲、民俗演出為主的精彩文藝節目。市民和遊客不僅可以欣賞到川劇變臉、四川清音《小放風箏》、舞蹈《飛天》、四川揚琴《詩潤成都》、川劇《滾燈》等巴蜀藝術瑰寶,還能觀看到群口快板、金錢板、女子民樂、特色舞蹈等市民喜聞樂見的文藝演出。“有吃的又有看的,不想出遠門的話,這裡真是不錯的選擇。”帶著女兒一起來玩的楊女士說。目前城南的公交配套也日益完善,如果你也想到鐵像寺水街看看,可乘坐26路、115路和184路公交車直達鐵像寺水街。新津各種新奇風箏 遊客大飽眼福本報訊 (記者 李自強 文/圖) 昨日,“五津文化杯”2013中國·新津第三屆風箏節暨第三屆國際特技風箏邀請賽在中國民航飛行學院新津分院圓滿落幕。在為期4天的活動中,來自世界各地的專業風箏隊一顯身手,展示了風箏的獨特魅力,20多萬遊客齊聚水城新津參與活動。記者在現場抬眼望去,圓環風箏、章魚風箏、軟體風箏、導彈風箏、足球風箏等各種各樣的風箏萬箏競秀,隨風飄蕩。來自山西的民間藝人曹天寶帶來的“中國夢”遙控風箏,可在沒有任何風力的情況下自由起降;西南風箏王子鄧靜帶來的微型小龍風箏長達8.8米,龍頭卻嬌小異常,放在手掌心上還綽綽有餘,萌態十足;德國小伙兒羅賓的家族製作和放飛風箏已經有40多年的歷史,經營著一家馬戲團的他這次帶來了精心製作的大象創意風箏——長2.6米,寬2米,一上場就吸引了�多遊人的注意。各種奇異新奇的風箏,在綠草如茵的機場掀起一個又一個高潮,讓現場觀�大飽眼福。14只寶寶萌翻各地遊客熊貓基地本報訊 (記者 余書婷) 曆年“黃金周”,成都大熊貓繁育研究基地都是全國各地遊客休閒旅遊觀光的熱門選擇。今年,14只新生大熊貓寶寶集體亮相,可愛的身姿吸引了全國甚至外國遊客的目光。昨日,遊客們在熊貓基地無論看到的是啃著竹筍的大熊貓,蜷在繈褓里無比可愛的熊貓寶寶,還是在行人步道上大搖大擺散步的小熊貓時,都忍不住驚叫連連、駐足拍照。“我就是之前看到了14只熊貓寶寶集體亮相的報道,才想到趁著長假特地來熊貓基地看看的。”來自重慶的何小姐走到月亮產房看到躺在一張床上的熊貓寶寶們,也忍不住拿出手機拍照留念,“比電視上看著還可愛。”為了讓來自各地的遊客留下愉快的節日記憶,成都大熊貓繁育研究基地準備了“大熊貓知識課堂”“熊貓大富翁親子活動”等多項國慶特別活動,讓遊客們寓教於樂,與國寶大熊貓一起度過一個快樂的假期。據悉,國慶長假第一天,成都大熊貓繁育研究基地接待遊客同比增長60.67%,門票收入同比增長28.52%。茶藝愛好者齊聚 評選“茶藝大使”文殊坊本報訊 (記者 李霞) 國慶期間,四川省首屆電視茶藝選拔賽在文殊坊街區亮相。來自全國各地的茶藝愛好者相聚文殊坊,為遊客們獻上一場茶藝界的藝術盛宴。比賽分為功夫茶藝長流組選拔賽、短流組選拔賽和總決賽暨頒獎盛典三大板塊。這場比賽邀請到全川各類茶業企業選送的茶藝師代表隊參加比賽,由組委會組建專家評委團針對參賽隊綜合表現進行評分、頒獎。本次活動將茶文化滲透到成都市民的生活,通過比賽競技,最終評選出代表四川水準的“茶藝形象大使”。來到文殊坊的市民們,一邊看表演,還不忘拍照和點評台上的選手。在拍照的洪先生認為,“剛開始表演的,穿藍色紗衣的那組姑娘不錯,衣服顏色好看,動作也嫻熟,三個人配合也很好。”據瞭解,文殊坊通過舉辦茶藝選拔賽、青少年民族器樂表演、少兒歌舞表演活動,設計中華孝道故事及美德故事牆等多重精彩紛呈的內容,讓來這裡的大人小孩們玩得盡興,耍也耍得有所獲。看“丁香姑娘” 贏取消費免單券黃龍溪本報訊(記者 陳方耀 楊華春 粟新林) 國慶大假,成都市周邊各景區紛紛推出各自的旅遊推廣活動。其中,黃龍溪古鎮推出以“約會黃龍溪”為主題的宣傳活動,幾天來,十名姑娘身著旗袍、撐著油紙傘現身黃龍溪古鎮,讓人很容易聯想到戴望舒筆下的“丁香姑娘”,為黃龍溪古鎮帶來一抹清新與亮麗。其中,更有來自泰國的模特為黃龍溪古鎮本次活動助陣。在活動現場,引得無數遊客駐足、拍照、合影。據悉,黃龍溪古鎮本次活動將持續到10月7日,除到古鎮邂逅“丁香姑娘”之外,景區內還有“古鎮尋寶大沖關,mini storage取消費免單券”“民俗文化體驗園”“大型實景旅遊劇《水龍吟》”等活動。川西民歌開唱 每天接待5萬人崇州本報訊 (記者 粟新林 文/圖) 國慶長假期間,“中國夢·ど妹情”川西民歌群�文化活動周在崇州開展以來,街子古鎮上每天都聚集著爆棚的人氣,一曲又一曲的民歌對唱,一場又一場的壩壩舞,將遊客帶入歡樂的海洋。據統計,古鎮每天接待遊客5萬多人次。從川西情歌《槐花幾時開》到享譽世界的民歌《康定情歌》,國慶長假以來,街子古鎮的大戲台上上演了極具川西民歌特色的情歌對唱,尤其庭院版的《ど妹情》,以舞台劇的形式被演繹出來後,好評如潮。隨著音樂聲響,俏皮又可愛的ど妹出現在舞台中央,一開嗓就是清脆的高音,仿佛天籟之音,給人耳目一新的感覺。人群被聲音吸引過來,舞台被圍得水泄不通。“好看,好聽,這樣的民歌既能體現民俗,還有現代元素,非常多元的體驗。”來自成都的陳先生給予非常高的評價。據悉,這樣一部經典好劇是街子川西民歌村村長蘭卡多年收集的100多首川西民歌中精選出的優秀作品,並結合現代音樂創作而成。此外,街子民歌村開村以來,每天都有新鮮的歌舞劇登台。量身打造的《街子女郎》、歡樂喜慶的《我在街子等你》,也讓現場遊客沉醉其中。採摘新鮮火龍果 不去熱帶到邛崍邛崍本報訊 (姚凱峰 本報記者 楊華春)火龍果是典型的熱帶水果,市民平常在市場上買到的,幾乎都是從南方運輸而來的。但這個國慶大假,有嘗鮮的市民卻吃到邛崍造的火龍果。昨日,記者從邛崍市前進鎮騎江村獲悉,經過一年多的摸索,邛崍市首家“家庭農場主”劉棟成用溫室大棚種植的火龍果試種成功。現在,廣大市民不出邛崍,便能在大棚里一邊採摘一邊吃到最新鮮的熱帶水果。2012年11月,在邛崍市農發局支持下,劉棟成開始在騎江村進行火龍果引種實驗,並專門搭建了20多個大棚用來試種。“火龍果,保溫增溫是關鍵。”據介紹,通常熱帶水果生長的溫度在25攝氏度左右,當達到30攝氏度時,果實就會加速成熟。“熱帶水果在邛崍種植最關鍵的時期就是冬天,只要能抗住寒冷,來年的水果成熟量一般都會有保證。”劉棟成說,要想在邛崍營造出南方自然生長環境,只有靠人工手段“干預”溫度。從南方到邛崍,這對劉棟成試種的火龍果來說是一大考驗。為此,劉棟成把火龍果樹“請進了”設施大棚。“僅每個大棚相關設施就要投入近6000元。只要溫度低於零攝氏度,火龍果肯定會凍死。所以我們在建大棚的同時,都是採用鍋爐通過鋼管進行加熱增溫,並根據火龍果怕澇的特性,注意排水系統的清理,降低地下水位。”劉棟成介紹說。據瞭解,火龍果具有生長期短(每年至少可採摘4輪),效益好等特點。按照畝產2000斤、每斤10元計算,除去種植成本,每畝純利潤高達1萬多元。除了看好火龍果的自身效益,劉棟成更看好熱帶水果可能帶來的全新旅遊觀光業價值。最近,劉棟成創辦的“家庭農場”,拿到了工商營業執照,成為邛崍市首家經工商部門登記註冊成立的家庭農場。出行信息>>>昨日 大霧致多條高速臨時管制本報訊 (記者 杜文婷) 昨日凌晨,因省內多地突然起霧,能見度急劇下降,為保障安全,多條公路暫時關閉。記者瞭解到,成彭高速、城北高速出口、成溫邛高速都一度受阻,但收費站關閉時間基本在夜間,上午8點前,這三條高速公路都恢複了正常。受大霧影響比較嚴重的是京昆高速成綿段和綿廣段,昨日凌晨4點5分,成綿高速羅江站、金山站因霧關閉,6點58分,青白江站至什邡站關閉,7點20分,霧氣繼續瀰漫,成綿高速全線關閉。凌晨3點20分開始,綿廣高速也因霧全線關閉。到10點左右大霧散去,高速公路恢複通暢。交警介紹,大霧造成部分車輛滯留,他們及時發佈消息,讓大家繞行或推遲出行。昨日已經是放假第三天,車流量較前兩日有明顯減少,所以高速臨時管制影響不太大,收費站打開之後滯留車輛迅速通過,秩序較好。另外,記者從多條高速瞭解到,昨日出行車輛開始減少,高速公路通行能力基本恢複,但都汶高速壓力依然大。從前日中午12點至昨日中午12點,都汶高速流量達7萬余台,市民出行熱情不減。交警建議大家返程要錯峰,儘量推遲或提前回來。昨日 鐵路客流有所回落本報訊 (記者 張晨曦) 記者從成都鐵路局獲悉,10月3日,國慶長假鐵路客流有所回落,不過短途客流依然很多,而動車仍然受到旅客青睞。受國慶期間天氣利好影響,選擇乘坐火車進行探親、旅遊的旅客非常多。成都鐵路局管內成渝、成南、成達、成灌動車組,成都至綿陽城際列車,成都至西昌、成都至巴中列車等成為許多旅客出行的主要交通方式。針對國慶期間部分通過互聯網購票的旅客不及時換取票的情況,成都鐵路局在成都、成都東、重慶北、貴陽、達州、南充、綿陽等客流較大車站專門設置了“急客換票窗口”,專門辦理離開車時間不足45分鐘的旅客迅速換取票,保障旅客順利出行。鐵路部門提醒,通過互聯網購票的旅客,一定要合理安排時間,提早到附近的代售點或車站換取車票,以免耽誤行程。迷你倉