等待昨天下午14時45分,迷你倉來自湖南常德的李成香在臨汾社區東方信息苑等候網購1月24日回家的火車票。均 蔣迪雯 攝有票15時02分,電腦提示有票,她找來工作人員合力訂票。失望一小時後她仍沒有訂上票,決定今天再試試。本報訊 (記者 王志彥)今天離2014年春運�動還有10天時間。記者從鐵路上海站獲悉,春運售票昨起進入了節前最高峰,目前上海發往西南方向的各趟列車最為搶手,基本處於“秒殺”狀態。截至昨晚18點,1月16日—24日上海發往湖南、廣西、川渝和雲貴方向的列車車票已基本售完。此外,西北方 向 1月 16日—24日 K2186,K1332,T164、T52、K360有少量票額剩餘,中原方向1月16日—24日D618、D622、K234、K1106、K464、K751、D282、D286、D292、D630、D652次基本售完,其餘車次有少量票額剩餘。 下轉◆8版(上接第1版)不過,今年鐵路春運售票也有“亮點”。比如,原本春運的“困難戶”,上海前往東北的列車,由於高鐵的開通出現了票源鬆動的現象。截至昨晚,1月 16日—24日,除長春儲存倉向G1214次、哈爾濱方向G1204次車票基本售罄,上海發往東北的其餘各車次均有票額剩餘。而福建方向1月16日—24日票額較為充裕,廣東方向1月16日—24日T211,T101,K197,D2287,D2285,D2283有部分票額剩餘,京滬高、滬寧杭、甬台溫方向1月16日至24日也有較多剩餘車票。幾天來,由於訪問量驟增,鐵路12306購票網站和95105105訂票電話接連出現“卡殼”情況。對此,鐵路部門表示,目前春運訂票旅客數量非常龐大,在設備滿負荷運轉、訂票時段集中、部分區段運力有限的情況下,出現網絡和電話訂票擁堵或訂不到票的情況,還請旅客多多理解。鐵路部門表示,由於網絡、電話途徑優先發售春運車票,從去年春運售票數據來看,超過80%的旅客通過上述兩種方式購買到春運火車票。因此,盡管網絡可能出現短暫故障,但今年購買春運緊張方向車票的旅客還得通過網絡購票、電話訂票方式。而網絡購票時代,旅客也可以找到小竅門。比如,網絡購票有45分鐘的支付時限,沒能第一時間搶到票的旅客,可以嘗試在發售車票45分鐘後,繼續搶購未支付票款而重新回庫的車票。迷你倉最平
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 08:40
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 16:18
中央紀委第二輪巡視正在開展 官網曬十八大以來“三轉”成績單 81萬紀檢幹部會員卡零持有
晨報訊(記者鄒樂)昨天,迷你倉中央紀委網站曬出十八大以來紀檢監察機關轉職能、轉方式、轉作風“成績單”。成績單顯示,81萬名專兼職紀檢監察幹部全部遞交了零持有報告書。其中,中央紀委監察部領導班子成員、在編幹部職工100%填寫了零持有報告書。信訪舉報是發現腐敗問題線索的重要來源。過去一年,中央紀委對反映領導幹部問題線索進行“大起底”。為更好地找出“老虎”和“蒼蠅”,加強和改進了巡視工作,強調“對重大問題應該發現而沒有發現就是失職,發現問題沒有客觀匯報就是瀆職”。嚴格落實迴避制度,實行巡視組組長、被巡視對象、巡視組與巡視對象關係“三個不固定”,建立巡視組組長庫,一次一授權。目前,第一輪巡視中發現的問題線索已移交相關部門,第二輪巡視工作正在開展。在改進作風過程中,2013年,以中央紀委名義召開的全國性會議只有3個,全國紀檢監察系統會mini storage卡專項清退電視電話會議僅用時20分鐘。■相關新聞中央紀委反腐平台廣徵民意晨報訊(記者 鄒樂)如何發揮互聯網在反腐敗鬥爭中的積極作用?如何進一步辦好網站?昨天,中央紀委網站問計于網民,希望借全民智慧為反腐支招。在過去的幾個月中,“中央紀委網站”稱得上是見諸各類媒體的高頻熱詞。2013年9月2日,中央紀委對原有較分散的5個網站進行整合,開通上線中央紀委網站。開通後,通報曝光517件各地區各部門違反中央“八項規定”精神典型問題和案例,引發社會關注。中央紀委表示,無論在欄目設置、內容建設,還是頁面美化、用戶體驗等方面,都希望網民建言支招。同時還將邀請部分提出意見建議的網友,參加“走進中央紀委網站”活動,面對面交流。感興趣的網友,可登錄中央紀委網站到“每月e題”或“廉政留言板”欄目留言,網站電子郵箱:ccdi@mos.gov.cn。儲存
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:52
Albany NY
Source: Times Union, Albany, N.文件倉Y.Jan. 04--COLONIE -- Andy Breen, the Battery Man, cometh with a fresh delivery of cold, cranking amps.The current stretch of subfreezing weather has been sucking the juice out of old, weak batteries and killing them off for good.Motorists waiting at auto repair shops to replace dead batteries were happy to see Breen roll up in his bright green Interstate Batteries truck to replenish parts stockrooms with gleaming 40-pound cubes of raw power."Unfortunately, I can't give people a jump on the side of the road, but I tell them I'm bringing new batteries and direct them to the nearest repair shop," said Breen, a driver for Interstate Batteries for 18 years. He covers a territory from Glens Falls to Selkirk and Amsterdam to Greenwich, Washington County.On Friday, when temperatures hovered in the single digits and dipped well below zero overnight, many motorists awakened to that sickening sound of a staccato click-click-click coming from their frigid dashboards. It's the last gasp of a dead battery.As of midafternoon, AAA Hudson Valley had received 452 auto-related emergency calls, about 300 of them requesting a jump-start for a dead battery, said spokeswoman Nancy McMahon. AAA's entire fleet of emergency trucks and additional contract vehicles were extremely busy Friday providing roadside assistance across the Capital Region, she added.A jump-start is usually a final warning for procrastinators and a sign that the battery should be replaced immediately, Breen said.Weakened batteries that respond to a jump-start typically won't hold a full charge and will fail to re-start in temperatures this cold, he said."A lot of people know they need a new battery, but they put it off and then when it gets this cold their car won't start," said Adam Dion, manager of the Firestone auto care store on Wolf Road in Colonie.He put in his order for a stack of new batteries that Breen wheeled into the stockroom with a hand truck. His mechanics had installed seven new batteries in the past couple days.Those who don't replace weak batteries after being informed often compound the problem by tacking on a tow truck charge to the cost of a new battery, Dion noted.David Bogdan, an apprentice studying auto mechanics at Hudson Valley Community College, replaced a battery in Steve Correll's 2006 Ford Fusion at Firestone on Friday. Correll was told in September when he brought the car to Firestone for an oil change that his battery should be replaced.His battery's 590-amp c存倉pacity had drained to a paltry 245 amps, a diagnostic test showed, which explained why the car groaned and took several tries to start the last few mornings."I put off replacing the battery, but I decided I better get a new one today so I don't get stranded somewhere in the freezing cold," said Correll, of Albany, who works for the state Department of Taxation and Finance."In the automotive business, we like this kind of weather," said Kyle Benecasa, manager of the Sears Auto Center at Colonie Center. Most motorists got a jump-start and managed to drive their vehicle in, although about 20 percent arrived by tow truck and faced a much higher bill, he said.Benecasa's shop was doing a brisk business in DieHard batteries, the Sears brand, which range from $90 for an entry-level to $229 for the top-end platinum series. The installation fee is $19.99.He recommended having a battery installed by trained professionals because improper installation can lead to serious consequences for a vehicle's electrical system.At Firestone, a new Interstate battery ranges from $114 to $250 and the installation fee is $15. "It seems simple enough, just a couple bolts, but you can really mess things up if you don't install it right," Dion said. He has seen do-it-yourselfers gone awry electrocute themselves and burn out entire computerized electrical systems, which can cost thousands to replace.The brutally cold weather is also causing headaches for motorists who need replacement wiper blades and a tire top-off after low tire pressure sets off a dashboard diagnostic light.In addition, he's been getting 30 or 40 people a day coming in with the low tire pressure light on in recent days, said Dion, who typically inflates tires as a courtesy free of charge. "Within reason," he added.The cold snap also has spelled trouble for old antifreeze that had lost its potency, resulting in radiator hoses splitting or creating radiator leaks due to freeze-ups.The lesson of battery-killing cold was driven home for Dion. His mother called him Thursday to say her car wouldn't start. It was dead in her driveway. He drove up to Clifton Park that night in a snowstorm and installed a new Interstate battery.The car engine turned right over on the first crank and roared to life.A dutiful son's work was done.pgrondahl@timesunion.com, 518-454-5623, @PaulGrondahlCopyright: ___ (c)2014 the Times Union (Albany, N.Y.) Visit the Times Union (Albany, N.Y.) at .timesunion.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:45
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:35
2013 營銷關鍵詞
關鍵詞 轉瞬即逝的土豪營銷 在2013年,儲存倉不經意間,“土豪”這個舊社會常用的詞匯翻身成為網絡熱詞,一時間,無論是企業還是個人都爭相與“土豪”為伍,似乎誰沾上土豪,誰就跟上時尚潮流。“土豪”第一次進入公�的視野,還是2013年9月9日,新浪微博上發起“與土豪做朋友”以及“為土豪寫詩”的活動,其社會意義與之前人人爭當“屌絲”是相同的,意味著公�的自嘲和對自我生活的詮釋,把自己在心理上與那些土豪分開,回歸到普通的大�。 而土豪也不再是徹頭徹尾的貶義詞,與土豪關聯的事情總是會被更多地關注。2013年10月蘋果公司發佈最新的iPhone5s,當“香檳金”被貼上“土豪金”的標簽後,在蘋果公司飢渴營銷帶動下,價格翻番。這不得不說是“土豪營銷”的成功個案。 無獨有偶,開心網最近推出的全新手機遊戲《土豪OL》,也是借土豪概念,再搭上賀歲熱門電影《私人訂制》跨界營銷,結果在內測期,服務器就被爆。此外,開心網還推出了促銷活動,凡是參與《土豪OL》終極內測當天“私人訂制土豪人生 送房送車送女友”活動的用戶,均有可能獲得“送房送車送女友”的土豪人生體驗。這樣的活動策劃真是把土豪的概念發揮到了極致。 土豪注定是一個流星,也許2014年將被很快遺忘,就像現在很少有人再提“給力”“屌絲”一樣,對於企業而言,只能是快速反應,迅速地抓住下一個瞬間的潮流,四兩撥千斤地去賺一次眼球。關鍵詞 移動營銷爆發年 2013年,從全球來看,移動廣告增長超過75%,手機已經成為數字營銷策略不可缺少的一個部分:2013最終成為了移動年,在中國,2013年也是移動互聯網營銷變化迅速的一年,這一年中,大致有幾個大的事件發生:第一是百度、阿里、騰訊在移動互聯網上的投入巨大;第二,騰訊等互聯網巨頭開始介入移動廣告平台;第三,包括騰訊、網易等新聞客戶端開始提供首頁開屏等移動展示廣告;第四,大型的品牌廣告主,尤其是汽車行業對於移動互聯網營銷重視加大,例如上海通用專門就移動廣告代理商進行競標。 工具型應用是手機用戶下載和使用最多的應用,甚至有很多應用擁有上億的用戶,但是應用如何商業化也是一個問題。2013年有幾個工具開始改變這一局面,百度導航、高德地圖在同一天宣佈免費,轉向工具免費,作為入口,被整合成為用戶提供服務的商業化模式。 擁有3.8億用戶的有道詞典經過幾次改版,不斷在功能上圍繞英語學習為中心,引入內容和功能,採取移動端信息瀑布流的方式,幫助用戶以更輕鬆有效的方式學習英語。有道詞典在首頁推出了“看天下”欄目,提供英語學習技巧等內容,並在其中融入了廣告主的品牌故事或相關領域文章,逐步脫離單純的查詞工具,向平台化發展。目前看天下欄目日均PV達3000萬,某用戶通過原生廣告投放,註冊轉化率提高了一倍。 在為寶馬汽車服務時,有道詞典通過在“心靈英語”中,結合每日一問,問了和寶馬有關的問題,這個東西上線第一天,整個回答問題的人超過10萬。有道詞典的原生廣告推廣實踐和創新,使用戶、平台、廣告形成了無縫結合,消除了受�對廣告的排斥,成為移動互聯網時代在原生廣告上最先實踐的數字媒體。 2014年,隨著4G的推出,將加速移動互聯網營銷,一些新的依托于4G的展現廣告形式和技術等都將成為下一波移動互聯網營銷的發力點。關鍵詞 微電影植入營銷新陣地 綜觀媒介環境,商業性質的微電影也許是迄今為止最適合運作“定制植入”甚至“定制電影”的土壤,它比傳統電影更容易平衡定制需求與市場需求的關係,而這一切都源於它與生俱來的優勢。例如由大陽摩托車出資拍攝,UMG聯合出品的微電影《夫妻遊戲》,片中的鏡頭就多次出現新型能源車迷你倉最平與情節很好地呼應。 微電影不論從發佈還是製作,從視頻角度而言涵蓋了除影院之外的所有傳播渠道,從電視高清到手機3G技術和設備已經越來越普及,這麼寬闊的展現平台為產業發展奠定了基礎。另外,與企業文化的直接對接是微電影的優勢,因為其短小快捷,主題清晰並且情節相對單純,便於目的性較強的表現。 從播放平台的數據看,投資300萬元拍一部微電影(植入廣告),放在視頻網站上播放,能產生1億次的點擊量,遠遠大於網站上的展示廣告的點擊,這種投入小、見效快的電影製作模式已越來越受到歡迎,而且微電影的長尾效應遠遠大於傳統廣告。 能夠賺錢的微電影一定是好的作品,UMG聯播傳媒的總裁夏銳認為,他們選擇一部微電影首先考慮的是微電影作品的質量,如2012年的《床上關係》有了好的品質和口碑,廣告主自然會找上門來,所以才會繼續拍攝《夫妻遊戲》,這正說明瞭微電影的品質是關鍵。 傳統意義上,微電影的收入主要來自網絡廣告和用戶付費。隨著廣告主對網絡廣告的投入和視頻廣告的青睞度逐漸上升,以及手機視頻用戶付費的飛速上升,微電影的用戶付費也會隨之增長,微電影手機視頻用戶付費收入2013年將達116.1億元,預計2014年微電影手機視頻用戶付費收入可能達300億元。微電影市場未來發展潛力巨大。關鍵詞 電視季播節目 當《中國好聲音》第二季還在為捍衛自己的霸主地位苦苦支撐的時候,卻不想被一檔親子節目奪去了接力棒,湖南衛視的《爸爸去哪兒》不但收視率超越《中國好聲音》第二季,獲得各界讚美,輿論反響也是空前地強大,《爸爸去哪兒》第二季還沒有開拍,冠名費就被伊利集團飆升到3.1199億元的天價,可以說《爸爸去哪兒》是2013年電視綜藝節目中最成功的電視季播節目。 2013年電視熒屏上最火的節目無疑都是季播綜藝節目,從年初的《我是歌手》《星跳水立方》到暑期檔扎堆的《中國好聲音》《最美和聲》《中國夢之聲》,再到年尾的《全能星戰》《爸爸去哪兒》,都獲得了空前的成功。 綜藝季播節目相比于全年的周播節目,其自身的優點是很突出的。綜藝季播節目多引進海外版權,製作精良、編排靈活,很適合一些季節性的快消產品“搭車”; 從目前媒體上播放的季播節目看,多是歌唱、舞蹈、體育競技類真人秀節目,製作精良、製作費用高昂,通常是制播分離,由專業團隊打造。 而季播節目廣告經營更為靈活,且前置化,往往節目還沒有推出,就開始提前廣告招商,操作空間更大,要求廣告主資源信息掌握速度、決策速度更快。如果廣告主預判準確,提前布局和投入,就能以較少的投入獲得最大化的收益,加多寶以6000萬元冠名《中國好聲音》第一季就是這樣的成功案例,而999小兒感冒靈更是以3000萬元冠名《爸爸去哪兒》第一季,則是押寶成功。 未來很長的時間,各種創新形式的歌舞節目依然會是季播節目的主流,但是也不乏像《爸爸去哪兒》這樣的親子節目意外地成為“黑馬”。2014年,軍旅題材的真人秀節目,戶外生存真人秀節目將有可能成為其中的黑馬。 本版文章均由趙正撰寫 2013年,出現了很多新的趨勢,移動營銷崛起!電視季播節目火爆熒屏!電視綜藝與社交化營銷的混合生存!還有很多熱點話題帶動的營銷跟風。移動互聯網的崛起,帶給企業營銷新的陣地,移動端的廣告在2013年出現爆發式的增長;電視季播節目的崛起,讓企業的營銷出現更多的可能,押寶對一檔節目可能會實現“四兩撥千斤”的效果;而微電影產業的逐步成熟,也讓企業的植入式營銷不僅僅體現在電影產業中。直接投資一部微電影也是一種選擇。如果企業能迅速地搭上流行熱詞和熱點話題,也可以成功地營銷自己,比如:蘋果的土豪金,開心網的《土豪OL》。迷你倉
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:25
夢想周游世界 你卻離開這世界
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/女孩夢斷四姑娘山製圖姜宣憑救援人員正在運送遇難者遺體。伍鳳晶微博發的雪山照片。 微博分享最後一首歌:《最冷一天》 “沒有夢,迷利倉也不會看見五月的繁花。”這是伍鳳晶微博的個人簽名。記者翻看了她近期部分微博,發現她喜歡分享一些攝影、旅行方面的文字和圖片,也分享她喜歡的歌。最近她分享的一首歌,是陳奕迅唱的《最冷一天》,而最近的一張照片,是她2013年11月15日分享的,一張在雪山上頗受她好友喜愛的照片。 “如果傷感比快樂更深,但願我一樣伴你行。”在《最冷一天》的歌詞中,她依稀表達著自己的心情和對旅行的嚮往。 @華西都市報:昨日,來自廣州的29歲女孩伍鳳晶,在四姑娘山雙橋溝尖山子登山活動下撤途中,因岩釘脫落墜崖身亡。事發後,四姑娘山風景名勝區管理局組織了4批救援隊共計24人趕赴尖山子開展救援工作。昨晚,她的父母接到噩耗已趕到成都。 元旦剛過,“小寒”前夕從四姑娘山傳來一個淒冷的噩耗,那裡發生了一起山難。昨日下午,一個征服四姑娘山雙橋溝尖山子的女性登山愛好者,在登山下撤途中因一顆脫落的岩釘墜崖身亡。記者通過她朋友找到了她的微博,這位曾經多次來四川探險旅遊、有著周游世界夢的女孩,因為這一顆釘子,永遠斷了自己的登山夢。 昨晚,華西都市報記者多方聯繫初步證實,遇難者是一位非常熱愛戶外旅遊的廣州女孩,是廣州地稅部門的一名公務員。昨晚,她的父母接到噩耗已趕到成都,預計今日將趕到四姑娘山鎮處理女兒的善後。最新進展救援隊已抬下遺體 昨日,四姑娘山管理局的一條微博,牽動了�多戶外愛好者的心。管理局戶外活動管理中心在昨日下午3點過,接到了一名驢友報告:“雙橋溝尖山子一女性登山者墜崖身亡”。 接報後,管理局立即�動了應急預案,馬上組織人員趕赴事發現場開展救援,組織了4批救援隊共計24人趕赴尖山子開展救援工作。 前方的救援人員透露,登山墜亡者系廣州伍姓女子,組織者是“百岳戶外俱樂部”,在場的登山協作透露稱是在雙橋溝尖山子開展登山活動後,下撤途中岩釘脫落墜崖死亡。 晚上10點左右,救援人員將遇難女孩的遺體裹起,用抬的方式花了3個多小時抬到了公路上,已到雙橋溝盆景灘附近。遇難女孩“夢想是周游世界” “伍姓女孩遇山難”消息一出,她的廣州朋友十分傷心。“聽到這消息整個人都顫抖,每次旅行我都追問你看了多少美景!現在你在另一處繼續追求你的自由,一路走好…”“不願意相信這是真的,還有那麼多地方沒有去,那麼多想做的事情沒有做,你怎麼捨得離開!”她的幾位好友表達了哀悼之情,其中一位還表示,曾經在年初一起和她進行了戶外探險。 通過她的廣州好友透露,遇難者今年29歲,名字叫伍鳳晶,在廣州地稅部門上班,是一位公務員。“特別喜歡旅遊,夢想是周游世界,也去了很多很多地方。而且,她的羽毛球打得特別好。” “沒有夢,也不會看見五月的繁花。”這是伍鳳晶微博的個人簽名,頭像則是她在伊朗伊斯法罕的戴頭巾照。照片上的伍鳳晶陽光而清秀,她的微博也多是轉發或原創和戶外旅遊相關的信息。登頂成功下撤途中遇難 昨晚,華西都市報記者輾轉聯繫到四川省登協的高山協作向陽,根據管理局和向陽的綜述,記者瞭解到,伍鳳晶是去年12月31日進的山,今年1月3日計劃出山。 這次進山是登雙橋溝的尖山子,這個山海拔5400多米,有一定的難度係數,而且在登山圈內,屬於非常“小�”的山頭,去的人比較少。之前有人說她是去攀冰,但後來證實不是攀冰,而是攀岩登山。 這次包括協作在內,一共是3個人,另外一名登山者叫王柯。在登山協作的協助下,兩人都成功登了頂,之後就按計劃下山回撤。回撤途中在5000米左右有段很滑的岩壁,需要依靠打岩釘做保護才能通過。王柯在最下面,伍鳳晶在中間,協作在最高處。在通過這段岩壁的時候,伍鳳晶發生了滑墜,岩釘脫落了出來,伍鳳晶墜崖遇難。官方回應進山前更換向導省登協:未登記屬違規 向陽透露,伍鳳晶是具備一定戶外探險經驗和水平的驢友,本來這次探險活動是聘請他擔任嚮導,但進山後曾進行了更換,他並沒有去,而是另一位更資深的登山協作帶她去的。 這次登山探險活動,他們向管理局辦了登山許可證,開始聘的是他,這差不多是點對點的協作服務,也就是一名協作加一兩名隊員。不過,他因為在理縣有其他的事情抽不開身,去不了四姑娘山,所以,進山後伍鳳晶和王柯就換聘了另一個協作。 向陽說,這次登山活動協作資質是沒問題的。後來聘請的人比他更資深,是中國登協級別的,持職業高山協作證,是國內最頂級的專業登山嚮導之一,他這樣的高手國內不過幾十人。 據瞭解,這次帶領伍鳳晶的嚮導叫鄭朝輝,在網上名氣很大,驢友們大多都知道網友“暈暈狼”就是他,他本人是著名的“百岳戶外俱樂部”的負責人,經常帶大小隊伍搞登山、攀冰、徒步等。據俱樂部資料顯示,百岳戶外俱樂部是國內專注于探險旅遊、高海拔登山、登山培訓、朔溪培訓、攀岩培訓等一系列專業探險產品的服務方,從1998年組織高海拔雪山攀登為主的探險活動以來,已成功完成48次團隊雪山攀登活動。 在鄭朝輝的協作下,伍鳳晶和王柯于去年12月31日到了雙橋溝,前兩天他們一直在進行攀冰活動。 省登協相關負責人表示,鄭朝輝帶隊赴尖山子沒有在登協登記,他們擅自更換高山協作的行為也是違反規定的。登山戶外探險活動中,不能吸收未正式登記備案人員進行任何登山戶外探險行為,也不能擅自更換登記資料中的高山協作。事發山峰尖山子:如利劍朝天風化嚴重 在一份網友製作的尖山子登山報告中顯示,尖山子海拔5472米,位於四姑娘山地區的雙橋溝中部,處於雙橋溝和木爾寨溝之間。尖山子的西南面為雙橋溝的入口一側,山頂的永久性冰川在人參果坪附近可清晰看到,像一把利劍直插藍天,“尖山子”的名字由此得來。 在開始登山的盆景灘,以及攀登的過程中都看不到山頂,相對隱蔽。山頂的東北側為破碎的岩石,緊鄰海拔5362米的獵人峰,兩座山峰連接的鞍部有一條上千米的冰槽,在公路上看著很是誘人。尖山子的南面為木爾寨溝,岩石山體破碎陡峭,無法攀登。據當地老鄉介紹此山從未有人登頂,曾有國外登山者嘗試攀登東北側冰槽路線,因最後路段的山體岩石破碎嚴重,浮雪迷你倉厚,未能登頂。 由於地質結構等原因,尖山子的山體岩石多為頁岩和碩岩,風化破碎嚴重,攀登過程中一定要小心落石,一定要戴頭盔。直擊山難嚮導講述:滑墜導致岩釘脫落 昨晚,根據四姑娘山管理局的安排,鄭朝輝被要求將此次事故寫一個詳細情況說明。在和管理局相關負責人簡短的通話中,他講述了出事的大概經過。 據鄭朝輝回憶,昨日3人成功登頂海拔5400多米的尖山子。王柯是第一個下山的,伍鳳晶是第二個。做了相關保護工作的伍鳳晶估計是下撤幾百米後發生了滑墜,而滑墜改變了固定保護繩的岩釘的受力方向,導致沖墜,瞬間的重力把岩釘拔了出來,最後導致伍鳳晶墜崖身亡。 岩釘怎麼會出事?記者為此詢問了前嚮導向陽。他說,具體原因現在還不好說,如果從多年從事的經驗來估計的話,這種發生的情況除了沖墜拔拽岩釘,也可能會是天氣因素,這季節岩壁有冰,如果太陽照射化掉的水滲進岩釘孔,改變了摩擦係數就可能出事;也有可能是岩釘沒打牢或岩釘質量問題。 向陽說,對圈內人來說,出了這樣的事,嚮導是肯定非常內疚的,而且極大影響了在圈內的專業聲譽。 昨晚11點,記者瞭解到,伍鳳晶的父母已經抵達成都,今天將前往雙橋溝見女兒並處理相關事宜。 華西都市報記者李逢春程渝今日凌晨零時報道(圖據網絡)圈內者說頂級登山者:這個季節不適合登山 本報首席記者劉建曾登頂全球七大洲最高峰,是圈內頂級登山者。昨日,針對伍鳳晶遇難一事,他說:這個季節雖然不適合登山,但作為一個登山者,山的魅力就正在它的不可預知性。正是由於此,才是對自我的一種挑戰,從我個人的角度講,這種登山者是值得敬佩的。但就他們此次活動而言,聽說有違規處,如真是這樣我到願意表達一些我的看法。登山多年以來,我參加了無數次山難救援,而往往山難都常與違規和非法登山結合在一起。雖然每一次山難的原因不盡相同,但這一點是相同的。也許正是因為他們忽略了規矩,或是有忽略規矩的習慣而造成了技術層面差錯,最終導致悲劇。因為登山,講究的就是萬無一失。對話當事人嚮導情緒低落委婉拒絕採訪 昨晚,華西都市報記者撥打了伍鳳晶的嚮導鄭朝輝的手機。電話中他的情緒顯得很低落。 記者:“請問是不是鄭朝輝?” 鄭:“是的,你有什麼事情?” 記:“我們想核實一下,今天你的隊員在雙橋溝是不是出事了?” 鄭:“是的,出了意外。” 記:“能不能跟我們大概講一下事情的經過?” 鄭:“不好意思,我還在下山……現在很忙,我還要處理遺體,不好意思……”說完後,鄭就匆匆掛了電話,再打過去就被掐掉了。四姑娘山近年山難回顧 ●2008年9月,搜狐網戶外頻道高級編輯鮮文敏和當地高山嚮導羅忠榮在駱駝峰遇難。 ●2009年6月,中國職業登山嚮導、攀冰教練李紅學進入四姑娘山長坪溝後失蹤。 ●2009年7月,一支11人的登山隊在攀登駱駝峰時遭遇山體落石,一名高山協作遇難。 ●2009年10月,4名俄羅斯遊客在四姑娘山遭遇雪崩,2人被埋。 ●2010年8月,一日本遊客在四姑娘山雙橋溝野人峰攀岩時被落石擊中。 ●2011年10月國慶長假,14名驢友在穿越四姑娘山時失去聯繫長達13天。 ●2012年1月27日,福建驢友陳致在四姑娘山三峰頂峰附近跌下山崖身亡。防患未然曾暫停2013年登山節 2013年國慶假期前夕,四姑娘山管理局決定暫停2013年的登山節,同時全方位開展安全隱患排查,嚴陣以待“驢友”的“多事之秋”。 四川的山峰資源在全國名列前茅,入川的登山愛好者人數連年攀升。而四姑娘山作為較早對外開放的名山之一,自1981年就開始接待國內外的登山愛好者。四姑娘山風景區由於戶外運動資源豐富,被稱為“戶外天堂”。此前的國慶黃金周,四姑娘山景區與知名戶外品牌連續舉辦了數次大型的登山節。 據四姑娘山戶外活動管理中心主任楊偉太介紹,從安全等多方面考慮,2013年登山節暫時停辦一年。專家建議有組織進行驢友應強制註冊 中國登山協會著名山難專家、原戶外部部長李舒平認為,戶外活動,還是應走俱樂部這條路,有組織地進行,不要搞“無責任團體”。最好通過政府相關職能部門,進行強制性註冊,讓每位“驢友”有自己的身份,便於管理。國家體育局登山運動管理中心相關負責人表示,目前,國家體育總局政法司正在調研、探討,加快立法,保證戶外運動健康發展。違規登山營救驢友花13萬罰款人均167元 2011年國慶節期間,為了營救9名登四姑娘山的驢友,當地出動上千人耗費近13萬余元。記者日前瞭解到,對9名驢友的處罰終於出爐了,四川省體育局和四川省登山協會給出了處罰1500塊錢人民幣的決定,人均僅被罰款167元。同時,四姑娘山景區管理局還建議,除旅行外,禁止這些驢友兩年內到四姑娘山景區進行戶外運動。這也是我國首次對私自進山探險被營救人員開出罰單。新聞鏈接冬季登山難上加難岩釘不是萬無一失1、冰雪覆蓋腳下情況摸不清 四川省山地救援總隊總隊長高敏說,冬季是登山比較危險的一個季節。冬季山體冰雪覆蓋,為冰雪岩石混合山峰,對於登山者來說困難更添一分,對技術的要求也就更高。2、防寒保暖冰雪裝備需準備 冬季登山除了技術方面有要求外,對裝備要求也更高。除了衝鋒衣、背包、遮陽帽、太陽鏡、快幹襪等,還必須帶上冰爪、岩釘、高山靴等冰雪裝備,另外,防凍措施也必不可少,必須增加保暖衣物,比如添加羽絨衣褲。3、岩石風化岩釘不可隨意踩 四川省內的山峰岩石風化都十分嚴重,這有好處也有壞處。好處是登山時岩釘需要釘在岩石的縫隙中,縫隙對於登山者來說尤為重要。壞處是冬季岩石風化狀況很難把握,按照岩層結構、厚度等具體情況,釘一顆岩釘的時間一般在幾分鐘到10多分鐘。高敏說,岩釘釘上去以後並不是可以隨意踩踏、萬無一失,如果行走的方向不對,或者是滑墜時對岩釘施加了重力,岩釘都會被拔出來、帶出來,從而導致危險發生。4、尖山子峰尚未對外開放 尖山子峰不算險,但在戶外愛好者中算是一個比較冷門的山峰。四姑娘山營銷處副處長唐真說,現階段尖山子峰並沒有對外開放,是不允許從事登山活動的區域,別說辦不到登山許可證,甚至在景區辦理戶外活動手續和門票時,也會遇到阻礙。“現在我們對外開放的主要是大峰、二峰、三峰和駱駝峰等區域。” 華西都市報記者王浩野自存倉
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:16
Clemson QB Tajh Boyd, WR Sammy Watkins prove too much for Buckeyes in Orange Bowl
Source: The Miami HeraldJan.文件倉 04--Clemson's fickle Orange Bowl history includes memories both euphoric and horrific. And with a dynamic performance from start to finish, using his arm, feet and bravado, Tajh Boyd and his fellow speedsters on offense were able to put Friday night's 80th edition at Sun Life Stadium in the category of games to cherish.The senior and Tigers' unquestioned team leader got his team into the end zone just 130 seconds into the game on a personal-long 48-yard touchdown run up the middle. He was untouched. Right away, Ohio State's defense was on notice that it might be a long night.It was.Clemson kept getting in its own way, but the Tigers' offensive firepower made up for their frequent mistakes.In a dual of dazzling quarterbacks with the Buckeyes' Braxton Miller, Boyd and his resilient band of weapons ultimately won out, as Clemson outlasted Ohio State 40-35 in a back-and-forth thrill fest before over 72,000 fans.Clemson captured the national championship in the 1982 Orange Bowl just down the road from this stadium, but just two years ago it gave up 70 points in an embarrassing loss to West Virginia at Sun Life Stadium. The Tigers knew they couldn't duplicate the magic of the championship victory. They just didn't want to duplicate the nightmare of 2012."We had enough mistakes to probably lose it, some critical errors, but our guys showed a lot of heart, and they got it done," Tigers coach Dabo Swinney said.After Miller immediately answered Boyd's opening theatrics with a 33-yard TD burst of his own down the left sideline, Boyd answered right back, and quickly. In 48 seconds to be exact. He capped a four-play, 75-yard drive with a way-too-easy 34-yard touchdown pass down the middle to his favorite target, junior Sammy Watkins, a South Fort Myers High product who had a team-high 85 catches for 1,237 yards and 10 TDs coming into the Orange Bowl.It took exactly two possessions for Boyd to put his scintillating stamp on the contest. And in the final game of a record-setting career, he was just getting started.But Boyd and his speed-burners on offense weren't always at their best or smartest. Boyd was called for an intentional-grounding penalty in the end zone with 2:25 left in the first quarter that resulted in an Ohio State safety and temporarily halted Clemson's momentum. Boyd also turned a potential touchdown run into an interception with 11:05 left in the second quarter and the Tigers (11-2) poised to take a double-digit lead, trying a flip toss amid a cluster of Buckeyes defenders that was intercepted at the Ohio State 5-yard line.The Tigers' defense bailed Boyd out though, getting the Buckeyes (12-2) off the field on a three-and-out and giving the 6-1, 225-pound signal-caller a chance to redeem himself.He did.And, again, he did things quickly, leading a seven-play, 77-yard drive that took just 2:35. Boyd's pass to Martavis Bryant on third-and-6 got the Tigers to the Buckeyes' 22-yard line. Boyd then gashed Ohio State with a 15-yard run up the middle to the 7-yard line. This time, there was no flip-throw blunder to ruin the drive, only a perfectly thrown, 3-yard fade pass to the back-left corner of the end zone, again to Bryant, which gave Clemson a 20-9 lead with 6:16 left in the first half.But the cushion was short-lived, as the Buckeyes shredded the Tigers' defense for two touchdowns late in the second quarter, the second coming after Clemson failed to convert on fourth-and-5 at the Ohio State 36-yard line. The Buckeyes made the Tigers pay, with Miller scoring on a 3-yard keeper with 12 seconds left for a 22-20 lead.Suddenly and stunningly, Clemson was behind as the halftime show played out despite Boyd's gaudy stats and the Tigers outgaining the Buckeyes 362-254. Boyd went 17 of 21 for 235 yards with two touchdown passes to go with 73 yards on the ground and the one TD run in a high-flying first half."It's about us going out there and executing our game plan," Boyd said. "We can go against no de存倉ense. We can go against air. But if we don't execute what we're doing, it's not going to work."The teams' 42 combined points were the fourth-highest scoring first half in Orange Bowl history, with the highest-scoring first half coming two years ago in the Tigers' forgettable loss.Boyd wasn't the only Tiger putting up big numbers by halftime. Watkins already had 130 yards receiving on eight catches, and tailback Roderick McDowell was almost halfway to an 100-yard night with 48 yards on just eight carries. But Clemson had already piled up 80 yards in penalties by halftime, a reason the Tigers were winning on the stat sheet but not on the scoreboard.After Ohio State opened the second half with a long touchdown drive, the Tigers looked down and out. But a muffed punt by the Buckeyes set the Tigers up in great field position, and the Boyd-to-Watkins show was on stage again. Boyd found his favorite target with a beautiful toss down the right sideline, with Watkins outleaping the defender for a 30-yard TD catch to bring Clemson within 29-27.Then Boyd got another short field after the Tigers intercepted Miller. It was showtime yet again. Boyd hit Watkins for 14 yards. On the next play, Boyd gained 15 yards with a run down the middle. And once again, Boyd found Bryant in the same back-left corner of the end zone, again from 3 yards, with Bryant hauling in a deflection as he got the necessary one foot in bounds."Well, he's the winningest quarterback in the history of the school, did it in three years," Swinney said. "He set the standard for every quarterback to come through at Clemson."Clemson had gotten the lead back by the end of the third quarter, at 34-29, just as quickly as they had given it away late in the first half. And by the end of the third, Watkins had broken an Orange Bowl single-game record with 200 yards receiving and Boyd had the 18th 300-yard passing game of his career.Watkins was named the game's Most Valuable Player, finishing with 16 catches for 227 yards and the two touchdowns. Watkins was the first wide receiver to win MVP of the Orange Bowl since Florida's Taylor Jacobs won it in 2002. Watkins' 227 yards was also the second-best mark in any BCS bowl."We had 33 days to prepare for this team," Watkins said. "We knew what we could do and can't do. I think Tajh and the offense did a great job with giving us the ball and giving ourselves a chance to make plays. For the offense, I think, overall, we played probably the best game we could have played minus the turnovers that we had."The Buckeyes -- of course -- answered again on a Carlos Hyde touchdown catch to give the Buckeyes the lead back at 35-34.But Boyd led a 13-play, 75-yard drive, his final moments of collegiate greatness, capping the march on third-and-goal with a 5-yard TD misdirection toss to Stanton Seckinger.Boyd finished 31 of 40 for 378 yards passing and added 127 yards on the ground on 20 carries. His 505 yards of total offense were the second-most in a BCS game, trailing only Tim Tebow's 533 yards in the 2010 Sugar Bowl. He also had the second-most passing yards in Orange Bowl history, ironically behind only former Miramar High star Geno Smith, who torched the Clemson defense for 407 yards in the Tigers' loss to West Virginia two years ago."Obviously, it's a disappointing and disheartening loss, but it's something you'll never forget," said Boyd about the 2012 game.The Tigers defense, gashed for most of the night, took care of the rest, ending the Buckeyes' ensuing drive with a turnover on a sack of Miller with 3:12 left. After Boyd threw another interception with 1:27 left, his defense needed one more stop and got it on Stephone Anthony's interception.At last, Boyd and the Tigers had their lasting, winning memory."You know, this is a very special night," Boyd said. "I couldn't pick a better way to go out as a senior."Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Miami Herald Visit The Miami Herald at .miamiherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
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Fond memories of Wolfson, Jacksonville for Auburn athletic director Jay Jacobs
Source: The Florida Times-Union, JacksonvilleJan.迷你倉 05--NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. -- Jay Jacobs can't picture life without being involved with Auburn University in some capacity.He was born and raised less than a half-hour drive from the school. He walked on for the Tigers football team in Pat Dye's first season as coach, and started on the offensive line in 1983 when the Tigers won the SEC title.Jacobs became a coach, then into administration and three decades later, is the athletic director for one of the two schools playing in the BCS National Championship game on Monday, at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.Not bad for a Wolfson High kid.While Jacobs is all Auburn, it hasn't been all the time. Between 1976 and 1979, after his father was transferred to Jacksonville by Southern Bell, Jacobs went to Wolfson for three years and played football, wrestled and competed in the shot put in track."I loved Wolfson and loved Jacksonville," said Jacobs, whose second-ranked football Tigers (12-1) will play No. 1 Florida State (13-0). "It had and always will have great people, a great community and a great culture. I loved going to the beach, eating oysters at Pete's and hanging out with my friends. It's always got a special place in my heart."Jacobs went to Florida State College for one quarter but went back home to Lafayette, Ala., to work in the family business -- his grandfather's funeral home -- and continue his education. After two quarters at Southern Union Junior College, Jacobs enrolled at Auburn in 1981 and it's been his professional and family home since then."Auburn is a family community," he said. "I have fond memories of Jacksonville but this is home."Tigers assistant football coach Dameyune Craig said it would be hard to imagine an Auburn University without the presence of Jacobs."Jay has been around forever and he's a true Auburn man," said Craig, who played quarterback for the Tigers when Jacobs was the assistant athletic director for operations. "He's a great guy and lives and breathes Auburn."Florida State coach Jimbo Fisher, who coached Craig and was an Auburn assistant for six years, said Jacobs has every attribute to be an effective athletic director in the 21st century."He's done it all, played, coached and in administration, and he can see things from a player's standpoint," Fisher said. "He's a very smart guy and a very good business guy, and that's what a good A.D. is."Among Jacobs' accomplishments since being named Auburn's 14th athletic director on Dec. 22, 2004:-- Auburn's teams have won 10 national championships (including the 2010 BCS title) and 19 SEC championships.-- With the help of a contract with Under Armour to provide the school's athletic apparel, Auburn has been able to fund projects such as the Auburn Arena ($86 million), an indoor practice facility ($16 million) and a soccer/track facility ($6.5 million). He also headed Tigers Unlimited, the university's fund-raising arm, from 2001-2005. Around $60 million in gifts were raised his last three years with Tigers Unlimited and he headed a $90 million capital campaign.-- Student-athletes on seven Auburn teams scored on the 90th-to-100th percentile in the NCAA's Academic Progress Rate.Jacobs knows well the value of athletics and openly wonders if his career would have been possible without the guidance he received at Wolfson from football coach Tom Grant, or later at Auburn from Dye.He's especially appreciative of the opportunity Dye 自存倉ave him as a 205-pound walk-on."I joined a fraternity when I got to Auburn and I was going nowhere fast," Jacobs said. "Auburn then hired coach Dye and the following spring I decided to walk on. It wasn't easy. It was never easy under coach Dye. He was very demanding. But the experience shaped me."Jacobs red-shirted his first season, played one year of junior varsity and was a tight end, tackle and guard.He entered the 1982 season as the third-team tackle but the player who was first-team missed the first week of practice because of an internship, and the second-team tackle quit after the first practice."Just left in the middle of the night," Jacobs said.The job fell to him by default and Jacobs wound up being one of the team leaders.He coached one year of high school football after his graduation but returned to Auburn as a grad assistant and coached tight ends -- which included a future Major League Baseball star named Frank Thomas.In rapid fashion, Jacobs became the strength and conditioning coach, ran the school's sports medicine department and was promoted to assistant athletic director in 1988. Three years later, he became the associate A.D.Jacobs interviewed for A.D. jobs at several smaller schools before getting the same job at Auburn in 2004."They would always do something to keep me there whenever I talked with another school," he said. "I'm glad we did."Jacobs said two other parts of his life have deeply affected him and contributed to his success at Auburn.The experience working in his grandfather's funeral home was more important than he believed at the time. Being around families at their lowest emotional point, he said, taught him compassion."In tough times, people are looking for someone to lift them up," he said. "You learn compassion for people when you don't have their same feelings."What also shaped his professional and personal life has been the participation of he and his wife Angie in the Alabama State Department of Children's Affairs. They have taken care of 10 foster children, all under 14 years old, while the state attempts to help their mothers become self-sufficient and able to take care of their children."That's what has helped me deal with our student-athletes more than anything," said Jacobs, who has three daughters. "Not everyone has the same advantages and I now know how tough the home life of some our of kids can be. There was a time when I was more narrow-minded, when I wondered, 'why can't people take care of themselves, get an education, get a job?' I've been able to understand the circumstances of the kind of vicious cycles they're caught in."Auburn's appearance in the national championship game, one year after going 3-9 overall and 0-8 in the SEC, has resolved one of the crises that Jacobs faced: whether or not to fire Gene Chizik, the coach who led Auburn to the 2010 national title."No one saw it coming," he said of last season. "Gene was a man of character and integrity but I had to do what I felt was right for the program."Now, under Gus Malzahn, Jacobs has no problem with being enthusiastic about the football team."Two plays against Georgia and Alabama made us a team of destiny," he said. "We've become America's team, even the world's team."Garry Smits: (904) 359-4362Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, Fla.) Visit The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, Fla.) at .jacksonville.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租