今日是重陽節,存倉全港墳場勢逼滿孝子賢孫,部分後人更早早為先人入貨「追潮流」,iPhone 5及iPad Mini等「高科技」祭品繼續熱賣,其套裝系列甚至配備俗稱「尿袋」的外置充電器,另有USB及SD Card,可謂一應俱全;尚有港人熱愛的漢堡包快餐,奉送薯條汽水。有售賣紙紮品的店舖今年特意引入面值高達一萬億元的巨額冥錢,面積大到可鋪滿五張傳統冥錢,有「愈大愈發達」之意,深受顧客歡迎,老闆指今年重陽祭品未有加價,與清明相若,加上今明兩日是假期,料生意額較去年增加百分之五至六。紙紮品港式下午茶餐包含菠蘿包、三文治及咖啡,港味甚濃。(陳章存攝)位於西環的紙紮品店俊城行備有多款新潮祭品,老闆杜千送指,當中以智能手機、按摩椅及家庭電器最受歡迎,購買者以年輕人居多,而紙紮祭品更愈出愈有「港味」,有港人熱愛的漢堡包快餐,也有菠蘿包、三文治及咖啡的港式下午茶餐,可謂中西合璧。該店今年亦突破性推出金銀衣紙套裝,內有金銀衣紙、金條及衣鞋等基儲存祭品,售價由三十八元至六十八元,顧客毋須為選購祭品大傷腦筋。巨額冥錢(最上方)面值高達一萬億元,面積足可鋪滿五張傳統冥錢。杜續指,今年清明因通脹及人民幣升值關係,祭品加價一成,故重陽節未有加價,「只係隔�四、五個月,唔夠膽再加價喇」,適逢今年重陽節踏正周日,明天也是公眾假期,相信今明兩天生意將會非常暢旺,昨日到下午的生意額已有兩萬五千元,較平日多近萬元。燒豬銷情未見踴躍紙紮祭品熱賣,燒豬及燒肉等拜山另一必備品銷情卻未見踴躍,北角富輝燒臘一名職員稱,重陽燒味銷量一向不及清明,估計到今日重陽正日才稍為熱鬧,該店今日燒豬訂量約十隻左右,跟往年相若,而今年重陽燒肉即使原材料成本上漲也沒有加價,賣一百一十二元一斤。將軍澳區一燒味店負責人亦稱,全隻燒豬較昂貴,至少約五百元一隻,故較少人在重陽節購買,反而一斤燒肉加一隻切雞的「重陽孖寶」最受歡迎,與去年一樣賣一百八十元,單是昨日已售出逾廿套,生意較平日多五成,相信與其店舖鄰近墳場有關。迷你倉
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- Oct 13 Sun 2013 14:01
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:54
Collins: Talks continue
Source: Portland Press Herald, MaineOct.儲存 12--WASHINGTON -- Senators continued meeting behind closed doors Saturday as Maine Sen. Susan Collins and other lawmakers tried to broker a bipartisan deal to end the government shutdown and lift the debt ceiling.All eyes shifted to the Senate on Saturday after House Speaker John Boehner indicated that talks between the White House and House Republicans had stalled. That puts Senate Republicans in the spotlight as the country approaches week two of a government shutdown and an Oct. 17 deadline for avoiding a potential default on the national debt.Collins is lead Senate author of the proposal that has become the framework of a broader plan. She emerged from a meeting with other Republicans late Saturday morning and said talks continue."This is going to be a good deal for the country if we can get it done," the Maine Republican told reporters.Collins originally introduced a three-part plan last weekend to reopen federal offices and repeal a tax included in the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. A number of other Republicans -- including Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire -- as well as some Democrats have since joine迷你倉 in an effort to broaden the proposal.The plan now feature six main provisions:n Fund the federal government for six months, ending a partial shutdown now in its 12th day.n Extend the debt limit through Jan. 31, although Democrats are pushing for a longer extension.n Give federal agencies more flexibility to implement sequestration budget cuts.n Delay for two years a medical device tax that helps pay for Obamacare while offering a way to offset the lost revenues.n Require income verification for those who seek federal subsidies to pay for insurance under the health care law.n Require immediate budget negotiations between the two chambers with a mid-January deadline.The proposal faces hurdles in both parties, however. Most notably, some House Republican leaders said Saturday that they were opposed to the emerging Senate GOP plan as well as a similar effort under development in the House, according to news reports.Kevin Miller can be reached at (207) 317-6256 or at :kmiller@pressherald.comTwitter: KevinMillerDCCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine) Visit the Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine) at .pressherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:46
網絡承壓 維護搶修要升級
澳門近年發生多宗大型流動電訊網絡故障,self storage部分事故起因涉及人為疏忽、或系統供應商的軟件設備出錯,導致居民承受“無網之災”,影響話音通訊或數據服務的使用,多少降低本地用戶對3G服務的信任。 上周本澳出現今年以來首次的流動網絡事故。問題發生於午夜非繁忙時段,營運商進行非核心系統維護檢測工作時,過程中發現需要更新網絡維護系統的模塊,經風險評估後決定更新系統。但期間偵測到3G網絡話音服務不穩,隨即緊急搶修,清晨之前已全面恢復系統運作,廣泛受影響程度較低。 事件亦反映3G網絡發生故障時,2G根本未能發揮後備系統的作用。首先,2G網絡傳輸流動數據的速度較慢,無法充當3G的替補,遑論考慮透過2G網絡於手機上瀏覽社交網站或使用即時通訊軟件。假以時日,2G必然被社會淘汰。 其次,目前3G網絡仍存在不少訊號“盲點”,當無法接收到3G話音服務時,網絡將自動轉移至2G網絡來提供話音服務,至少可讓居民與外界保持聯繫。但今次事件發生期間,流動電話用戶需要重新手動選擇2G網絡,才能向外撥出電話致電親友,難免令人質疑2G話音服務的自動替補功能,亦反映出系統運作存在較mini storage改善空間。 反而,坊間曾向監管當局建議,要求營運商全面重新檢視各流動電訊網絡的運作,以及研究設立網絡互補機制,當任何一家營運商網絡出現問題,可在短時間內透過其他營運商作為後備替補,減少事故發生時所造成的影響。但相關做法是否可行,有待政府與業界探討。 隨著澳門經濟急速發展,本地各個電訊網絡所承受的壓力與日俱增。加上現時3G網絡已沿用多年,系統的硬件難免出現老化、軟件版本及兼容性需要更新,系統的承載能力有必要跟隨澳門人口及經濟發展升級。 值得一提的是,營運商對流動電訊網絡系統的更新及維護,主要安排在午夜,居民普遍就寢,非於商業活動的時段進行。無非是避免系統處理大量數據,軟件更新時產生風險,把可能受影響的居民數目減至最低,並以防一旦出現異常情況,可在繁忙時段前搶修完成。 從科學角度而言,任何系統網絡均有可能存在漏洞,根本無法“百分百”完全避免,問題在於發生故障時,營運商如何於最短時間恢復,把受影響時間縮至最短。搶修過程中,最重要是取決於網絡系統工程師的個人經驗、反應及判斷能力,面對問題臨危不亂。營運商對人才的專業培訓,必不可少。 春 耕 迷你倉
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:39
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:31
Supreme Court may limit 'judge shopping'
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷利倉M.Oct. 12--In local legal lingo, "DQ" does not mean Dairy Queen. It means bumping a judge from a case through a procedure called a " peremptory excusal." It is a disqualification that need not be explained, and it is available to each party in a case, whether it be civil or criminal.New Mexico, now among a handful of states that offers parties the ability to use peremptory challenges, is poised to alter that policy.But the New Mexico Supreme Court's proposed fix seemed to please almost no one.In August, in a civil case from Las Cruces, the high court said a district court judge may decide if a peremptory challenge filed against him or her is both timely and correct.The opinion also expressed concerns about the rule, saying in its current form it "impedes the effective and efficient administration of justice by causing unnecessary delays" and that as applied, it "inhibits the judiciary's growing need to operate more efficiently."Trying to balance fair trial rights and efficient dispute resolution, the court concluded the rule had to be amended.The Supreme Court prefaced its proposal, published in the Sept. 11 Bar Bulletin, by observing "a serious problem" with "excessive exercise" of disqualifications made for "purposes other than avoiding assignment of biased judges." It used phrases like "unprincipled judge shopping" and "serial excusals timed in such a way as to prevent judicial action."It said some state agencies were "misusing the power to exercise so many excusals" that an out-of-district judge had to be assigned.The solution proposed by the high court was to limit DQs to one on each side of a case, no matter how many parties there are. The court自存倉said that was consistent with other states that still allow the practice-- Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin. Federal courts do not allow peremptory excusals.Under the proposed rule, the chief justice would still be able to suspend excusal rights of an attorney or group of attorneys seen as misusing the rule. It also would limit DQs to 90 days from the outset of a case -- "before a judge has gotten involved in learning about the case and making rulings."Within a couple of weeks, the proposal drew over 150 comments. Supreme Court Clerk Joey Moya said in an e-mail that the court has no timetable for making a decision and is reviewing the comments.Some thought the proposal fine, and overdue."This rule change has been long in coming," one attorney wrote. "I strongly agree with the court's concern over the habitual abuse of the existing rule."Another, calling the existing system "just short of absurd," wrote that the proposed rule did not go far enough. Removing a judge should be subject to proof of bias, the commenter said, adding, "Having a reliable court system ... without the cutesy 'Oh, well, it is NM' nuances ... certainly is more conducive to the conduct of orderly business and dispute resolution."The Rodey law firm, which has many large institutional clients, wrote a lengthy commentary reacting to the proposal."The court should not limit the rights of the majority of litigants to an impartial tribunal because of the improper conduct of a few," its letter said in part.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:24
美國地方政府出錢 自由女神像重新迎客
L/旅遊新華社紐約10月11日電 美國紐約州州長安德魯·科莫11日宣佈,由州政府出資讓自由女神像重新開放。科莫說,自由女神像是美國最著名的景點之一,每年吸引數百萬遊客,近期關閉對地方經濟和旅遊業造成了惡劣影響。self storage
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:19
多地火電上網電價下調 因煤電聯動年底或再降
URL:.chinanews.com.cn/ny/2013/10-12/5368654.shtml 中新網10月12日電 (能源頻道 宋亞芬)此前業內一直傳言的上網電價9月底下調終於在近日得到證實,儲存贛能股份和國投電力相繼宣佈早已在9月30日就接到發改委通知,並于長假結束後宣佈了具體的下調標準。據中新網能源頻道瞭解,貴州、天津、安徽、福建、江蘇等多省上網電價都有所下調,幅度在每千瓦時0.9分至每千瓦時2.5分。 有媒體報道認為此次下調上網電價並非由於煤價深跌而進行煤電聯動的適時調整,而是由於籌集資金用于可再生能源及電廠脫硫除塵補貼,如此一來,在煤電聯動調整時間來到之時,燃煤發電上網電價恐將再次面臨下調。 意外下調的謎團 從去年下半年以來,由於下游主要耗煤行業不景氣,隨行就市的煤炭採購活動陷于停頓,導致煤炭價格不斷下跌。據中新網能源頻道瞭解,當前的煤炭價格和2010∼2011年時的高峰期相比,已下跌約三成。 煤價下跌致煤企業績集體滑坡,根據同花順統計,今年上半年 42家煤炭上市公司近八成淨利潤同比大幅下降。而電企則賺的盆滿缽滿,三成電企淨利增幅超2倍。因此,雖然煤電聯動調整周期未到,但業內關於電價下調的呼聲一直不斷。 2012年底,國務院辦公廳印發的《國務院辦公廳關於深化電煤市場化改革的指導意見》(以下簡稱《意見》)規定,“繼續實施並不斷完善煤電價格聯動機制,當電煤價格波動幅度超過5%時,以年度為周期,相應調整上網電價,同時將電力企業消納煤價波動的比例由30%調整為10%。” 目前,時間離《意見》下發時為起點的一年調價周期還有兩個多月,因此在兩大電企的通知公佈之前,業內對於9月底上網電價下調的傳言存在很大爭論。 而由於並不符合煤電聯動機制的時間節點,也有媒體報道稱此次下調並非因為煤價的下跌,而是為了籌集資金用于可再生能源基金,補貼脫硝除塵機組。 這一說法在國投電力于10月9日公佈的公告中也得到了證實。國投電力10月10日發佈公告顯示:9月30日,發改委即印發《關於調整發電企業上網電價有關事項的通知》稱為貫徹落實《國家發展改革委關於調整可再生能源電價附加標準與環保電價有關事項的通知》,決定在銷售電價不變的情況下適當調整電價水平。 據中新網能源頻道瞭解,發改委在今年8月低曾發佈《關於調整可再生能源電價附加標準與環保電價有關事項的通知》,將燃煤發電企業脫硝電價補償標準由每千瓦時0.8分錢提高至1分錢,對經環保部門驗收合格的燃煤發電企業除塵成本予以適當支持,電價補償標準為每千瓦時0.2分錢。另外,將向除居民生活和農業生產以外的其他用電徵收的可再生能源電價附加標準由每千瓦時0.8分錢提高至1.5分錢。通知稱該價格調整自2013年9月25日起執行,這與發改委下發給電力企業的通知在時間點上也完全吻合。 電企煤企或現博弈 據中新網能源頻道迷你倉解,此次上網電價下調,主要針對的是燃煤發電企業。贛能股份公告稱,公司所屬火力發電廠將作調整,而水電廠上網電價則未作調整。初步測算本次電價調整將使贛能股份2013年營業收入減少1200萬元左右。據《京華時報》10月11日報道,數據顯示,2012年全年火電發電量38137.51億度,以全國火電上網電價平均下調1.3分/度計算,總計對全行業的利潤影響為496億元。 另外,從國投電力的公告中可以看出,各省上網電價的降低標準並不相同,最低的不足一分,最高的江蘇省的電廠則高達2.5分。據新華日報報道,江蘇省能源局昨天證實,江蘇燃煤發電每千瓦時的上網電價下調0.025元,在全國各省區中江浙滬的下調幅度最大。受此影響,股市電力板塊集體走低,華潤電力昨天一度跌逾3%。 相比火電企業的不快,煤企感到的更多是憂慮。煤炭界人士普遍擔憂此次火電企業上網電價下調壓力將傳導至上游煤炭企業。據新華日報10月11日報道,徐礦集團一位人士擔心,在目前電煤市場供應仍過剩的前提下,電廠會將上網電價下調的壓力傳導到煤企,不利於煤價複蘇。 不過,據中新網能源頻道瞭解,目前動力煤價方面並沒有受到太多影響。中宇資訊提供給中新網能源頻道的資料顯示,本周環渤海地區發熱量5500大卡動力煤的綜合平均價格報收530元/噸,比前一報告周期下降了1元/噸,跌幅再度收窄,且低熱值動力煤的價格出現明顯上漲。各主產煤地坑口在十一節後也繼續呈上漲趨勢。 不過金銀島分析師蒲曉花認為,目前電廠負荷偏低,基本在60-65%左右,庫存充裕,此時煤價開始上漲,電廠很難甘願接受,預計此部分利潤損失最終還是將傳導至煤炭企業。 火電上網電價年底恐再下調 由於本次上網電價不是因為煤電聯動,在煤價早已跌破5%而調整周期滿足的條件下,年底火電上網電價會否再次下調也成為一個關注的焦點。 煤炭市場專家、睿能咨詢首席顧問李廷認為:“是否執行煤電聯動要看各地上網電價下調幅度是否達到了煤電聯動的標準,如尚未達到煤電聯動標準,那在煤電聯動窗口打開之時,煤電上網電價需要再度調整。” 據李廷介紹,去年年底至今,無論是主產地價格,還是中轉港價格,抑或是電廠用戶到廠價,下降均在80元以上,降幅均在10%以上。依據新的煤電價格聯動規定,發電企業消納煤價波動的比例為10%。按照這一標準,煤價下降80元或10%的情況下,按照煤價變動收益補償法測算,截止到目前為止,如果�動煤電聯動火電企業上網電價每千瓦時需要下降2.77分。 李廷認為,此次各省燃煤發電上網電價下調額度均低於�動煤電聯動後電價應該下調的額度。因此,煤電聯動窗口打開之時,如果煤價仍然處於目前水平,燃煤發電上網電價則需要再度調整,屆時銷售電價也需要適當下調。結合煤電聯動機制明確的電價調整標準和前段時間各地上網電價的下調幅度,很多地區火電上網電價應該再度下調1分以上。(中新網能源頻道)儲存倉
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:08
本報南寧訊 (記者/周映 通訊員/黃建義)10月12日下午,儲存在國家防總防禦第25號颱風“百合”工作視頻會議之後,自治區緊接著召開視頻會,分析研判颱風“百合”的發展動態及其可能帶來的影響,對防禦工作進行全面部署。會議要求:一要克服麻痹思想,高度重視“百合”防禦工作,切實吸取今年颱風防禦工作的教訓,特別是對汛後颱風的危害絕不能掉以輕心。二要強化海上船隻回港避風和人員上岸避險,確保做到出海作業船隻回港避風和船上人員上岸、沿海養殖作業人員上岸避險百分之百。三要強化濱海旅遊人員的安全轉移,防止遊客滯留在危險區域,確保不出現遊客被困現象。四要做好搶險救災的應急準mini storage,提前檢查抗災物資儲備情況,保證人力和物資充足。加強與武警、邊防、軍隊等溝通聯繫,及時通報防汛防台最新動態,讓部隊早有準備。五要切實落實好應急值守工作和信息報送工作,密切監視天氣變化,加強會商,及早發佈預報預警信息,視情況�動應急響應,落實好各項防禦工作。據自治區氣象局預報,“百合”12日已進入南海東部海域。預計未來48小時強度還將有所增強,以颱風或強颱風的強度穿過我國西沙群島,向海南靠近。我區北部灣海面將出現一次大到巨浪過程。“百合”雖不在我區登陸,但其帶來的強風、巨浪將對北部灣海面造成較大影響。自治區已于10月12日17時起�動防禦颱風Ⅳ級應急響應。self storage
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:01
Hines bets big on its hometown
Source: Houston ChronicleOct.mini storage 12--Houston-based Hines is making one of its biggest bets ever in the city where it was founded more than five decades ago.In the coming years, the commercial real estate firm is planning to build new office towers, residential high-rises and even a single-family housing project here. The price tag for all the new development: $1.7 billion.That kind of money would make most people dizzy. But it's something the company's chairman takes in stride."That's just the nature of the business," Gerald Hines said last week from his company's corporate headquarters in the Williams Tower, a 64-story skyscraper the firm developed in the early 1980s, another period of tremendous growth.It was during that time Hines built some of downtown's most recognizable skyscrapers, like the Texas Commerce Tower, now JPMorgan Chase Tower, and RepublicBank Center, now Bank of America Center.Years earlier, the privately held firm developed the Galleria, One and Two Shell Plaza and a host of other office and retail buildings around the city.The company's newest round of local development is already underway, but much of it is yet to come.One of those projects was announced last week, when Hines said it was planning a European-style residential community on 46 acres off Old Katy Road near Interstate 10. The project, called Somerset Green, is expected to include some 500 high-end homes that will be built close together but clustered around a series of parks, a lake and a canal.Then there's downtown, where Hines has blueprinted two high-rises: a 47-story office tower on Main Street and a 33-story luxury apartment building catty-corner from Market Square.Blending inThe company has two other high-end apartment complexes under construction in popular neighborhoods inside Loop 610, but the downtown project will be its first multifamily building in the city's core.Houston's Ziegler Cooper Architects designed the 289-unit tower that's scheduled to break ground next year in the historic district.The design will blend in with the older buildings in the area, such as the old Rice Hotel, Bayou Lofts and the Hotel Icon property, said Hines' Mark Cover, senior managing director and CEO for the company's southwest region."We've been through the (city) historic commission, and they've given us a hearty sign-off," he said from his office on the 41st floor of 811 Main.From his window, Cover can see Market Square and the block where the office tower is planned. Because it will take several years to build, construction will probably start without any tenant commitments."We'd rather build it while the market is demanding space," Cover said.Energy connectionIndeed, Hines is capitalizing on the strength of the local economy.Houston's economic diversification and its strong ties to the energy industry will continue to propel the local real estate industry for at least the next five years, said John Walsh, director of the graduate real estate program at the Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston."The economy here in Houston and therefore the resulting opportunities in the real estate market in my mind cannot be better. And I'm a survivor of 1985," said Walsh, former president of Friendswood Development. "I know what it's like to be up and down here in Houston."When the market wasn't so robust, Hines turned to developing for other people. It儲存renovated space for major oil companies and added to its portfolio of properties it managed for outside owners.The company started planning for the new wave of building in 2006, when Cover began leading the southwest region and was given the green light to move forward on new development in the city where the company was founded in 1957.The message, he said, was clear: "It's our home, let's go after it."While office development is still at the core of the business, there's been a growing movement toward diversification.The company is involved in the development of an industrial complex of nearly 1,000 acres near Bush Intercontinental Airport. When completed, Pinto Business Park could contain as much as 8 million square feet of warehouse and office space.Variety of financingHines is also developing two 12-story office buildings for Shell and a four-story one for CGGVeritas.And there are plans to build a 17-story office tower on land owned by First Baptist Church near Instate 10 and the West Loop.The new projects are being financed by a wide variety of sources, Cover said, including pension funds, insurance companies and private wealth.In addition to its capital-raising abilities, Hines is also known for recognizing the value of design on a real estate project.Stephen Fox, an architectural historian and a lecturer at the Rice School of Architecture and the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture of the University of Houston, said Gerald Hines demonstrated that developers "don't have to be constrained by local industry standards.""You can set new standards that not only will seem superior by what goes on in Houston, but the world takes notice," he said.Still, in a city without zoning, conflicts over development are inevitable. And Hines has not been immune.Residents in the Museum District have expressed concerns about a 25-story high-rise the company has planned. In the River Oaks area, homeowners are trying to stop Hines from building a 17-story office tower planned on San Felipe near Kirby.A denser cityCover said he respects the opinions of the neighbors, but he also feels strongly that Houston will continue to become a denser city with people living closer together and buildings getting taller."Jerry has instilled in us to try to leave a place with something great," he said, referring to Gerald Hines. "And some people's definition of something great is don't ever build anything. But great cities are dense."All of the new local development is emerging after years of geographic diversification for Hines.Over the years, the company has expanded far and wide, and now employs 3,300 people across the world. It develops and manages properties in Russia, Spain, Poland, Canada, Mexico and India, among other nations. It controls about $25 billion worth of assets."It's very encouraging that Hines is sort of renewing its commitment to Houston," Fox said.It's doing so with a younger generation of leadership at the firm.Years ago, Gerald Hines' son, Jeffrey Hines, became president and CEO.The elder Hines, now 88, does not claim to know how long the current cycle of prosperity will last. But if Houston maintains its strong position in the energy industry, he said, "we will continue to be a very healthy society."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Houston Chronicle Visit the Houston Chronicle at .chron.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 12:54
淡水老街昨天一點都不老!新北市國際環境藝術節傍晚引爆淡水人的熱情,mini storage51支超過2000人的各式各樣彩妝隊伍,以嘉年華會心情走在老街上,吸引10萬名遊客目光,遊客沉浸狂歡氣氛裡。區長蔡葉偉說,每年的環藝節都展現淡水人的巧思、創造力,參與遊行踩街隊伍除了社團、學校,更多是各里里民和社區的自動自發,尤其很多阿公、阿嬤親自下場,爭取每年一次街頭露臉走秀機會,難能可貴。環藝節的《瘋踩街•世界萬花筒》遊行,傍晚由市長朱立倫與身穿各種造型裝扮的踩街隊伍,在淡水老街上開心表演,主題「世界萬花筒」讓參加的學校、社區及社團,發揮豐沛的想像力與創造力,盡情展現出世界各國的文化與風情。朱立倫表示,在藝術家們帶領下儲存從8月透過藝術工作坊學習肢體表演、服裝道具製作、藝術花車創作、樂器演奏等,並加入環境劇場元素,展現淡水在地文化特色及各國文化元素,這個藝術節已成新北推動社區總體的最佳典範。除了藝術踩街,今天下午3時30分至5時20分,還有24個藝術團體在淡水老街福佑宮廣場、觀潮藝術廣場、藝術穿堂等接力演出,內容包括歌唱、戲劇、舞蹈、傳統藝曲。壓軸好戲《西仔反傳說》將在10月19、20日的晚上7時,重返昔日清法戰爭古戰場-滬尾砲台公園上演。環藝節活動持續至10月20日,相關訊息可至及活動官網.taiwanshui.com.tw/tamsui-art/查詢,或電洽淡水區公所(02)2622-1020轉661。迷你倉
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 17:22
1 killed in head-on collision on Hwy. 12
Source: The Record, Stockton, Calif.mini storageOct. 11--BOULDIN ISLAND -- A 39-year-old man driving a black Chevrolet Silverado pickup westbound on Highway 12 west of Interstate 5 died Thursday morning after crossing into the opposing lane and colliding head-on with a big rig carrying household goods.The crash occurred around 7:45 a.m. on a straight, two-lane rural stretch of the trans-Delta highway about 10 miles west of I-5 and a half-mile east of the Tower Bridge over the Mokelumne River. It closed traffic in both directions for more than three hours between I-5 and Highway 160 at Rio Vista.Traffic was being diverted to Interstate 80 in the north and Highway 4 in the south.The pickup driver died at the scene. His identity was not provided pending family notification.The accident was so severe it required the use of a Hurst hydraulic spreader operated by Woodbridge Fire District firefighters to free the victim from the wreckage.Following the crash, the 32-year-old big-rig driver was seen walking around the scene "conscious and alert" and was transported by ambulance to an area hospital for observation, according to Woodbridge Fire Chief Steve Butler.Witnesses told the California Highway Patrol the pickup driver was traveling steadily with westbound traffic at about 60 to 65 miles per hour when, for an unknown reason, he drifted into the eastbound lane about 200 feet in front of the eastbound big rig.Immediately upon impact, the big rig pushed the pickup back into the westbound lane before coming to a stop with its upright trailer blocking both lanes, Officer Dan Sepulveda said.A third vehicle, attempting to avoid self storagehe collision, drove off the roadway down an embankment. The driver of that vehicle was not injured, according to the CHP.Sepulveda said it could not be determined if the pickup simply drifted into the opposite lane or was attempting to pass another vehicle.In a few years, there will be a concrete barrier separating the lanes of oncoming traffic where the collision took place. Set to begin construction next spring, the $47 million Bouldin Island Rehabilitation Project would make improvements along about 5 miles of road east of the bridge. In addition to the barrier, it would widen shoulders and make other improvements. It is expected to be completed in 2017.The big rig, owned by National Van Lines of Broadview, Ill., was being operated out of Pittsburg and was heading to the truck scales in nearby Flag City at I-5, according to fellow National Van Lines driver David Davi, who arrived on the scene just minutes after the crash.Davi said Art was the first name of the driver of the big rig but declined to give his full name. "Art is our friend. He was shaken up but he's OK. He said the pickup just jumped out right in front of him."Davi, who drives the Delta stretch of Highway 12 regularly, knows it's dangerous."You always hear about accidents. You've got to be alert and awake," he said.Reporter Zachary K. Johnson contributed to this report.Contact reporter Joe Goldeen at (209) 546-8278 or jgoldeen@recordnet.com. Visit his blog at .recordnet.com/goldeenblog.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Record (Stockton, Calif.) Visit The Record (Stockton, Calif.) at .recordnet.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 16:49
劉雅煌認為豐富旅遊產品內涵 有助提升旅遊素質知名度
【專訪】澳門旅行社協會會長,mini storage二0一三國際旅遊博覽會執行會長劉雅煌在「旅遊論壇」開幕式時指出,旅遊業而文化而繁榮,文化因旅遊而傳承,不斷豐富旅遊產品的內涵,是打造中國旅遊品牌、推動其持續發展的重要條件。 劉雅煌致開幕詞時表示,中國旅遊要融入世界旅遊大潮流,品牌行銷是關鍵。不同景區要通過資訊互通、資源分享,利用各自優勢創造良好的旅遊氛圍,打造特色的旅遊品牌。 他指出,旅遊而文化而繁榮,文化因旅遊而傳承。旅遊是文化的載體和媒介,文化是旅遊的靈魂和誘因。因此,不斷豐富旅遊產品的文化內涵,有助和提升中國旅儲存產業的質素和知名度,有利於中國旅遊業的可持續發展。 昨日下午二時半,作為「二0一三澳門國際旅遊博覽會」項目之一的「澳門旅遊論壇」在金光會展中心D館開幕。 接後締約的項目包括:重慶旅遊營銷中心與澳門萬國青年旅遊有限公司的「重慶旅遊營銷中心澳門辦事處」合作協議、重慶帝力遊艇製造公司與萬國控股集團的合作項目協議、廣東清遠旅行社協會與澳門旅行社協會的推動兩地旅遊合作協議等。另一場給簽約的有澳門環宇旅遊社、康泰旅行社與東北三旅遊企業的合作協議。 其後,現場進行了旅遊投融資推介會,由有關專家、學者作專題演講。◇迷你倉
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 16:36
15th West Lake International Expo
The 15th West Lake International Expo Economic, Trade, Scientific and Technological Cooperation ConferenceDate: October 12-14Venue: Zhejiang World Trade International Exhibition CenterAddress: 122 Shuguang Rd 2013 West Lake International Expo Tourism FestivalDate: Through November 30Venue: Entire Hangzhou 2013 International Marriage Customs FestivalDate: Through October 18Venue: HNA Resort HotelAddress: 1 YanggongdiVenue: Taixuhu Holiday HotelAddress: Oriental Culture Park 2013 Dahongying Rose Wedding CeremonyDate: October 6Venue: Broken Bridge Signing Ceremony of Economic, Trade, Scientific and Technological Cooperation ConferenceDate: October 12Venue: Zhejiang World Trade International Exhibition CenterAddress: 122 Shuguang Rd Roundtable Summit of Fortune 500 Entrepreneurs Date: October 12, 11am-12pmVenue: Dragon HotelAddress: 120 Shuguang Rd Briefing on Central and Western China’s Investment Environment and Project PromotionDate: October 12Venue: Zhejiang Narada Grand HotelAddress: 122 Shuguang Rd 2013 Hangzhou Industry Economic and Trade FairDate: October 12Venue: Zhejiang Narada Grand HotelAddress: 122 Shuguang Rd 2013 Citizens Leisure FestivalDate: October 12-14Venue: Qianjiang New Town China Science, Technology and Information WeekDate: October 12-15Venue: Zhejiang World Trade International Exhibition CenterAddress: 1122 Shuguang Rd 2013 Creative Life Festival of College StudentsDate: October 12-15Venue: Zhejiang World Trade International Exhibition CenterAddress: 122 Shuguang Rd 5th China Folk Craftsman FestivalDate: October 12-18Venue: Nansongyu Street, Wushan Square 1st China International Chess ExpoDate: October 13Venue: Hangzhou Branch of China Chess AssociationAddress: 2-6 Qianchao Rd China-France Cultural Exchange CampaignDate: October 15-31Venue: Hangzhou Arts and Crafts MuseumAddress: 334 Xiaohe Rd Launching Ceremony of Experience Culture TourDate: October 16Venue: Lawn by Solitude MountainAddress: 3 Gushan Rd N.迷你倉 Global Investment SummitDate: October 16-18Venue: Hyatt Regency HangzhouAddress: 28 Hubin Rd 14th Hangzhou International Automobile Industry ExhibitionDate: October 17-November 3Venue: Hangzhou International Convention and Exhibition CenterAddress: 589 Shixiang Rd 2013 China (Hangzhou) Culture and Creative Industry ExpoDate: October 17-20Venue: Hangzhou Baima Lake International Convention and Exhibition CenterAddress: Hangzhou Baima Lake Creative Eco-City 2013 Elite Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship SummitDate: October 18-20Venue: Zhejiang Narada Grand HotelAddress: 122 Shuguang Rd 2013 Zhejiang Real Estate ExpoDate: October 18-21Venue: Hangzhou Peace International Exhibition and Conference CenterAddress: 158 Shaoxing RdVenue: Zhejiang World Trade International Exhibition CenterAddress: 122 Shuguang Rd 5th Hangzhou Businessmen ForumDate: October 19-20Venue: Xixi Hotel (tentative)Address: 803 Wen’er Rd W. 2nd Cross-Strait Public Relations Forum & 4th West Lake Public Relations ForumDate: October 19Venue: Zhejiang Great Hall of the People (tentative)Address: 9 Shengfu Rd 2013 Xiushui CarnivalDself storagete: October 19Venue: Xiushui SquareAddress: Yangguang Rd, Chun’an County West Lake Buddhism Culture Photo ExhibitionDate: October 24-November 3Venue: National Wetland Museum of ChinaAddress: Tianmushan Rd National Memories — Photo Exhibition of China, Myanmar and India during World War IIDate: October 20-November 15Venue: West Lake MuseumAddress: 89 Nanshan Rd Fashion Creative WeekDate: October 20-28Venue: Hangzhou World Trade Square 2013 Hangzhou International Sensor Technology and Application of Internet of Things SummitDate: October 23-25Venue: Sanli New Century MansionAddress: 538 Shaoxing Rd 16th Hangzhou Economic Cooperation ConferenceDate: October 24-25Venue: Zhejiang World Trade International Exhibition CenterAddress: 122 Shuguang Rd 2013 China (Hangzhou) Arts and Crafts Masterwork ExhibitionDate: October 24-28Venue: Hangzhou Peace International Convention& Exhibition CenterAddress: 158 Shaoxing Rd Oriental Culture Exchange — Beauty of Painting, Calligraphy and GardenDate: October 25-31Venue: Beishan Street; Westlake International Expo Museum (40 Beishan Rd); Ma’nao Temple (Geling Rd) 2013 Fuchunjiang River Sports Festival & Public Leisure DayDate: October 26Venue: Qianjiang New Town and Huang Gongwang Scenic Area 2013 Wulin Fashion ShowDate: October 28Venue: West Lake Cultural Square; Wulin Rd 2nd Zhejiang Entrepreneurs ConventionDate: October 26-27Venue: Zhejiang People’s Great HallAddress: 9 Shengfu Rd 2013 China International Silk Fair and Women’s Wear ExhibitionDate: October 26-28Venue: Zhejiang World Trade International Exhibition CenterAddress: 122 Shuguang Rd 8th China International Leisure Sports Industry ExpoDate: November 1-4Venue: Hangzhou Peace International Exhibition and Conference CenterAddress: 158 Shaoxing Rd 15th West Lake International Expo Job FairDate: November 2Venue: Hangzhou Peace International Exhibition and Conference CenterAddress: 158 Shaoxing Rd Wushan Temple FairDate: October 15-21Venue: Wushan Square 2013 Zhejiang Technology Auction and Online Technology WeekDate: November 12-16Venue: Hangzhou White Horse Lake International Convention and Exhibition Center; Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang ProvinceAddress: 33 Huancheng Rd W. Opening Ceremony of Lin’an Winter Tourism FestivalDate: November 2Venue: Zhong’an Hot Spring ResortAddress: 188 Tuanquan Street, Tuankou Town 2013 Prestigious Teachers and Headmasters ForumDate: November 7-8Venue: West Lake Hillview International HotelAddress: 37 Lianhuafeng Rd 2013 Hangzhou International Human Resources Exchanges and Cooperation ConferenceDate: November 6-8Venue: InterContinental HangzhouAddress: 2 Jiefang Rd E. Asia Design Management ForumDate: November 8-10Venue: Grand Canal Advertisement Industrial ParkAddress: 37 Xiangyuan Rd Closing Ceremony of the Experience Culture Tour & Awards Ceremony of Asia Design Management ForumDate: November 9, 8pmVenue: Grand Canal Advertisement Industrial ParkAddress: 37 Xiangyuan Rd (Schedules are subject to changes.Gao Fei compiled the schedule.) 迷利倉
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 16:16
「怎麼這麼想不開?」29歲的吳姓男子與交往2年的陳姓女友大吵一架後,文件倉帶著2大桶汽油前往女友家公寓樓梯間自焚身亡,連鄰居也被殃及受傷。女友痛哭失聲,強調也沒談到分手,不該這麼想不開。警方不排除吳某有意與女友同歸於盡,全案深入調查中。警方調查,在台南某有線電視公司外包廠商工作的吳姓男子,與在舞場工作的陳姓女子相識、交往2年多,感情一直不錯。交往2年 沒說分手不料,前天深夜吳某因細故與陳女發生激烈爭執,竟然於昨天凌晨2點50分左右,開工作用的廂型車到台南市安南區北安路某加油站,購買2大桶合計50公升的汽油,再駕車前往女友位於安南區海佃路的公寓住家談判。2桶汽油 約50公升當時,吳曾以電話要求女友外出見存倉,但因雙方意見並不一致,吳於是在公寓1樓的樓梯間,一邊與女友在電話中爭論,一邊潑灑汽油點燃自焚。陳女在電話中先聽到男友手機掉落的聲音,緊接著又聽到鐵門外轟然巨響,心中覺得不妙,立刻打電話報警。但因火勢猛烈,僅1、2分鐘吳就被火舌吞噬,燒死在樓梯間。警消抵達滅火時,吳已成1具焦屍,現場一片漆黑。蔡姓鄰居聞到汽油味開門察看,也被烈火燙傷手腳及臉部,送醫急救,因全身有20%的燙傷。警研判欲同歸於盡陳女得知男友自焚,痛哭失聲,喃喃直說,「兩人雖然晚間有爭吵,但也沒有談到分手,怎麼會這樣想不開?」管轄分局調閱加油站監視畫面,懷疑吳購買50公升汽油,除有意自焚,不排除想與女友同歸於盡的意圖,全案由檢警處理中。儲存
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 14:41
廣州退休老人賣掉房子周游世界的新聞曾經轟動一時,文件倉隨著養老觀念的轉變,廣州老人們的生活越來越豐富多彩:旅遊、攝影、繪畫、種花、彈鋼琴、打高爾夫……“反正也不准備把錢帶到墳墓里”,“國家在發展,經濟在進步,兒女們的生活肯定會比我們更好,也不用給他們留那麼多錢”。以前是留守老人希望兒女們能常回家看看,現在是兒女們望眼欲穿地盼望著在外面瀟灑的老人們能常回來看看。榜樣武將筆墨老更成曾聆和,男,66歲,苦練書法,作品被馬英九收藏曾聆和,1947年出生,湖南安仁縣人,17歲開始來廣州當兵,轉業後一直在機關做幹部。退休以後,他開始苦練書法,通過刻苦努力,終於成為國家一級書法家,有粉絲專門做了一首詩送給他,“從戎刀飲血,閑來畫丹青,武將變騷客,兩者皆為峰”。曾聆和研習書法不求名、不為利,為的是以書法為媒,廣交天下友人,傳播中華書法藝術文化。退休以後的曾聆和反而成了大忙人,每天都有人來登門求字,他也經常去各地交流書法藝術。2011年8月,曾聆和專程為北京慈善會寫作,用以籌集慈善基金。同時,也為北京市的一些朋友書寫了近百幅作品,不斷有人邀請他去揮毫,曾聆和從北京到長沙、郴州一路南下,一路書寫,回來後又寄去30余幅供朋友分享。2012年,有千人次上門索取書法作品。有一次,僑辦協會的會長帶了四名台灣人專門來廣州找曾聆和題字,但不巧的是,曾聆和人在陽江,四人乾脆租了一部車追到陽江,終於見到了曾聆和,曾聆和給他們每人各寫了一幅字。而今,曾聆和書法作品已遍及國內、走上世界。在美國、南非、歐洲、澳洲、日本、中國台灣等地都流傳著曾聆和的書法作品,2011年6月,曾聆和隨中國文化藝術訪日代表團赴日展出交流,帶去四幅書法精品參展,他創作的“三國演義開篇詞”獲金獎,被東京書畫院收藏。“日本人很重視書法,我去日本做交流的時候他們很自覺地排隊,得到一幅字後感動得要死,一連鞠十幾個躬。”法國巴黎也留下了他的墨跡,其作品“有志者事竟成,苦心人天不負”獲“巴黎第十屆中歐藝術交流展”金獎。澳大利亞工業集團全球市場總監維克多·岡薩雷斯先生當得到曾聆和的兩幅書法作品“凌雲”和“漢書下酒”時,高興得大喝紅酒,又彈又唱又跳。2012年台灣地區領導人選舉期間,曾聆和赴台北參加“中國書畫百年回顧展暨紀念辛亥革命一百周年”活動,攜帶的四幅作品是整個展場非常有氣勢的書法珍品,全被台灣政要收藏。其中,“馬到功成”作品由馬英九顧問許水樹接收後,贈送給馬英九收藏,並約定如馬英九連任領導人成功後,再贈送一幅。馬英九競選成功後,許水樹顧問專程來廣州,代馬英九接收曾聆和再次贈送的“旗開得勝”作品。為表謝意,馬英九請“立法院長”王金平先生書寫了一幅書法作品“藝壇之光”贈送曾聆和,表達對曾聆和書法藝術的讚賞。蒔花弄草養身心馮海濤,女,70歲,喜歡種花種草種菜種果樹記者見到馮阿姨的時候,她正在菜園子裡面給新栽的果樹澆水,“這是粉蕉,我托人從肇慶找的樹苗,廣東人最喜歡了,寓意‘招財進寶’”。馮阿姨種植的還有龍眼、荔枝,“我最喜歡這三種果樹,香蕉兩年可以掛果,荔枝和龍眼要等上三年。”在馮阿姨的小果園旁邊,另外一位姓陳的老伯種下了田七葉、三華李、木瓜、豆角、番薯。兩個人經常在一起交流種植經驗,談談天氣,聊聊收成。退休之前,馮阿姨在流花賓館做財務,但一直都喜歡種花種草種菜種果樹,“小時候我看過一篇文章,講的是前蘇聯農業科學家米丘林的故事,他創造性地把蘋果和梨嫁接在一起,培育出一種新型的水果。那時候我就立下志願當一名農學家,但那個年代大家都是服從分配,國家讓我們幹什麼我們就幹什麼。”沒做成農業科學家,馮阿姨就利用業餘時間發展自己的興趣愛好,她家住在康王路一棟老式居民樓的8樓,雖然樓層有點高,但樓頂有個天台花園,馮阿姨在上面種了不少花花草草,她最喜歡蘭花和茶花,花圃裡面這兩種花最多,還有魚腥草、薄荷、田七葉、紫貝菜……康王路的房子被拆遷,馮阿姨把自己的家安在了甲子園老人院,“這裡山好水好空氣好,有專業的醫生護士照顧我們,有國家二級廚師為我們做飯,我們不用買菜不用搞衛生,有更多的時候可以做自己喜歡的事情。”馮阿姨現在每天上午和下午都會花上一個小時在菜園子里侍弄自己的寶貝,“很多老人都喜歡種花種菜,甲子園專門撥出來一塊地當菜園子,工具房里還有花鋤、十字鎬,有專門的水龍頭可以灌溉,這裡靠近大源長壽村,使用的都是無汙染的地下水,種出來的水果蔬菜格外清甜。”馮阿姨還把自己在“天台花園”上培植的花花草草和盆景以及書房裡面的書用一輛卡車拉過來,全部捐給了甲子園老人院,“院長給我找了個好地方,讓我把這些盆景擺在甲子園的門口,每一個進來的人都能夠看到,我也特別開心。”穿行足跡開畫卷老謝夫婦,65歲,老兩口一起周游世界謝老先生是名畫家,謝老太太退休前是一名光榮的人民教師。謝老先生的脾氣有點古怪,他喜歡畫枯枝敗荷、神情冷俊的怪鳥、尖嘴的鱷魚,他不屬於任何畫派,總是獨來獨往,專心研究。他的畫仿佛是用墨塊潑灑出來,顛覆往常中國畫線條脈絡清晰的傳統。很多人看不懂謝老先生的畫,但謝老太太總是最能瞭解他的想法,她給自己起了一個筆名“夢夢”,並用這個筆名撰寫了一系列藝術評論的文章,用詩一樣的語言來解析讚美丈夫的畫。“藝術家的畫作就像《非誠勿擾》中找對象的靚女,各有各的特點,各有各的味道,就看看畫人、買畫人的眼光了。賣畫也像嫁女,找到合適的、欣賞的買家才行,這樣的畫作才真正體現了它的價值。”謝老太太告訴記者。在老兩口的iPad裡面保存著上萬張照片,其中數量最多的是荷花。說起廣州哪裡的荷花最靚,他們最清楚不過:華南植物園的荷花有幾百種之多,花瓣有繁有簡,顏色也多種多樣,還有非常罕見的並蒂睡蓮;白雲山能仁寺里的荷花天生帶著一股禪意;烈士陵園也是個看荷花的好地方,最難得的是在鬧市之中有那麼一池池安安靜靜的荷花;番禺的寶墨園和蓮花山也是賞荷的好去處,蓮花山視野開闊,寶墨園的建築古香古色,再加上周圍其他植物的襯托,意境格外高遠……老兩口還喜歡旅遊,一有機會,他們就四處走走,新疆、內蒙、東北、雲南、貴州……很多地方都留下了他們的蹤跡。看遍了國內的名山大川之後,老兩口又開始遠渡重洋,到歐美走訪名勝古跡,每到一個地方,他們都會深入瞭解當地的風土人情,一邊旅行一邊畫畫。閑時逐夢黑白鍵羅斯寧,女,6 6歲,退休後學鋼琴,圓年輕時的夢羅斯寧退休前是中山大學中文系的教授,當了一輩子老師,退休後卻做起了學生。她在省老幹部大學學鋼琴,教她彈鋼琴的是一個20多歲的小姑娘,剛從星海音樂學院畢業。“你在你熟悉的領域是教授,在別的專業,你就是小學生,因為你沒學過嘛!”羅斯寧很小的時候就夢想著彈鋼琴,但那時候鋼琴很貴,根本沒錢買,等到參加工作後掙了錢,卻因為居住環境狹窄買不了鋼琴,上世紀90年代終於住上了比較寬敞的房子,羅斯寧就給自己買了一架鋼琴,還專門請存倉星海音樂學院一個老師來家里做輔導,但那時候工作太忙,根本沒有多餘的時間來好好練習:“人生充滿了遺憾,當你有錢又有時間的時候,人又老了。”羅斯寧明顯感覺現在的手比較僵硬,“我有個同學,和孫子一起學鋼琴,同樣一首曲子,小孩很快就彈熟了,奶奶卻總是彈不好,孫子都說他‘奶奶,奶奶,你怎麼這麼笨呢!”老年大學的學習模式很寬鬆,從來不考試,怕老人們會有壓力,身體受不了。雖然不用考試,但羅斯寧一直都很認真,學了5年鋼琴,羅斯寧也算是有一點點心得,前不久,她剛剛和自己的老師一起在少年宮舉行了一場“師生鋼琴演奏會”,“我現在的老師40多歲,也算是桃李滿天下,參加這次師生演奏會的有100多人,從幾歲到幾十歲的,老老少少齊聚一堂,場面相當熱鬧。”除了在廣州市老幹大學學鋼琴,羅斯寧還在廣州軍區老人大學教授宋詞和元曲的創作,“來上課的都是以前的參謀長、司令員、後勤部長,他們很努力,不管以前做過多大的官,退休以後都重新老老實實地做起了學生,有的已經80多歲了,拄著拐棍來上課,學生們自己辦了一本叫做《長青詩刊》的內部刊物,有的學生還出了詩集。”觀點家庭養老功能弱化,社會養老成為趨勢 @劉澤鵬(廣州市天鹿湖老年人護理中心董事長)中國傳統的觀念是“養兒防老”,但這種想法在現在社會肯定是行不通的。中國現在的家庭結構大多是421,有的甚至是621、821,比如我們家,我的女兒、女婿都是獨生子女,他們剛剛生了一個小孩,我有一個老母親,女婿那邊還有一個爺爺。年輕人忙著工作,掙錢養家養房子養車子養小孩,哪裡顧得上照顧六個老人?空巢老人越來越多隨著社會的發展,家庭結構日趨小型化,傳統的家庭養老功能在弱化,子女因為工作、學習、結婚、生活習慣等原因紛紛選擇單獨居住,空巢老人越來越多。我在報紙上看到一組調查數據:只有30%的子女和父母一起生活,且這部分人中還有58%是30歲以下子女。而說到看望父母的頻率,在對分開居住的調查對象中,只有12.6%可以每天回去看望父母,32.8%每周回去一次,有超過54.6%的人要超過一個月或者只在節假日、不定期看望父母。中國的老齡化來得太快了,歐美國家用了整整100年,中國只用了20年就提前進入老年社會。廣州市老年人口已達121萬,占戶籍人口總數的14.93%。空巢老人、80周歲以上高齡老人分別占老年人口的45%和16%,空巢老人總數已超52萬,預計到2015年末,廣州60歲以上老年人預計超過140萬,約占戶籍人口的比重超過16%。國外流行異地養老在歐美新加坡日本等先進國家,基本上採用的都是“社會養老”的模式,美國有規模龐大的老年人社區,比如太陽城中心,裡面有各種各樣的俱樂部,開設的課程和組織的活動超過80種以上。新加坡有專門的老年公寓,其住宅的戶型設計及內部結構都充分考慮到老年人生活的各種需要。日本的養老院裡面有溫泉、咖啡廳和醫院,他們的老年人用品市場也發展得很完善,各種無障礙設施的老齡人住宅產品、具有看護性質的老齡人住宅產品、能和家人共同生活(二代居)的住宅產品。“只有你想不到的,沒有你買不到的”。“出國養老”“異地養老”在歐洲也正成為一種時尚,老年人們找一個陽光充足、風景如畫的海灘,在那兒安享晚年。居家養老觀念在轉變很多中國人認為把老人送到養老院是不孝順的表現,那是因為以前的養老院條件比較差,服務跟不上,進了養老院就等於是等死,條件好一點的養老院又特別難進。報紙上說北京有家養老院排隊排到166年後,隨著民營資本大量進入養老市場,養老院的經營理念和管理模式都在不斷提升,中國人“居家養老”的觀念也在轉變,我經常跟老人們聊天,他們也想得很明白,“現在的孩子都忙,我們也不拖累他們,自己找養老的地方,不用他們花一分錢。”在五星級的養老院裡面,老人們自己找樂子:在音樂茶座喝喝早茶,在湖邊的小木屋旁曬曬太陽,在活動中心看看老電影、在山頂游泳池鍛煉身體,在閱覽室看看報刊雜誌,興致來了,就潑墨揮毫,或者高歌一曲。鏈接老年生活不寂寞★老年人讀物《老人報》國內第一份專業性老年類報紙,至今已有29年曆史。《健康文摘報》老年人最關心的就是身體的健康,這份報紙由國家衛生部主管、健康報社主辦的全國第一張以傳播健康知識為主要內容的文摘類報紙。薈萃了國內外最新醫學科研信息和醫學科普知識,內容豐富、通俗易懂、科學權威,深受各階層讀者,特別是中老年讀者的喜愛。《現代養生》比養老更高的境界是養生,比養生更高的境界是養心。《現代養生》雜誌服務大�健康,推廣科學生活方式,引導百姓幸福生活為宗旨。與老年人的衣食住行密切相關,為老年人的健康生活保駕護航。《老人世界》可讀性很強的一本老年人刊物,裡面有名人名事古人古事,小幽默,養生長壽知識,還有菜譜等,都是老年人喜聞樂見的內容。★老年人活動場所星光老年之家 廣州市政府為60歲以上老年人提供學習、健身、休閒活動的場所,屬於福利性和公益性的社區服務設施,老年人們可以在那裡打打麻將、看看電視,不用花一分錢。廣東省康怡老人活動中心 廣東省婦聯主辦的社會福利機構,位於廣州市中山三路,這棟6層物業是華僑捐獻的。活動中心寬敞明亮,6個課室和一個活動大廳,分健身、閱覽、電腦和培訓等室,可同時容納600人活動,能滿足不同層次、不同興趣的老人的需要。中心裡面有自助式的小廚房,連洗手間都達到“機場標準”。白雲山 白雲山是一座真正屬於廣州人民的山,門票只要5元,老年人還可以辦理年卡月票。白雲山有很多老年人自發組織的紅歌會、舞蹈隊、登山小組、踢毽子小組。嶺海老人大學 廣州有很多老人大學,但很多只針對處級以上的幹部,嶺海老人大學是民辦的,不限戶籍、不論階層、不計學歷,只要你年滿五十周歲,港澳同胞、海外華僑都可以入讀。★有口碑的養老院廣州市天鹿湖老年人護理中心位於風景優美的天鹿湖湖畔,是一家五星級的養老院,中心內設有二級康複醫院,能為老人提供日常身體檢查、康複、疾病防治、緊急救治、專業護理等醫療服務保障。國家二級廚師親自料理老人們的飲食,生活飲用水採用地下水源,水質甘甜,含有多種人體所需的微量礦物元素,天源長壽村益壽泉就出于此。壽星大廈 集養護、托管、娛樂、康複和醫療等服務于一體的大型老年人社會福利機構。交通方便,環境優美,青山環抱,綠水長流,前後花園,空氣清新,鳥語花香,樓在林中,房在園中,路在綠中,人在景中,是老年人頤養天年的理想家園。慈心頤和園 廣州市民政局屬下的福利機構單位,接收有廣州市人擔保的無傳染性疾病和精神性疾病的60歲以上離退休人員。前有珠江醫院,後有河南醫院,中心內24小時都有醫生、護士值班,飯熱菜香,衛生可口,根據每個老人的飲食習慣,合理搭配伙食,確保老人營養健康。每星期安排義工及志願者慰問老人、表演節目、談心、講故事,每天組織老人唱京劇、粵劇,卡拉O K。AⅡ04-05版 採寫:南都記者 許琨 南都插圖:林軍明儲存
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 14:09
相信每個人的心底都有過這樣的旅遊夢:去魅力青海赴與油菜花的約會,儲存去魔力西藏拜訪九大聖湖,去有著藍天白雲、椰林樹影、水清沙白的馬爾代夫圓我們的仲夏夢,還要融化在帕拉圖筆下自由之地的聖托里尼島。如果有可能,都想在有生之年盡可能地親身體會這個美麗迷人的世界,所以每當長假來臨,大多數人特別是“上班族”都會興奮地計劃一下要去哪裡遊玩一番。不過有一部分90後的大學生卻選擇了與眾不同的道路,有的宅在宿舍發展自己的愛好享受一下難得的清淨,有的去做志願者當義工,有的90後則選擇了在這個兼職的黃金周里去做兼職給自己賺點外快。style1 國慶長假做兼職,7天賺了700元M A SH A是個上學較早的“90後”,今年已經大三了。這個黃金周,她放棄了回家和家人去肇慶的旅遊機會,選擇去做兼職。她覺得大學就快要過去了,前兩年的假期要不是宅在家里就是和老同學聚會敘舊,沒有什麼社會實踐經驗,“正好趁著假期清閑沒事做,兼職又比較好找,可以去體驗一下,時間雖然不長但也不短,但應該還能學到點東西,可以接觸外面的世界又有錢賺。”由於提前有準備,M A SH A找到了一份在房地產工作的兼職。某樓盤新開盤,需要很多的指引和介紹人員,M A SH A負責的是介紹樣板房。在正式接待客人前,負責人給她們進行了培訓還發了各個房型的資料讓她們熟背,這樣就可以較為熟練地為客人講解。“第一天的時候因為還沒有背熟不太熟悉,所以給客人介紹的時候總顯得底氣不足,有些客人問的問題還回答不上來,不過到了第二天就開始好轉了,然後就越來越熟練,好像這房子就是我建造的一樣”,M A SH A說。黃金周七天假期,M A SH A一共賺了700元,她覺得很開心,有了這筆小資金,M A SH A決定要好好計劃一個三四天的短途旅遊,“就當做是犒勞自己,而且這時候人少東西還便宜,這是我們大學生的優勢,課程少就不用趕著擠著在黃金周旅遊,可以選擇人少的淡季再慢慢去。”style2 一邊旅遊一邊代購,逛街感覺自己像大款可以一邊旅遊還能一邊賺錢想必是不少人渴望的,現在這已經不再是遙不可及的夢想了。隨著近年來在國內悄然興起的代購,一邊旅遊一邊賺錢可以說是比較簡單的事情。代購簡單說就是找別人幫忙買自己無法買到的產品。在國內代購比較熱的地點是香港、澳門和台灣,代購的產品多為化妝品和藥品,代購者從中賺取港幣和人民幣兌換之間的差額利潤。代購者多為學生,他們常利用周末或者假期的時候去香港、澳門、台灣囤貨然後回來賣給需要的同學,M IN N IE就是其中一員。這個黃金周,M IN N IE和同學約好要去香港迪士尼樂園玩,在M IN N IE出發前,有不少同學都拜托她帶各種各樣的化妝品和藥品,M IN N IE用本子一一記錄下來,然後再根據平時的銷量做一個統計,確定好這次去香港要多買些什麼少買些什麼。不過如果碰上某一種品牌mini storage者某家店在搞促銷,M IN N IE也會多買些回來然後在自己的代購店里做活動,提高自己代購店的聲譽。M IN N IE去香港兩天,前一天她盡情地玩了,然後第二天再慢慢去各大賣場買她需要的產品,在購物逛街的時候她感覺自己就像是大款一樣。style3 練瑜伽做禪修,享受慢生活不去游山玩水,不去走親串戶,也不要只宅著看電視劇玩電腦,那要怎樣才能與眾不同?不妨去報個名練練瑜伽,放鬆一下心情舒絡一下筋骨。學建築的CA H T Y需要日複一日地對著練字本、畫板、電腦,這些是必修課,但每日這樣的課程讓她覺得無趣且疲累。於是這個長假C A T H Y決定讓自己緩下腳步———參加瑜伽培訓班。她說大學生活並不像高中時想象的輕鬆,建築系的課程本來就不輕,再加上校團委的工作,平時忙得只能跟著日程安排走,並無空余時間多想其它。“假期正是一個好機會,可以讓自己緩下腳步,想想自己想要什麼,放鬆緊繃了一個月的神經”。不少的藝術培訓機構都會適時推出一些短期培訓班以適應顧客需求,像瑜伽、拉丁舞、插花這些對於需要放鬆身心的人來說都是很好的選擇,可以起到一個愉悅身心的作用,而且沒有舟車勞頓,剩下來的時間還能自己自由掌握。如果覺得自己的自制力不夠,假期會在無節制的看電視玩遊戲中度過,也可以關注“短期禪修班”。例如到甌海仙岩聖壽禪寺的“那蘭陀國際禪修中心”(禪修院),面向社會大�,不定期免費舉辦各類“禪修班”,近期舉辦的有7天、15天的短期班。因為面對的是社會大�,更多的是講究學習、放鬆、靜養、體驗,嚴格執行規定作息,免受外界的干擾。早睡早起,吃粗茶淡飯,手機電腦統一收起來。此外,不能殺生、不吃煙酒、吃素等。近年來,利用假期開辦的這類“禪修班”越來越受追捧,這也是假期與眾不同的放鬆身心的度假方式。style4 做志願者,成為90後的新休閒每年的國慶長假,都可以在廣州火車站、汽車站看到身穿紅色馬甲的志願者,為南來北往的旅客提供交通指引、道路咨詢、看護、搬運行李等服務。小胡也是其中的一員,10月1日一大灶,她就來到廣州火車站,“剛開的時候還有點緊張,看到別人拎著行李也不怎麼敢幫忙,後來才慢慢放開了。”這個19歲的湖南女孩說,她是湖南人,在廣州一所大學讀大三。以前,每次過國慶黃金周,她都會回家看看,幫媽媽刷刷筷子洗洗碗,和爸爸聊聊天,和高中的同學們一起遊玩,再把家鄉的小吃美美地吃個夠。今年黃金周,小胡卻選擇了這種特殊的方式來度假,“我們很多同學也會去當志願者,有的去探訪孤兒,有的去慰問孤寡老人,有的去血液中心為無償獻血者提供咨詢服務,這是一種新型的度假方式。怎麼說呢?幫助別人是一件快樂的事情,內心會感覺特別充實。”之所以選擇在火車站做志願者,是因為她覺得自己對這裡還算熟悉,“我自己也是一個旅客,知道在火車站這種環境中最需要什麼樣的幫助。”採寫:南都記者許琨 實習生邱顯晴self storage
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 13:47
Will new hotel bring more success to Bayfront Convention Center
Source: Erie Times-News, Pa.儲存倉Oct. 11--John Oliver doesn't need a consultant to tell him that an additional hotel adjacent to the Bayfront Convention Center is a good idea.Oliver is president of VisitErie, the region's tourism promotion agency. For years, Oliver said, "we've gotten feedback from groups that have said we don't have enough rooms in the immediate proximity to the Convention Center to allow them to consider Erie."One of VisitErie's tasks is to pitch Erie and its benefits to organizations looking for a place to host conventions, conferences and large meetings.Oliver said some organizations have expressed that concern, even though the $100 million-plus Convention Center complex includes the full-service, 200-room Sheraton Erie Bayfront Hotel, on West Dobbins Landing, which connects to the Convention Center from an overhead walkway.That is why news of a $25 million, multiyear state grant -- to help fund a new 200-room, $55 million hotel on the Bayfront Convention Center property -- is welcome, Oliver said.The new hotel would feature less expensive daily rates than the Sheraton, where rooms can cost as much as $250 per night with taxes and fees."It's clear that having more hotel rooms down there, near the Convention Center, will allow us to go after conventions that might not come to Erie now -- conventions that the Convention Center might be the only one with the ability to host," Oliver said. "Our reaction to this news is very positive."Casey Wells, the Erie County Convention Center Authority's executive director, agreed with Oliver."Meeting planners ... want hotels contiguous to the Convention Center," Wells said.Douglas Hill said he understands that.Hill is executive director of the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania, which brought more than 400 officials from throughout Pennsylvania to the Bayfront Convention Center in August for its statewide conference."We used the Sheraton and we used some of the other satellite hotels around town. And it worked out fine," Hill said. "But for the size of that convention center, they definitely need another hotel close at hand down there. I can understand why they're hearing that from other groups."'Shovel ready'Gov. Tom Corbett's office announced in September that the authority will receive $25 million over five years to help develop the new hotel just west of the Convention Center, 1 Sassafras Pier.The future hotel site is currently an employee parking lot and loading area for the Convention Center.State Sen. Sean Wiley, of Millcreek Township, D-49th Dist., has said the hotel project would create nearly 300 jobs.Roger Richards, a board member of the Convention Center Authority who heads its Strategic Planning Committee, said the new hotel would likely cost about $55 million.The authority plans to issue a bond to cover the remaining $30 million in costs for the hotel project, which also includes a 425-space parking garage with covered walkways to the new hotel and Convention Center."We're still working out the details of how all this will be put together," Richards said. "I've been working on this for about a year."The authority applied for the grant about six months ago but did not publicly announce that move, which fueled speculation that Richards' political clout helped the authority push a successful grant application through.Richards, an Eri迷你倉最平 lawyer and Republican power broker, has hosted fundraisers for Corbett at his South Shore Drive home."You can draw your own conclusions," Richards said. "The way I look at it is that I'm soliciting tax dollars to come back to Erie. Any way we can get that to happen, I think, is good for Erie. And I work both sides of the aisle, which is why I think we've been successful."It's not as if we weren't sharing this effort. We got a lot of support from the local (state legislative) delegation," Richards said. "They knew about this. I think we just never expected it to happen this quickly."Jay Pagni, a spokesman for Corbett's budget office, said the grant was awarded because the project is "shovel ready" and will benefit the region's economy."This will directly support the Convention Center, allowing it to bring more business in," Pagni said.Local officials also believe the new hotel will complement the ongoing redevelopment at the 12.5-acre former GAF Materials Corp. site, just west of the Convention Center property.The former shingle plant property, which the Convention Center Authority now owns, was demolished in 2010.About $7 million in previously awarded state money is financing an environmental cleanup currently underway at the property.The site is being eyed for a mixed-use development that may include a park area, apartments, town houses, a year-round marketplace, shops and restaurants.Richards said that while the authority originally wanted to add a hotel to the GAF site, connecting a second hotel to the Bayfront Convention Center makes more sense and frees up the former GAF property for other development.Room ratesRichards and Wells have said the new hotel needs to have lower room rates than the publicly guaranteed Sheraton, which opened in April 2008 on West Dobbins Landing.Wells said the Convention Center Authority is targeting a hotel with rates "about 30 percent less" than the Sheraton, which means rates of no more than about $175 per night.The authority's market research has identified hotel franchises that might fit the project, based on average daily room rates and other data.Wells and Richards declined to talk about specific franchises, saying that would be premature.The new hotel, Wells said, will not be a full-service facility like the bayfront Sheraton, which includes a full bar, restaurants, room service and other amenities.Wells said the new hotel will likely be a "limited-service" hotel. Those typically offer services such as continental-style breakfasts, vending machines, daily housekeeping services and sometimes a swimming pool or fitness room.Wells said the Sheraton's hotel management firm, HVS Asset Management, "did a market study on the viability of a new hotel. ... They indicated that the limited-service hotel, because of its different price point, will also be successful."Wells was asked if he worries about a new, less expensive hotel diluting the Sheraton's appeal as the only Erie hotel featuring waterfront views from every room."No I don't," Wells said. "What it will do is create new markets that currently won't come to Erie."KEVIN FLOWERS can be reached at 870-1693 or by e-mail. Follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/ETNflowers.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) Visit the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) at .GoErie.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 13:44
Premier wants ‘fair,quick’ handling of 2010 hostage case
By ZHAO YANRONG zhaoyanrong@ chinadaily.儲存com.cn Premier Li Keqiang urged authorities in the Philippines on Wednesday to pay greater attention to resolving the case of eight Hong Kong tourists who were killed during a hos- tage crisis in Manila in 2010.Li brought up the issue in a brief talk with Philippine President Benigno Aquino when they met in the VIP room during the East Asia Summit in Bandar Seri Bega- wan, Brunei.On Aug 23, 2010, a dis- gruntled former Filipino policeman hijacked a bus with a 21-member Hong Kong tour group onboard.The hijacking ended that night with eight tourists killed and another seven injured.h e incident drew sharp criticism, particularly from Hong Kong, over the Phil- ippine police’s handling of the case.On Wednesday, the Chinese premier said that although it has been three years since the hostage cri- sis, the incident continues to reverberate among the Chinese people, especially in Hong Kong. He urged Manila to handle outstand- ing issues fairly, reasonably and as soon as possible.Aquino told Li that the Philippine authorities are investigating the case and will deal with the matter properly.The Philippine govern- ment has yet to compensate the Hong Kong victims as their families have requested. Earlier this month, a group ofmini storageHong Kong jour- nalists tried to ask Aquino about the 2010 hostage cri- sis during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in Bali. Four of the journalists had their media credentials revoked by officials at the APEC forum.Reporters from Now TV, Radio Television Hong Kong and Commercial Radio asked Aquino at the meet- ing in Bali if he would meet Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying and apologize to the families of the victims.“Will you apologize to Hong Kong people for their real trag- edy?” asked a female reporter.“Will you give an answer? It has been three years.”Aquino did not reply to their questions, but his spokesman said the journal- ists had “crossed the line”by aggressively questioning him about the siege. Now TV footage showed an APEC staff member telling the Hong Kong reporters, “You ambushed one of our visitors.”Sham Yee-lan, chair- woman of the Hong Kong Journalists’ Association, said Aquino’s government has “yet to provide a satisfactory explanation” for why the eight Hong Kong tourists died in the hostage crisis and that the journalists in Bali were doing their jobs.“h e barring of the media for asking critical questions is an outright infringement of press freedom that is totally unacceptable,” she said in a statement.AFP contributed to this story.self storage
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 13:10
三峽飄香啃牛角 深坑豆香吞冰火 商圈嘉年華今、明2天「又香又臭」
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 11:39
BRIEF: 8 students in bus accident go to hospital
Source: Valley Morning Star, Harlingen, TexasOct.迷你倉 11--SAN BENITO -- Eight students were taken to a hospital Thursday morning after a motorist hit a school bus, school district officials said.The students went by ambulance to Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen "as a precautionary measure for observation," school district's spokeswoman Celia Longoria said.The bus was carrying students from Riverside Middle School, Veterans Memorial Academy and San Benito High School, she said.The Texas Department of Public Safety cited 儲存otorist Dwayne Robert Barlow, 49, of San Benito for veering into the wrong lane on FM 509, DPS spokesman Johnny Hernandez said. Barlow was not injured, authorities said.The bus was traveling southbound on FM 509 when Barlow became "distracted" and veered his pickup, traveling north, into the wrong lane, sideswiping the school bus, Hernandez said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Valley Morning Star (Harlingen, Texas) Visit Valley Morning Star (Harlingen, Texas) at .valleymorningstar.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage