谷歌(GOOGLE)2009年推出ANDROID作業系統,迷你倉當時智慧型手機市場還是個草莽之地,GOOGLE只好推出首款自有品牌硬體NEXUS ONE,以演繹ANDROID在智慧型手機上各種當時所能做到最厲害的功能,在頗具示範效應下,也開啟了GOOGLE自有品牌硬體產品之路,在NEXUSONE之後,GOOGLE已推出4款智慧型手機、3款平板電腦。不過,隨ANDY RUBIN在2013年初離開、ANDROID由一手帶起CHROMEOS與瀏覽器的資深副總裁SUNDAR PINCHAI接起,比起RUBIN對硬體的熱愛,PINCHAI對硬體不了解、也沒興趣去了解,加上NEXUS硬體類產品,不論是智慧型手機如NEXUS 4與5、還是平板二代NEXUS 7,都在市場快速變遷下顯得定位不明,銷售量文件倉現一代不如一代的危機,這都凸顯一點,就是NEXUS曾對消費者、對品牌業者帶來的示範作用,已愈來愈不重要,更加深GOOGLE退出自有品牌硬體、把市場還給品牌業者的想法。這也是為什麼,GOOGLE去年下半年一度決定不再推出三代NEXUS平板,以及就算推出三代NEXUS平板的計畫現在看似復活,GOOGLE至今仍無法決定該怎麼走下去的主因。業界人士評估,目前還在討論中的三代NEXUS極可能是NEXUS平板的末代產品,至於NEXUS智慧型手機遲早亦會走上停產之路。相較之下,微軟則是另一個極端,微軟不僅一代又一代的推出自有品牌平板電腦SURFACE,更斥巨資買下諾基亞手機部門。至於是微軟這樣跨足硬體的策略對,還是像GOOGLE這樣專注把服務做好以衝高網路廣告營收的策略正確?恐怕還有待時間來解答。存倉
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 08:43
《新聞分析》效益不明 NEXUS恐成絕響
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 08:38
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 08:28
More Than 270 Million People Now Covered by the Nation's Most Reliable 4G LTE Network
DALLAS, Jan.迷你倉 6, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- AT&T* today continues the rollout of its nation's most reliable 4G LTE network** with the launch of several new markets nationwide. AT&T 4G LTE now covers more than 270 million people.New markets launched today include:Hope, AR Greeley, CO Red Wing, MN Branson, MO Hannibal, MO Utuado, PR Stephenville, TX St. John, USVI Okeechobee, FL Lewiston, ID Mexico, MO Missoula, MT Keene, NH St. George, UT Blacksburg-Christiansburg- Crawfordsville, IN Ames, IA Poughkeepsie, NY Ashtabula, OH Tahlequah, Radford, VA Walla Walla, WA Iowa City, IA Cambridge, MD OK Lebanon, PA Battle Creek, MI Jackson, MIThe great performance of AT&T's 4G LTE network continues to be validated by independent third-party testing:-- AT&T now has the most reliable 4G LTE network. Based on our analysis of Nielsen data, AT&T has the highest success rate for delivering mobile content across nationwide 4G LTE networks. -- Meanwhile, our 4G LTE service was recognized as having faster average download and upload speeds than any of our competitors in PCWorld/TechHive's most recent 20-market speed tests -- the second consecutive year that AT&T ranked first overall. PCWorld/TechHive also ranked AT&T's as the fastest combination of 3G and 4G services in the 20 cities it tested.*** -- And AT&T was named America's fastest 4G LTE network in PC Magazine's 2013 Fastest Mobile Networks 30-market study -- and also swept the top rankings in all six U.S. regions from coast to coast: Northeast, Southeast, North-Central, South-Central, Northwest and Southwest.****In addition, RootMetrics(R) has awarded AT&T for strongest overall call, text, and data performance in multiple markets in the most recent 2013 testing. RootMetrics testing utilizes all generations of cellular technologies to simulate a real consumer experience. *****AT&T's 4G LTE deployment is part of Project Velocity IP (VIP), a three-year investment plan, announced in fall of 2012, to expand and enhance its IP broadband networks. Through this investment, AT&T is supporting its customers' growing desire for high-speed Internet access and new mobile, app and cloud-based services.From 2007 to 2012, AT&T invested more than $116 billion into its wireless and wireline networks across the country. Since 2007, AT&T has invested more capital into the U.S. economy than any other public company. In a September 2013 report, the Progressive Policy Institute ranked AT&T No. 1 on its list of U.S. "Investment Heroes."*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries an迷你倉將軍澳 affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.** Limited 4G LTE availability in select markets. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. AT&T's 4G LTE Reliability claim based on analysis of data network connection and data transaction success rates reported by Nielsen during network tests conducted across 225 markets from Nov 2012 to Nov 2013, and compares carriers with nationwide 4G LTE networks.*** PCWorld/TechHive, May 23, 2013, "AT&T clocks best overall speeds with 3G/4G combo"**** PC Magazine, June 17, 2013;,2817,2420333,00.asp***** Based on the most recent RootScore(R) Report for each of the 125 U.S. markets tested in 2013. Performance rankings of 4 national mobile networks rely on scores calculated from random samples. Visit for more details. Your experience may vary. The RootMetrics award is not an endorsement of AT&T.About AT&TAT&T Inc. is a premier communications holding company and one of the most honored companies in the world. Its subsidiaries and affiliates - AT&T operating companies - are the providers of AT&T services in the United States and internationally. With a powerful array of network resources that includes the nation's most reliable 4G LTE network, AT&T is a leading provider of wireless, Wi-Fi, high speed Internet, voice and cloud-based services. A leader in mobile Internet, AT&T also offers the best wireless coverage worldwide of any U.S. carrier, offering the most wireless phones that work in the most countries. It also offers advanced TV service with the AT&T U-verse((R)) brand. The company's suite of IP-based business communications services is one of the most advanced in the world.Additional information about AT&T Inc. and the products and services provided by AT&T subsidiaries and affiliates is available at or follow our news on Twitter at @ATT, on Facebook at and YouTube at 2014 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.Cautionary Language Concerning Forward-Looking StatementsInformation set forth in this news release contains financial estimates and other forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially. A discussion of factors that may affect future results is contained in AT&T's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. AT&T disclaims any obligation to update or revise statements contained in this news release based on new information or otherwise.AT&T Inc.CONTACT: Mark Siegel, +1-404-986-1803, mark.a.siegel@att.comWeb site:倉
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 08:20
全國版) - (粵警企聯手成立首家反信息詐騙聯盟 斬斷數千億黑鏈
“您好,迷你倉您已經被湖南衛視《爸爸去哪兒》抽中為幸運星;獲得9.8萬元及蘋果電腦一台。請用電腦登錄,驗證碼5198。”去年11月,市民曹先生的手機收到這樣一條短信,還要求他聯繫對方溝通兌獎事宜,熱衷看《爸爸去哪兒》的曹先生沒有多想就撥打了對方的電話,對方稱要先交4800元的手續費,否則就不能領獎。曹先生覺得不對勁,不肯匯錢,對方竟然破口大罵。諸如此類的詐騙短信、騷擾電話讓人不堪其擾,一不留神,銀行卡里的錢可能就被騙到了不法分子的口袋中。據不完全統計,信息詐騙利益集團已經形成一條黑色產業鏈,每年造成損失達數千億元。近日,深圳網警與互聯網企業、運營商、銀行等行業機構和企業,成立了國內首個反信息詐騙聯盟,將借助互聯網企業、運營商所掌握的活躍電話號碼庫,通過標記詐騙電話和短信、數據共享、偵破案件、安全防範教育等深度合作,向日益猖獗的電話短信詐騙發起全面反攻。●南方日報記者 洪奕宜??詐騙短信肆無忌憚用戶一個月舉報5000多萬條騰訊移動安全實驗室發佈的《手機安全報告》顯示,僅去年11月,騰訊手機管家就收到5000多萬條用戶主動舉報的詐騙短信,其中以中獎釣魚類詐騙、假冒親友房東轉賬類、冒充通知類、手機竊聽監控類詐騙為主。“隨著信息科技進步,不法分子利用互聯網絡和移動終端發佈大量虛假有害信息,短信詐騙等違法犯罪活動出現專業化程度提高、多分工現象明顯等趨勢。”深圳公安局網警支隊副支隊長薛克勳表示,當前不法分子利用偽基站等高科技手段發送欺詐短信,誘騙群�登錄釣魚網站進行詐騙,線上、線下聯合行騙等新現象,給執法部門查處工作帶來新難題。騰訊公司無線安全產品總經理吳宇告訴記者,去年11月,騰訊手機管家用戶主動舉報騷擾短信累計超過10.39億條,其中,廣告短信仍是用戶舉報騷擾短信的重點,占比高達九成;在詐騙短信類型中,以中獎釣魚類詐騙、假冒親友房東轉賬類、冒充通知類、手機竊聽監控類詐騙為主。業內人士坦言,成本低、利潤豐厚是垃圾短信泛濫的主要原因,此外,垃圾短信到達率高、方便發送、限制少、取證難、難以管理和監督。電信詐騙是一種典型的非接觸性犯罪,其作案手法不斷翻新,犯罪分子通過“廣撒網”尋“客戶”,作案成本低,卻存在獲取豐厚利潤的空間。廣東警方調查顯示,電信詐騙的受害者中,有八成是中老年婦女,但從近一兩年的案情來看,情況有所變化,高智商、高學歷被騙的人士也不少見。“這種電信詐騙就是‘廣撒網’,沒有誰天生具有免疫力,犯罪分子玩的就是一種心理術。”廣東省公安廳刑偵局辦案人員告訴記者,犯罪團伙中不乏高智商之人,而且經過有針對性的培訓,高仿真度模擬,具有很大的欺騙性;受害者如果對當今各類騙術缺乏瞭解,且缺乏一定的心理研究,即便是高學歷、高智商的人,也可能被騙得很慘。??反信息詐騙聯盟精准識別攔截詐騙短信電信詐騙手段不斷翻新,迫使多個行業機構和企業開始組建“攻守同盟”,以應對“狡詐善變”的電信詐騙。“要想徹底解決信息詐騙,迷你倉將軍澳只是警方或一兩家安全廠商能搞定的事情,需要多部門協同合理才有望解決。”吳宇這麼認為。反信息詐騙聯盟的成立,便是以騰訊為首的互聯網企業主動聯手警方發起的組織。據介紹,聯盟成立後,騰訊手機管家將提供全國最大活躍號碼庫和警方系統對接,僅以騰訊手機管家為例,其後台便擁有超過5600萬的活躍號碼數據庫,其發佈的最新4.5版本,核心功能就是能精准識別並攔截來自詐騙分子的短信、電話,同時,用戶可以將接收到的詐騙短信進行標記和舉報,同步到騰訊手機管家雲端數據,舉報給警方,協助警方破案。此外,不少互聯網企業和電信運營商也紛紛推出一些安全軟件,對諸如“工行密碼器過期”、“爸爸去哪兒”、“場外幸運用戶”、“法院通知違約”、“商場情場竊聽工具”、“淘寶訂單凍結退款”、“資金項目困難免息貸款”等列為詐騙短信關鍵字,用戶可將這些內容設置為“攔截關鍵字”,實現100%精准攔截。“反信息詐騙聯盟涵蓋了網警、企業、銀行、運營商等機構,針對信息詐騙‘黑色產業鏈’各個環節予以‘點對點’精確打擊,開創了‘事前教育、事中受理、事後安撫’打擊信息詐騙新模式。”省公安廳網絡警察總隊總工程師郭宏偉這樣表示。“在反信息詐騙中,防範與打擊同等重要。”郭宏偉強調,當前國內網民僅半數具有互聯網安全意識,安全意識薄弱使得網絡詐騙分子更易得手,因此,在事發前加強網民安全意識教育勢在必行,這就是事前教育。事中受理,將改變此前“被騙投訴無門”的尷尬局面。由於信息詐騙存在作案隱蔽、取證難等特點,以往群�被騙往往不容易被立案,反信息詐騙聯盟成立後,互聯網企業和運營商可以將詐騙線索及數據與警方共享,極大提升偵破騙局的幾率。與此同時,針對詐騙中“資金轉移”這一核心環節,警方聯合銀行系統及時幫助群�凍結資金,避免或減少被騙損失,未來還將針對騙子建立銀行賬號“黑名單”。事後安撫,是指對受害人開展心理疏導撫慰、幫助挽回經濟損失。深圳市公安局反信息詐騙咨詢專線負責人宗成�告訴記者,很多受害人的創業金、救命金、“棺材本”分文不剩地被騙走,一些受害者還受到不法分子的恐嚇,通常會很焦慮、心理負擔很重,甚至不敢跟家里人講,這在無形中也助長了不法分子的囂張氣焰。反信息詐騙聯盟對受害者進行心理撫慰,積極化解其被騙後的懊悔、自責等消極心理,協助相關部門對受害群�進行回訪,及時跟蹤解決有關困難。信息詐騙信息詐騙防範提示1.天上不會掉餡餅。信息詐騙往往會採取“低價誘惑”、“中獎”等利誘性信息獲取受害人的信任。2.網上購物陷阱多。給電腦安裝安全軟件,經常查查木馬,遭遇釣魚網址及時攔截。3.中獎信息莫輕信。中獎詐騙基本上都是先要求你付獎品的個人所得稅。4.遇事莫驚慌。如果突然接到“親人突發事件”“親友借錢”“法院傳票”等電話或短信,一定要冷靜判斷,並盡可能向親友電話求證。5.QQ好友視頻借錢?官方客服或“110”來電?請警惕,這也有可能是騙子。通過偽基站模擬真實電話或短信進行詐騙日益增多,一定要冷靜判斷。倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 10:29
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 10:22
儘管紅衫黃衫鬥不停,mini storage香港人始終都捨不得泰國這個「後花園」,剛過去的聖誕新年假期,身邊朋友都似乎不被電視新聞畫面嚇倒,繼續扶老攜幼到曼谷食買玩。當然,也有「又要威又戴頭盔」之士,於是就會跑到其他地方繼續享受假期,以派對和海灘見稱的蘇梅是其中之一。香港、蘇梅之間直飛的航班,現時只有曼谷航空(.bangkokair.cself storagem),今個月正推出優惠限定機票,由1,960港元起,旅遊日期由今日至本月26日,停留時間最多雖然只為3日2夜,但最盞就是一人也可成行,農曆新年前「拿拿臨」清清假又或者洗滌心靈就最好不過。李兆祥旅遊撰稿人,曾任多份刊物的旅遊記者,旅遊經歷豐富。迷你倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 10:15
EmX is up to speed, but are bumps near
Source: The Register-Guard, Eugene, Ore.迷你倉旺角Jan. 05--SPRINGFIELD -- Each workday morning, Dorthy Kepler boards a Lane Transit District EmX bus on Pioneer Parkway and heads to her job.A few minutes later, after arriving at the downtown Springfield station, Kepler disembarks from the large green EmX bus and transfers to a conventional LTD bus that will take her east on Main Street to Giant Burger, where she works as a cook.Kepler, 39, doesn't own a car, so LTD buses and a bicycle are her "main modes of transportation."She praised the EmX rapid transit service, mainly because the sleek, trainlike buses arrive at stops every 10 minutes on weekdays."It's very efficient," she said.With the approval of other local governments, LTD started EmX in 2007 on a route between downtown Eugene and Springfield.Since then, total EmX ridership has increased from 1.4 million annually to more than 2 million, LTD says.Ridership got a sizeable boost after the second segment, from downtown Springfield to the Gateway area of Springfield, was added in 2007.Before the addition of the second segment, EmX had an average of 6,451 weekday boardings.After the 7.7-mile-long Springfield route began operating, the average weekday boardings rose to 9,396.By October 2013, the last count, average weekday boardings had reached 11,017."The EmX system is operating as we hoped it would," said Tom Schwetz, LTD's planning and development manager.But seven years after it began, the system is maturing, and getting ready to grow again in a costly and controversial expansion.The first two segments cost more than $64 million, much of it for the construction of bus lanes, bus stops, land acquisitions and bus purchases. LTD spent an additional $7.7 million to open the new downtown Springfield bus station in 2004.Most of the improvements have been paid for by federal funds collected through the federal gas tax.The third, and most debated, leg -- the proposed west Eugene route -- will cost more than the first two segments combined, $92 million, also to be mainly paid for by federal funds.Dan Egan, executive director of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, said the EmX extension has had a generally "positive impact on businesses here in Springfield," including downtown.The new bus station on South A Street is "far superior" to the old bus station next to City Hall, he said.The new station "spurred business growth on South A," Egan said. "That station is very busy. All you have to do is watch for 30 minutes and you will see all the people coming and going to all sorts of places."Besides downtown, EmX brings people to the Gateway area, including the Gateway Mall and area employers on International Way and South Game Farm Road, Egan said.College students, including those from Eugene, are riding EmX to the mall to shop, work or go to movies, Egan said."If you are a student and you don't own a car, the system can get you there very quickly," he said.The first EmX segment -- downtown Eugene to downtown Springfield -- should be viewed as the backbone of the bus rapid transit system, Schwetz said.EmX buses ply the route through a combination of off-street lanes in the middle of street medians and travel lanes shared with other vehicles.In Eugene, the route takes buses down the Franklin Boulevard median past the University of Oregon and through Glenwood on the boulevard before they reach the downtown Springfield station. From there, buses travel in a bus only lane in the median of Pioneer Parkway before they re-enter Harlow Road for the rest of the trip past Gateway Mall, businesses on International Way and PeaceHealth's Sacred Heart Medical Center at Riverbend before returning to downtown Springfield and Eugene.The system is designed to grow, and LTD, with the approval of city and county officials, is intending to add new segments.This year, LTD expects to proceed with land acquisition and design work so it can extend the service to West Eugene, via Sixth and Seventh Avenues and West 11th Avenue.LTD expects to spend $3 millmini storageon to $4 million to acquire strips of land ranging from a few inches to a few feet wide to accommodate lane and other changes.LTD hopes to get the west Eugene route running by 2017, even sooner if possible.The latest Eugene segment has been opposed by some property and business owners along the proposed route.Last year, Eugene businessman Bob Macherione and the group Our Money Our Transit sued the Federal Transit Administration , contending the federal agency erred by approving $75 million in federal funding for the project based on flawed environmental studies and without carefully considering other alternatives.The federal agency and LTD have denied the claims. A judge is expected to rule this year.Egan, of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, said he knows that EmX is controversial in Eugene."Everybody sees EmX as savior or a blight," he said. "It's neither one."He declined to offer an opinion on whether the west Eugene route will help Eugene businesses, a claim made by LTD officials and supporters."Things on paper don't always work out," he said. "It just depends on the rollout and the response.People will let you know if it works. The marketplace will determine whether it's a success."The Gateway segment was an important step toward making EmX a regional transportation system, Schwetz said.EmX will become useful to more people as it grows and provides transportation to additional businesses, both for shopping and employment, he said.On a recent morning Jon McKane rode EmX to his job in retail at Gateway Mall.A Junction City resident, McKane has a motorcycle but prefers not to ride it to work during the cold winter months.After either taking a regular LTD bus from Junction City or getting a ride to Eugene with his roommate, McKane gets on an EmX bus at the downtown Eugene station.It takes about 40 minutes to get to Gateway Mall, McKane said.Compared to a typical LTD bus, the seats are "more comfy and there is more room," he said. "I really like it."Some criticize LTD for operating nearly empty buses, both on regular and EmX routes.The EmX buses, which can hold between 70 and 90 passengers, cost about $1 million apiece.Schwetz, however, said it's normal for the frequently running EmX buses, especially those on the Gateway route to be mostly empty at different times of the day.The buses often are full after starting their routes in Eugene, particularly near the University of Oregon, Schwetz said.But they slowly empty as they make their way through Springfield and the Gateway area before heading back to downtown Springfield, he said."We get criticism from people who don't understand that pattern of scheduled passenger service," he said.A better measure of a transit agency's productivity is the number of boardings per hour of revenue service, Schwetz said.For the overall system, LTD averages 46 boardings, with EmX alone averaging 76 boardings, he said.Nationally, LTD's overall boardings rank it 20th out of 631 reporting transit districts, Schwetz said.LTD has two bus stops at the large Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend campus.LTD this spring will construct another stop at the PeaceHealth-owned hospital. The stop will cost about $750,000 and be paid for by public funds, Schwetz said.The existing bus stops at RiverBend are too far from the outpatient medical facilities located in the Pavilion building, said Phil Farrington, PeaceHealth's director of land use, planning and development.The building's distance from the bus stop makes it makes it difficult for "elderly and infirm patients and visitors," he said.More patients and visitors are coming to the hospital and affiliated offices on the bus, Farrington said.The new station will "provide immediate benefit to those patient and staff that rely on transit," he said.291,506Number of riders for October 2013, a monthly record for EmX ridershipCopyright: ___ (c)2014 The Register-Guard (Eugene, Ore.) Visit The Register-Guard (Eugene, Ore.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 10:08
【中新社北京五日電】為了避免手中的錢票子變“毛”,迷你倉出租相當一部分中國內地民眾將存款“搬出”銀行,尋找更高收益的投資渠道,其中伴隨著互聯網興起而成長的“80後”、“90後”一族,不僅涉足理財產品,更“嚐鮮”互聯網金融,引領理財新潮流。“現在不到最後一天我一定不還錢給銀行。”俞波三年前從大學畢業,兩年前開始“供房”。她告訴記者,最初的時候由於擔心違約,她每個月均會早早地把月供存入還款賬戶,但我現在意識到這種做法讓銀行“佔了便宜”。八九十後財力有限俞波觀念的轉變源於一三年六月上線的“餘額寶”。她告訴記者,將錢轉到餘額寶的收益是銀行的十餘倍。要轉出時,祇要金額在5萬元(人民幣,下同)以下,基本兩個小時左右錢就可到賬,“所以能晚一天給銀行就盡量多賺一天利息”。餘額寶的宣傳人員也清楚自身優勢,他們在北京地鐵通道兩側的廣告牌上用醒目的字體標出“餘額寶累計收益率是活期存款的近14倍”。據餘額寶方面介紹,截至一三年十二月三十一日,餘額寶的客戶數目達4,303萬人,規模達1,853億元,其中大部分使用者是“80後”、“90後”的人群。不過,餘額寶的人均持有金額僅為4,307元。這一方面源於剛剛走入社會的“80後”、“90後”的財力有限,另一方面也彰顯了民眾對互聯網安全性的擔憂。在上海一家外企工作的張林告訴記者,她曾把40萬元轉入餘額寶,高的時候一天能獲取70元左右的收益。但後來從系統發現,她買入的數額超過了99.9%的用戶,“大家好像也沒放太多錢進去,網上經常看到一些賬戶被盜的報道,後來把錢慢慢轉出來了。”張林說,雖在餘迷你倉寶出現後,“百度百發”、網易“添金計劃”等收益率更高的互聯網金融產品也陸續面試,但高收益率畢竟抵銷不了對安全的擔憂,所以她的投資方向轉向銀行理財產品。八成配置風險資產“除了資金挪動不方便,銀行理財產品在收益率上有時不一定比互聯網(產品)差。”在北京一家金融機構工作的“80後”李稜告訴記者,年底銀行缺錢時,理財產品的收益率均會走高:“剛剛過去的(一三年)十二月,工農中建四大行的理財產品收益率基本在6%左右,一些股份制銀行更高。”李稜說,現在他身邊的同齡人已很少把大量錢存銀行活期:“大家均很有理財意識,同事之間幾萬塊錢周轉,規矩也是按照一般理財產品的收益率付息。”不過,在一些人眼中,無論是餘額寶還是理財產品均是偏保守的投資手段。在大學學金融專業的易飛告訴記者,人的一生中,三十歲左右的時間應是最有進取心、財富積累最快的時段。“所以我八成投資配置的是高收益的風險資產。”易飛透露,除了A股和期貨,他還開立賬戶嘗試炒美股:“這些均是長期投資,我手中的現金一般會做一些交易所逆回購。”不過,對股市“不感冒”的也不在少數,在媒體工作的邊曉洋回憶說,大學時她曾將自己的第一桶金(獎學金)一股腦地投入股市,結果虧了個四腳朝天:“我已將股市踢出投資選項單,會嘗試其他的理財渠道,但不會去存活期。”民眾理財熱潮的湧現,讓銀行無法再像過去那樣大量拿到“便宜錢”。近年在“存款搬家”愈演愈烈的背景下,理財產品已成為銀行獲取資金的重要方式。未來,隨著利率市場化和金融改革的推進,更多的理財產品料將快速湧現,如何理財將成為民眾持續面對的挑戰。mini storage
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 10:01
Annual fruitcake toss in A.C. raises money for charity
Source: The Philadelphia InquirerJan.迷你倉將軍澳 05--ATLANTIC CITY -- Ready . . . aim . . . thonk!The first fruitcake hit the target, and the small crowd whooped.Never mind the snow-covered beach, which forced the event onto a sheltered porch at Resorts Casino's LandShark Bar & Grill. Never mind the frigid conditions.The celebration of National Fruitcake Toss Day in Atlantic City had made its wacky start.First up was Don Guardian -- the gay Republican sworn in Wednesday as Atlantic City mayor -- who said that when he heard about the fruitcake toss, he was "thrilled they were talking about the cake, and not me."He said the event showed that even on a day that began with the mercury at minus 3 degrees, breaking a record set in 1918, "bundling up and coming out can be a whole lot of fun."Apparently, there were few rules. OK, no rules. People could stand where they wanted and just let fly at the bull's-eye. Hit or miss, it didn't matter.What mattered was that the proceeds -- people paid $1 per fruitcake, $3 for five -- went to Gilda's Club South Jersey, a nonprofit in Linwood that gives social and psychological support to cancer patients and their families.With an annual budget of $830,000, the group helps people "simply by being there for them" with pot-luck suppers, comedy nights, yoga classes, and other programs, chief executive officer Michelle Chalmers said.The national club was named for comedian Gilda Radner, who died of ovarian cancer in 1989, and the toss is "totally something Gilda would have done -- throw fruitcakes," Chalmers said. "Humor is always the best medicine."Many who showed up found out about the event by chance and simply couldn't resist such a fantastically absurd occurrence.Rich and Donna Diegel of Feasterville had planned to leave in the morning but stayed to toss.Donna Diegel has actually eaten fruitcake. Her Aunt Betty made a delicious one soaked in rum, "but I haven't had a good one since," she said.Last year, they gave his sister a fake fruitcake and a book extolling 101 uses for one. Their favorite: Use it as a doorstop.Some think it's time to cease the war on the hard-luck dessert, time to end the "fruitcake slander."Apparently, they remain outnumbered by those who persist in the notion that it is a calorie-laden, 倉utrient-barren, taste-challenged abomination.Across the nation, fruitcake tosses are held in early January, often on the first Saturday, when this fodder for jokes becomes ammo for contestants.The toss may have started in Manitou Springs, Colo. In its heyday, it drew 1,000 people.Much like Delaware's post-Halloween Punkin Chunkin, distance was the goal in Manitou Springs.Contestants there included a group of Boeing engineers who were once beaten by a team of Girl Scouts -- the engineers' elastic slingshot didn't hold up in the cold weather. But the engineers came back another year with a catapultlike device to toss the thing more than 1,000 feet. Officials supposedly needed GPS tracking to find it.Alas, Manitou Springs canceled this year's event because of declining attendance, which some attributed to its move from a city park to a high school football field. That was done to get more space for the launch devices, which had become a problem in town."When you hit businesses and houses, it's not a good thing," Leslie Lewis of the Manitou Springs Chamber of Commerce told the Colorado Springs Gazette.The Atlantic City event was actually a fruit cupcake toss with cherry-topped goodies made by the Resorts kitchen.Bryce and Denise Love of London, Ontario, were at Resorts because they're Jimmy Buffett "Parrothead" aficionados, and they wanted to visit the casino's Margaritaville restaurant.But they were so taken with the charity event they crossed the Boardwalk to the LandShark and tossed 25 cakes, even winning a T-shirt after an official found a prize ticket in one of their disintegrated cakes."Hey, this is great," Bryce Love said as his wife added with a grin, "This is our first fruitcake experience."In the end, the weather took its toll, and Gilda's Club wound up with $110 -- not counting a $1,000 check from LandShark and Resorts.But those who missed out will have another chance to help the charity come warmer weather. Margaritaville plans to hold a "flip-flop fling" -- think footwear, not the thing politicians do -- April 10.sbauers@phillynews.com215-854-5147 ___ (c)2014 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at Distributed by MCT Information Services24小時迷你倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:55
AIDEA weighs Inlet gas as alternative to Slope trucking
Source: Alaska Journal of Commerce, storage 31--The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority board heard presentations Dec. 18 about the feasibility of moving Cook Inlet natural gas to Interior Alaska in lieu of trucking liquefied natural gas, or LNG, from a state-subsidized plant on the North Slope.At least two Cook Inlet operators, Hilcorp Energy and Buccaneer Energy, say they have spare gas that could be shipped to the Interior.AIDEA is in the middle of the Interior Energy Project -- the state's push to truck North Slope liquefied natural gas to the Fairbanks area -- as a financing partner in a North Slope liquefaction plant and an Interior gas distribution network.On Dec. 20, the Regulatory Commission of Alaska awarded the distribution service area to the borough-owned Interior Gas Utility.Senate Bill 23 authorizes AIDEA to develop a project to specifically get North Slope gas to Fairbanks. AIDEA spokesman Karsten Rodvik said investigating the possibility of moving Cook Inlet gas north follows Gov. Sean Parnell's objective to get gas to Fairbanks by the winter of 2015-16 -- one way or another.Several members of the AIDEA board referred to the Southcentral gas discussion as a "due diligence" part of the Interior Energy Project, before a decision is made to spend state funds on building an LNG plant on the Slope.Gas could also be shipped to Fairbanks from Cook Inlet by pipeline, and AIDEA may ask the state-owned Alaska Gasline Development Corp. to examine this.AGDC program director Frank Richards told the authority's board that based on the agency's work developing the North Slope-to-Southcentral Alaska Stand Alone Pipeline project, or ASAP, the best option to pipe gas the other way to Fairbanks would be through flexible, eight-inch pipes.Peak winter gas demand in the Fairbanks area after full distribution build out has been calculated at 70 million cubic feet per day, or MMcf, according to AIDEA, which equates to 25 billion cubic feet annually."In order to meet 70 MMcf we'd have to bundle pipes," Richards said.He added that one eight-inch pipe could handle approximately 20 MMcf per day. Air monitoring would have to be done for up to two years before air quality permit applications could be submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency for the requisite compressor stations along such a pipeline, Richards said. How the pipe would go around or through Denali National Park would also have to be worked out.Further, he said the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration would have to issue special permits for the flexible pipe.As it stands, without a cost estimate, Richards said a Southcentral-to-Fairbanks pipeline would be at minimum a five-year endeavor."As a green field project, it is not going to儲存be a slam dunk," he said.At the end of the meeting, the AIDEA board went into an executive session to discuss a reimbursable services agreement to have an AGDC-contracted engineering firm assemble a concept-level pipeline design plan for AIDEA by late January.AIDEA is expected to issue its decision on a partner for the North Slope LNG plant sometime in January as well.At its Dec. 5 meeting, the AIDEA board reviewed the transport cost of getting LNG to the Interior from the Slope. After discussions with the Alaska Trucking Association and trucking companies, authority staff estimated it would cost approximately $5 per thousand cubic feet, or mcf, of gas to truck LNG down the Dalton Highway -- up to 40 percent of the end cost of gas.At the Dec. 18 meeting, Alaska Railroad Corp. officials said they could move Cook Inlet gas to Interior by rail for as little as $1.03 per mcf, or about one-fifth the cost of trucking LNG from the North Slope. However, Cook Inlet gas will be more expensive to purchase from producers than the stranded North Slope gas, so AIDEA will have to consider that as well."We're here to do whatever we can in support of your (Interior Energy) Project," Alaska Railroad President and CEO Bill O'Leary said to the board.Dale Wade, vice president of marketing and customer service for the railroad, said the LNG transport cost estimate incorporates shipper-owned or leased LNG rail cars or bulk tanks commonly known as ISO tanks. LNG rail cars cost roughly $650,000, with a capacity of about 30,600 gallons. At about $150,000 each, ISO tanks will hold about 11,000 gallons of LNG and can be doubled up on a flatcar, Wade said.AIDEA calculated an 11,500-gallon tractor-trailer LNG rig to cost just less than $500,000.AIDEA has said it is feasible to get trucked North Slope gas to the Fairbanks area for a "burner tip" price of about $15 per mcf.Wade said the state corporation is working with Eklutna Inc. Alaska Native corporation on a "rail-centric" industrial park in Birchwood along Knik Arm."The beautiful part about the Birchwood site is it has multiple rail access points -- five tracks from 3,600 feet to 5,000 feet -- so, a very nice facility," Wade said. "It's got the potential for an LNG processing facility based on that."If the 32-mile Port MacKenzie rail extension from Houston is funded and completed on schedule by 2016 it could also factor into how a possible rail-transport LNG operation would work, Wade said.Journal reporter Tim Bradner contributed to this article. Elwood Brehmer can be reached at ___ (c)2014 the Alaska Journal of Commerce (Anchorage, Alaska) Visit the Alaska Journal of Commerce (Anchorage, Alaska) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉