CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa.自存倉, Dec. 16, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- DDCworks, a leading integrated branding and marketing communications agency, today announced its continued growth with the addition of five new accounts to its client portfolio. The agency has steadily developed a robust client roster across a diverse group of industries such as financial services, healthcare, technology and education. These additions are a reflection of the agency's efforts to solidify its status as the region's premier integrated agency.(Logo: )"The past few months have been an impressive one for our new business development," says Tim Cifelli, President of DDCworks. "Our productivity is a key indication of the significant steps DDCworks has taken to strengthen our talent and service offerings. We couldn't be more thrilled with our progress and the clients that have come on board." As an integrated agency, DDCworks offers a variety of communications services from advertising and branding, public relations and social media to web design and SEM/SEO.Two of the newest clients taking advantage of what DDCworks has to offer are Princeton Equity Partners, a Buffalo-based full-service financial firm that specializes in managing assets for high-net-worth business owners and entrepreneurs that typically have more complicated financial situations than traditional investor and United Development Funding. Located in Grapevine, TX, UDF is a specialty finance company that invests in the development and construction of new, affordable, single-family homes through a family of public and private funds. Both, through general public relations campaigns, have enlisted the agency to enhance their credibility and visibility as leaders in the industry.For similar reasons, Epstein Drangel LLP, an intellectual property firm, came to DDCworks to help launch a new innovative web, mobile and social platform. uFaker enlists the masses to help brand owners and their legal teams report, track and collaborate on counterfeit investigations in real-time. In addition to a public relations initiative, the agency has develope迷你倉 a strong social media campaign positioning uFaker as the anti-counterfeiting solution of the 21(st) century.RightCare Solutions, a Philadelphia-based medical technology company came to DDCworks to help build the company's brand platform and launch an aggressive marketing campaign. Project U-Turn, a citywide collaborative approach to dropout prevention and re-engagement had similar needs. Through an integrated campaign that includes public service announcements, social media, local partnerships and community outreach, DDCworks created the "Attendance Awareness" campaign that promotes the benefits of regular school attendance. Also utilizing the agency's branding services in addition to creative such as identity and brand design is ATON Partners, a Boston-based healthcare investment firm. From naming and logo development to website and PowerPoint templates, DDCworks is designing it all.Topping off a strong finish to 2013 is Phillips Edison & Company, who has enlisted DDCworks to oversee a corporation communications assignment to generate visibility for the company's entire family of Strategic Investment Funds, in addition to their Shopping Center REIT, which DDCworks currently services. Finally, rounding out the agency's growth are two returning clients. Conshohocken Revitalization Alliance has re-engaged with DDCworks for Phase Two of a community grass roots campaign and Heraeus Precious Metals Group tapped the agency's creative services for its Photovoltaic, Chemical and Thick Film divisions.About DDCworksDDCworks is a full-service brand communications firm with advertising, public relations, media and interactive capabilities. DDCworks creates, develops and executes fully integrated marketing campaigns and provides award-winning brand management and messaging strategies to a broad range of clients. DDCworks is a member of ICOM, a global network of marketing communications agencies, the Public Relations Society of America, and the Philadelphia Ad Club.Photo: Jennifer Wolk, DDCworks, 484-342-3600, jwolk@ddcworks.comWeb site: storage
- Dec 17 Tue 2013 08:48
DDCworks Continues To Grow Client Portfolio
- Dec 16 Mon 2013 11:41
證券時報記者 秦利 劉雁張軍是杭州某信托公司的信托經理,迷你倉最近他已經調整工作方向——不再頻繁拜訪各地負責基建的官員,而轉為接觸當地知名的各類民營企業,尤其是中小板和創業板的上市公司和即將上市的公司。張軍現在最熱衷的是,不斷通過熟人進入董秘圈子。他不僅想向這些新貴們推銷公司的信托產品,張軍更希望通過董秘結識上市公司的股東。他正瞄準的是一個全新領域——家族信托。目前已有一批信托公司成立了家族信托工作小組,家族信托被視為信托公司的又一藍海市場。通道業務遭圍獵“銀行就像公交車,信托公司就像出租車,銀行只能在寬闊的馬路行駛,我們卻可以隨意穿梭羊腸小路。”陸家嘴信托公司的一位高管這樣形容這幾年快速發展的信托業務。靠靈活和貼身定制的優勢,信托公司異軍突起,憑借逾10萬億元的資產管理規模,成為僅次于銀行的第二大金融機構。然而,這輛快速飛馳的“出租車”近期正遭遇“大型車輛”的圍堵,傳統的通道業務被堵塞。信托業協會的統計數據顯示,2013年以來,信托資產規模季度環比增速已經連續三個季度下降,而且自二季度以來,新增信托資產規模連續兩個季度負增長。“不是我們做得不好,是競爭對手更強大了。”深圳華潤信托公司一位分析人士稱。他所指的競爭對手是發展迅猛的券商資管和基金子公司。數據顯示,目前基金子公司的資產管理規模已超過3000億元,其中約七成是通道業務;券商資管放開後規模迅速接近4萬億元,其中很大程度上得益于銀證業務規模增長。真正對信托公司構成挑戰的是保險資產管理公司。多年來,發行地方政府基礎設施建設信托一直是信托公司的主打產品,維持和地方政府的良好關係也被信托視作核心競爭力,目前這個堡壘正在被擊破。去年10月中國保監會發佈《基礎設施債權投資計劃管理暫行規定》,確定了債權投資計劃發行由備案制改為註冊制,保險公司開始進入地方基建項目市場,所發行的基礎設施債權計劃迅猛增長。據統計,今年以來,包括太保資管、太平資管、華泰資管在內的保險資管公司,在債權投資計劃市場你追我趕,上述3家公司至少已發起設立了12個項目。儲存倉險公司還採取了“團金會”的形式加強和地方政府的聯繫,比如平安就與青島、昆明、湖北、南京等地的管理部門簽署戰略合作協議,總投資額達3400億元。中國太平也與山東省簽訂了類似協議。“保險公司擁有龐大的現金流,這是信托公司無法比擬的。如果競爭同一個項目,信托公司只能靠邊站,或者選擇風險更高的項目。”上述深圳信托公司人士指出。來自權威部門的統計數據顯示,2012年信托公司通道業務占信托業收入比重達39%。而通道模式面臨較大的波動和不確定性,業內人士預測,通道業務會隨著“泛信托化”的趨勢逐漸萎縮,最終消亡。瞄準富人的口袋麥肯錫全球董事合伙人徐軍認為,信托公司應該在市場還不錯時未雨綢繆,未來信托行業的表現會更加分化。而張軍所在的信托公司就將目光瞄準了中國富人階層,尤其是上市公司的老闆們。Wind資訊數據顯示,截至11月,今年有18家上市公司購買信托產品,認購資金規模約54億元。張軍所在的信托公司不僅僅想向上市公司推銷理財產品,更大的目標是想圍繞上市公司打造一條信托產業鏈條。“公司此前已經通過公司股權質押業務為上市公司的股東服務,下一步公司想把這一產業鏈進一步拓展到上市公司高管的個人財富管理,包括家族信托等都是我們公司的目標。”張軍說。證券時報記者採訪發現,多家信托公司都在此業務上暗自發力。上海信托人士表示,公司下一個業務重點就是家族財富管理信托,目前公司已經積累了2萬多個高淨值客戶;而同在上海的愛建信托積累的高淨值客戶也超過了1萬個。在瑞銀證券財富管理部投資產品服務總監張瓊看來,國內的信托公司涉獵家族信托,一方面是源於客戶需求,二是信托公司的轉型需求。去年以來,監管層對資管鬆綁,實際上就是倒逼信托公司反思業務轉型,讓他們還本溯源,回歸到信托本身應該做的事情。陸家嘴信托的一位高管坦率地說,這些年政策對信托業的調控,總是能讓信托公司找到更好的出路,現在年年都會出現新的套路和新的業務。通道業務減少讓信托公司放慢了發展速度,但隨著家族信托等業務市場的開發,信托公司一定能找到新的發展模式和盈利空間。迷你倉最平
- Dec 16 Mon 2013 11:26
- Dec 16 Mon 2013 11:12
浦發在湘首家社區銀行現身 下了班還可辦業務明年將在長沙至少設立20家
- Dec 16 Mon 2013 11:00
渣打:明年點心債規模 料5600億
渣打集團(02888)大中華區債務資本市場部主管鄭俊峰接受專訪時表示,迷你倉樂器人民幣強勢、再融資高峰、監管政策放寬三大因素,將�起明年點心債發行額再創新高。 「人民幣(升)破6算只是時間問題,美國5月首度提及退市時,人民幣並沒有跟隨其他亞洲貨幣大跌,投資者仍持有大量資金,總要找資金出路。」鄭俊峰指,資金正流向穩陣的點心債。 渣打上月在兩星期內承造7筆點心債,涉及發行額達132.5億元(人民幣,下同),是歷來少見,反映投資情緒高漲,點心債活躍將至少持續至明年。3因素�發行量 勝今年 人民幣強勢、再融資高峰達3,000億元、監管政策放寬三大因素�起明年點心債發行,鄭俊峰指,明年點心債規模將高於今年。渣打研究部指出,料明年點心債規模將達5,600億元,遠高於年初至今發行額約3,300億至3,400億元。 監管政策也是推高明年點心債發行再創高峰的利好因素,鄭俊峰指,內地於7月放寬跨境放款,已吸引資金停泊在港,加上本港有望放寬個人兌換上限2萬元,以及各地推進迷你倉西貢民幣合資格境外機構投資者(RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors,簡稱RQFII)產品,促成資金流入的誘因。 成本是企業決定透過融資渠道的關鍵因素,鄭俊峰指出,隨�人民幣衍生產品,如交叉貨幣掉期(Cross Currency Swap,簡稱CCS)的流動性增加,企業透過發行點心債,再以掉期轉為美元,整體成本仍低於發行美元債30至50點子。 「知名企業發行點心債,憑�公司名聲,投資者也會願意去認購,但是美元債的投資者,一般看重信貸評級。」鄭俊峰指,這也間接推動點心債發行規模。 離岸人幣債券在其他市場如台灣、新加坡、倫敦等來勢洶洶,台灣啟動人民幣清算業務至今僅約9個月,已累計發行106億元寶島債,本港則要發展3年離岸業務後,才有首筆點心債發行。 「離岸人債無論在香港、台灣、倫敦發行,定價均相若,投資者種類是最大的不同之處,香港擁有最多市場參與者坐鎮,流動性亦最高。」鄭俊峰指,香港點心債市場仍最具優勢。迷你倉將軍澳
- Dec 16 Mon 2013 10:50
南方日報訊 (記者/張西陸 通訊員/穗府信)12月12日至15日,迷你倉尖沙咀廣州市長陳建華率領廣州市學習調研組赴清遠市考察對口幫扶工作,瞭解當地經濟社會發展情況,研究推進全面對口幫扶工作。在四天的行程里,陳建華先後考察了清遠市的連山縣、連南縣、連州市、陽山縣和清新區,實地走訪了學校、醫院、文化場館、企業、工業園區、蔬菜基地等多個場mini storage,聽取了當地城市規劃、重點工程進展及旅遊發展等情況介紹,並分別與當地區(市、縣)委、政府交流座談。陳建華表示,廣州市將認真貫徹落實省委、省政府關於調整加強對口幫扶工作的決策部署,與清遠市進行全面對接,制訂針對性強、操作性強的全面幫扶方案,落實資金和人員安排,建立合作機制,全力推進對口幫扶工作,將廣清一體化合作提高到新的層次。迷你倉
- Dec 16 Mon 2013 10:40
嚴湘君轟動一時的國內首起比特幣交易平台詐騙案件目前已被浙江省東陽市公安局偵破,自存倉三名涉案嫌疑人被抓獲。東陽市公安局政治部蔡主任在接受《第一財經日報》記者採訪時說,日前檢察院已正式簽發三名嫌犯的逮捕令,三名嫌疑人雖然承認案件的事實部分,但對“詐騙罪名”卻未承認。對於�多受害者關心的追贓問題,蔡主任表示,公安部門一定會盡力為投資者挽回損失。他同時告訴本報記者,部分受害者可能存在虛報被騙數額的情況,案件目前還在調查之中,可以透露的細節不多。“目前還有一名主犯在逃,東陽警方正在全力追捕。此外,東陽警方還在嘗試恢複GBL網站關閉前的交易數據,目前看來數據可恢複的可能性很大,數據恢複後將會為受害者核實相應的損失。”相關知情人士向本報記者透露了案件的最新進展。10月22日,因看好比特幣的行情,東陽人喬某在網上搜索比特幣交易平台GBL公司,並通過第三方支付在該交易平台充值9萬元用來買賣比特幣。10月26日,喬某發現該網絡交易平台的工作人員不在線,一些正常的交易程序也無法實施,隨後向東陽市公安局報案。東陽市公安局立即著手偵查後發現,遭受損失的遠不止喬某一人(本報11月14日報道《比特幣交易網GBL卷款跑路 500人受損或超2000萬元》)。東陽市公安局將案情上報,根據上級指令,抽調精幹警力成立專案組,進行全面偵查。專案組民警經過努力,確定了GBL交易平台管理人員身份,並及時實施了追捕。11月12日,嫌疑人劉某在貴州省都勻市被專案組民警抓獲。29歲的劉某是GBL網站的負責人,並化名為“莊見愁迷你倉為用戶提供比特幣行情分析,在業內有一定的知名度。11月14日,嫌疑人金某在安徽省合肥市落網。24歲的金某是安徽省合肥市廬江縣人,為網站製作、維護者,也積極參與網站的日常運營,金某計算機專業畢業,精于軟件編程,曾在上海某公司就職。11月19日,嫌疑人黃某在深圳被抓獲,其在GBL平台上主要負責網站的財務工作。GBL比特幣交易平台的網站域名為,服務器位於美國,IP地址108.168.231.23。與大多數比特幣交易網站不同的是,GBL採用的是帶10倍杠杆的期貨交易模式。用戶可以向GBL提供的第三方賬戶里匯入人民幣或者直接向GBL的比特幣賬戶里存入比特幣進行交易,既可以做空也可以做多。比特幣的漲跌幅度很大,如果“押對寶”,10倍杠杆絕對可以讓用戶大賺一筆,反之也會遭受巨大的損失。10月26日,GBL網站頁面忽然被關閉;接著,在毫無任何徵兆的情況下,用戶們又紛紛被踢出GBL官方QQ群。就在大家還沒有來得及將賬戶中的資金提出來的時候,GBL就已經帶著他們的錢跑路了。意識到情況不妙的GBL用戶自發建立起了維權QQ群,6小時內便有近200名GBL客戶入群。GBL公司的經紀人也口風急轉,馬上成立了維權群表示將和客戶一起追究GBL公司責任。該維權群的發起人之一在發給本報記者的GBL聯合維權統計表中顯示,登記在冊的130名受害者共計損失460余萬元。根據業內人士分析,該網站于10月18日開始就大量轉移平台中會員充值的比特幣,為卷款跑路做準備。目前,該案件仍在繼續偵查中。mini storage
- Dec 16 Mon 2013 10:26
Day tripping: Sometimes you have to just go along for the ride
Source: The Record, Stockton, Calif.迷你倉最平Dec. 15--It was an early start to the day -- 4 a.m.But that's OK, getaway days often begin early and I had a ride to catch to leave Salinas.Wait. Let me back up a bit.I returned my daughter's car Tuesday night to Monterey, where she attends graduate school. The car had been in Stockton since Thanksgiving, not on holiday but for repair.On her way home to us for the weekend, her 13-year-old car shut off twice in traffic. That is neither good, nor safe.Imagine driving through curvy Pacheco Pass at 55-miles per hour and suddenly having no power, no steering, no brakes.The car needed to be serviced before it could make that or any trip. So it stayed in Stockton while I drove her back to Monterey the Sunday after Thanksgiving -- traffic was horrendous, by the way.With the car repaired and no clear convenient time or way to return it to her in sight, I planned to drive her car down after work and return to Stockton the following day.This is how I ended up, in a motel room in Salinas, without a car but tickets for public transportation to get me most of the way back home.The problem in doing this was that I could not find a simple direct route that fit my schedule. The Altamont Corridor Express runs west in the morning and east in the afternoon. A Greyhound bus would not arrive in Stockton until 3 p.m., both schedules were way too late in the day.Besides, I did not want to sit around a terminal of any sorts for hours waiting to make a connection.So I cobbled together my own transportation. Just call it buses (two), trains (one) and automobiles (two).The first leg of my trip was a 5 a.m. cab ride to the Greyhound bus station in downtown Salinas.The ride was short ($7 fare including tip), the cabbie talkative and the music too loud until he finally turned it way down. At 5:07, I was outside the dark, locked station, which did not open until 9.Well, there was nothing to do except wait. Two cab drivers were in the parking lot, so I was not concerned about my safety.The bus arrived at 5:17 a.m., the driver kept the engine running and the heater on. The bus was dark and had plenty of empty seats. It was a warm place to wait until the 5:40 departure. The driver said the bus route began in Los Angeles; he replaced a driver in Santa Barbara and had already driven about 221 miles by the time I stepped on.We left a few minutes early by my clock. I doubted anyone objected. We made stops in Watsonville -- home of former Stockton Mayor Gary Podesto -- Santa Cruz, San Jose and Hayward before the final stop in Oa迷你倉land with the estimated arrival time of 9:05 a.m.Early morning bus rides are a good time to sleep. It's dark, quiet and one can huddle in a seat to keep warm. However, the bus did not make for the most restful sleep, at least for me, as I awoke at every stop. Still, sleeping some is better than not at all.I also discovered Greyhound buses have Wi-Fi.Morning commute traffic through San Jose and Oakland is awful, but you probably already knew that.We were slightly behind schedule and I mentally leafed through my options for making my next connection.We arrived at the Oakland Greyhound station at 9:17 a.m. This leg of the trip cost $22.95.I was in luck as the stop for the local bus I needed to take was at the corner of the station. I waited all of two minutes before the arrival of 72M, the bus to Jack London Square Amtrak station.Cost of the transit ride: $2.10, and I made it to the train station in plenty of time.This Amtrak train was part of the Capitol Corridor line that runs from Bakersfield to Sacramento. I just needed to get to Stockton.Again, plenty of seats on the double-decker cars. Cost of this ride: $10.The worst part of the trip was the guy wearing way too much cologne who sat a few rows in front of me. It was a relief when he moved to another seat, so I was no longer downwind.Amtrak trains also have Wi-Fi. This leg of the trip was spent reading, sleeping, listening to music.The train arrived at the San Joaquin Street station in Stockton a few minutes earlier than the 11:45 a.m. ETA.A buddy picked me up at the station and drove me home.I stepped into my driveway at noon, some seven hours after this trek began.The previous night, I had driven a route of about 150 miles in 2 1/2 hours. It cost $28 in gas. It was a relaxed, leisurely drive.The next day, the return trip took some figuring out to make happen. It was about 195 miles, took seven hours and cost $41, plus an additional $78.50 for the room. I was fortunate in that there were no delays and all my connections clicked.It was not a bad way to spend a day, despite how quickly the morning arrived. Given that, I'm not hankering to do it again anytime soon.Let's just hope that my daughter's car won't require any extended work for a long time.Contact Record Managing Editor Donald W. Blount at (209) 546-8251 or Visit his blog at and follow him on Twitter, @donblount.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Record (Stockton, Calif.) Visit The Record (Stockton, Calif.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Dec 16 Mon 2013 10:16
2014高股息、高收債 勝出 ING史特漢:明年經濟加速成長年,戰術性資產配置鎖定「雙高」主軸
歷經數年來的寬鬆貨幣政策終讓經濟成長現象緩慢到位,迷你倉將軍澳全球景氣自谷底反轉向上,邁入第二階段的復甦期,投資策略也需跟隨轉變。 ING投資管理投資長史特漢(HANS STOTER)來台分享對明年投資市場看法時指出,明年將是經濟加速成長年,金融市場在低溫成長中逐漸正常化,戰術性資產配置可鎖定高收益債券及高股息股票的「雙高」策略。 史特漢表示,隨著成熟國家央行策略性的貨幣操作、財政緊縮的步調放緩、歐元區銀行同盟漸成形與日本安倍經濟學發酵等,終讓全球景氣盼得景氣回溫的拂曉曙光。 明年看好歐日美股 進一步分析已開發國家中,美國勞動市場持續改善、家戶單位資產負債表持續改善;歐元區的各國競爭力差異縮小,德國內需正在擴大,各國積極減少失衡,歐元區步入復甦軌道;日本則在安倍經濟學發威下,名目經濟成長已經出現,核心物價指數亦脫離通縮,整體景氣循環信號終於改善。成熟國家整體復甦的前景朝樂觀前進,因此在2014年相對看好歐、日、美股市。 相較之下,新興市場面臨結構性問題加劇,推手就是過剩的美元流通及信貸成長,對於量化寬鬆政策即將退場,各新興國家面臨不同影響,受惠全球出口成長的包括台灣、南韓、墨西哥,但跟原物料息息相關的南非、巴西,還有過去受惠量化寬鬆的馬來西亞、泰國、印尼可能較受衝擊。 債轉股現象尚不明顯 今年成熟股市反轉向上,取代新興市場成為股市領頭羊,市場出現資金版圖「GREAT ROTATION(迷你倉尖沙咀轉股)」論點。史特漢指出,這波「債轉股」的現象並不明顯,雖然今年美國的股票基金淨流入金額創2008年以來最高,惟債券基金仍維持淨流入,且高收益債基金仍持續吸金,分析原因主要是投資人將貨幣型基金及現金轉進股市,且法人機構亦降低現金部位,轉進股市或信用債、公司債;歐洲也可望出現相同的資金流向。 史特漢認為,2014年的金融市場將逐漸正常化,意謂低經濟成長、低利率、低預期報酬將持續數年,隨著企業營運循環轉佳且價值面仍在合理範圍內,建議戰術性資產配置可鎖定「雙高」主軸的兩大收益型商品,包括高股息股票及高收益債券。 金馬年首選雙高策略 成熟市場的高股息族群成為未來「債轉股」的首要標的,最看好的成熟地區是歐元區,因為正走出過去幾年低潮而逐步改善,相當具投資價值;其次,高收益債券相對其他債種具最高殖利率,且對向上走揚的公債殖利率敏感度較低,預期明年、後年的違約率仍可維持低檔於2%以下,相較整體過去平均值的4%至4.5%,仍相當低。 雖然明年全球市場展望樂觀,但投資人仍需留意市場風險。史特漢認為,美國聯準會縮減QE勢在必行,加上歐股持續吸金,資本撤離造成新興貨幣貶值、財政緊縮與內需減弱的惡性循環,新興市場難以靠凱因斯學派的刺激方法獲得救贖,且美國債務上限議題與歐洲邊陲國家都可能產生下檔風險,因此投資人的資產配置應往成熟市場與收益型產品移動,尋找風險與樂觀預期的平衡點,切莫過度注重機會而輕忽風險存在。mini storage
- Dec 16 Mon 2013 10:05