- Oct 17 Thu 2013 09:50
美英法澳 對緬甸發旅警
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 09:38
回歸16 年多以來,儲存特區政府在宏觀經濟政策方面,一直緊守回歸前的傳統,盡可能讓市場發揮,由市場決定優勝劣敗,汰弱留強,政府盡量不去挑選贏家,也不會刻意懲罰敢於冒險創新、可能衝擊市場生態的人。這個施政方針,今天出現了巨大的變化,政府的免費電視發牌決定傳達了清晰的信息,特區政府寧願維護屢屢挑戰廣播監管守則的亞洲電視,也不願發牌予創新進取的香港電視,特區政府保護紅色資本免受衝擊的熱忱,就像一片紅葉,宣告秋天來了,肅殺的冬天還會遠嗎?在香港商界打滾多年的人,很自然會把剛出爐的免費電視發牌決定,與港府過去在電訊及廣播領域的發牌決定做比較。有心水清的人士指出,1990 年代初港英政府決定開放電訊市場,引入競爭,固定電訊網絡牌照一下子增發3 張,流動電訊網絡牌照更一下子發出6 張,當時社會上也有人質疑,新經營者是否有足夠經驗?市場能否容納這麼多參與者?但事實證明市場完全有能力自我調節,經營得法的搶得市場份額,策略錯誤或財力不繼的便出讓牌照,市場逐步整固,充足的競爭確保市民可用低廉的費用享用先進的電訊服務,龐大的固定及流動電訊網絡基建投資更大大提升了香港的商業競爭力。有接近通訊局的人士指出,不少通訊局的委員不服今次發牌決定,通訊局向行政會議提交的建議是發3張牌照,3 家申請機構都符合發牌條件,具有足夠的財力和技術,若論業務計劃書評迷你倉,王維基的香港電視得分也不是最低的,不明白政府用什麼理據否決港視的申請。通訊局的邏輯是讓市場決定優勝劣敗,就算顧問公司的研究顯示免費電視市場只能容納4 個經營者,行會也可以發出3 張新牌照,讓他們與原有的無�和亞視競爭,就算亞視因此被淘汰,也沒有什麼大不了,3 個新經營者合共帶來的新增就業機會,將遠遠超過亞視倒閉造成的裁員人數,而且亞視近年屢次嚴重違反監管規則,一再挑戰通訊局的裁決,是典型的壞孩子。然而,這個邏輯去到特首和行會那�不被接納,不止一名行會成員私下指出,政府高層認為,若發牌決定將迫使亞視倒台,那是不可接受的。換言之,政府寧要亞視,不要港視。有政壇中人指出,無�和亞視擁有使用大氣電波作免費電視廣播的專利,入屋率接近百分之百,在政治上有重要地位,而且亞視主要股東具內地背景,經營作風近似內地電視台,積極為特區及中央政府發聲,新增的免費電視牌照不具有大氣電波使用權,本來殺傷力有限,但如果新經營者積極進取,令亞視僅餘的收視和廣告都失去,被迫關門大吉,亞視交還政府的大氣電波頻譜就要重新分配,屆時免費電視市場將會出現大面積的版圖重劃,無�的壟斷地位可能不保。特區政府高層既不想見到已染紅的亞視倒閉,也不想一直聽話的無�被削弱,最終的選擇就是封殺王維基的香港電視。網誌:specials.mingpao.com/LSZ.htmself storage
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 09:27
在葡國閒逛的十多天,存倉少見有人捧書津津有味地細讀。里斯本的大地鐵站都有書攤式書店,然人流不多。直覺在閱讀風氣上,葡國人“仍須努力”。葡萄牙今天經濟落後於歐盟大部分國家,然而,它曾經是歐洲最強國和世界航海先鋒,是與西班牙分據天下的帝國,有相當的文化底蘊。根據健力士世界紀錄大全,世界上最古老而仍在營運的書店,原來就在里斯本。那是在全國有五十多間分店的Bertrand。我們在里斯本時不知道這間書店的存在,錯過了拜訪。但在波爾圖,我們去了一間歷史亦相當悠久,網上旅遊資料和《孤星》都有介紹的Letto書店。波爾圖的遊客地圖,也有標示此書店的所在位置。我們兩次經過Livraria Letto而不察覺,要當地人指點才找得到,原因此書店的內櫳雖然氣派不凡,但外觀卻毫不起眼。Letto之所以出名,是因為店內裝潢與設計,古色古香得叫人嘆為觀止:兩層全木結構古老屋,樓梯開在中央,呈蝴蝶狀左右兩邊分叉而上。精緻的木雕天花有天然採光,古老木書架到頂,每個局部結構都吸引眼球,令人流連,忍不住伸手撫摸。個人覺得這所百多年歷史的書店,比科英布拉大學五百年歷史的圖書館更有魅力(讀者可上網搜索Livraria Letto的圖片)。或許是因為 Letto仍然是一間儲存生命力的活書店,而古老的大學圖書館,只是讓人懷緬憑弔的博物館。Letto的書種看來頗多。牆壁之外的書架和擺設亦有心思。樓上近欄杆的地方設小沙發讓讀者歇腳,樓下店堂最深處,有一條通到店中間的“鐵路軌”,軌上放了一部古老木頭車,用來運書。店內人流之多,可用絡繹不絕來形容。如果來客都是讀者,我會為書店感到高興:如此人流,生意一定不俗。可是,來客究竟有多少是�正讀者?�是天曉得。我懷疑大部分都是如我們慕名而來的外地遊客,尋尋覓覓而來,為的是參觀書店而不是來買書。Letto門口貼了禁止攝影告示,但是千里而來的遊客,不守規矩的仍不少。他們會趁店員不留意時拍“到此一遊”照。書店樓下和樓上各有一職員對一看就知不是讀者的人虎視眈眈,幾乎每分鐘都高叫“no picture, please”,勞氣時連please都省掉,語帶怒氣。我當時心想,一間以建築設計出名的書店,大開中門接待天下來客,每天讓?來攘往的人 “搞搞震冇幫襯”,還要另設人手做睇場,也實在是太累也太不劃算了。如果我是店主,乾脆就收入場費或者入場攝影費,這肯定比賣書賺更多的錢。問題是:如果這樣做,Livraria Letto還是一間書店嗎?我對 Letto主人的堅持,由衷地肅然起敬。沈尚�迷你倉
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 09:16
第18屆MIF今開幕 促進合作共創商機
【本報訊】由澳門貿易投資促進局主辦的第十八屆澳門國際貿易投資展覽會(MIF)今日起一連四天在威尼斯人舉行,儲存全球50多個國家與地區超過4600客商來澳參展與會。開幕式今日上午舉行,特區政府及中聯辦主要官員出席。 澳門國際貿易投資展覽會不僅是澳門首個通過國際展覽業協會認證的展覽會,更是區內的品牌展覽會。此次展覽會以“促進合作 共創商機”為主題,針對市場結構的變化以及不同需要,不但為參展商介紹更多元化的業務夥伴,同時也為客商帶來嶄新的服務和拓展機遇。 本屆MIF展位與面積均與去年相若。超過50多個國家與地區參展與會。其中俄羅斯、義大利、摩爾多瓦共和國等更是首次獨立設館或組團參會。本屆展會預設超過1,900個展位,展覽面積逾3萬平方米。大會主要展區包括中國內地省市展區、澳門館、葡語國家館、歐盟館、葡萄牙館、德國館、東盟展區、福建館、澳門工商經貿館、珠海展區、南沙展區、中山翠亨展區、創意營商區、國粹藝術品展區、亞洲魔術聯盟大會及服裝節等;展銷區方面包括澳門中小企業展區、台灣展區、中華民族區和數碼影像攝影器材展區等。大會亦將分設展示、展銷兩大功能區域,既協助廣泛展示交流,亦強化商貿配對交易功能,務求滿足參展商、客商、業界人士以至普通觀眾等多方面的要求。為進一步加強粵澳經貿合作,本屆展會將特設珠海橫琴、廣州南沙、中山翠亨展區專門介紹該區的最新投資環境、戰略區位、發展優勢、最新規劃等。台灣貿易中心首次組織以未來科技 聰明生活為主題的「台灣精品館」。展館涵括台灣九大產業,資通訊、節能環保、居家生活、運動休閒、教學互動、工具機、中間產業、醫療及文化創意。 今年大會繼續設立中小企展銷區,展銷區將涵蓋澳門中小企業展區、數碼影像攝影器材展區、中國民族商品文化工藝展區、海外中小企業展區及台灣館。其中由澳門中華mini storage商會及澳門貿易投資促進局主辦,澳門中小企業協進會、澳門女企業家商會協辦的澳門中小企業展區有關本地企業報名參展踴躍,共有157間,比去年提昇約20%。此外,今年的海外中小企業展區亦吸引尼泊爾、馬達加斯加、莫三比克及菲律賓等國家有關企業參展。 在展會期間將舉行超過五十多場高層次論壇會議以及多個地區之投資環境和項目推介會、行業專題會議、產品及服務推介會,促進多邊商貿經濟交流和合作。主要的活動有:「國際貿易投資論壇2013」、「第10屆世界華商高峰會」、「第三屆江蘇-澳門•葡語國家工商峰會」、2013「澳門國醫論壇」、「中國酒業如何面向世界市場論壇」、「兩岸四地服裝業高峰論壇」、「深澳文創產業合作交流座談會」、「葡語國家-福建-澳門經貿交流酒會」等等。 大會提供一系列免費商業配對洽談服務及設置專業採購區。大會已收到來自世界各地超過3,000個商業配對項目,其中共收到超過2,600個投資合作項目,供應項目超過390個,採購商採購項目超過180個。現已安排預約會面洽談超過1100場。大會根據中小企業、文化創意行業、餐飲業、酒店業等不同市場需求,特地安排了文化創意產業對接交流酒會、葡萄牙酒類對接交流酒會及東莞-葡語國家(澳門)洽談會,為參展商與採購商提供平臺進行對接。 澳門貿易投資促進局昨晚舉行歡迎晚宴,主席張祖榮簡介是次展覽會。張祖榮還指出,今年以來,儘管全球經濟增長緩慢,但是多個相關指標顯示澳門經濟發展態勢依然好。過去八個月,訪澳旅客計接近2000萬人次,按年增加百分之四點七;澳門對外商品貿易總額約七十七億美元,較去年同期增加百分之十四;政府財政收入相當於124億美元,同比增長百分之二十一點一。他稱,作為澳門特區政府專責促進貿易及引進外資的機構,貿促局為澳門及海內外的工商界和投資者提供一系列服務。self storage
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 09:04
昔日紅極一時的諾基亞和BlackBerry先後賣盤,儲存倉市場正在估誰是下一個。暫時以HTC的呼聲最高。不過,彭博社早前卻指出,HTC現價仍然很貴,至少比BlackBerry還要貴。暗示這過氣黃花難有好身價找「水魚」接貨。 企業的價值一般以市帳率(PB)作比較。根據彭博社的數據,目前HTC的市帳率為1.4倍,較BlackBerry的0.5倍高出接近3倍。引用投資網誌MoneyInsider對市帳率的解釋:上市公司股價除以每股帳面淨值得出的數字,是一個衡量股份平貴的指標,理論上數值愈低,股份便愈值得買。 現價太貴難求售 不要忘記,HTC的股價自2011年的高峰已下挫近九成,市值由370億美元縮水至僅38億美元。上月9日更公布收入再度下跌,拖累股價見8年新低。只不過,如今殘破不堪的股價,還有1.4倍市帳率,實在太高。 若參考彭博社的綜合評級(consensus ratings),更見HTC的不濟。該公司的綜合評級只有1.6分(5分滿分),在超過500間上市的科技公司之中最低。已售的諾基亞和BlackBerry也分別有3.3分和2.5分。 台灣元大證券分析員詹宗勳評論,以該水平的PB作收購交易還很高,但又不認為該公司可有復蘇的前景。換言之,HTC正陷於兩難的局面,即使掛牌求售也因作價太貴無人問津。 相比之下,BlackBerry目前只有0.5倍PB,解釋了為何這隻爛船剩下的三斤釘也抵買,吸引加拿大金融公司Fairfax Fin迷你倉最平ncial出價47億美元私有化。 沒有市場定位難立足 HTC一方面被指身價太高難以沽出,業績又持續欠佳。該公司已經連續8個季度收入萎縮。根據Gartner的今年第二季度的智能手機出貨量報告,HTC的市場佔有率由去年的5.8%,跌至僅2.8%。上月底更要向Beats售回股份「撲水」。 雖然該公司最近積極反撲,卻是乏力,如推出今年旗艦產品The New HTC One,以及重金禮聘Robert Downey Jr.拍品牌廣告。但前者叫好不叫座,銷售成績每況愈下,後者更未能造成市場正面迴響。 事實上,HTC最大問題是沒有在市場上找到定位。手機商過去的核心業務是組裝零件和設計,配合市場推廣將產品賣出。惟HTC高不成低不就,高階產品不及蘋果、三星,低階貨又不及華為、聯想和山寨機賤價,定位很是尷尬。 本來HTC惟一可取之處是沒有虧損和負債,可集中資源做好產品挽回市場信心。但執筆時傳來該公司首次季度財報見紅的消息,第三季淨虧損1億美元。屋漏兼逢夜雨,情況實在堪虞。 HTC股價由高位回落九成,但市帳率還有1.4倍,實在太高,即使求售也難覓買家。 Eric Chong E-mail:eric.chong@singtaonewscorp.comPhoto:星島圖片庫 Art:edyue Editor:Eric 熟悉企業IT技術,擁有多年編採經驗,曾任職報章理財投資版,善於從科技公司尋找投資機會。相信數字會說話,有圖有真相。迷你倉
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 08:51
Medicine for the mind
A program teaching mental-health patients painting, dance, music and crafts is having remarkable results.儲存 Xinhua writers and report.Wang Yu seems to be proud of her peony paintings, but there’sno hint of pride on her face when she asks her visitors for comments.She remains expressionless as the visitors wow at a scroll of the large, showy pink blos- soms she has painted.h e blossoms were painted more than a year ago, and her new subject of choice is chrysanthemums, which she calls mums, for short.However, Wang continues with the query “Are my peonies beautiful?” but she is staring at a piece of paper covered in sketches of yel- low chrysanthemums.“Yes, they are beautiful, but we have to i nish our mums’ petals and leaves today. All right?” her teacher Jia Lixian says, hoping to divert her student’s attention toward the l owers they are painting.Wang begins to copy Jia as the teacher shows her how to control the brush strokes.The 30-something woman is among a group of unusual students of traditional Chinese painting, who are learning the skill as part of a rehabilitation therapy at a Beijing hospital for mental disorder suf erers.The program established at Beijing’sPing’an Hospital in 2011 is maintained by a local group of senior citizens who of er train- ing in painting, dance, music and handicrat .Jia, 63, teaches painting, a skill she learned at a community college for senior citizens, while her husband Tian Guohua serves as head of the volunteer group.Jia and Tian decided to create the pro- gram at er their mentally ill son died three years ago. At er experiencing the dii culty of raising a son with a mental disorder, they decided to create the program to help other patients and their families.h eir idea was welcomed by the hospital, which has more than 140 patients with men- tal disorders.Hospital manger Li Shuo says social par- ticipation is necessary to ensure the success of the patients’ recovery, especially for the restoration of their social skills, such as inter- personal communication.However, not everybody is i t to work with such patients, Li says. h e hospital’s man- agement decided to permit Tian’s group to volunteer because they believed the group’sdiverse skill set would aid in the recovery process.Tian’s volunteer group is composed of more than 30 members, most of whom are over the age of 60.When the program began, some of the doctors and nurses refused to believe that their patients would one day become capable of painting anything, let alone peonies, a subject that requires delicate use of brush and change of color.Jia managed to teach her students the skill, although it was not an easy process.“You need a lot of patience when you teach them how to paint. h ey are prone to for- get things and sometimes their hands are not agile enough to command complicated curves as a side ef ect of drug therapy,” Jia says.“But you cannot get frustrated or angry with them. Your only choice is to help them start from the very beginning if they forget what they have previously learned.”You Guifang, who teaches dance, has had similar problems. Dance requires nimble movements, but some patients cannot respond to the rhythms accurately.The 67-year-old You sometimes has to bend down to help move their feet with her hands.However, Jia and You are aware that they are not making artists or dancers.“We are interacting with them to make them feel happy and help them learn to com- municate with others,” Jia says.For Bao Fulan, participating in the volun- tary program requires not only a good heart and patience, but also c迷你倉urage.When Tian invited the 72-year-old woman to teach handicrat s at the hospital, her fam- ily members and friends warned her that the patients might be unpredictable or danger- ous.She admits that she was initially scared about the prospect of spending time with the patients, but agreed to give it a shot, i nding the experience was nothing like what her relatives warned her about.“Before I came here, I thought the patients were madmen, as I was told when I was a child. But I have found that they are very polite and gentle, much like children, and need care from others,” Bao says.h e hospital uses strict measures and the volunteers receive training when they start working with the program to ensure the safety of everyone involved.Bao and her volunteers keep a close eye on the scissors and tweezers that are frequently used in the handicrat that she teaches. h ree doctors and nurses are also on hand when the courses are taught.Bao’s initial worries were not unfound- ed. Violent attacks carried out by people with mental disorders happen every year.Last month, a mentally ill man attacked bystanders with a knife at a Beijing super- market, killing one person and injuring three others.h ese incidents have exposed loopholes in the medical care system, with many men- tally ill people slipping through the cracks.Reports on the incidents have also served to widen the gap between the general public and the mentally ill, who are ot en the target of discrimination in the country.According to statistics from the National Health and Family Planning Commission, China has more than 16 million people with serious mental disorders.The country’s first Mental Health Law, which took ef ect on May 1, is intended to boost public participation in caring for the mentally ill by calling for local governments to support and encourage individuals and organizations that wish to provide services for such patients.h e law has been good news for mental hospitals and patients, but it will take time for society to rid itself of discrimination, hospital manager Li says.“Drug therapy is a basic but very small part of the recovery process. Receiving care from relatives and community members can reshape patients’ perceptions of society, and thus is helpful for them to return to normal life,” Li says.In this sense, Li says, the volunteers have helped change the hospital’s environment and are playing an important role that drugs cannot i ll. “When the patients see people among them in the hospital who aren’t in white gowns, they feel dif erently.”Doctors and nurses have found that CHINAFACE Jia Lixian teaches a patient traditional Chinese painting as part of a rehabilitation therapy at a Beijing hospital for mental disorder suf erers.patients who have participated in the volun- teer therapy program have shown less hos- tility to the people around them, including hospital staf and relatives, Li says.Some of the more movement-oriented therapy sessions have also helped improve patients’ use of their limbs, which are ot en af ected by the long-term use of drugs.Li says the volunteers are setting a good example for the public in terms of the atti- tudes they have displayed toward the patients.“The patients have self-awareness, self- esteem and emotions just like you and me.h ey need the embrace of their families and society,” Li says.Wang Yu, the traditional Chinese painting student, may serve as an illustration to Li’scomments.When asked why she likes painting, the woman says that Jia is a good teacher. “She would come to teach us even when she has a fever.”儲存倉
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 08:37
2017年全球移動支付額或達1.5萬億美元 移動支付潮席卷全球
□本報記者 高改芳對於移動支付行業,迷你倉包括銀聯、各大銀行以及移動運營商等,如何把在境內的支付創新推廣到境外,仍是一道難題。“必須承認,在加拿大市場,銀行卡組織之間的競爭非常激烈,而且維薩和萬事達卡占據大部分市場份額。對中國最大的卡組織銀聯而言,想在加拿大乃至北美的移動支付市場佔有一席之地,挑戰很多。”加拿大安大略省經貿和就業發展廳資深顧問韋大衛(David Wai)告訴中國證券報記者。移動支付掀起全球浪潮當中國的銀行、電信運營商和銀聯等都把“移動支付”作為未來業務的一個重要發展方向時,大洋彼岸,加拿大金融服務業的中心多倫多,也正在經歷著一場“支付革命”。業內預計,2017年全球移動支付額將達1.5萬億美元。今年7月,加拿大最大的銀行加拿大皇家銀行(RBC)發佈RBC安全雲。這是加拿大第一個基於雲計算的移動支付解決方案。韋大衛介紹,加拿大智能手機用戶中,有36%使用手機銀行;而且更高比例的用戶稱,他們會考慮使用手機銀行。從今年7月12日到22日,對2026名加拿大人進行的市場調查顯示,47%的人會考慮使用移動支付,並從自己的信用卡中扣除相關費用。而加拿大羅傑斯通訊公司(Rogers)和加拿大帝國商業銀行(CIBC)都在提供這項服務,即用手機支付,然後從信用卡中扣款。韋大衛介紹,在加拿大,支持NFC(近距離無線通訊技術)手機支付的POS機滲透率已經達到31%,超過日本(27%)和美國(16%),排名世界第一。在25家加拿大最大的零售商中,有19家都支持NFC支付。而萬事達卡的消費中,10%都是通過NFC支付的。“割地”而據由於維薩、萬事達、美國運通等國際卡組織的市場占比過高,在加拿大市場上,中國銀聯的市場占比很低。盡管加拿大可用銀聯卡的ATM機儲存占當地市場總數的60%以上,但直到今年8月,工商銀行(加拿大)才與銀聯國際在加拿大推出銀聯品牌人民幣、加幣雙幣信用卡。這不僅是工行進入加拿大市場後發行的首張信用卡,也是北美地區首張銀聯信用卡。“對於應用開發商,例如零售商、銀行、移動運營商等,最關鍵的是為客戶提供把手機購物和便捷支付融為一體的完美體驗。”韋大衛承認,中國的銀行很難進入加拿大乃至北美市場。在中國市場上卻是另一番景象,NFC手機支付也已如火如荼地展開。目前國內NFC手機支付已陸續接入中行、建行、中信、光大、民生、浦發等10家全國性商業銀行,並在上海、北京、天津、長沙、南京等十多個試點城市實現落地。NFC手機支付目前可以應用于便利店、自助售貨機、快餐、超市、百貨等場所。全國已經有130萬台標有銀聯“QuickPass閃付”標識的POS機具上。而按照計劃,2015年所有受理銀行卡的聯網通用終端將實現受理非接觸式交易。設想中,今後NFC手機支付還將應用于地鐵、高鐵、高速公路、停車場等更多的場所。據艾瑞最新統計,2012年中國移動支付市場規模達1511億,預計2016年突破萬億。伴隨移動互聯網的迅猛發展,移動支付已成為產業熱點。“前段時間國內第三方支付平台易票聯支付與萬事達合作發行的以人民幣結算的‘虛擬信用卡’不是被叫停了嘛。中國這麼大的移動支付市場暫時不會有國際卡組織的什麼事,就像銀聯現在也很難在境外開展移動支付一樣。”某第三方支付公司相關負責人認為,全球移動支付方興未艾。由於支付標準不統一,產業鏈複雜以及信息安全等因素,市場放量尚待時日,移動互聯網(遠程)支付仍將占據移動支付的80%市場份額,是移動支付角逐的主戰場。待近場支付的市場新秩序建立起來後,才能考慮NFC手機支付的跨境受理。mini storage
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 08:29
The fundamental issue for China remains its blueprint for reform
- Oct 16 Wed 2013 10:18
Source: The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.迷利倉Oct. 15--Gay residents of Northeastern Pennsylvania deserve to study, shop, dine out, dance, work, date and otherwise exist without fear of being the target of hate-filled comments, harassment or worse.Ditto for every area resident, regardless of sexual orientation. Yet in Luzerne County even today -- 44 years after the Stonewall riots and, good grief, 15 years after NBC first aired "Will & Grace" -- the social climate for transgender, bisexual and gay people continues in too many cases to be unwelcoming and sometimes outright hostile.The situation can be especially daunting for teenagers. For a youth questioning his or her sexual identity, despite growing up in the age of "Glee," the hallways and classrooms of area schools might seem lonely, intimidating, bleak. Outside, the view doesn't always get much brighter.Unmistakably, however, things gradually have been getting better compared to years past for members of the area's gay community, which means things are ever so slowly becoming better for the entire community.Consider, for example, developments such as the Luzerne County Community College students' inaugural PrideFest on campus last week and, separately, an upcoming educational conference in Wilkes-Barre focused on non-heterosexual individuals and issues they face.The latter event, titled "LGBTQA United Together: Individuals, Families, Communities," will be presented by the Family Service Association of Northeastern Pennsylvania. LGBTQA is an abbreviation that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and allied individuals.Attendees at next month's even自存倉 can choose among sessions such as "My child is gay. My parents are gay. It's okay" and "Safe and Supportive Schools."At LCCC's Nanticoke campus, meanwhile, student leaders organized an event aimed at fostering a more tolerant campus environment. "Many of our students are still struggling to find themselves," said Merissa Sims, 33, president of the college's Student Government Association. "We need awareness, understanding and support for them."Organizers of the PrideFest encouraged activism by providing voter registration cards and information on matters such as the state's same-sex marriage ban. Plus, they passed out pledge cards, asking signers to refrain from using anti-gay slurs and to speak out to stop bullying of LGBT individuals. "We don't want anyone to feel afraid that there is no place for them to turn," said sophomore Melissa Eipper, 20, of Exeter.Historically, one of Northeastern Pennsylvania's biggest barriers to progress -- aside from the way we have treated the environment -- has been the way we treat each other, particularly those people perceived as being "different."However, by our attitudes and daily interactions, each of us can play a role in improving the atmosphere.Yes, our community always should be one in which religious and other differences of thought can be openly discussed, even debated. But our words and deeds should never create an environment in which certain people live in fear because of who they are. Or who they love.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) Visit The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) at .timesleader.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Oct 16 Wed 2013 10:01
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/核心提示現代文明除了帶來技術進步,存倉還意味著人自身的解放。善待技術進步帶來的選擇自由,才是我們最值得珍惜的財富。□成都商報評論員 曾茜CNN報道稱美國億萬富翁傑瑞·瓊斯仍然使用翻蓋手機,引發中國網民熱議。當智能手機業已成為全世界泛濫的街機之時,多數人顯然無法接受一個超級富豪的“落伍”。讓人們難以接受的,還有遼寧那位高考狀元劉丁寧從香港大學休學,重回高中複讀,以完成赴北大中文系學習古典文學的夢想。此時人們眼中的得失,更多聚焦在香港大學的亞洲排名第一和豐厚的獎學金,還有內地狀元們趨之若鶩的多數人選擇,以及複讀再考的巨大風險。人們的“常識”再次因劉丁寧的違逆而遭遇挑戰。可此刻多數人自以為是的所謂常識,不過是誤將多數人的追求當成了正確追求的唯一標準,卻忽略對個體的尊重,更忽略了多數人也會犯下階段性歷史錯誤的可能。現代文明的濫觴,某種程度上始于人們對技術的崇拜和孜孜以求。從刀耕火種到工業革命再到電子網絡時代的到來,技術進步將人類遠遠帶離遠古時期對生存的最基本最原始的需求。它最偉大的進步,是在擺脫了生存這一最低層次的需求外,大大拓寬了人類選擇生活方式的自由。但這個巨大的成就,卻因為人們慣性地迷失于對最先進技術的無止境追求,而被忽略,甚至被遺忘。當然,這其實是一個普遍的現實困境,它儲存不止于個別社會對物質的盲目崇拜,也不止于個別人生對未來選擇的狹窄,它甚至會影響到個別地域發展思路的單一,甚至關係到人類與自然和諧相處等宏大且深遠的共同命題,影響不可小視。意大利文學家但丁有句話常常被我們用來勵志:走自己的路,讓別人去說吧!這句話的意義遠不止于字面上。適合自己的,才是正確的。選擇非智能手機的不止傑瑞·瓊斯一個名人,這肯定不是購買力的問題,而是特殊個體出于保護隱私的考量,當然,也不排除避免分散注意力等個體需求。選擇複讀再考,劉丁寧的理由也無需多數人認可,個體不適也罷,追逐理想也好,只要是尊重自己此時的意願,就是正確的選擇。人們總習慣于用�生的喜好去“綁架”個體發展,但慘痛的失敗比比皆是。重慶一名學生因沉迷智能手機導致諸多毛病,其父通過努力成功令其使用普通手機,諸多毛病因而獲得糾正。那位父親因此向校方表示,原出40多萬元錢為全校孩子更換傳統手機,以拯救更多孩子。這樣的做法雖然不一定可行,但其經歷至少說明,即便當下最先進的智能手機,也不一定是一個身體正在發育、智識正在完善的未成年人的正確選擇。莊子曰:吾生也有涯,而知也無涯,以有涯隨無涯,殆已。技術進步是全人類共同追求的知識財富,但不是所有先進的技術產品,都應成為每一個人追隨的潮流。現代文明除了帶來技術進步,還意味著人自身的解放。善待技術進步帶來的選擇自由,才是我們最值得珍惜的財富。迷你倉