FIDELITY EUROPEAN VALUES PLC - INTERIM MANAGEMENT STATEMENT FOR THE QUARTERENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2013Issued pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 4 of the Disclosure andTransparency RulesObjectiveTo achieve long term capital growth from the stock markets of continentalEurope.文件倉BenchmarkFTSE World Europe (ex UK) Index.Review of Period (total return)During the period:- the NAV increased by 4.13% against a 6.99% increase for the benchmark.- the share price increased by 7.94%.- main portfolio changes are detailed in the top ten holdings belowGearing exposure was 5.36% on 30 September 2013.Material transactions- During the period 108,701ordinary shares have been repurchased forcancellation.- Since the quarter end no ordinary shares have been repurchased forcancellation.Material EventsPublication of half-yearly results for the 6 months ended 30 June 2013.Additional InformationDetails of the Company Dealing InformationFund Sam Morse Listed: London StockManager: ExchangeEnquiries: 08457 100 456 Broker: Winterflood Investment Trust Address: Price Financial Times its Quoted: The Times Copies of major announcements and The Daily documentation Telegraph relating to the Company may be found The Independent on the websiteLaunch Date: 05 November 1991 Reuters FEV.L Code:As at 30 September As at 12 SEAQ Code: 51034 2013 November 2013Ordinary 42,187,693 42,187,693 ISIN: GB0003375820Shares InIssue:Share price 8.72% 8.69% Registereddiscount to officeNAV:Total Net £690.9m £710.1m Beech GateAssets: Millfield LaneGearing 5.36% 5.04% LowerExposure: KingswoodTadworthSurrey KT20 6RPThe Company's net asset value per share is announced daily and may be found onthe Stock Exchange website .londonstockexchange.comPortfolio BreakdownsIndustry Analysis As at 30 As 30 June Largest 10 As at 30 As at 30(% total assets) September 2013 Holdings (% September June 2013 2013 total exposure 2013 of the 存倉 investment portfolio)Financials 24.4 24.0 Nestle 6.7 6.7Consumer Goods 21.8 21.3 Sanofi 4.9 5.3Health Care 11.9 12.7 UBS 4.5 4.2Consumer Services 8.0 8.5 Novo-Nordisk 4.1 4.1Technology 6.5 6.4 Schneider 3.8 3.5 ElectricBasic Materials 5.5 5.4 Anheuser-Busch 3.3 3.0 InBevUtilities 2.9 3.7 Christian Dior 3.1 - *Telecommunications 2.0 1.7 BNP Paribas* 3.0 -Oil & Gas 1.7 3.0 SAP 2.9 3.0Industrials - 13.1 Sampo 2.8 2.8Royal Dutch - 3.0 Shell**Total 100 100 Zurich - 2.6 Insurance Group*** Not in top 10 at 30 June 2013** No longer in top 10 at 30 September 2013Performance Record (total return %)Price at Quarter to Quarter to 1 Year to 3 Years to 5 Years to 30 30 June 30 30 30 30 September 2013 September September September September 2013 (p) 2013 2013 2013 2013NAV 1,637.75 0.17 4.13 24.55 36.55 52.40Ordinary 1,495.00 0.73 7.94 31.17 50.71 60.89SharepriceBenchmark 0.85 6.99 28.32 24.70 45.45IndexAs at 12 November 2013 the Company's NAV per share was 1,683.28p and theCompany's share price was 1,537.00p per share.Standardised Performance (total return %)30/09/2008 30/09/2009 30/09/2010 30/09/2011 30/09/201230/09/2009 30/09/2010 30/09/2011 30/09/2012 30/09/2013NAV 10.2 1.3 -10.57 22.61 24.55Ordinary Share 11.3 -4.1 -8.21 25.18 31.17priceBenchmark 15.5 1.0 -14.24 12.57 28.32IndexBy order of the BoardJenny ThompsonFor and on behalf of FIL Investments InternationalCompany Secretary13 November 2013Past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments cango down as well as up. For funds that invest in overseas markets, changes incurrency exchange rates may affect the value of an investment. Investments insmall and emerging markets can be more volatile than other more developedmarkets. Source of performance: Fidelity and Datastream as at 30 September2013. Basis: bid-bid with net income reinvested. Fidelity only givesinformation about its own products and services and does not provide investmentadvice based on individual circumstances.XLON儲存
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 08:31
FIDELITY EUROPEAN VALUES PLC - Interim Management Statement