MAHWAH, N.self storageJ., Oct. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Following the release of the 70" class AQUOS(R) 4K Ultra HD LED television, the first TV to receive the coveted THX 4K certification for picture quality, Sharp Electronics Corporation, along with the help of two other expert voices in picture quality, THX and RED, has announced the "Art of Amazing 4K Film Competition." Sharp is inviting independent filmmakers to celebrate the detail of 4K resolution by creating a short film (less than four minutes in length) that captures an amazing high resolution entertainment experience through "energy, light and scale."In the official call for entries Sharp defines AMAZING as:<blockquote>"The impeccable interaction of energy, light and scale. It's full of dynamic, precisely directed energy. It glows with crisp, radiantly bold light. Its scale is larger than life, its proportions exact."</blockquote>Entrants are asked to submit short films, depicting their personal vision of energy, light and scale. Submissions will be judged based on their creativity, technical quality and the use of the above elements. Submissions will be accepted through Nov. 8."We believe that everyone should be able to experience picture quality so pure, so detailed that they are viewing the content as the director intended," said Mark Viken, vice president of marketing at Sharp Electronics Corporation. "To realize this goal we have launched the world's first THX certified 4K Ultra HD TV, which sets a higher standard for picture performance, and now we are calling on the creators of amazing content to help us embrace this mission and start a resolution revolution."Four finalists will be selected by Sharp, THX and RED's REDucation team. Each finalist will receive a trip to the Shot on RED Film Festival in Hollywood on Dec. 4 and 5, where their film will be screened and the winner will be announced. The winner will also receive a Sharp 70" class AQUOS(R) 4K Ultra HD LED TV ($7,499.99 value) and a trip to the 2014 International CES(R) (Jan. 7( )to 10) in Las Vegas, where their film will gain additional exposure while playing in Sharp's highly trafficked CES booth.Sharp, THX and RED'smini storageREDucation network will announce four finalists on Nov. 14 with a winner to be chosen by a fan vote on Facebook. The video with the most votes will be the winner. The winner will then be announced live at the Shot on RED Film Festival on Dec. 5 in Hollywood. Fans who vote are also eligible to win a Sharp AQUOS 4K Ultra HD LED TV.The "Art of Amazing Film Competition" is open to all films under four minutes that are filmed in 4K. For complete submission requirements visit: Sharp Electronics Marketing Company of America (SEMCA) SEMCA is the U.S. consumer electronics sales and marketing arm of Sharp Corporation, a worldwide developer of one-of-a-kind home entertainment products, appliances, networked multifunctional office solutions, solar energy solutions, LED lighting and mobile communication and information tools. Leading products include AQUOS(R) LED TVs, Insight(R) Microwave Drawer(R) ovens, and Plasmacluster(R) air purifiers.About RED Digital Cinema In 2006, RED Digital Cinema began a revolution with the 4K RED ONE digital cinema. By 2008, the camera that changed cinema also began to change the world of stills. The same camera being used to shoot features like The Hobbit and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was being used to shoot covers for magazines such as Vogue and Harper's Bazaar. Additionally, the EPIC and SCARLET and 6K EPIC DRAGON cameras are built around a modular foundation that gives the flexibility of full customization for each shoot. For more information, visit THX Ltd. From the big screen to your screen, THX ignites your passion for exciting entertainment experiences. Founded by George Lucas and recognized by audiences around the globe, THX is synonymous with the design and certification of world-class cinemas, premium audio systems, 4K TV's and blockbuster movies. Products featuring THX technologies defy convention and define quality in their class, whether in the cinema, in the home or on the road.Sharp Electronics CorporationCONTACT: Emily Christopher, Sharp Electronics Corporation, 201-529-8659,christopherE@sharpsec.comWeb site:迷你倉

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  近年全球財富移向亞洲,self storage私人銀行業增長迅速,渴求人才,瑞銀財富管理今年復辦Associate Program。一般人對私人銀行家(Private Banker)的認識有限,本報一連兩天,請他們現身說法。  談起私人銀行家,很多人即會想起飲紅酒、打高爾夫球、出入高貴地方,有人甚至用「優雅」來形容。  一位在大型銀行工作的資深員工,也曾告訴記者,其私人銀行的同事不時飲香檳——這份工聽來真不錯。  「外間有些誤會。」瑞銀財富管理香港市場執行董事黃國正(Jamee)笑�說。  要做瑞銀財富管理的客戶,最少要有200萬瑞郎(約1,700萬港元)可投資資產,超高淨值客戶入場更要5,000萬瑞郎(約4.28億港元)。Jamee直言,一個非親非故的人相信你,將一大桶金給你管理,負責任的人都會很重視這筆錢上落,會當自己錢般看顧。而且瑞銀投資全球市場,要留意大大小小的新聞會否影響客人,因此無時無刻工作。賺不到錢 與客食飯有壓力  「客人賺到錢,大家吃餐飯慶祝,固然開心;若賺不到錢,環境不好,客和你食飯,有壓力。」  每次出差,會議排得很密,瑞銀財富管理超高淨值客戶中國市場執行董事莫仲杰(Austin)說,可能一天要見5、6個客,早餐午餐下午茶晚飯都是約會,還要承受北京塞車、內地飛機常延誤這些例牌事。  「8月我出差1星期,香港飛北京,北京飛南京,南京坐高鐵去上海,上海去重慶,重慶返香港;每日見多名客人,所有客講過的東西要記得。」  「食飯時的交談,客人某程度是了解你試探你,其他人蝕錢,你怎反應?客人若突然記起哪天哪隻股票蝕錢,你全記得每一個細節,客會很欣賞。吃飯,心理上要準備很多,隨時被人考,出差過程好累。」碰巧今年夏天內地很熱,Austin回來後瘦了5磅!  Jamee本在高盛投資銀行工作,做上市事宜,Austin則在�豐銀行任職,負責機構客戶,兩人都是在06年加入瑞銀財富管理Associate Program,轉投私人銀行。  Austin協助機構發債,主要研讀公司數據,很少接觸相關機構以外的東西,相對私人銀行的工作沉悶,而且不會接觸行政總裁、主席等人。然而,私人銀行家對�的人非等閒。Jamee說,香港市場成熟,客戶有很多資訊,迷利倉求banker有相當的知識。憂客損失巨 股市暴跌難眠  投行工作以刺激聞名,造成一單deal得到的花紅亦令人嚮往,Jamee竟捨得放下?「投行是deal-driven,與公司的人關係不是很深。私人銀行與客人的關係近些,覺得自己own了個客,價值在自己,不在銀行。」  瑞銀財富管理向客戶提供積極投資組合諮詢(Advisory Mandates)和全權資產管理組合(或稱全託管,Discretionary mandates)。Austin謂,Advisory和全託管最大分別是前者的個人主觀意願強,但對整個資產分布卻未必最正確。他坦言意見常不被客戶接受,惟有令自己信服(convince)公司報告。「無人有水晶球,透過我們的分析是best educated guess(最好的估計)」,下次review時討論。  他們入行時,遇上私銀一個高峰,翌年就經歷整個行業掉進低谷的痛苦。金融海嘯期間,曾有傳言指瑞銀倒閉,客人十分恐慌,Jamee管理的資產,一周流失三分一!無論如何動盪,他們都要守護客人的資產。「夜晚美股開市,第一個小時無端端跌500點1,000點,我很多時回來公司,因為睡不�,怕客人一夜之間損失很厲害。」Austin道。  私人銀行家和客戶的關係,不能在工作與私人生活斷然區分。「周末朋友聚會,好幾個是客戶;有些客變了朋友。」不過,也有客戶不想讓人知道他與瑞銀有來往,私人銀行家要懂得鑑貌辨色,在公眾場所碰到都不打招呼,「因此人生經驗很重要。」亦客亦友 「幫睇未來新抱」  私銀客戶真的會連大大小小的生活事務都找Private Banker嗎?Austin坦承,客戶問過他子女入學、找餐廳、哪兒有美食……有個內地廠家,不敢與太太講生意難關,惟有向Austin傾訴;Jamee就曾被客戶要求「幫睇未來新抱」!  煩不煩?「幾開心,可以建立這麼大的信任。」Austin謂。Jamee直言:「寧願客戶打電話給我,好過不打給我,這是個(信任)肯定。」  他說,瑞銀一個前CEO來港,指財富管理部門的工作最難,因為要「24小時on call」,「(外間說我們)好優雅、(工作)好他條,(入行後)慢慢領悟到。」他的笑容實際是說「做過你就知」。(系列一)自存倉

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中央銀行為協助銀行去化多餘爛頭寸,self storage昨(4)日連續第43個月標售364天期1,000億元定存單,市場原預估因央行總裁彭淮南釋出市場解讀為升息暗示後,利率可望續揚,但結果略低於預期水準。 此次定存單標售得標加權平均利率由9月0.647%降至0.644%,顯示銀行去化短期資金壓力仍高。 央行強調,發行定存單收回資金的效果,等同於調高存款準備率,昨日為連續第43個月標售364天期1,000億元定存單;至於以發行長天期定存單方式回鎖市場游資,總餘額為1.2兆元,效果相當於調升存準率約4.5個百分點。 銀行主管表示,由於央行上周第三季理監事會議後,總裁彭淮南「利率不會永遠這麼低」的談話,成為市場解讀央行已釋出暗示升息的訊息,普遍預期最快明年第三或四季將開始調升,對於重啟升息循環的擔憂心理,推估364天mini storage定存單標售利率將彈升,結果卻略低於上月的水準;但從投標總額3,175億元,投標倍數達3.18倍來看,顯示市場短期資金還是淹腳目。 根據央行9月初標售的364天期1,000億元定存單結果,當時因美國聯準會尚未開會,預期量化寬鬆(QE)將宣布減規模,市場普遍認為未來利率有走揚風險的預期升高,結果得標加權平均利率反彈至0.647%,終結了連五降,並創下近4個月新高;但由於QE已決定緩退,加上美國政府在關門中,可能是昨日得標加權平均利率意外未再向上攀高的原因。 銀行主管指出,接著央行將在下周五標售2年期100億元定存單,屆時得標加權平均利率會不會也低於9月中時標售的得標利率0.797%,或向上突破0.8%大關,有待觀察;但由於2年期與364天期相比,期限略長,許多外銀興致缺缺,因此投標者主要為本國銀行。迷你倉

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  《經濟通通訊社2日專訊》恆生銀行(00011)最新一期《中國經濟脈搏》指出,存倉8月數據顯示內地經濟狀況持續改善,預期經濟增長由上半年的7﹒6%回升至第三季的7﹒9%。    環球經濟形勢好轉及內地政府促進增長,意味增長動力可延續至第四季,因此將2013年增長預測由先前估計的7﹒5%調高至7﹒7%。  受食品價格增幅減慢影響,消費物價通脹由7月的2﹒7%回落至8月的2﹒6%儲存考慮到非食品通脹升幅溫和及環球商品價格下跌,恆生將2013年全年消費物價通脹預測由先前估計的2﹒8%調低至2﹒6%。  近期內地領導似已進一步改革社會、經濟及政治體制,從當局於2012年中成立的前海深港現代服務業合作區及近期的上海自由貿易區可見一斑。  報告又指出,關注11月召開的中共三中全會,屆時或公布開放金融市場、放寬獨生子女政策及農村土地私有政策等更多改革措施。(eh)self storage

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  《經濟通通訊社3日專訊》花旗集團指出,隨著巴西雷亞爾到印度盧比匯價重挫,全球央行第二季把外匯存底中的新興市場貨幣賣出30%的持有部位。  花旗集團策略師Steven Englander給客戶的研究報告寫道,全球央行第二季的外匯存底處分掉多達200億美元的新興市場貨幣;Englander指出,各國央行第三季賣出的新興市場貨幣金額可能與第二季差不多,持平而言,這樣的變動反映央行對新興市場貨幣中長期展望更為審慎。(be)儲存

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李蘊(Renee)11年與台灣魔術師劉謙因第三者介入而分手,儲存唔夠3個月即與內地銀行界才俊羅章冠(David)撻�,二人更極速預支蜜月同遊美國,最爆係拍拖4個月,Renee已信心十足說:「我�唔會散」。 大晒恩愛的李蘊已不只一次公開講:「想快�結婚生仔,我都認定佢係我結婚對象o架啦!」言出必行,據知李蘊在今年5月參演的舞台劇前,已跟David飛到倫敦秘密註冊結婚。由於David在廣州返工,李蘊婚後照樣中港兩頭住家,實行「分居」新婚模式。忽然閃嫁,李蘊大吃一驚:「邊個話你�知o架!」新婚即分居,李蘊反而唔介意:「其實好近o架咋,我�又會晚晚視像見面,而且我有時都會過去,我�感情好好!」 不經不覺已出道近10年的李蘊(Renee),其實只有22歲,經歷過上年被魔術師男友劉謙疑似劈腿後,李蘊隨即覓得真命天子,更於半年前秘密註冊做埋人妻。夫家要低調據李蘊所屬公司一名前員工爆料,「Renee大約半年前已經結�婚,結婚地點�英國,Peter(經理人公司輝皇老闆Peter Chiu)都有出席婚禮。不過Renee叫我�唔好四圍講,話要低調喎!話晒佢老公都係正當銀行家,唔想有太多新聞影響佢做�,屋企又屬於保守派,所以Renee好大機會完約之後就唔再做幕前喇!」其實李蘊恨嫁之心絕對有跡可尋。自去年7月喊住宣布與魔術師劉謙分手後,8月經朋友介紹認識廣州渣打銀行 Banker男友羅章冠(David),11月趁David生日,二人更寓工作於蜜月孖住去美國拉斯維加斯及加州吃喝玩樂,返到香港機場被港傳媒發現,李蘊當時已甜絲絲話:「我�一齊緊!」放風好事近自此李蘊出席大小場合,男友David的名字都帶住傍身,恨嫁宣言亦一次比一次多,「我係想快�結婚生仔,同男朋友感情穩定,我都認為佢係我結婚對象,30歲前結婚生仔就最理想」、「佢畀到安全感我,而且佢好識照顧女仔,好踏實、好上進」、「我同佢都有傾過將來�事,大家都認真視對方為結婚對象」。去年12月被問到會否閃婚時,李蘊即賣關子:「結婚係人生必經階段,我�都會以結婚為前提!」 自今年5月參演舞台劇《假如我們不是這樣開始……》後,李蘊開始減少工作量,接下來的工作要等到明年初的另一套舞台劇。據知與經理人Peter還剩不足兩年合約的李蘊,正打算重返校園讀語言,為遷就老公身份不再拋頭露面。「晚晚視像見面」週一(30日)本刊致電李蘊恭喜mini storage已為人妻,李蘊初時表現驚訝,後來即扮�:「咩呀?邊個講o架?(重複幾次)唔係呀,冇咁快!(但係有朋友�微博留言叫你做新抱仔,又恭喜你�喎!)我最近都冇去英國!我係視佢為結婚對象,雙方家長都見過面,不過未係時候。(唔介意分隔兩地?)其實好近o架咋,我𠵱家中港兩邊走,就算見唔到面,我�都晚晚視像見面,感情、關係都好好,不過我�都係想低調�!」至於老公David至截稿前未能聯絡上。李蘊已出道9年,風浪都經歷唔少,𠵱家搵到筍盤靠山,既靚仔又有學問,當然要捉緊�,唔好放手啦!英國註冊得唔得?據梁永鏗律師表示,任何人�世界各地結婚都可以,只要你有護照就得。�英國結婚,其實手續一�都唔煩,只要帶住護照、地址證明同埋兩位證婚人就可以。當然,無論你身在英國或者未到,你都要�婚姻註冊署辦理結婚申請,如果你係持有BNO的話仲可以免申請費添!當地政府可能要求你遞交一份「擬結婚通知書」予領事部。預計要21日前辦理,之後英國大使館就會發一份「不存在結婚障礙證明書」畀你去結婚。若果忽然想結都得,急件可於繳交速件處理處搞,半日就可以�到,不過要畀多�錢咁解。結婚證書要畀英鎊7.5(約94元港幣)。不過,如果你想�教堂結婚的話,唔係當地居民就唔得喇!𡃁妹變𡃁模'03「Cream」出道03年李蘊(右)參加歌唱比賽「新星新人類」得第4名,之後得現時經理人Peter Chiu睇中,加埋陳曉彤和盧嘉寶組成組合Cream出道。 '08 四葉女06年因隊友要專注學業,故李蘊宣布獨立發展。08年更拍住詩雅、趙碩之拍電視劇《四葉草3:盛裝舞步愛作戰》。 '10 唱K-pop10年李蘊與同公司的劉欣宜(Miyoko)合唱韓國改編歌曲〈Mister〉,可惜得不到網民支持,更被恥笑PP舞被跳得似「屙屎舞」。 '12 寫真仆前後推出過三張唱片的李蘊,12年再推出第三本寫真《寵愛李蘊》,更遠赴馬來西亞取景,大晒32C靚身形,不過寫真銷量麻麻,今年冇再出。28歲「行長」現年28歲�羅章冠於江西財經大學畢業。據知該校極注重專業和英語的雙重技能,而就讀國際金融系的David最近在渣打銀行(中國)有限公司廣州番禺支行晉升為行長,他更在全國工商銀行系統舉行的第三屆外語大賽總決賽上獲得英語第一名。呢位一直�李蘊口中�普通男仔,實情係內地尖子高富帥。self storage

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ATLANTA, Oct.迷你倉 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Birch Communications, Inc., a leading IP-based telecom and managed services provider to small- and medium-sized businesses, announced today that it has refinanced its senior credit facility with a substantial increase in available capital. Union Bank also joins Bank of America, PNC, Wells Fargo, and CoBank in the credit with a commitment of $25 million. Birch will use a portion of the proceeds to pay off its subordinated indebtedness and to fund the acquisition of selected assets of Lightyear Network Solutions.(Logo:"We are very pleased to begin a partnership with Union Bank and are impressed with their expertise and knowledge of financing in our industry," noted Edward James, Birch's chief financial officer. "This refinancing is transformative. We have increased our access to capital to take advantage of the numerous growth opportunities in front of us and we are significantly lowering our costs of borrowing.""This additional funding enables Birch to continue to grow its business and is also confirmation of our overall business strategy and our ability to execute it. We're proud of our management team, the Birch family of employees and our banking partners who continue to increase their support," said Vincent M. Oddo, Birch's president and chief executive officer. "I am pleased that this funding will allow us to continue t儲存 seek accretive acquisitions, expand our proprietary IP-network and support the expansion of our products and services to better serve our large and growing base of customers."About Birch Communications Headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., Birch Communications provides IP-based communications and cloud services to small and medium-sized businesses in select metropolitan areas across the United States. Birch services include: local and long distance voice, broadband Internet access, T1, PRI, bonded T1/ PRI, DSL, ADSL 2+, SIP Trunking, hosted PBX, hosted e-mail, hosted applications, collocation services, visual voicemail, wireless voice, wireless data and many other communications and cloud services. Birch voice and broadband services are, in most cases, delivered using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology on the Company's secure IP-Network rather than over the public Internet.According to Inc. 500|5000 magazine in its 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2004 rankings, Birch was one of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States. In 2010, Birch was also named the 7th fastest growing private business in Atlanta, and in 2011 as one of the Top 100 Private Companies in Atlanta, by the Atlanta Business Chronicle. Please visit for more information.Photo: CommunicationsCONTACT: Laura Wagner, 816-300-1438, laura.wagner@birch.comWeb site: storage

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Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahOct.迷利倉 05--OGDEN -- It's one of those rankings that -- at least in the current throes of a government shutdown -- tends to give city officials heartburn.In the entire country, the Ogden-Clearfield area is ranked as the sixth-most dependent on its federal work force.With about 24,000 people employed by the U.S. government, roughly 11.5 percent of the area's work force draws a paycheck from Uncle Sam.Not particularly inspiring numbers when a certain rich uncle has suddenly decided to stop paying his employees."We like to be high in most categories," said Mark Johnson, chief administrative officer for Ogden city. "This isn't one of those."When the government shuts down, Johnson said, workers don't get paychecks. And workers who don't get paychecks tend to spend less money on consumer goods in, oh, say, Ogden."Probably 30 percent of our revenue comes from sales tax," Johnson said, "so anytime you have people not paid, that's a huge concern."Johnson said the local impact of the shutdown will depend on its duration."If it's shutdown a week, we can bide that time, but if it becomes two, three, four weeks -- that starts to be a significant impact."But Johnson says individual families may not even have that much time."Think about it. Most people live paycheck to paycheck. Whether that's good or bad, they do. All of a sudden, you don't get a paycheck or two paychecks. How much is that going to mess you up, and for how long?"Layton Mayor Steve Curtis echoes the frustration of many city officials over the shutdown.Asked by a television reporter what he would say to Utah Congressman Mike Lee if he were standing there, Curtis shot, "I'd say, 'Back off!' ""To play politics with people's lives doesn't need to transpire," he said. "The political games being played on Capitol Hill are hurting people."And it's not just the 22,000-plus civilian employees at Hill Air Force Base who are being hurt by the shutdown, either, Curtis said. If those employees aren't drawing a paycheck, they aren't spending money at local businesses.This is what economists call the multiplier effect."There are so many multiplier effects that affect an economy," said Layton Mayor Steve Curtis.Kent Andersen, economic development specialist for Layton city, said he is beginning to hear rumors of that multiplier effect."I've heard comments from businesses -- the closer they are to Hill, the more impact they're seeing," Andersen said. "Employees who usually leave the base for lunch, or to get a haircut, are now not on the base. They're at home, saving money."Also, a shutdown puts the city behind in its business dealings with the federal government, Ande自存倉son said.For example, the city had to cancel a scheduled meeting about a proposed joint-use runaway between Hill and Layton. Engineers involved in the discussion were caught in the government shutdown."It affects our day-to-day conversations with the base," Andersen said. "It sets us and others behind on our conversations. There's work to be done."J.J. Allen, assistant city manager for Clearfield, said his city doesn't have a huge amount of retail business, so sales tax is less of a concern for officials. However, a number of defense contractors in the city are affected by the shutdown, and that could prove problematic."Nobody is pushing the panic button -- nobody is even close to the panic button," Allen said."Obviously, families are affected, and the impact on individual families is very real and very unfortunate. But the city itself does not face that kind of impact."Brandon Koford, assistant professor of economics at Weber State University, said that impact on individuals is the real story here."I think these things have a huge personal side, but my gut reaction is that they won't have a huge economic impact."The important thing is that (the shutdown) does have a real and serious impact on lives. For people directly affected, it's a big deal."Economy-wise? Not so much.Of course, this could all depend on how long the shutdown continues."If it lasts a week, it's an economic blip," said John Stone, assistant professor of economics at WSU. "If it lasts a month -- who knows?"Koford said if the shutdown bumps up against the Oct. 17 deadline for raising the U.S. debt ceiling, things could get really bad, really fast."If we're still in shutdown then, I think you'll see the effects ramp up," he said.Another economic cost of the government shutdown could well be the impact on investor's expectations, said John Mbaku, WSU professor of economics."The economy runs a lot on expectations. If this (shutdown) continues, it can frighten people in terms of investment. ... If you're trying to put confidence in the economy, this is not the way to do it."Still, WSU Economics Department Chairwoman Doris Geide-Stevenson says the government shutdown is not the result of economic pressures."I don't think it's an economics problem, it's a political problem," she said."The U.S. does not have an economic problem. It has a political problem ...""... that could become an economic problem," Koford added.Contact reporter Mark Saal at 801-625-4272 or Follow him on Twitter at @Saalman.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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Source: The Tribune-Democrat, Johnstown, Pa.存倉Oct. 05--NORTHERN CAMBRIA -- The good news for Northern Cambria on Friday night at Duffy Daugherty Stadium was that it held Berlin Brothersvalley's Braden Fochtman to under 100 yards rushing.Unfortunately for the Colts, the Mountaineers showed that they could score with numerous other weapons, both on offense and defense, and the Somerset County squad rolled to a 53-6 victory over Northern Cambria."We prepared all week to use our entire team," Berlin coach Doug Paul said after his team improved to 6-0. "I'll be the first to admit that as a coach I fall into that trap. Anytime a young man like Braden averages 11 or 12 yards a carry, he's getting the ball. But at the same time, it's a long season. We know that we have other athletes and seven running backs that we could be using. We practiced some different looks to get some other people involved and give teams some other things to prepare for."Senior Nick Stockwell scored four touchdowns, two on passes from Brentson Harding and E.J. Custer and two interceptions that he returned for scores. In addition, he had another interception which led to a touchdown."Our defensive line did great," Stockwell said. "They opened up a lot of holes for the linebackers and made it really easy to read where the running back was going to go."We could really pursue and get the tackles. The line didn't allow the quarterback much time to throw the ball, and he just threw it."Northern Cambria got on the scoreboard first, moving 46 yards on six plays capped by a Joe Frontino 2-yard run. The extra-point kick failed, but the Colts led 6-0 with 4:06 on the first-quarter clock.After that it was all Mountaineers.It took less than two minutes for Berlin to respond to the NC touchdown. The Mountaineers moved 64 yards on three plays capped by a Collin Belcher run for the score. The Luke Sprowls kick put the Somerset County squad ahead 7-6 at the 2:34 mark of the first.In the second quarter, Berlin scored four times, including three in the final minute-and-a-half on two Northern Cambria fumbles and two interceptions.Stockwell's first interception set up Fochtman's 56-yard touchdown run.After the ensuing kickoff, the Colts put together their longest drive of the g儲存me, 12 plays down to the Berlin 20.But Stockwell picked off quarterback Tyler Pershing's pass and galloped 80 yards to another Mountaineer touchdown. Pershing, a sophomore, was playing in place of Dartagnan Suchar, who was out with a foot injury.On Northern Cambria's next drive, Dante Paul recovered a fumble to again set up a Berlin touchdown, this one a 64-yard strike to Stockwell from Harding.The kickoff was fumbled by NC and Berlin again put points on the board with Custer hooking up with Stockwell for the 21-yard touchdown and a 34-6 halftime lead.In the third quarter, Berlin was unable to move the ball on the opening drive, and it was forced to punt back to the Colts.On the third play of the drive, Stockwell again picked Pershing's pass and dashed 13 yards for the touchdown."Our defense has been solid all year," Paul said. "It's been a forgotten factor with us. Everyone's been talking about Braden, but on defense, we haven't given up a 100-yard rusher all season. "Teams are averaging 120 yards rushing against us and, as a secondary, we've been strong. Our defense has been lights out for us this year."Belcher tallied his second touchdown of the evening, capping a four-play drive with a 5-yard score. Sprowls' extra-point kick gave the Mountaineers a 47-6 lead with 1:14 left in the third and set the running clock in motion.Toby Cahill tacked on Berlin's final touchdown in the fourth quarter to set the final.Fochtman, who had more than 1,000 yards in the first five games, finished with 99 on nine carries."I'm impressed to hear that stat that we held him under 100 yards," said Northern Cambria coach Paul Taranto after his team fell to 2-4. "That's a nutshell right there. We did our job on defense. I thought we were outplaying them early, and then the ceiling just fell in."It's gut-check time for our team. I have players on my team that are absolutely great players, great athletes, but they are not showing the heart and they are not showing the discipline and they won't be on the field anymore on Fridays. I will go to my younger kids with heart."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) Visit The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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【專訪】澳門北區社團慶祝國慶六十四周年嘉年華昨日假祐漢公園舉行。 昨午為園遊會時段,設有攤位遊戲,有獎問題遊戲及節目表演,晚上八時主禮儀式及舉行文藝晚會。有家長稱,以互動形式讓小朋友學習祖國背景和歷史知識,可加深印象。有小學生稱,學校有教授祖國國情,亦在新聞上接觸到相關知識。有香港旅客稱,澳門的園遊會嘉年華活動氣氛熱鬧。◇mini storage

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