9月13日,文件倉薛蠻子在民警的陪同下出現在北京市第一看守所。北京警方供圖  記者昨天從北京警方瞭解到,身在看守所的網絡“大V”薛蠻子在看守所內非常關心兩高最新出台的司法解釋,並向民警講述了自己成為“大V”之後的心態變化。薛蠻子稱,每天都會接到上千封私信,回複網友發來的求助留言,有一種皇上批閱奏章的感覺。  8月23日,薛必群(網名“薛蠻子”,在新浪微博上有1200多萬粉絲)因涉嫌賣淫嫖娼被警方行政拘留。此後警方披露,薛涉嫌聚�淫亂,9月2日,北京警方已依法對薛必群刑事拘留。  北京市公安局有關負責人昨日介紹,9月9日兩高關於網絡犯罪的司法解釋發佈後,薛必群十分關注,主動向辦案民警提出要瞭解相關內容。在與民警交談中,“薛必群不時流露出新的司法解釋給他帶來的不安”。  他對警方說,微博在3年快速發展後,亟須建立制度、規範並進行清理,“兩高司法解釋的出台,是一個好的開始”,網絡雖然是虛擬的,但也需要秩序,現實社會中不能做的事,網上一樣也不能做。  ■ 經歷  “大V”是怎樣煉成的  薛蠻子說,他在性格上屬於愛開玩笑、散漫的人,而且年齡大、閱歷豐富、知識面廣,微博這種自媒體形式非常適合其“萬金油”式的知識結構。  薛自稱,他在微博上談論的話題包括投資、財經、環保、娛樂、旅遊等各類內容。  “關注我的人都能從我的微博上找到他所關心的東西”,薛蠻子說。  微博粉絲量從幾十萬上漲到1200萬,薛說其中經歷了三個階段。  第一個高潮,出現在2011年春節前後,他在微博上倡導網上打拐,吸引了一批粉絲。  第二個高潮是5個月後,他在微博上公開抗癌信息。當時,“薛蠻子得癌”和“王功權私奔”是網上最火爆的新聞。薛的粉絲也激增過百萬。  第三個高潮,是新浪微博把薛蠻子的微博推薦給所有新開微博的人,並常邀請薛出席微博達人的相關活動,他還參加各電視台的節目,粉絲量很快從100萬漲到500萬,後來達到1000多萬。  ■ 講述  轉發:不核實不求證  薛蠻子說,自己是有名的“轉發帝”,微博內容絕大多數是轉發的,有的在轉發時會加上一兩句評論,但評論一般比較短,經常是“贊”、“支持”、“說得不錯”之類。  薛蠻子表示,在初期發微博的時候,一條微博要反複向消息來源瞭解情況,有時要修改十多次才敢發出去,而且主要涉及自己比較擅長的慈善、財經等領域,對自己不太瞭解的領域,不輕易發表意見。  據介紹,隨著名氣越來越大,薛蠻子也很享受被人誇獎的感覺,也越來越關注自己的粉絲量和網上評價,保持較高的微博產量。  薛蠻子稱,他每天要發80多條微博。  記者注意到,薛蠻子因嫖娼被抓的前後,一直在發微博。  薛蠻子承認,在微博上轉發社會負面信息,是一種情緒上的宣泄,在沒有核實和求證的前提下,轉發了真假尚不明確的微博,自己的態度是不負責任的存倉帶有指責政府和發泄不滿的意味。  對曾轉發的“自來水里有避孕藥、舟山汞超標”等,薛承認可能對網民起了誤導作用。  據介紹,薛蠻子發佈的微博中,有93條涉及制度和體制。他曾轉發微博提到,“官員拿這些錢公款包二奶,避免了大量美女去做失足婦女傳播艾滋,也避免了官員感染艾滋”等。  對此,薛解釋說,說到底是沒有把握好度,當看到一些社會不合理現象或者社會問題,說一兩句激憤之語在所難免,但不能一味地在網上進行非理性的負面情緒宣泄。  有錯:由粉絲代勞開脫  薛蠻子說,他每天都要處理上千封來自網友的信息,這些信息中有求轉發,求關注的,還有很多求助的。  他告訴警方,他就像批閱文件一樣回複信息,特別是看到一些地方政府對他提出的意見很重視,把他反映的問題解決了,“個人虛榮心得到了極大的滿足”,“部長省長,不一定有這麼大的影響力”。  薛說,他的一條募捐微博發出去,一天就能募到十幾萬,7天籌到上百萬,別人誰做得到?  “有一種皇上批閱奏章的感覺,不由得飄飄然”,薛蠻子說。  薛蠻子關注自己在新浪微博熱度榜上的排名,和李開複等其他“大V”比誰的粉絲多,誰的言論受人追捧。  為了追熱點,他越來越放鬆對轉發微博真實性的核實,即使有點錯,也會有粉絲群替自己說話,無論自己說什麼都會有人追捧。  甚至在與民警交談時,薛蠻子還問民警:你在微博上“粉”我了嗎?  薛蠻子看好網絡發展的潛力,將投資重點集中在網絡上,“經過我推薦的企業和地方,都能夠迅速被廣泛關注,人氣提升很快,為他們帶來效益”。  他也在微博中發一些自己投資公司的廣告,替公司或產品做宣傳。  ■ 反省  “微博需要規範和清理”  9月9日,最高法、最高檢《關於辦理利用信息網絡實施誹謗等刑事案件適用法律若干問題的解釋》發佈。  警方介紹,薛蠻子看到這個新聞後,十分關注,主動向辦案民警提出要瞭解相關內容。  薛蠻子說,微博在3年快速發展後,亟須建立制度,規範並進行清理。兩高司法解釋的出台,是一個好的開始,現實社會中不能做的事,網上一樣也不能做。“沒有監督,沒有規範,只會走向反面”。  薛說自己也曾受過網絡誹謗,他找過律師,但律師說沒有法律依據。  他承認,自己曾引發不滿情緒的宣泄,“忽視了自身作為一個網絡‘大V’應盡的社會責任,帶來了不良示範效應。”薛說,“一旦長期只聽見讚揚的聲音,沒有監督,沒有批評,沒有警示,自然而然就會出現飄飄然,忘乎所以,出現個人虛榮膨脹”。  記者從北京市公安局瞭解到,在薛必群被警方控制以來,警方不斷接到網民舉報,稱薛涉嫌網絡違法犯罪。對此,負責此次打擊網絡有組織違法犯罪活動專項行動的公安部副部長、北京市公安局局長傅政華表示,北京警方正對其網上違法行為開展調查。(記者 宋識徑 實習生 賈世煜)標簽:薛蠻子 薛必群 發微 粉絲 轉發迷你倉

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Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelSept.mini storage 14--GREEN BAY -- The Green Bay Packers might have gone down in defeat last Sunday in San Francisco, but they gained an admirer in the scouting fraternity.In fact, an experienced executive for a National Football League team bumped the Packers way up in his personal rankings after their opening setback."After watching that game I'd be shocked if the Packers don't go 12-4," the personnel man said last week. "I was guessing they were a 10-6 team before that."They were very consistent on offense, like they always are. But the difference this year from last year was the passion that the defense played with. I thought they played hard on defense."The Packers yielded 494 yards in the 34-28 defeat, but the scout didn't appear overly concerned about that. He said the newfound strength of the front seven stopping the run and the overall aggressiveness of the defense overrode the leaks in a secondary sorely missing safety Morgan Burnett and nickel back Casey Hayward.Plus, said the scout, the 49ers are the best team in football and were playing at home.He's picking San Francisco to defeat Green Bay in the NFC Championship Game. Then he likes the 49ers to beat Cincinnati in the 48th Super Bowl.Once each year, this column is turned over to an expert for an assessment of the Packers and where they might be headed.Our personnel man, selected on the basis of his expertise and success in the NFL, has studied the Packers this summer, this September and for years before that.By his estimation, seven of the 32 teams have no chance for a winning season. At the same time, he ranked Green Bay among nine teams with a chance to win the championship."They're a good team with an exceptional quarterback and a difference-maker on defense," the scout said. "They could become a great team."They have to show the ability to run the football, which will open up the passing game and make the quarterback even more lethal. The tight end has to show that he is reliable and consistent. The offensive line has to open holes in the run game."Defensively, they have to keep playing hard. With Mike Neal rushing opposite (Clay) Matthews, it will just put more pressure on the quarterback. They've got to get an inside push, and they need improved play from the safeties."He said it was reasonable to assume that the Packers could accomplish all of those things and be in position to win their second Super Bowl in four years.In many ways our personnel man said Green Bay was the envy of the league given its stadium, facilities, money and supportive management. He called the general managing of Ted Thompson and the coaching of Mike McCarthy "very efficient."Parity among teams is no more pronounced than normal, he said.What separates teams in the NFL today?"Leadership, from the top down," our scout said. "How many organizations are truly invested in terms of winning? I mean, truly in the arena to win? Some talk it, but do they truly believe it?"It's probably three quarters are and one quarter isn't. I'd say Green Bay is in the top three in the league."Here is a position-by-position look at the Packers' players through the eyes of our personnel man:WIDE RECEIVERS"They have three very qualified players. All can run. All can catch."And all can run after the catch. All of them have the ability to be very productive in that offense. I think some teams have caught up to them in terms of the three receivers. What made Green Bay exceptional in the past was they had four receivers and the tight end. Now they have three and a tight end."TIGHT ENDS"You have some uniqueness. (Jermichael) Finley's unique in his ability to catch the ball. (Andrew) Quarless is a combination guy who can block and catch. Ryan Taylor is really a complement third tight end who can play special teams. And (Brandon) Bostick is your guy you're trying to develop because he may have receiving skills at the end of the day. I think they're solid."OFFENSIVE LINE"The questions going into the season were the outside guys. Could they handle the pressure? Could they handle the game? I thought they fared very well in the first game. I thought (David) Bakhtiari did well against the 49ers. The three guys are solid guys in the middle. (Evan) Dietrich-Smith is solid. The two tackles have to continue to grow, show that they can grow. At the end of the year, they should be a solid group if they can all stay intact. By NFL standards they're probably middle of the road. self storageJC) Tretter has a chance to be pretty good. (Marshall) Newhouse wouldn't be starting in many places. He's a good backup. I think (Derek) Sherrod will be back the second half of the season. It all depends how (Don) Barclay hangs in there. Barclay's going to beat you. He's got enough balance, he's incredibly tough and he looks incredibly smart. He's going to win you over."QUARTERBACKS"(Aaron) Rodgers is the best quarterback in the game. He has exceptional feet. He's got great arm talent. He's a very accurate thrower. He's still mobile. He's beginning to build a legacy now. They've kind of lost their direction a little bit in terms of taking a young guy and developing him. They picked the wrong guy. B.J. Coleman. They have to get back on that track. (Graham) Harrell stinks, too. They basically were replacing a negative (Harrell) with a negative (Seneca Wallace)."RUNNING BACKS"This is an anomaly. Nobody really knows. You're asking a rookie, a rookie and a guy you can't depend on to be your guys. I don't think they know what they have yet. (DuJuan) Harris was a loss, but Eddie Lacy could come in and light the world on fire. He looked big against the 49ers. He did a couple nice things. He gives you a big guy who really does have nice feet. (John) Kuhn is just a cult hero. I see lack of size in (Johnathan) Franklin. Inability to pick up the blitz. I don't (see any excitement)."DEFENSIVE LINE"I think it's better than it was last year. You have a healthy Mike Daniels. That really helps. He never stops. He's got quickness, strength and he's learning how to use his hands. (Johnny) Jolly helps. Yeah, he looks fat, but he still has the knack to bat balls down. He plays the game with his eyes. His presence is felt. Now they're building their depth. They have depth with C.J. Wilson, Josh Boyd, Mike Daniels, Datone Jones. That's good depth. (Ryan) Pickett, (B.J.) Raji and Jolly are all cookie cutters. They're all the same guys. You'd prefer more length, but a degree of athleticism helps them and saves them. They're interchangeable where they can play nose or end. There's some value to that as well. C.J. Wilson is consistent. I haven't seen anything yet from Datone. Boyd flashes a little bit."LINEBACKERS"They have the benefit of having Clay (Matthews) on one side. With Mike Neal emerging with the ability to rush the passer, that could really help things. Matthews means you got an (expletive) kicker on your team. He was relentless in the 49er game. Everybody wants to see if (Nick) Perry can take his game and combine his power with more explosive quickness. A.J.'s A.J. He just lines up and plays football. He probably gives them a consistency, he probably gives them communication skills, he probably gives them veteran leadership. Brad Jones has earned my respect a little bit. I'd be nervous if (Nate) Palmer or (Andy) Mulumba had to go in and start. (Robert) Francois is rock solid. All he does is go make plays. I thought (Jamari) Lattimore earned his roster spot."SECONDARY"They all got to get healthy and line up. Then they'll be able to play. They're missing Casey Hayward and Morgan Burnett. That's the two keys. Those are very good players. I would say almost every team in the league would like this corner group. They've played a lot of football and there is a lot of potential in the back side, and the starters are true starters. The arrow is going down with Tramon Williams and it's going up on (Sam) Shields. Tramon's losing a step or two, but he can still play. Hayward relies on quickness and instincts. Micah Hyde is just solid. (Jarrett) Bush makes his mark on special teams. They have good size. At safety, they're in a little bit of a pickle. They have one safety that can line up and start. I'd take Burnett over (the 49ers') Eric Reid. (M.D.) Jennings and (Jerron) McMillian are good backups, not starters. Jennings lacks overall size, doesn't have great ability forcing the run and is always a step slow. McMillian needs to get his head out of his (expletive). Meaning, he's not effective in the passing game."SPECIAL TEAMS"They're solid. Crosby's OK. The punter (Tim Masthay) is very consistent, and his kickoffs are pretty good, too. (Brett) Goode never makes a bad snap. That's what he's paid to do. The return game is average."Send email to bmcginn@journalsentinel.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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本報訊(首席記者梁峽林)71歲的美籍華人馬中欣擁有多個頭銜:世界著名環球旅行家、探險家、攝影家、作家,迷你倉9月14日,馬中欣抵達蘭州,這位70多歲的老人的目標是耗時4-5年,沿北緯40度環繞地球一圈,並希望做家鄉蘭州的旅遊大使。穿越地球北緯40度 是老人一生的夢想今年71歲的美籍華人馬中欣,曾在日本東京攝影專門學院從事研究,後出任台灣多所大學攝影講師。他熱愛攝影及冒險旅行活動。1981年帶兩個兒子馬翰玄(時年7歲)、馬翰韋(時年4歲)自費環游世界一周。1982年始,以5年時間深入中亞、歐洲及東南亞各地做第二次互不干涉旅行活動,當時被人們譽為“中國第一位深入世界的冒險旅行家”。 他寫了大量的遊記、拍攝了大量照片在中國港台地區,美國、日本、新加坡、馬來西亞等國家報紙發表,主要代表作有《浪跡天涯》、《黑海歷險》、《三毛真相》等。兩次應國家海洋局邀請參加中國南極考察隊前往南極長城站與中山站攝影考察,取得很大成就,被海內外人士評價為技藝超絕的報道攝影旅行家。《中國日報》及海內外電視台均予熱烈報道。在多次徒步旅行的基礎上,沿絲綢之路徒步旅行、穿越地球北緯40度成為老人一生的夢想。在愛心人士和組織的支持下,馬中欣老人於今年7月30日從北京出發,計劃沿北緯40度,經過蘭州,向西至新疆喀什、土耳其伊斯坦布爾、西班牙、美國舊金山、日本、朝鮮,最後抵達北京,實現環球旅行。活動目的是傳遞世界文件倉平與愛心正能量,探尋歷史的印記,尋找事件背後的人文故事。“完成此項環球需要耗時4-5年,其中,中國段需要半年,根據行程,每天將堅持步行30公里左右,我相信自己有能力完成,也希望自己成為世界上第一個徒步走完地球圈的人。”在9月14日的記者見面會上馬中欣如此表示。出生于蘭州 他希望做家鄉的旅遊大使“我1942年5月12日出生于甘肅省蘭州市白塔山麓,1946年從蘭州隨父母親到台灣。是地地道道的蘭州人,小時候黃河會結冰、跟著爺爺吃棗糕,這些記憶我印象很深。我已路過蘭州10多次,發現蘭州旅遊發展潛力很大,希望能做家鄉蘭州的旅遊大使,為宣傳擴大蘭州影響做貢獻。”馬中欣如此表示。馬中欣的隨行人員透露說,15日上午,蘭州市政府將舉行馬中欣從蘭州出發儀式。據悉,在甘肅境內,馬中欣計劃穿越河西走廊,發現華夏文明,揭敦煌神秘面紗,訪絲綢古道印記。堅持每天步行 喚起同輩人走出去的信心雖然已是70余歲高齡,但馬中欣老人看上去就像一個50多歲的壯漢,他結實的手臂上鼓著紫銅色的肌肉,講話鏗鏘有力,眼睛有神。他告訴記者:“此去一路一定會遇到很多意想不到的困難,但我相信自己會克服,我如此大年齡仍在堅持旅行,其中一個目的是喚起同輩人走出去的信心和勇氣。”他坦陳,自己數十年不得病,上山如履平地,至今還想橫渡黃河,都是因為在不斷地鍛煉自己。“為按時完成行程,我今後每天要步行30公里,每小時走6公里左右。”存倉

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  • Sep 15 Sun 2013 15:16
  • 臺灣

3D Printer技術做為「第三次工業革命」的重要標誌,迷你倉被認為是推動新一輪工業革命的重要契機,已引起全球關注。近十年來,中國大陸製造業快速發展,2012年產值年增11.3%,超越美國成為全球製造業第一大國。 雖然大陸製造業產出約占全球20%,但多數產業仍屬中低端,高技術產業比重只有12%。加上人口紅利消失、環境汙染嚴峻等問題,大陸製造業亟待轉型升級。第三次工業革命為大陸經濟轉型提供難得的機遇,尤其大陸自1990年代就投入研發3D Printer技術,並取得成效。 大陸地方政府推動3D Printer產業化發展,以江蘇最積極,江蘇省科技廳於今年1月發布《江蘇省三維列印技術發展及產業化推進方案(2013—2015年)》。根據規劃,到2015年將培育10家產值人民幣逾億元的大型企業,開發100項新產品;到2020年培育多個具國際影響力的大企業,3D Printer 成為江蘇重要戰略性新興產業。 江蘇省政府並主導成立「江蘇省3D列印聯盟」,聯盟成員包括江蘇紫金電子集團、江蘇省生產力促進中心、南京紫金立德電子、南京航空航太大學等,南京與無錫已分別成立「3D 列印產業孵化中心」和「中澳輕合金聯合研究中心」,負責培育企業和引進國際技術。 山東濟南也推文件倉產業推動措施,發展3D Printer產業,青島更確定成立跨部會推動機制,將在國家級高新技術開發區和環膠州灣北部區域布局3D Printer產業。 3D Printer主要應用於兩大領域,一是工程類製造,二是民用發展。在工程類製造方面,將應用於國防軍工、航空航太等高端製造的重要零部件生產。大陸地方政府主要推動方向為民用發展,將3D Printer技術定位為生產性服務業、文化創意、醫療器械、工業設計、先進製造、電子商務及製造業資訊化工程的關鍵技術和共性技術。 3D Printer具有客製化、快速、彈性等優點,應用範圍不受限於工業用模型製造,且應用領域廣泛,因此許多企業躍躍欲試。目前大陸3D Printer技術還處於產業培育期,對技術的應用與設計上在探索階段,市場規模僅人民幣18億,產品大多是簡單粗糙的工程機。 大陸3D Printer產業鏈初步形成,存在產業布局分散、規模小,上下游企業合作不夠緊密、商業模式尚未建立等問題,為突破瓶頸並加快產業化進程,大陸積極組織成立「產業聯盟」的方式,加強產業整合、研發成果轉化,及創新商業模式,各地產業聯盟自212年年底後相繼成立,以江蘇省推動成立情況最為積極。 (作者是資策會MIC執行ITIS計畫產業分析師) 存倉

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  編者的話/ “向世界出發·2013企業國際化新挑戰”第三站,文件倉《中國經營報》記者龐華瑋來到了韓國考察採訪。近年來,韓國的服裝、飾品、電子產品以及文化娛樂產業深受中國人的喜愛,中韓間的貿易額不斷增加。然而,記者採訪發現,中國企業到韓國投資的並不多,並非因為中國企業曾並購雙龍一案失敗而“十年怕井繩”,而是韓國市場狹小,民族品牌保護意識強。但這些因素並不能阻礙中國企業赴韓掘金,投資韓國有哪些機會?哪些產業更有發展前景?投資韓國有哪些需要注意的?請看本期報道。  中國商務部最新的數據顯示,2013年上半年,中國對外投資“全面開花”,對北美、歐洲、大洋洲、拉美、非洲投資增幅均超50%。然而對韓投資則逆勢下降16.2%,比對日本投資的9.1%降幅還大。  韓國是中國的近鄰,中國的青年人中有不少人“哈韓”,韓國的服裝、飾品、化妝品乃至電子產品,在中國遍地都是。  韓國曾被人喻為“世界上唯一華人無法發展的國家”。在這兒投資的中國人很少,兩國建交21年來最大的兩個投資項目,也以歡歡喜喜開頭,黯然離開收場。但在這個屢屢讓華人受挫的地方,卻也同樣孕育著無限的商機,中資企業該如何打響韓國市場的攻堅戰?韓國國土小、資源匱乏、市場小  近年來,中韓間的貿易往來不斷增加。然而中國企業卻鮮有入韓投資的,中國國際商會駐韓國代表處首席代表堵澤田接受本報記者採訪時指出,韓國的國土小、資源匱乏、市場小。而喜歡投資大市場的中國企業家更喜愛歐美等大市場。  另一方面,韓國政府並未對外資企業創造良好的投資環境,許多政策讓在韓投資的中國企業難以發展。“韓國制定吸引外資政策的人態度開明,但執行政策的人卻比較保守。”堵澤田說。  2012年年底,韓國的中國商會曾對在韓投資的中國企業做了一個調查。中國企業反映最多的問題是:“企業來韓身份證辦理困難。”28%的企業反映,辦理或延期韓國簽証存在困難。  此外,韓國對來韓投資的中國企業執行更加嚴苛的政策。例如,公司經營虧損可作為拒絕“來韓投資人員簽証”延簽的一項依據。這些政策自然無法點燃來韓中國企業的熱情。  事實上,一直以來,韓國更多地注重吸引歐美日等發達國家的企業投資,尤其是重點吸引發達國家的跨國企業和具有高新技術的企業赴韓投資。  從投資來源地看,今年上半年,美國對韓投資最多,達25.2億美元(以下均以投資申報額為準),較去年同期增長100.4%;其後依次為日本、香港、開曼群島、荷蘭、新加坡,投資規模分別為13.6億美元、3.3億美元、3.2億美元、2.9億美元、2.4億美元。歐盟地區對韓投資達24.8億美元,較去年同期增長77.3%。這些國家和地區的投資都高于中國的1.6億美元。投資機會正在到來  然而,隨著中國經濟和企業的飛速發展,韓國政府逐漸提高了對中國資本的關注程度,歡存倉中國企業赴韓投資。  堵澤田介紹,韓國正在開發8大經濟自由區,它們紛紛到中國開展招商引資的宣傳。這正是中國企業投資韓國的好機會。事實上,韓國中央政府及各地方政府希望吸引更多中國企業投資韓國的資本市場、新能源產業、高新科技產業和房地產等領域。  “不是中國企業不願意在韓國投資,而是中國企業沒有能力在這邊投資,水平沒這麼高,投資能力沒那麼高。”中國銀行韓國地域總經理黃德同時指出了中國企業對韓投資少的另一大原因。  他舉例指,三星電子是一家國際頂尖的電子元器件製造企業,而目前中國沒有能與三星競爭的電子企業,即使中國的電子企業在韓投資,也沒有辦法跟三星電子競爭,“市場不是你的,投資必會失敗。”  而歐洲的西門子公司,卻把亞太中心放在韓國,美國波音飛機在韓國都有很大的投資,這是因為它們的技術能力比較強,能夠有效地利用韓國高水平的人力資源來支持它們的業務。  “目前中國企業還沒有發展到可以到韓國市場競爭的地步。”黃德說,比如上汽投資韓國的雙龍汽車失敗之事,雙龍汽車無論是技術,還是管理能力都比中國強,“對外投資不僅僅是有錢就可以的,還要看你的管理能力和技術水平。”  不過,對於中國企業特別是民營企業去韓國投資,有些領域仍存在較好的機會,如在旅遊、房地產、高科技、文化產業等諸多領域。事實上,韓國的產業集中度比較高,主要集中在IT行業、汽車行業和造船行業。但這些領域,中國企業由於無法與之競爭,想走進韓國參與競爭,機會並不大。尋找投資新模式  中國企業投資韓國屢屢不順利,記者採訪的中韓各方企業界人士都認為,來韓投資的中國企業最好先採用合資模式,熟悉韓國市場之後再改為獨資模式。  “可以先做20%左右的財務投資,不管事,只分紅;熟悉市場後再收購50%以上的控股權,做戰略收購,開始主事;最後完全熟悉韓國市場後再獨資。”黃德說。  然而,遵循這一規律並非易事,“合資兩三年後,中韓兩國的合資企業往往會產生疙瘩,最終走向中國獨資,但中方管理者往往因不熟悉韓國市場或中韓兩國的文化差異最終導致投資失敗。”堵澤田感嘆。  但是如果走借道出海的方式,或許是一個不錯的選擇。  2012年,中國的迪尚集團成功收購株式會社AVISTA公司480萬股的股份,約占其總股份36.9%的股權,成為其最大股東。黃德認為,這或許會是未來中國投資韓國最好的合作模式之一。它走的是用中國資金,韓國的品牌、技術和研發,最終打回中國市場的道路。  堵澤田也介紹了一家中國空調企業到韓國收購當地空調企業,生產基地在中國,但到韓國組裝,然後再把空調賣往海外市場。由於韓國先後與歐盟和美國簽訂了FTA協定,意味著韓國和世界上60%的區域實現了自由貿易,韓國有望發展為全球市場的貿易樞紐。這樣,借道韓國,出口就免于再受到配額控制、貿易反傾銷制裁等問題的困擾。迷你倉

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上月因參加一個關於家具設計的講座,迷你倉專程前往鄰埠,意外地發現了一個建築活化再利用的實際案子。講座的地點在石硤尾,我印象中該區是香港九龍西部的一個公共房屋區,為了弄清講座的確切地點,我預先打電話留座,並詢問清楚地址與交通。那個周六下午,跟隨回覆的指引,步出石硤尾地鐵站後只看到四周的公屋群,完全無法想像藝術中心建在這樣的街區。走過屋�與學校,在道路的盡頭,看到一座白色的像是工業大廈的樓宇,立面頂部寫著“賽馬會創意藝術中心”,走近那座建築,的確,是由一座七十年代的工�大廈改建而成。該工�大廈自○六年開始改建,於○八年九月對外開放,駐中心的藝術工作者及團體為公�提供藝術教育和訓練,以及與藝術相關的商業活動。我�是後知後覺,這並非以文化創意活化空置�房的最新文件倉子,也許不少讀者早已參訪過該項目。不過,當我前往中心的時候,這邊小城坊間正為下環街均益爆竹莊的拆與留而爭論不斷,石硤尾的活化項目那刻更引起我的注意和思考。石硤尾工�大廈建成於一九七七年,自二○○○年起開始空置,總面積近九千平方米的九層高樓宇,在寸金尺土、地產業極度蓬勃的香港,這座具相當面積的建築物能被完整保留,並得到香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐款近七千萬作翻新和改裝工程,其背後的因由我無從瞭解。如果為發展旅遊,其座落的地點絕不會是旅客想到的區域,就其建築來說,更是一座完全沒有特色的七十年代工�大廈。對這座毫無價值的大廈作保留活化,在香港算是一個很不合常理的案例。(上)tianzh.mo@gmail.com tianzh.blogspot.com/田中泓存倉

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劉亞輝和女兒佳弋。(受訪者供圖)  唐氏綜合徵家長互助會網站創建人、越秀區�智學校社工、一個14歲“唐寶寶”的媽媽——這三個角色,新蒲崗迷你倉讓劉亞輝幾乎24小時在工作。盡管總會有疲憊糾結的時候,但她始終堅信,父母的堅持、對孩子的認同、同路人之間的支持與幫助,能讓更多唐氏綜合徵患者家長走出厚重的陰霾,就像她自己當年一樣。  “人生的最高境界,就是做著你喜歡的工作,過著你覺得舒心的日子。我覺得我現在就是在這種狀態下。”劉亞輝微笑著說。  ■新公益周刊記者 陳曉穎  幾近崩潰  曾將孩子送去寄養  眼前的劉亞輝,留著幹練的短發,言語之間總能讓人感受到她的堅強與信心。但每當談到自己14歲的女兒佳弋,她就會陷入一個“分裂”的狀態,是媽媽,亦是朋友,會寵愛,也會嚴厲。  在佳弋半歲時,劉亞輝在醫生那裡知道了女兒的不同,她患了唐氏綜合徵!這是她從沒有想過的事。她幾近崩潰,在佳弋滿一歲時狠心將她送到河北的親戚家中寄養。  “那時就想,只要她離開我,我不再看到她,會否我的生活就能回到從前一樣?我當時甚至和姐姐說,只要她不是要死的病就不用告訴我,你們自己處理就好。只是那一年,太難過了。”劉亞輝日夜往老家打電話,一年之間還回了三趟。家人每日講述孩子生活中的小故事,讓她發現孩子的情況並不是如教科書上所寫,孩子有她的靈性和可愛之處,如此,更增加了她對孩子的思念。當她用來打電話的200卡摞成一副撲克牌的厚度時,她知道是時候將女兒接回自己的身邊了。  感同身受建首個家長互助會  “剛開始的時候,別人多看我們幾眼,都會很受不了,感覺就像掘了自家祖墳一樣氣憤。但現在不重要了,有些人為了讓人多看兩眼還奇裝異服呢,已經沒所謂了。”現在的劉亞輝,已經能以放鬆的心態來面對當時的迷茫。而這一切的轉變,都源於家長之間交流、溝通與互助。  剛剛接回女兒的劉亞輝,偶然機會下加入了揚愛特殊孩子家長俱樂部。與一群特殊孩子家長的相識相知,讓她體會到互相傾訴、互相幫助的重要性,“你會發現,自己並沒有那麼慘。好像一下子就走出來了,不再鑽牛角尖。”  因為一個特殊的機緣,劉亞輝加入了揚愛,在揚愛全職工作了8年,2011年4月辭職;同年,利用熱心人士及企業捐出的兩萬元善款,在2011年9月建起國內首個以發佈唐氏綜合徵人士資訊為主的網絡平台,即唐氏綜合徵家長互助會(.ds-home.org/),為唐氏綜合徵家庭提供教育康複、政策法規等資訊,並在網站搭建會員論壇供各地家長間互相交流傾訴,不收取任何費用。  網站開通當天,就有超過兩百名家長註冊成為網站會員。在迄今運作的兩年時間里,網站的註冊會員已有1180多位。在未來能有更多資源支持的情況下,劉亞輝希望互助會能夠正式註冊,成為專為唐氏綜合徵人士及其家庭服務的專業機構。  開�初期,網站就為全國各地的領頭家長,開闢當地家長驛站,方便本地域家長聯繫交流。在這些線下活動中,各地家長除了能夠互相認識交流,每次還會邀請一些資深家長以及當地的業內專家及心理師的專業人士,為參加活動的家庭提供相關支持。這些活動被家長們笑稱為“見網友”。每年,在廣東劉亞輝也會組織一些家長交流活動,時間久了也有家長主動請纓,參與活動籌備,義務為大家服務,“我們在很正向的良性互動中一起成長著”。  劉亞輝告訴新公益記者,網站資金是籌款而來,所以不會收取家長一分錢的費用。目前網站每年近5萬元的維護經費與平時的活動經費mini storage都是由劉亞輝在家長群體或一些具有社會公益的企業中籌募善款而維持著。  “同路人的支持,和專業人士的支持不一樣。同路人是感同身受,在我與家長分享的時候,她就不會覺得我是站著說話不腰疼。”劉亞輝十分希望,榜樣的力量能給其他家長帶來信心:別人的孩子能做到的,我的孩子也一樣能做到。  學會放手讓孩子成為普通人  在唐氏綜合徵家長互助會的網站上,劉亞輝專門開闢了一個名為“帶著孩子看世界”的版塊,“我和佳弋說,你不能讀萬卷書,媽媽會帶你走萬里路,讓你在短暫的生命旅程中用你的眼睛和腳,去學習,去感受!”  學會放手,是劉亞輝一直堅持的方法。直到現在她還記得,在2009年的冬天,佳弋跟隨學校的老師,代表廣東省遠赴哈爾濱進行為期一周的全國冬季特奧會的活動。在火車站分別時,劉亞輝看著女兒頭也不回地上了火車,“我從火車站出來就開始難受了。她怎麼都不跟我說再見?怎麼沒有一點不舍?我一路走,一路掉眼淚”。在那天晚上,劉亞輝在街上溜達到10點多才回到空蕩蕩的家。但也是從那一次開始,她知道女兒完全有能力,走更遠的路。  “那個時候我發現,其實不是孩子離不開我們家長,而是我們家長離不開孩子,因為我們已經習慣那種互相依賴的感覺。家長一定要經常評估自己的情緒,到底是你放不開,還是孩子能力達不到?這件事情給了我很大的觸動。”為了孩子更好的成長,劉亞輝逐漸成為了她自己口中及孩子眼中的“惡人”,“有些她原來可以避免的、不應該在她身上發生的事情,若發生了,我就會很氣憤,我會很嚴厲地告訴她這樣做不對。其實這些知識,都是她日後在社會上會用到的,有些人出于對她的憐憫,覺著她的一些行為無傷大雅,不會告訴她這樣不對。所以,在我有生之年,我會時時提醒她,成為一個人,一個能夠對自己行為負責,能夠行走于普通環境的人。”  在劉亞輝的教育下,佳弋的社會交往能力以及生活自理能力與普通同齡孩子相差無幾。就在不久前,劉亞輝獨自去到深圳看演唱會,兩天的時間,因為佳弋爸爸要上班,留下佳弋在家照顧行動不便的奶奶(姑姑會回家幫忙煮飯,因為奶奶不放心佳弋去做,其實十四歲的佳弋炒番茄蛋和青菜已經可以用完美去形容了),“沒什麼不放心的。”劉亞輝笑著說,而佳弋也沒有辜負媽媽的期望。  或許劉亞輝現在的所有嚴厲,都是來自于對生命的危機感,“因為我不知道能陪她到哪一天。作為家長,我們都希望能夠‘死得瞑目’,我們擔心孩子會否受欺負?不會煮飯會否被餓死?不會坐車就會寸步難行;不懂與人交流就會四處碰壁;我活一天,陪她一天,就要教會她所有這些東西。”  ■溫馨母女互動  “我來搞早餐!”  今年暑期,在外奔波二十多天的劉亞輝母女深夜回到廣州,第二天早晨起床晚了。劉亞輝昏昏沉沉中走出客廳發現了正在看電視的佳弋。就說,“小朋友,起來也不用吃早餐啊?”佳弋看到醒來的媽媽,很乾脆地說:“好,我來搞早餐!”。然後,拿起兩包方便麵走進廚房,開鍋煮面,並從冰箱拿出了三個雞蛋炒好放到煮好的面上。  “那一刻我很震驚,也很感動!馬上發了微博和在互助會網站上發了帖子,也讓其他家長和我一起開心一下,哈哈。不過她就是偶爾做一下,不會經常做,但驚喜時時都會有。”劉亞輝臉上充滿了自豪的笑容。  拿包,不忘擁抱一下  有一段時間,劉亞輝每天下班回家一按門鈴,佳弋都會跑下幾層去迎接媽媽。當母女在樓道相遇,佳弋都會先擁抱一下媽媽,然後接過媽媽手上的包和重物,和媽媽一起回家。陳曉穎self storage

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Social media are changing China’s parent-child dynamics both online and offline, enticing some children to resort to cloak-and-dagger measures to protect their privacy.儲存倉 Xu Lin reports. Lin Zhishan’s greatest joy is browsing her son’s micro blog — without his knowledge. Her 24-year-old son, who’s studying in Japan, has no inkling his mother monitors his online social networks. And Lin hopes to keep it that way. “He only tells me the good news and never lets me know about anything negative,” the 51-year-old mom from Liaoning province’s capital Shenyang says. “If he knew I secretly follow him online, he’d never post about the hardships of living overseas. I just want him to have an outlet to blow off steam.” Lin is one of a growing number of Chinese parents who interact with — or spy on — their children’s social networking sites, such as micro blogs and WeChat. But many people don’t want their parents to follow their every post. Magazine editor Xu Xiaoying says her 16-year-old Yuan Jinshun blocked her from his micro blog after a week — even though it was his suggestion she start an account. “I learn about his interests through his micro blog,” says the 42-year-old from Hunan’s provincial capital Changsha. “I followed his idols, such as Taiwan singer Rainie Yang, on Sina Weibo. I even took him to Yang’s concert.” The high school student says having an SNS relationship with his mother proved too invasive. “I post what’s in my heart on my micro blog because I need friends’ comfort,” Yuan says. “But I couldn’t post freely with mom reading. It’s better to communicate with her in real life. I’ll tell her what I want her to know.” However, he says such SNS relationships with his mother bring them closer. For instance, he’s happy his mom likes the songs he re-posts. Xu takes a different tact from Lin, who employs a cloak-and-dagger approach to track her child on SNS. “It’s OK he blocked me,” Xu says. “If he doesn’t want me to see his micro blog, I won’t see it. The more I dig into his secrets, the deeper he’ll bury them.” In other cases, parents encourage their children to hide their personal affairs from the public view. Liang Yun says her mother would scold her for sharing too much about her personal life on SNS. The 26-year-old public relations worker, who lives with her parents in Beijing, says she felt relieved after she blocked her mother from her WeChat. “We have different views and values,” Liang says. “Mom commented I was posting flippantly and she would post that it’s improper to share everything online. Her words embarrassed me.” Liang uses her WeChat Friends Circle to share her inner feelings, including those about her family. Her mother regularly prowled her circle, until the daughter finally pushed her out — unbeknownst to her mother. Then, Liang’s mother used her husband’s mobile phone and asked her daughter why her husband could read Liang’s recent posts but she hadn’t seen any for a long time. Liang told her mom it was because of her phone’s unstable Internet. She took the phone and pretended to fix the problem, while swiftly and secretly unblocking her mother on her own phone. “I can’t grumble about my mom on WeChat anymore,” Liang says. “Now I just don’t post things she doesn’t want to see or things I don’t want her to see.” Some people are getting around the nosy parent problem by creating two SNS accounts — one for family and one for friends. That’s the approach 21-year-old Yang Yunmeng takes. And the university student in Guangdong’s provincial capital Guangzhou says she doesn’t feel the least bit guilty about it. “I try to balance protecting my privacy and my parents’ feelings,” Yang says. “My family doesn’t know about my other account. But I think they’d understand. We all need more space and freedom.” Her mother, who only gives her surname, Yang, tells China Daily she’d understand if her daughter uses two accounts or blocks her on SNS. “Everybody has their secrets,” the mother says. “Parents also have things they keep from their kids.” Unwittingly echoing her daughter, she says: “We all need space.” But while Yang Yunmeng keeps one SNS account secret from her family, she enjoys sharing the other with them. “SNS improve our family’s relationship because they generate convenient commu迷你倉價錢ication,” she says. “We should use it in a good way, rather than make it a barrier.” But generational differences manifest online. Youth typically document their lives on such SNS as WeChat, while older users often share links about street smarts, health tips and inspirational stories and quotes. Yang Yunmeng’s mother fits that bill. The daughter says: “The street smarts are based on rumors. The health tips are unsubstantiated. And the uplifting stories are meaningless. “As a Virgo with obsessive compulsive disorder, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at Mom’s posts. I can’t tell her these things don’t make sense.” But Yang Yunmeng believes it’s her mother’s right to share what she wants online. She realizes most parents want their kids to see their posts. While some parents secretly spy on their children using fake accounts, some children sneakily tamper with their parents’ actual accounts. Often, the children set up their parents’ accounts in the first place, so they know their passwords — or at least how to get them. Yuan, the 16-year-old, started his mothers’ accounts, so he knows her passwords — and uses them without her knowledge. “If she posts something embarrassing about me on her micro blog, I’ll log on her account and delete it,” he says. Yuan says his classmate’s mother followed her boy’s micro blog. The boy believed it was a classmate who admired him, since the posts were encouraging. When he discovered the truth, he changed his mother’s password and told her hackers had hijacked the account. Such bait-and-switch tactics are commonly used by the younger generation. Shanxi province native Ning Cuiming secretly added her 17-year-old nephew’s QQ and WeChat to see if he had a puppy love relationship that could affect his studies. Upon discovering this, the boy unfriended his 49-year-old aunt on WeChat gave his QQ account to Ning’s daughter. Ning didn’t know about the switch for some time, and her daughter didn’t realize until later why the boy had given her his account. Ning says: “I just noticed he blocked me on WeChat. I’m very angry because he must have an ulterior motive.” Her nephew Ning Shaogang tells China Daily he did it because he needs privacy. Understanding and trust are the bases of communication, he says. Lu Dan’ni, a 32-year-old primary school teacher in Guangdong province’s Shantou, says: “The older generation doesn’t have an awareness of privacy. They even had to report their marriages and divorces to service organizations and companies in the old days. It’s easy to understand their actions if you know about their backgrounds.” While there are many distinctively Chinese contours to familial SNS relationships, the existence of such relationships is an international phenomenon. US website Onlineeducation.net’s survey found 92 percent of American parents on Facebook are their children’s friends on the site. Half the parents say they joined the site to keep tabs on their kids. And one in three teens on Facebook feel embarrassed by comments left by their parents, the survey finds. Comparably, 30 percent say they would unfriend their parents if they could. Also, globally speaking, monitoring their children isn’t the only reason parents start SNS accounts. Many enjoy their own social media lives. Lu, the teacher, helped her 60-year-old mother Xie Yanying open a WeChat account because her mom was curious about the new technology and knew relatives her age were using it. Xie says it’s also a great way to get news. And Xu, the editor, often uses her micro blog for work, to share experiences and views, and communicate with colleagues. She has continued using her micro blog long after her son — her original reason for getting her accounts — blocked her. The mother and her boy, instead, discuss experiences and thoughts face-to-face, and share with others online. And, they agree, that’s the way they like it. Contact the writer at xulin@chinadaily.com.cn Tiffany Tan, Liao Mei and Lin Shutong contributed to this story. If he doesn’t want me to see his micro blog, I won’t see it. The more I dig into his secrets, the deeper he’ll bury them.”Xu Xiaoying Magazine editor, mother of a 16-year-old boy We should use it in a good way, rather than make it a barrier. Yang Yunmeng university student 迷你倉最平

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  • Sep 15 Sun 2013 14:45
  • 臺灣

結婚是一生中的大事,self storage能夠在當下安排更多的感動與回憶,是許多新人共同的期待。所以包括喜宴餐廳,婚紗照、婚禮顧問、新娘秘書等行業,都具有一定的市場需求度與規模。越來越多充滿驚奇與創意的婚禮,在來賓的心中留下深刻愉快的好印象。近期間,更颳起了一陣在明星舉辦的婚禮和宴會的場合中,透過一台名為「繽紛樂拍」的創意照片拍貼機,讓與會的來賓可以很方便的與明星合照,並製作成具有紀念價值的代表性照片。在這台拍貼機裡,事先置入了許多新人或以宴會主題為主的照片底圖,來賓只要站在拍貼機前拍下自己的照片,便可與這些事先安排好的底圖合成,之後再隨自己喜好加上一些可愛的編輯小圖騰,就完成了一張十分珍貴的活動紀錄照片。獨家專利分享歡樂回憶「繽紛樂拍」創意照片拍貼機的旋風還不只如此,台北101大樓的頂鮮餐廳便直接安裝一台「繽紛樂拍」,長期提供到訪的民眾拍照留念,十分受到歡迎。另外包括職棒統一獅球團、新光三越、動漫祭、hTC家庭日、大直典華、寒軒、國賓飯店、陸軍官校、客家電視、藝人NONO的婚宴和嚴立婷的寶貝滿月慶活動等,都看得到「繽紛樂拍」的身影,拍貼機前總是大排長龍,來賓們爭相製作屬於自己的專屬回憶。這台拍貼機是由創新行銷顧問有限公司自行研發推出,已擁有七項專利,同時還有十幾項正在申請當中。從軟體程式設計到機殼構造迷你倉劃,都是由內部的工作團隊獨力完成,投入不少的人力和資金。除了互動式基本拍照以外,還擁有「獨家專利」動態影片播放以及多點觸控螢幕手寫功能,畫面可以橫或直式呈現,拍照完即時沖洗並可同步上傳分享照片到個人的電子信箱裡與社群網站。客製化造型宣傳功能強大機身的A3壓克力看板,可客製化導入活動宣傳訊息,甚至連整個機身都可以改變為符合使用單位的宣傳造型,十分吸引民眾的目光。創新行銷顧問有限公司更在2013年推出另一型功能強大的多媒體複合式拍照機「I Photo」,除了原來「繽紛樂拍」既有的功能以外,更配備專利多播放程式,12個廣告怪獸動態影像同時分享,可點選同步播放中的其中一個影片來獨力收視,也可以拍攝創意照片和證照照片。創新行銷團隊真的把無聊的拍貼機變得十分有樂趣,他們在同行當中創造領先並且難以取代的地位,是第一家申請專利自行開發的公司。他們的努力也在民國100年,獲頒大學校院開放軟體創作競賽金牌獎。他們更希望,政府能夠重視在地創意產業的發展,讓台灣人的智慧與努力發光發熱。創新行銷顧問有限公司開放繽紛樂拍加盟服務,詳情請洽:高雄公司服務專線(07)338-0475,台北公司服務專線(02)8692-3210,台中加盟店服務專線0923-371-699,歡迎查詢網址:.pink-fun.com。文件倉

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